How to Cut up a Whole Chicken And Fry it

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[Music] hi everybody everybody I'm back everybody Jeannie young us back and I'm back with yet another amazing recipe I am so excited today it's beautiful outside almost feels like the weekend and I have an amazing recipe for you all well the first thing that we're going to do I'm going to show you all how to break down a whole chicken I'm going to show you how to cut that chicken up and not only am I gonna show you how to cut the chicken up after we do that we're gonna fry it and I'm gonna show you how to make an amazing meal this recipe is so easy it does not require a lot of ingredients in you know you make a teeny young style it's gonna be so tasty you all never have my Fried Chicken before you better make yourself okay everyone here and the lovely ingredients you're gonna need of course you're gonna need a whole chicken we have a beautiful whole chicken here that I have fall doubt yesterday and I've washed my chicken I've washed my chicken with vinegar salt cold water and then I've Pat dried the chicken with the paper towel we're gonna make some corn on the cob on the side so you're gonna need some this gorgeous corn on the cob we're going to shuck this and of course you're gonna need some butter we're gonna make on the side of our fried chicken we're gonna have potatoes and I'm gonna be making my special potatoes today you all probably know what kind of potatoes they are and you're gonna need some spices to spice everything up we have black pepper here garlic powder we have parsley just to make everything nice and beautiful we have some sea salt as will make sure your hands aren't completely let's get started with this really easy yet so tasty recipe Gina young style okay there's one other ingredient I almost forgot to tell you about you're gonna need some all-purpose flour this is the flour that we're going to use to fry our chicken in and also any kind of oil that you would like to use I'm not use vegetable oil today feel free to use canola oil or peanut oil will do the trick okay so now the first thing we want to do I'm gonna take my bling golf and then we're going to cut up this chicken I want to show you all just how simple it is to cut up a whole chicken okay and I believe you all have asked me Gina when you make fried chicken how come you only cook the thighs and the wings well because that's what I like but since we have a whole chicken we're out of fry up every piece today it'll be really excited and so much fun all right so I have my handy dandy favorite knife here and what it would I do is right here where the backbone is you could almost see an imaginary backbone here right along where I run my fingers okay you can use kitchen shears or you can use a knife make sure your knife is nice and sharp I'm gonna sit the chicken just like this to where I have the back and I'm going to cut this backbone off but guess what I'm now gonna throw the back away I'm gonna keep that back and I'm gonna make an amazing chicken broth that way when I need some chicken broth I'll have it on here or you can just freeze that back and when you need chicken broth make it thick but you want to make sure that your knife does not go through the breast part so be very careful okay so I'm just gonna go ahead in the sawing motion let's see if you all can see I'm left-handed here and I'm just gonna saw get that backbone out of my way okay and so now that I'm at the bottom see this is the tail just cut it just like so pretty simple right that's because everything cheetah young does is simple and you all can do it as well you've got to believe you can okay so now that we have that part done we're gonna set the chicken back down and we're gonna go along the other side of the backbone just like so and you know honestly if you run into a part that's hard to solve through get somebody to help you but really it's not hard you know sometimes you have to put a little bit of elbow grease in there but that's okay you'll work it out okay just like so simple here is the backbone don't throw it away all right lots of flavor there's lots of meat you have the beautiful skin that's gonna get flavor as well okay so now that we have the chicken backbone off we're gonna take the chicken here so the chicken is upside down this is the breast part that it's laying on what I want to do right now is I want to cut the wings off right here there is a joint and you just want to go right along that joint and really just cut the wing off it'll come off very simple you just bend it you have chicken wings all right fold it that way if you're gonna keep the tip or if not you can cut that tip off just like so if you wanted to make wing-dings cut it right here and then you have the drum part the flat part the wing part cut off okay perfect okay so now that that part is done let's go in let's bend it again just like so I'm gonna find the joint you keep bending it until you cut through the joint another ticularly simple right okay so now right here come on in here and take a good look at this so now we are left with the breast and we have the thigh and the leg you can cut the legs off from the thigh part okay there's a couple of different ways that you can do this I want to turn it this way so you all can see exactly what we're gonna be doing okay so now I'm gonna take my hands and I'm just gonna press this like this to break that breast bone you might hear it there what okay and it literally helps to flatten the breasts okay so now right here right down the middle I'm gonna cut the chicken