How to Mage - Build and Start Guide for Morrowind

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all right here we go if you're trying to play a mage in morrowind let's be honest with ourselves it's probably because you saw a clip like this [Music] but if you're anything like me or you know pretty much every other morrowind player on their first attempt it probably went something more along the lines of this [Music] if that looks like something familiar to you then fear not because the whole point of this video today is to set you up to go from sideshow bob down to the elementary school craft show to cross angel uh floating above the luxor yeah that [ __ ] was that [ __ ] was pretty cool when i was a little kid you know i had the first three seasons of his show on dvd anyways sit back put your thinking caps on and let's hop right into the run let's see what we can do chris angel and david blaine there you go can't think of any other famous magicians but we're coming for you what's your name oh oh that one guy uh who made the rounds on youtube who does the does the card tricks you've heard the phrase the oldest trick in the book this is not it two yeah he's really that guy that guy's pretty [ __ ] cool um name uh chris angle it's like chris angel mixed with kurt angle wwe smackdown in 64. have you played so first things first in character creation we got to pick the race that we want there's really only two uh that are viable and geared towards being a major magicka based character right off the bat this is going to be our high elf and our breton so first thing to mention with the high elf is that we get a 150 boost to our magical pool this sets high elves up to be great like spell slingers they have this really big magical pool so you can just throw stuff out and just light everything on fire and shock everybody and you know it's it's hunky-dory it's awesome you're like a wizard from d and d but just like a wizard of d d you're gonna have a super low threshold for damage they have a 50 weakness to magicka 50 to fire 25 defrost 25 to shock they do get a buff to resist disease of 75 percent but that's not honestly that big of a deal cure disease potions are pretty common in the game the other option the safer option if you're a new player highly recommend you look into this one and that is the breton so like our high elf the breton also gets a boost to their magical pool there is only a 50 but that's still a great amount of magicka to start with they also have a 50 resistance to magicka off the bat so kind of the opposite of our high elf and then they also get a 50 point shield daily from their dragon skin ability now i forgot to mention this on a high elf but let's look at the skill bonuses as you can see we have alteration conjuration destruction illusion in chance so a little bit more of a offensive focus whereas when we talk about the breton they get boosts to mysticism restoration illusion conjuration and alteration so more support based defensive base abilities so in summary if you're a new player i recommend that breton if you want to be a glass cannon not really worried about any of the weaknesses then go with the high elf i personally usually go bretton if i'm playing the raids just a little more consistent in the fights so i'm gonna go with that right here and then we'll leave the appearance you know looking solid here looking like all friar tuck or something like the the you know the genetics guy who discovered the peas like this guy this guy's out you know fondling leaves in the garden great i'm sure you'll fit right in follow me up to the office and they'll finish your release final leaves in the garden great that's yeah all the other brothers are probably like what is that guy doing uh his history is fun open a book once in a while there's a lot of there's a lot of weird [ __ ] in there on a weird [ __ ] expecting you now we come into the second part of character creation that's crucial to being a good mage and that's going to be a custom class 90 of the power is derived from the name you picked so you got to get something good stick into the freaking uh theme here i'm going to go with with mind freak er right it's got to be a title but honestly this is probably one of the easiest parts of the build you want to click your specialization is magic come over to favorite attributes choose intelligence and willpower it's just going to give you a little boost to those stats and these are primary um stats that will impact our spell casting abilities and and chance as well as our magical pool and then for your major skills you're going to want to focus on whatever kind of mage you want to be best so if you want to be a conjurer take conjuration as major if you want to be like a spell sling or pick destruction if you want to impact the world around you raise people's dispositions raise your own skills pick things like alteration or mysticism or illusion i usually go with a pretty standard smattering i like to be a i usually play like a glass cannon kind of style so i'll go destruction conjuration for some support alteration to help me with getting through locked doors and then restoration for healing of course really crucial you're also probably going to want to pick whatever armor skill you want to use as your major skill to assist