How to make a Juicy Ribeye Steak on the Grill

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hi everybody everybody I'm back and today today Gina young is gonna show you all how to make a mouthwatering juicy grilled rib eye steak yes we're having rib eye steaks at the Young's house for lunchtime I'm gonna show you how quick and easy they are to make the last few steaks I made for you all I promised you all but the next ribeye that I made would be on the grill and that's just what we're gonna do hey listen here we're gonna grill up some button mushrooms and onions to go right on top of that steak and we're also gonna grill up some nice squash that'll be perfect for lunchtime here's what you'll need to make Gina young style ribeye steaks on the grill okay everybody so I have some nice thick look at these bad boys they're nice and thick ribeye steaks and they have the nice marbling when you purchase ribeye steaks you want to make sure that they do have that beautiful marbling because when you have that you're gonna have a nice juicy ribeye steak absolutely you will and any fat that's on your rib eye steak don't worry about that because if you cook it on the grill most of that fat will render off okay so not to worry first thing that we're gonna use let me show you the ingredients that we have we have Montreal steak seasoning onion powder cracked black pepper parsley flakes and the parsley flakes is not going to give any flavor it's just gonna make it nice and beautiful I have sea salt as well as a1 sauce and right here I have cold press garlic crushed olive oil okay so this is the first thing that we're going to do we're going to take and we want to rub this beautiful olive oil all over these steaks what's gonna happen when we rub this olive oil on the steaks is we're going to infuse our steaks with that beautiful garlic flavor absolutely and we're also going to help for our spices to a here to the steaks as well as get a nice char on to these bad boys so we're going to rub that oil on just like so one to both sides all right so then put some oil on this side as well I hope that you all are having a beautiful day today I hope that you all are having a great work week as well okay let's get that on there I'm gonna wash my hands because anytime you're dealing with raw meats you want to wash your hands so that you don't spread the bacteria to your spices let me wash my hands and I'll be right back now this recipe can be used for pork chops as well this recipe can be used for lamb as well then there's one ingredient that I don't want to forget about I have sazelin those of you that are familiar with me you know that I absolutely love sazzle sazelin's gonna give you a nice beautiful flavor as well as a really beautiful color it's gonna give you somewhat of an orangish color to your meat okay we're not gonna use too much but we are going to season both sides okay just like this all right we're gonna use some sea salt don't get crazy with the sea salt you always want to be careful when you're using any type of salt and if you have issues with salt feel free to use a salt substitute all right we're gonna use some dried parsley just like so and then we're going to use cracked black pepper onion powder and this Montreal steak seasoning is absolutely amazing and just because it says steak doesn't mean you have to use it only on steak you can use this Montreal steak seasoning on fish you can use it on chicken on pork whatever you choose it's absolutely amazing trust me when I tell you this hooey it's got some good spices in there don't be afraid to season your meats you have to be able to taste the seasoning you want your family and friends to taste the seasoning you know if you don't season up things or if you're afraid to season your meat it'll have no flavor okay only seasoning you really have to worry about is the seasonings that have the sodium in it otherwise just go ahead and season that meat up right there's that I'm gonna grab a fork so I don't have to wash my hands again we're just gonna flip it over just like this and we're going to season the other side same exact way yeah we're gonna chop up well we're gonna slice up our squash and I'll show you how I like to do that because when I'm doing squash or zucchini on the grill you want to slice it into slices okay and I'm just gonna throw that right onto the grill if you wanted to get a grilling mat you can or grilling pan or if you just wanted to take your squash you can put it into that pan that pan that I have right here that's what we're going to cook our onions and our button mushrooms on absolutely because if you don't use a pan your onions and your mushrooms will fall right through you know right through the grid of the grill and you can still achieve that charcoal flavor because all of that smoke and that charcoal smell is gonna go all throughout your vegetables as well even if you use a pan all right so then let's put these spices on in this manner now one thing about the meat and I say it a lot those of you that are familiar with my channel make sure you do not take this meat out of the refrigerator season it and throw it right on that grill because what'll happen is you'll have tough meat you want to let your meat sat on the counter for at least 12 minutes it's okay if you sit it on your counter for 15 to 20 minutes let that chill come off so your meat doesn't have to go into shock when it goes onto the grill or when it goes in the oven or on your frying pan taking it right out of the refrigerator and cooking it is never good it'll always turn out dry letting it sit and rest and marinate what the spices let that chill come off and you're gonna have juicy meat all right just like this I'm putting onion powder crackback pepper once again Montreal steak seasoning you'll see that I'm going to rub some a1 sauce on the steaks while we're grilling them but that'll be towards the end of the cooking process you never want to put it on too early because what will happen is that a 1 sauce will burn okay so that's why you just want to you know you want to paint it on during the last moments of its cooking now if you're the person if you want to put barbecue sauce on your meats always put your barbecue sauce on last as well because otherwise the barbecue sauce will drip