End Game in 15 Minutes - Best Morrowind Start

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do you want in-game armor how about a daedric weapon over a hundred thousand gold well then stick around until the end because i'm about to show you everything you need to know and how to do it all in 15 minutes let's go break marmot so the first step to any successful run is obviously picking an incredible name we go with jerome powell because all we want to do is make money as quickly as possible and without care for others i go with an imperial when i'm doing this run here but this strategy is really meant for any race so it should not matter which race you choose i also go with monk just because it sounds cool but again this strategy can be used with any race in class here we're going to start making money almost immediately by doing the old limewear platter technique pick it up go to your inventory drop it on the floor guard will forget all about it and you can just make off like a bandit in this next room here i'm pretty much grabbing anything of value over let's say 15 gold we'll be selling all of this at arielle's trade house here in a minute and buying a couple key items that i'll discuss in a second quick conversation with the man of men sela scorabias before we head over to arielle's trade house and begin the gold making so here we're actually going to sell everything that we just picked up in the census and excise office and then we are going to buy a scroll of unhinging and then we are also going to buy a resist magicka spell and these are both two key items uh the resist magicka spell is probably as you've guessed it if you are a returning marwin player going to be used to spell make a 100 magnitude resist magicka spell so that we can get boots of blinding speed and then the unhinging scroll will be used at a later date on the road again i just can't wait to be on the road again so we travel to balmora here and then immediately head south down the river so what we are doing here is trying to find the vasir bitternot ebony mine this will allow us to get a free daedric weapon yes daedric weapon you heard that correct three data weapon just for walking into a cave from an npc in vivec pretty crazy and and overpowered for something that you can get immediately at the start he got a rat the most disgusting of all creatures oh stay away i don't want your plague heathen run in and then immediately head out that's all you need to do in order to tee up your free daedric weapon and back to belmore that's a quick little you know quick little side adventure right there not bad not bad since it's so nearby i mean that's a low hanging daedric weapon right there low hanging let's get the resist magical spell here we're creating our 100 magnitude resist magicka spell and i'm going to name it boots just because well that's the only reason i really have it next we're going to fast travel out to caldera dressed for a jump in the mud i see why does everybody hate all my clothes so now we've fast traveled out to caldera and we're going to head out the gate to the northwest we're going to head along this road here until we find a red garden named pimini nope mister uh well well forget that well i'll just forget that so speak to pimini take up her deal or alternatively if you're a heartless you can't just kill her in this run i do have the steed i i am an imperial so i'm pretty fast so i just decided to run her over to narmok and this should be an easy run for you there's almost never any enemies out there besides the occasional freaking rat oh another rat get out of here no no no stay away don't touch it my life no get over here don't stop fighting the rat am i good or what no you're not you haven't hit it once okay onward yeah i literally fought that rap for like two minutes it was the saddest thing ever so please god try to avoid those so once you do arrive in narmac the boots of blinding speed will immediately be put into your inventory all you have to do is click through that dialogue that will pop up from pimini now let's go make sure that we can get them on so what i do here is dive into the bunk house and it's just a great place to cast your resist magicka spell for putting on the boots because you can actually sleep in that bed for free it's one of the few beds you don't own in the game that you can sleep in woohoo we're talking so if you fail casting the spell a number of times you can just continue sleeping in the bed restore your magica and casting that until you can get your boots on as you can see here the boots really do just change the game entirely now that we're in for that i'm gonna head to the arena and we're gonna go straight over to the st olm's quarter as this is where a haunted mansion is and the place where we will be using our unhinging scroll and collecting our daedric weapon so just come down unhinge the door walk on in and then head through this door here on the left and then speak to jerome vero hello dram give me my sword and as you can see here you can pick any weapon that fits your build anything what do we want take the spear why not part one of becoming op complete daedric weapon acquired now the next thing we're gonna do now that we have a daedric weapon by our side is immediately head over to the radaran canton you obviously have to have some armor to match the weapon being op is more than just power right you got to be able to withstand the blows the marwin has to throw you so we're going to travel straight over to the temple and then we're going to go straight over to halalu as radaran is is right across the bridge to the right of the gondola and then you'll reach the raider in canton so here we're going to head straight to the plaza on top of the radar and canton and then to draw lore manor as there is a great way to cheese the vaults and get some incredibly high level loot so once we're in drawler manor we just need to find the stairs up here and then you can cheese the steel because the key to the treasury is actually just in that drawer so you catty corner the door crouch right behind it and then you can just steal it straight out from under their noses hidden in plain sight they couldn't do anything kind of ridiculous like taking candy from a baby are they gonna head over here just to the treasury and the vaults themselves you're gonna want to go straight to the one at the very bottom as that is the only one the key actually works on okay now comes the difficult part we gotta get past the lock [Laughter] now you can see that there is an ordinator in here you can just keep waiting until he leaves or you can uh attack them and then leash them out into the hallway uh whatever whatever you want to do nice and alone now and look at this everything under the sun ebony helmets storm helmets we got faux burner 1400 we got glass daggers 4 000 12 000. we got an entire uh almost an entire set of ebony got ebony mace twelve thousand ebony short sword ten thousand look at all this madness and that's not even with picking any locks we got a couple hundred gold just sitting in the open too easy everybody it's too easy it's too easy everybody so now after we loot the vaults of the raider and canton let's go let's go see what this is all actually worth and show you the best place to probably sell them easily and quickly because again you know we're trying to do this in under 15 minutes we're trying to get as op as possible as quickly as possible so we're gonna head the mages guild go straight to caldera and then we'll head to the manor where the creeper is found upstairs [Music] so if you barter back and forth with the creeper and sell everything you've got you will in fact break 100 000 to gold under 15 minutes there you go ladies and gentlemen 109 500 gold and you know let's let's assume you keep a set of armor for yourself take out the ebony's grab the shield too still 61 000 gold left um and you okay say you sell it give him the daedric spear give him everything 129 000 gold for about 15 minutes not too bad at all not too bad that was how to be op in 15 minutes or less if you want to be op in real life be sure to hit that big red button down there and i will catch you on the next one coffee end
Channel: CoffeeNutGaming
Views: 99,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morrowind, morrowind starter guide, morrowind best start, morrowind guide, make money in morrowind, morrowind end game, morrowind spoeed run, elder scrolls, elder scrolls starter guide, morrowind lore, morrowind gameplay, morrowind playthrough, morrowind new player guide, morrowind mods for new players, openmw, morrowind 2021, morrowind 2022, the elder scrolls, elder scrolls iii
Id: aF6v74oCfs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 29 2021
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