you with leveling make sure you level effectively you don't turn into some you know little weak little daisy out in the field getting roughed up by all these strange orsomers and crap that you find in the finding the caves so um i usually go with unarmored when i'm playing a mage just for flavor reasons but pick your fancy here for minor skills highly recommend you take one weapon skill so whatever weapon that would be spear's great because it has a long reach so you don't have to be up in someone's grill if you run out of magicka short blade is also a great option and i will actually be using a short blade as part of this run so i'm gonna pick short blade here it's also important to remember to pick whatever magic schools you didn't put in your major skills and your minor skills so i'm doing mysticism and illusion and then also put in some support skills i like alchemy and enchant so boom there you have it you can of course mad little tweaks here and there to make sure that you end up with the play style you want if you want to be a spellblade or you know some kind of like sneaky mage assassin guy or uh whatever fits your fancy just go ahead and be crazy with it that's all there is to it you mentioned you were born under a certain sign so now with our custom class out of the way we come to really the final gate in character creation and that is the birth signs and there's really only three options that are specifically tilted towards being a mage so we'll talk through those now the first the mage um not really going to spend a lot of time here it's pretty self-explanatory just a 50 boost this is the safest option and it's good on any class the second option here is the apprentice and this is honestly kind of like the high elf embodied because you do get that 150 boost to your magical pool but you also get the weakness to magicka of 50 so remember if you're starting the high elf and you take this birth sign you have a 100 weakness to magicka right off the bat so you're going to be really really poor in fights with other magic users so just keep that in mind now my favorite application for the apprentice is actually what i use on pretty much anytime i play at breton because breton gets the 50 resistance to magicka which combined with the weakness from the apprentice means you net out neutral and actually start with zero you're not weak to it you're not resistant to it you just boom have a 200 higher magical so that's honestly my favorite use of the apprentice moving on to the third option we have the atronach and this one is a bit interesting because it kind of changes the game flow i really don't recommend this for beginners at all because you're really going to have to focus on preparation before adventures or key dungeons or quests and i'll explain why here in a second so if we look at the abilities here we have spell absorption 50 points fortify maximum magicka 2x so 200 and stunted magicka so stunted magicka that's really what sets this apart and that means that you will not regain your magicka when resting so you go back to the mages guild or the thieves guild or your house or something you take a sleep at the end of a long quest your magic pool is not going to refill the only way that you can refill your magical pool is via potions is via spell absorption so absorbing other people's spells converting it back into your magicka shrines you're really limited on how you can get your magicka back after using it which is why i really don't recommend this for beginners but if you're an experienced player you know how to play around this the atronach is an excellent choice because you're just essentially never gonna have to worry about your magic pool again so that being said sum it up the mage safest option straight down the middle the apprentice great on bretons great on high elves if you don't really care about your health and then the atronach changes the flow of the game a lot not recommended for beginners but of course fit your fancy i'm gonna take the apprentice here for the sake of this video so boom there we have it chris angel the breton minefreaker uh here's a peep at the stats and let's get going so as is tradition after cleaning out that room in the excise office and escaping you know the pillar of of masculine aura that is salas gravious we've got to sell some of our items here just to get a little bit of gold i'm gonna be spending this in the balmoral mages guild and we'll explain why uh in just a moment here 336. actually not too bad you know 336 gold not too bad for a couple seconds of work here all right so we pawned all our gear off on rla uh that that poor guy god he's got to have so many freaking platters he probably can he probably has like a little pillow fort in the back of his thing but it's just freaking platters just stepped up on each other like a like a deck of cards or something what are you doing arleigh oh nothing i don't know but anyways now we're gonna go to the samaras ancestral tomb and if if you're familiar with marwyn you probably know what we're going after first oh [ __ ] oh i totally forgot he was a thing hello um actually iron sparkler probably won't be a bad thing to have in us in case i run out dude i always forget about tario let's grab his 50 journal he must be an excellent freaking writer or maybe