down into your charcoal also it'll burn as well all right so we're just gonna set these aside let's get a good look at that nice and well-seasoned beautiful all right now what I'm gonna do I do want to put just a little that's all you need a little bit will go a long way trust me when I tell you this beautiful my goodness no carbs with lunchtime because we don't need all that we'll have carbs with dinner we don't have to have it for breakfast and lunch and that's how you can cut the on your weight by watching the carbs okay everybody let's go ahead and slice up our squash okay we're just gonna chop the ends off just like so and keep the yellow skin on the yellow skin is amazing okay if you're that person that wants it off then fine you know but otherwise keep it on there it's absolutely amazing okay don't chop them too too too thin kind of medium like that is just fine and these bad boys are gonna cook up and they're gonna be amazing we're gonna season them with Montreal steak seasoning a little bit of sea salt and olive oil okay and that right there is going to be amazing flavor all right you want to cut this just like so in that part right there it's just funny all right now watch this and I'm gonna use regular olive oil okay this right here is just regular olive oil okay it's not infused with anything it's beautiful okay I'm gonna take my fingers and I'm just gonna rub that olive oil all over my beautiful squash just like so and this is gonna help to keep it nice and juicy as well as help for the spices to a hear okay let me dry my hands off and then we're gonna put Montreal steak seasoning just like this both sides both sides absolutely you can do the same thing with eggplant if you wanted to use zucchini same thing yes by all means okay because that's gonna make it nice and beautiful as well okay just one side will be just fine and then I'm gonna use a tiny bit just a little bit of sea salt okay if you don't want to use it don't use it okay this part is done let's head out we're gonna start to put our steaks on the grill but what I also want to do I'm gonna chop up these onions you all know how to slice that in and I'm gonna leave these I've washed two button mushrooms okay I'm gonna leave the button mushrooms hold okay it's put some olive oil in our pan just enough to cook the onions in the mushrooms okay and we'll chop up this and meet me outside on that grill okay everybody we are outside it's a beautiful day today excited to be out of here all right we have our grill my husband set my charcoal all up let's go ahead and get started with all of our cooking if you are on outside today get outside it's a beautiful day my goodness all right let's go ahead and put our steaks off Oh hear that sizzle that's what you're wanting to hear beautiful and I'm putting them all on one side because we are going to be doing mushrooms and we're gonna do our squash as well okay remember we boiled our squash with the best what the olive oil you want to make sure that your oil your vegetables before you put them off beautiful see that that's what your one just like so okay everybody I went inside for a second so I can wash my two cutting boards and put them in a disinfectant solution that I like to use see look at that's beautiful it is here's the thing about drilling it doesn't take any time everything's cooking up just beautifully if you get a little bit of flame just take a spray bottle and spray your whatever your cooking spray it down with a little bit of you can use vinegar and water you can use 7up or you could just use regular water and just spray it down to dye the flame down if your flame gets too crazy that's what I do sometimes I'll use apple juice especially if I'm making ribs always keep a spray bottle of apple juice and honey and this squash right here this this misses squash right here was a lip cut a little too thin so quite naturally it's gonna tear apart and that's fine turn them stapes over starting to see that beautiful char underneath look at them bad for us that's what you wanted you all never had this before you better make you so who are you gonna make you some oh look at this my goodness and the squash is just about done I'm gonna take them off here in just a second and then we'll put our mushrooms and our onions on mmm this right here is gonna be some good eating for lunch time at the Youngs house boy oh boy all right I'm gonna take some of our squash off everybody I'm going to show you some of our beautiful squash look at this cook just to perfection and it's never should be mushy you only have to cook it just a little bit on both sides once you start to see that char on both sides you've got perfect squash flame boil ribeye steak get in my belly I am so excited my goodness caminar going get our mushrooms and onions and I'll be right back okay everybody all of the squash is done I've moved our steaks over to a part of the side of the grill that's not so hot I had a lot of flare-ups on this side so we move the steaks over because we know they're not done yet okay mushrooms and onions they have olive oil in the pan I put Montreal steak seasoning I put a little bit of garlic powder in just a tiny bit of sea salt II parsley in there and we're just gonna cook them and really it's that simple let me give you all a good view of these steaks here [Music] this is real cookin here listen and here's the thing it's not hard you all can do the same thing and it's gonna turn out the exact same way absolutely make this for your family and friends and loved ones I'm gonna chop up some of these mushrooms just so they can cook a little faster I don't know about you all but I'm a fan of mushrooms if you don't like mushrooms then you don't have to you know you can skip this part but these bad boys they are smelling good look at that good love it you all never had any good lovin before this right here this right here is where you going funny better [Music] if you wanted to put you some green bell peppers in here with this absolutely and towards the end of the cooking process like I said I'll smear a little bit of anyone salsa if you wanted to do barbecue sauce you'd do it towards the end as well I'm gonna lower my charcoals a little bit and let me show you how I'm doing that you see this this makes them higher or lower and