breast okay use a little bit of elbow grease get down to the bottom where that bone is you need a little bit of help grab another knife or you can use this knife let's see I think I need my big one right here we're gonna give it a nice whack just like so until we break all the way through that bone perfect and now we have a half chicken okay you can take this right here season it up throw it on the grill and listen here whoo you got some good chicken all right so there that is here's the beautiful breasts breasts right here by in the leg same here rest die in the lake so now I want to go and I want to separate the breast from the thigh in the lake and we're just gonna go in this motion until we get it cut this part is really simple okay now we have a beautiful breast right here and what I'm gonna do I just might cut this in half and then I'll have four pieces of breast okay so now we have the breast two wings let's cut off the breast right here just like so and you can feel you can kind of feel where you're gonna cut just like so there's another breast beautiful right prints and polo have just came downstairs and they are literally jumping at my ankles I will show you them today you all acts about them on a daily basis I'm gonna show you them all right so now now that we have our thigh and our leg we want to cut the thigh off of the lake okay and I might need to use this bigger knife so I can give it a nice whack once again to separate the two so here we have a gorgeous thigh okay now what I'm going to do when I turn a video off all of this unwanted fat and everything we need to clean up we're going to clean that up and we're gonna wash our chicken a second time so now we have a gorgeous chicken leg here leave that skin on okay beautiful right okay and then I'm gonna feel once again see where I want to cut I want to cut my thigh away from my leg just like so hey wallah you can do it as well now like I said what I'm gonna do right now is I'm gonna make my way to the kitchen sink I'm gonna clean up this chicken once again take any unwanted fat off and I'll be back and we're gonna make some amazing fried chicken Gina Youngstown okay everyone so ivory washed the chicken again I've taken off any extra feathers any fat that I've seen we've rinsed off any blood and then what I did decided to do I wanted to cut the breasts in half I did that it took one nice whack and voila okay so we have four pieces of breast now now take a look look how gorgeous and beautiful this is now okay take a look here at this beautiful chicken leg oh yeah absolutely this is gorgeous here I'll use my hands I'll just have to wash up now this is out of the breast okay and look at that clone cut right take a look how nice and beautiful at the bottom okay and this is a part of the breast as well just like so perfect nice and clean and when you can see that I left the skin on fried chicken fried chicken is just not Fried Chicken unless you leave the skin on this is another breast and of course we have these gorgeous wings here now keep mind when you're frying a bunch of chickens who get there this is a thigh you're gonna have certain pieces get done before the other pieces you know those wings are gonna be done first and then you know the legs and thighs will be next and you can't really keep an eye it's a it's an art to how long you're gonna cook your chicken breast and I'm gonna show you how you can make the chicken breast and it's not gonna be dry okay I'm gonna time how long that chicken breast goes in and how long it took to take it out keep in mind that I cut my chicken breast in half so that time will really be shortened okay now here's some more the thighs look at this just gorgeous right I am so happy I love to fry chicken by cutting up the whole chicken absolutely I didn't core just pieces here okay so what I'm gonna do I want to wash my hands and when I come back we're going to use a really quick and simple spice which is just gonna be salt pepper and garlic powder when you're frying chicken that's really all you need you can use chicken seasoning and you can use a whole bunch of other stuff if you like but if you have a nice fresh chicken salt pepper and garlic powder it's gonna do the trick I'm gonna wash my hands and I'll be right back okay everyone let's season up some chicken we're gonna use salt any kind of salt that you love any kind of salt that you like to use that's what you're gonna use okay just like so don't be afraid to season I know I know you all are out there you're afraid to season and then your food is flavorless don't do it guys don't do it to yourself all right we're gonna go in with a little bit of garlic powder you don't need too much keep in mind that we're gonna season both sides of the chicken now over on my stove I have vegetable oil that is heating up and we're gonna cook our chicken on a medium high heat medium high it's gonna do the trick you don't want to turn it up too high and see if you don't want to turn it to look we want to get a beautiful golden brown crispy nuts to our chicken all right this is just the black pepper just like so get that nice amount of pepper on there it's definitely needed my mouth is watering already and we haven't even got started but I didn't know this is going to be some amazing juicy crispy fried chicken and I can't wait now here's what we're gonna do we're gonna let this chicken set but the seasoning in it for around about 25 minutes I really want for my seasonings to soak down into that protein now my chicken has set out of the refrigerator for at least a half an hour you always you always want to