maybe he's just got like a cult of super fans because i don't think i don't think anybody would pay 50 for my journal are you kidding me oh so over here we got a lot of experienced crabs you know may actually not be a bad idea to start getting a little bit of xp going as you can see fire bite like forecasts we're still we're still kicking and screaming with the magicka more than enough more than enough god i'm so used to playing speed run characters that i feel like i am crawling right now where is the steed when you need it all right so here we are at samaras let me grab a quick save in case anything goes crazy uh but should be a pretty straightforward run who's over here what do we have over here you got a ghost you can't scare chris angel that guy's seen some [ __ ] i'm sure oh here we go bonewalker dodge first real enemy of the run fire bites putting in work though i mean look at that look at that can't keep a good mage down oh i forgot it was trapped oh no [ __ ] i forgot it was trapped i got too excited all right that ladies and gentlemen is what we call streamer brain recording or streaming and doing anything lowers your iq by about 700 points it actually makes you dumber than you ever thought possible all right take two let's uh let's not die to the trap first please that'd be great wonderful okay oh no you bastard it's my moment of weakness i have no health okay hold on let's pop a heel let's use our shield here look at that perks of being a breton die fetcher all right there we go what would you look at that hey now we got some nice freaking gold that actually that actually helps out a lot that's going to make the rest of this a lot easier all right get the ring on i'll explain it in a second cast heel okay look at that that wasn't even too bad so pro tip if you get stuck on a trap like that they'll do different damage uh sometimes so quick save right before you open it and then sometimes it'll do a million damage sometimes it'll do like five and you can actually just kind of cheese it and luck out but anyways we got the item we came for which is the mentors ring which is just a straight up fortify attribute 10 points to intelligence 10 points to willpower freaking great way to start off not too bad now on to the second uh item that's going to let us be freaking op let's head on back to satanin and then we'll move over to balmora back to cedane [Applause] now that i'm here let's grab a rest our magic is kind of low and i'm going to join the mages guild and actually buy some some quick spells and stuff so now we're gonna sell our dark brotherhood amma look at that just came in at the right time look at that all right so we've dumped off all our loot let's come over here all right so now that we have a little gold jingle jangling in the pocket let's uh come over here and grab an open spill and then let's spin around oh where'd she go there she is and then we will spell make a 100 level unlock spell and as you can see even at the low level of one spell chance 38. so there we go we can now get into any door free in the game look at that additionally while i'm traveling around i'm gonna come to aldrune whoa hey there editor coffee uh coming from the future and i just wanted to call out you're also gonna need a levitation spell before you leave dalmore so yeah be be sure to grab that um before you head out because i totally forgot to mention that when i originally recorded this video so here it is and then i'm going to grab telekinesis because this is actually going to let us trigger traps from far away fun factor morrowind that you may not have known if you're out of arms reach of a trap pretty much it won't hit you the only exception being a door that leads you into another area but all your chests all your lock boxes everything you can trigger them trip them just by using telekinesis and being in a different spot outlander so now i'm going to go back to balmora and i'm going to catch a silt strider over to vivec and then from vivec i'm going to take the boat to evan hardy now that we're in ebonheart we're gonna head over here to the right walk out that gate and just ignore all these you know beautiful people in town um i must say i do love the way that that armor has always looked was it nordic steel that looks so sick with the ram horns and stuff people need to use ram horns more on the armor i think it looks really freaking cool elder ring did a good job though good job elder ring so now that we left the gate we're going to come over here take a left and then head all the way down to this little peninsula that kind of sticks out from the castle over here in ebonheart as there is a secret entrance just beneath the water so now that we're in the underground caves just need to make our way inside dispatch some of these rats okay there we go after killing the rats you'll come to this first cross in the road and then hidden over here on the left is actually a glass [ __ ] blade paralyzed for 10 seconds on touch i love to pick this up in the early game when i'm playing a mage as it's just a super easy way to disengage from combat if anyone's up in your face hit them with a couple of these a couple of those boom you can just run away you're good to go paralyze really is such an underrated skill especially for a mage you can kite so effectively