lower and that's how we can control the temperature the grill the temperature that our snakes cook at I am bad for looking good my good a nice girl you are something else in that kitchen and then what I like to do with our steaks is I like to bring a man I like to let them sit on the counter for a while and then I slice them and everybody can just have as many slices as they'd like to have these are excusing that beautiful golden brown color that we all love and they're starting to take on some of the smell and the fuse and the taste of that charcoal absolutely and by putting that seasoning on these mushrooms and onions you're gonna make you're gonna bump them up even more you better make yourself oh you better make yourself so later on today those of you that are familiar with my channel get ready because I'm gonna be doing the bathroom challenge to death stay tuned because the bathroom challenge is on its way look at that my goodness I'm gonna take my camera in for a few minutes bring the camera out of the Sun and then I'll come back out okay everybody I had to come in for a few minutes and close down it's so hot outside I have a freeze pop this is gonna do the trick I'm gonna get nice and cooled down my camera's gonna get a chance to cool down for a second by time we go out there are stakes are gonna be just about that when our veggies are almost done as well okay everyone so I'm back and lo and behold I come back outside I wasn't in the house but three minutes I come back out and there's a nice cloud so it doesn't feel as hot or maybe wasn't the popsicle they called me down but I feel much better I tell you that these bad boys beautiful you can always feel the texture of your steaks to know if they're rare medium or well done so rare if you feel here and you have your hand loose that's rare if you close your hand a little bit tighter that's medium rare if you close it tighter that's medium medium-well okay you close it real tight and you press right there and that's well really it might sound silly but that really works and guess what it's true give it a try and let me know what you think next time you make a steak you can fill them and you will know exactly how your steaks are cooked I'm gonna raise the charcoals up for the last five minutes of the cooking process I'm happy with the color of the mushrooms and onions let's go ahead and paint some a1 sauce and I only do one side okay cuz we don't want too much a 1 sauce let's paint some on this side and our steaks are just about done see that there if you want it to you put your some of us in here just a little s all you need cuz you don't want to change the flavor of the mushrooms and onions alright so I have my little basting brush base that on there just like so get her at the Young's house or lunch if the Young's house couldn't get any better a meal fit for a king or queen we'll stir this around just like so I'm gonna take the camera in and we're going to be ready to dive in we'll say our prayer inside all of my neighbors are looking at me like I'm crazy like I'm out here talking to myself but that's okay I'm talking to three hundred thousand people here right beautiful steaks are just about done I'm gonna give them a flip over on the side where the a1 sauce is we're going to go inside say a prayer and cut these bad boys up tell me this isn't how you like your steak make it for your loved one make it for your grandmom make it for your mom and your dad absolutely good right now now remember we're not gonna cut it down into our steaks until we let our steaks rest for around about ten minutes we'll come out here tonight and sit at the patio furniture okay everybody what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go ahead and take this steak off the smallest steak because this one here is done to perfection I feel like the other ones need to cook a little bit longer so we're gonna leave alone a little longer my husband likes a well-done steak me personally I could have took mines off the grill in seven minutes but that's the thing about grilling everyone likes there's different and you can cook yours you notes however they like this that a1 sauce on here really makes a difference it looks amazing right it is amazing this one here done to perfection perfect let's go ahead and say our prayer over this beautiful food Lord we thank you for this food today we thank you for your love time your mercy and your understanding I thank you for feeding me in my family a meal today the roof over our head and loving us once again amen let's dig in okay everybody so you take them look at that beautiful miss to a prevention you just put them right here we're gonna slice down into them and make sure make sure you give them time to rest they have to rest they don't rest all of your juices are gonna come out look at that look at this beautiful I'm going to show you how I like to slice my steaks I'm going to cut the others off camera and then we'll make our plate okay so here's what I like to do oh yeah and I feel like when you slice it you get more for your money you know you get more look at this beautiful you look at that juicy perfect give this a try and let me know what you all think about this my word look at that juiciness mmm that will do the trick my goodness perfect my goodness I didn't even get to make my plate I'm just gonna dive right on in mushrooms and onions so flavorful our beautiful squash squash couldn't look any better than this it's so healthy and yet it's so flavorful look at that I am so pleased I'm gonna grab my family so we all can sit down and enjoy our lunch if you all enjoyed this video give me a thumbs up and if you haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe make sure you click on their notification bill so you can be notified every time do you young up cut blows one of these awesome videos and as always god bless you all thank you all for watching good night [Music]
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 38,648
Rating: 4.8979964 out of 5
Keywords: Ribeye steak #Howtomakeajuicyribeyesteak #Godisawesome #Godisgreat #Godisgoodallthetime
Id: pULDa9uD5Xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 9sec (1929 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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