do that as well you never want to take meat right out of the refrigerator and start cooking it because what happens is um the meat kind of goes into shock okay and then you wind up with dried meat we're not cooking any dry meats in this kitchen okay so let your meat set up let the chill kind of come off and you season it put seasoning soaked in for at least 25 minutes and then you start to fry okay so now that we've turned the chicken over just like so we want to season the other side I hope you all are having an amazing day today as well as a great work week if you are if you all are working I hope you all are staying safe and staying in the house stay in the house everybody if it's not something that you need to go to the store if it's not something that you really need stay in stay away from everybody you know what's sad we have to go through this but be safe and when you go out put a mask on put gloves on put sanitizer and in sanitizing wipes in your car that's what we do if we have to go out I did go to my PO Box it's been a long time since I went to my bo ba I don't go off them so I will be doing a peel box opening video for you all it might be today I'm just not quite sure all right now the chicken is nice and season we're gonna shuck some corn what is the last time you all had poured on the cob the kind that you gotta shuck yourself nothing kind that you buy in the package and they've already sucked it all right this cheese this cheese this chicken is perfectly seasoned I'll be back okay everyone now that those spices are soaking into that chicken let's start on our side dishes which will be the corn on the cob all right it's right here where that fuzzy part is it's kind of you know kind of looks kind of fuzzy go ahead and open it just like so then just start pulling down in this manner okay and you'll see the corn reveal okay now this stuff right here will go all over the place if you're not careful okay so once we get it down we'll just pull it off straight into the Kroger bag Walmart bag all right just like so pretty simple I used to love when I was a kid shucking the corn from my dad it was so much fun and we would have a big load a big what does they call a paper bag full of them and I would sit on the porch and I was shucking outside and I would have so much fun most likely I had a radio outside with me because I am a music fanatic and I would shuck the corn until it was done and my dad would make corn on the cob and we would listen here listen here my dad will put that corn on the grill you ain't had corn until you tasted it on the grill I actually I do have a video where I showed you how to make corn on the cob on the grill check that video out I don't honestly I don't know what the video was called it might have been where I cooked something on the grill and then I did a side dish and I put the corn on the cob on the grill but I'm not cooking on the grill today but it's about time that I get my grill out absolutely scrub that grill up and get ready to throw some big ribeye steaks on that grill all right so now you just want to go down and pull off the I believe this is called the silk pull off as much silk as you can I know when I have the kids do this they never do it right and I always bite down into the silk and I always think oh I should've did it myself you do it yourself you don't have to you know don't be done right absolutely it's the truth though guys all right so then we're gonna do the same with these two just like so now if you cook you something real what you would do is you would pull the Greens down and just pull the silk out just pull this out and keep the green back on and grill it that way listen you talked about some good flavor my goodness but this will be boiled today and it's still gonna be delicious okay these are some little ears today these are little ears of corn I can go to three of these at one time look that's how much I love corn on the cob all right but what I like to do is I like to take them break him in half just like so so that you have more okay so we're gonna do that and if you hold it in the middle you'll get it even I'll be right back okay everyone now that we have the corn shucked I've rinsed off the corn and I have my corn soaking in a little bit of salt cold water okay so now we're going to take the corn just like so we're gonna put it into our pan that we're going to use and we're gonna boil this corn here okay and I'm gonna use the same water right here to boil the corn in now when I make corn on the cob I know I know I like to put a little bit of salt and a little bit of sugar and some black pepper in mind you don't have to do that you can just boil yours regular if you want or just with a little bit of salt I see that I have a few pieces of silk right here in my water so I will change the water and then we're going to start to boil this I'm going to turn it on the medium I'm just gonna let it go and then we're gonna get started on our potatoes and we're gonna make boiled potatoes these potatoes are outrageous they're so easy to make it doesn't require a lot and they're so tasty be right back everyone let's season our water we kind of go in with a little bit of sugar like I said it's optional you don't have to okay a little bit of salt pretty simple right because it is simple I'm gonna put the lid on and just let it go okay matter of fact I'll just switch put this pan over here and I'll put this pan over here for my potatoes all right so now let's get started on these potatoes I have washed my potatoes anytime you bring your veggies home you want to rinse them off you