with it if you're a conjurer of any kind hitting a paralyzed on someone backing away letting your minions take uh aggro and just you know absolutely mob the person incredible technique i must say so we're off to a pretty good start here we have a character sorted out got the mentors ring buffing our int and willpower and we have a good paralyzed weapon so that we can kite back and forth combat now we're going to worry about money and get some additional gear that we wouldn't have access to if we weren't a mage and when i'm talking about additional gear and money i mean a lot a lot of potential money so first to do this we're going to travel to sadrith mora and then from sandrith mora we're going to have to head to the wonderful wonderful island of telfir which you probably can't really see it well but it is down here there's no good way to get there you're gonna have to use a levitation spell or water walking or just swim and deal with all the slaughter fish it's not too bad of a of a journey um but i'm just gonna cut there in this video because it takes a freaking minute to get there and no one wants to see that hey whoa would you look at that we made it ah the magic of editing it really is wonderful isn't it now that we're at telfear we're going to use those spells that i bought back in balmora and why are we going to do this well because mr divia fear has some incredible loot first things first come up here to the tower boom then we need to get up yonder so you need to levitate up there need to have a levitation spell and then once we start up here we need to use the strategy that i mentioned before which is using our 100 lock spell and a combination of telekinesis to dodge traps so the first thing we're gonna want to do i'll make sure yep my magic is okay is come over here his closet and let's try it boom look at that first try friendly reminder level one here first try so we unlocked it let's put on our telekinesis we cast a 100 lock and fell telekinesis what is wrong with your moderate okay we got our telekinesis on let's just step out of the room a little bit boom open it incredible and then there we go there you have it curious of the savior's hide 150 000 gold with a resist magicka of 60 so if we put this on a breton we have 110 resist magicka uh if we put it on a high elf we'll basically get rid of their weakness entirely um and go up to 10 resist magicka so pretty pretty awesome set of light armor for a mage i know i took on armored at the beginning on this run so if this was me actually playing through this character i'd probably just sell this item and grab something different but you get the idea if you're a light armored mage this is this is something to get now another incredible item here let's get our lock splitter back on oh don't have enough magicka okay well let's hop down the well here and actually we can sleep in mr diviop's bed he's he's a very he's a very generous host i must say but once we slept in the bed got our magical back we need to just come up here get our spells back on and try again there we go success get telekinesis let's uh let's get over here boom unlocked trapped and there you have it scourge 80 000 gold mace now i wouldn't really plan to use this on a mage unless you're going blunt weapon trying to use the mason black ball later on but the active ability to summon scamps and dramora for free really overpowered early especially when paired in with the [ __ ] blade and then you know just to polish it off let's see let's see what's in the ornate lock box too i mean make make me okay there we go telekinesis it's always crazy me you fail telekinesis and succeed you know the absolutely insane lock splitting spell at level one but you failed a little telekinesis trick the little party trick no one cares about there you go see the bomb go off and there you have it daedric sanctuary amlia amulet amulet the daedric sanctuary amulet and another 3 000 gold to the pockets so thank you mr fear it was a pleasure doing business with you all right so there you have it the essential mage start you have all the money in the world now that you could want your ins high your willpower is ridiculous and you have a draymoran scamp companion that you can summon over and over again to fight with you you have an ability to kite and you can get through any door lock or chest that this game can throw at you the only thing to do next get a crazy levitation spell fly through the air with the greatest of ease and then of course maybe get some extra conjuration spells or some massive area of effect fire spells and just go crazy but the base is set this is how i always create my morrowind mages thank you so much for watching be sure to subscribe down there and i will catch you on the next one
Channel: CoffeeNutGaming
Views: 124,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morrowind, morrowind mage build, morrowind mage guide, morrowind mage playthrough, morrowind character creation, morrowind character builds, morrowind best starting build, morrowind best start, morrowind starting guide, morrowind beginners guide, morrowind tips, elder scrolls morrowind, morrowind 2021, morrowind gameplay
Id: Ij6g8DIXKgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Sat May 07 2022
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