never know who's handled your veggies before you brought them home so now what I'm gonna do I like to use a paring knife you know you can use a peeler if you like I know every time I use the paring knife a lot you say gee that just why don't you just use a vegetable peeler well because I don't want to I'd like to use the paring knife and so that's what he use cut out any Brown this one doesn't look the greatest let's see if I cut down a little further yeah we're gonna toss this one this one doesn't look the greatest in the trash I just want to show you all what the potatoes should look like and I'm just gonna do it with one okay to show you how I like to cut the potatoes when I make boil potatoes okay just like this and then we're going to make almost like wedged fried potatoes like the wedge french fries we're going to cut just like so okay and then we're going to cut this way and then we're going to cut that this is the size that's what I'm looking for okay pretty simple that's because it is simple I'm trying to hurry up with this recipe so I can get back outside to that gorgeous weather so that's how I like to do the potatoes I'm going to rinse these once again in cold water and then we're going to start to boil them once I get everything peeled up and cut I'll be right back everyone so now that our potatoes are nice and cut I've rinsed our potatoes off until the water turn nice and clear the reason why I like for the water to turn nice and clear is because we're rinsing off all of that unwanted starch so once the water got nice and clear we put the potatoes here in our pan you always want to salt your water anytime you're making rice you're making noodles you're making potatoes seasonal a little bit of salt will do the trick it's gonna give you delicious potatoes all right so now let's go ahead and we have this on a medium we have our corn on a medium-high with the lid on we have our oil on the stove here heating up let's dredge up some chicken all right the chicken has set with the lovely seasonings on for around about a half an hour actually okay just gonna dredge it just like so we want to really get it coated with that flour and then before we put it into our oil we're gonna give it a nice shake like this and there is a reason for doing that the reason why I like taking off the heck this is because what will happen is when you shake the excess flour off you won't have a lot of burnt flour in the bottom of your pan if you get a lot of burnt flour in the bottom of your pan eventually your chicken will start to taste like have like a burnt flavor not because you burnt the chicken but but it's because you have bird flour in the bottom of your pan so shake it off and you won't have that problem okay so now I'm gonna continue and just kind of pet it in just like so don't be afraid to do this and if you're a person that's kind of squeamish about touching you know the raw meats put some gloves on okay or you can put this into a Tupperware dish with the secured lid and shake it around or you can even use a paper bag or a plastic bag okay you don't have to do this me personally I like to just get my hands in and go at it okay so now I'm going to dredge all of this chicken and then a few minutes I'm going to come back our oil is nice and hot and I'm going to show you how you can check the temperature to make sure that your oil is nice and hot we're gonna have an amazing chicken dinner it didn't take any time that is so easy to make do young step okay everyone let's fry some chicken so right here I have the dredge it's chicken we have oil let's check our oil and see if it's hot enough here's how we do it you're gonna take a little bit of flour between your fingertips you know when I put this in here it's just sizzle right away if it falls to the bottom guess what your oils not hot enough let's see what happens sizzled right away perfect okay one day I'll have to show you all what happens when the flour drops to the bottom what actually happens is it turns into a little ball and it just sits down in the bottom that means your oils not hot enough now see what i'm doing here to my chicken okay i'm giving us some special attention just want to make sure everything's nice and dredged we're gonna give it a nice shake just like so and it's going in I have this one a number five I'm going to try to put all the pieces in as soon as I can okay just like so once you get close to the oil let go don't be that person that puts the girls the chicken in and then you run this way don't do that I know you all are out there okay because you can splatter yourself with oil or anyone else in the that may be in the kitchen with you just let it down nice and easy okay and then right before you get ready to you know before that oils too close to you just let it go and it'll gently fall in with no splashes okay so now we're going in with this beautiful chicken leg right here extra skin just wrap it around there okay that extra skin is gonna be amazing alright just like so give everything a nice shape all right beautiful I did like to dredge my chicken right before it goes into the oil because I find that the chicken won't soak up your flour I hate if I go to dredge pork chops or chicken and the chicken soaks it up it drives me crazy and the flour gets gummy you don't want that so flour it right before you're ready to cook it ok I leave that's what I like to do alright and we're gonna go with the rest of these pieces of chicken keep make sure you do not cook this up on high and you don't want to cook it on low medium high it's a way to go it's gonna give you that beautiful color it's going to give you an amazing trip skin oh yeah get right in there can't wait to eat this ticket this is the chicken that I bought from the meat market we bought about six of them nice fresh piece of the chicken now right now at this moment you don't want to go in bothering them so touch up okay because if you mess with the chicken right now you go in with a fork or a spatula you want to know what's gonna happen what's gonna happen is you're gonna pull off that Chris penis that would have been on your chicken okay don't take it off right now what you want to do let your ticket form Senhor Chris penis crust on the outside you go ahead messing with it okay don't don't take thick crust off that you work so hard for okay this is the last piece of chicken and I'm just gonna fold the skin around this chicken thigh and we're gonna lay it in nice and gentle this like so okay do that hey everyone we have Prince and polo are in the house you all lacs about them on a daily basis here they are their faces are soaking wet they like to play in their drinking water and you're gonna see that they have hair everywhere because it's time for them to go to their groomers but of course you all know the groomers doesn't open take a look at Prince and polo we have Prince here that's laying down say hi frenzies say hi to youtube and then we have polo right here and he's looking right at you okay so I wanted to show them to you all since you all acts about them now let's talk about the corn on the cob the corn on the cob cooked for 35 minutes is gonna be perfect it's gonna be crunchy it's gonna be sweet it's gonna be salty it's gonna be buttery and delicious so now all I need to do with this and I like to leave mines in the water I always do I always do I let it cool down in the water okay so now let's make our way over this way we want to take a peek in at this gorgeous chicken that we have here let's see what we got going on beautiful we have our crust that's just starting to form on to this chicken all of the chicken is floating then that's what you want okay so basically all we're wanting to do right now is get this nice beautiful and golden brown color that we all love then of course keep in mind that those chicken wings are gonna get them first look at that oh that's one of the chicken breasts and maybe you better make yourself don't make you some dog on it it's gonna be good I'm gonna sit outside and eat my dinner today absolutely it's the perfect weather take eat outside today okay so now I'm just gonna let this go I'm not gonna bother it I know I'm not gonna bother as my father it's okay yeah I'm gonna take a peek in over here at the potatoes I want to cook these potatoes until they get nice and fork tender and there's still a little bit car and that's not what I'm looking for I want for that potato to be nice and fork tender so it looks like it probably needs to cook maybe another ten minutes or so and then I'm going to show you the spices and what we're gonna do to these potatoes to make them absolutely amazing okay everyone our fried chicken is just the belt done our potatoes are done nice and fork tender I drained the water and what there's a little bit of water in here so I just heard this burner on just to make that little bit of water evaporate so now let's season our potatoes now the thing about this is you don't want to stir this around because if you stir this around these potatoes are so nice and tender you're gonna break them all up and we don't want to break them up cuz we're not making mashed potatoes here okay so here's what I like to do we're gonna put a nice amount don't be afraid to season guys don't be that person garlic powder definitely a must we're gonna go in with black pepper and make sure you cover the top of every potato because we are not turning or mixing these seasonings okay I'm gonna make sure each potato has seasoning there's one over here there we go all right garlic powder and black pepper definitely a must you want to put some parsley parsley it's gonna make everything nice and beautiful is it gonna give flavor no not a lot okay just makes everything gorgeous look at this but this is my favorite kind of potato you want to feed me some potatoes give me this guy okay everyone sorry about that my camera was dying so we switched a battery now let's put some salt you definitely need to salt even though we salted the water that we put the potatoes in you still need a little bit of salt but those of you you know you want to watch your salt okay just like so not too much don't get crazy with it now here's the interesting part come on in on this I take a nice amount of butter I know I know do you know that's a lot of butter you bet it is and it makes it absolutely amazing so I just kind of throw the dollops on just like so these potatoes are steaming hot right now and what's gonna happen is we're gonna put a lid on top of these potatoes and the lid is gonna cause for the butter to melt and then you have amazing potatoes this is the kind of potatoes my grandmom wouldn't make only she wouldn't use the parsley and she wouldn't use the the garlic powder salt and pepper she would boil and potatoes and they were like the best and she would load it with butter so now here's what we're gonna do let's get this lid on just like so and let it heat we have gorgeous corn on the cob done and out the way let's take one more peak in over at our two and I think it's dead okay so we're here at the stove and I got a few pieces that I want to start to take out oh you gorgeous girl uh-huh whoo-whee getting my belly right now Oh this chicken is beauty Bowl you hear me now I'm looking for a certain color okay I'm looking for that perfect golden brown color those of you that like your chicken a little bit darker then you're just gonna cook it a little bit darker till you're happy with the color see this right here oh man mommy don't do it don't hurt them uh-huh look at that gorgeous hunk a meat all right I'm taking this one out just because it's so beautiful my goodness whoo you better make you some you haven't had jeanny Young's chickens chicken style is what I was trying to say you have a hat gene a young chicken gotta make you some make it for your family and friends and all of your loved ones and then you come back and you let me know in the message what's your family and friends say about this recipe it's so simple it's so easy it's a lot of fun you all are gonna be chowing down on this you hear me oh the lakes are not done oh damn this right here gorgeous core just simply beautiful the breast is done it's gonna be nice and juicy now see now see now is where I get excited uh-huh and it really helps I want these legs to cook for maybe five more minutes and it really helps to break those um chicken breasts down because I don't want huge chicken breasts I really don't cut it in half and you have like you know like these breast chunks like this right here like that oh look at that I know you all would take a piece of this look at this gorgeous right during a few minutes we're gonna take these legs out I'm gonna see an amazing prayer you all are gonna get that first bang everyone take a look at this amazing meal this meal was so easy to make and honestly it didn't require a lot of strength didn't require a lot of ingredients and listen here this meal right here is gonna knock your socks off take a look see that color that is just the perfect color when we talk about fried chicken look at this gorgeous nests them right here we have my favorite potatoes effort the butter has melted so these potatoes are literally sitting in a salt and pepper garlic butter with parsley and we have our sweet corn right here if y'all enjoyed this video give me a thumbs up and if you haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe make sure you click on that notification bell so you can be notified every time do you thing uploads one of these awesome recipes tell your family and friends and everybody you know tell the whole world about gee they're young and what I'm doing in this kitchen on a daily basis absolutely okay so now we're gonna say an amazing prayer and then we're gonna dive in Heavenly Father Lord Jesus we thank you once again for another day Lord we thank you for your love time your mercy and your understanding please forgive us for our sins come into our hearts we make you our Lord and Savior send your angels down to surround us day and night and your Holy Spirit to help us make good decisions give us peace of our mind in the name of Jesus we pray that no weapons formed against us shall prosper in Jesus name devil you are bound away from this household in the name of Jesus devil you have no authority in Jesus name Heavenly Father we thank you for the rough overhead the food the love the peace and the joy that you bring us every day Jesus we thank you for that amen let's dive in oh man once again to my beautiful prayer let's dig in now this chicken is hot I don't want to burn the daylights out of my mouth so what we're gonna do first we're gonna taste the veggies first we're gonna taste that corn we're gonna taste the potatoes and give that chicken a few minutes to cool down all right right away I'm gonna go in and I want to slather oh I want to slather that butter you bet I do you bet I am look at that pull the slather that butter onto my cord oh my favorite what is the last time you all had corn on the cob I'm gonna show you how to eat it today I need a little bit of salt just a little bit guys they'll be carried away all right I want that salt onto my corn a little bit of salt onto my chicken let's turn it just like that all right then I want what else did I want that's it I'm ready let's do this potatoes first take a bite let me know what you think mmm-hmm you're not getting away potato mmm that's good mmm my favorite hands down give me one second guys and I'll be right back everyone sorry about that I'm back let's go right into this corn on the cob my goodness look at it mm-hmm this wheat mmm it's just perfect it's still crunchy there's nothing like having corn on the cob that's soggy it's the worst this is perfectly crunchy and it's so sweet I'm going in for the potatoes again just like a symphony a symphony being played on my face buds look at this crispy gorgeousness look at that mm-hmm look at that it's gorgeous let's get down in here mmm-hmm take UPIKE I'm going in see this right here hands down some of the best chicken I ever made Ted ganas good look at that I'm gonna put some hot sauce and I want just a little bit of honey just a little bit oh look at that mmm taste that gorgeous chicken skin the chicken is so moist in the inside mmm just perfect hmm man this is so good and as always god bless each and every one of you thank you all for watching tonight man that's good mm-hmm
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 162,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Wholechicken #Friedchicken #Chickendinner #Godisawesome #Godisgreat #Godisgood
Id: iL_rps_IS3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 13sec (2593 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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