How to Enchant - Morrowind Mechanics and Start Guide

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enchant is one of the most powerful and rewarding skills to use in marwind however since everybody lost their guidebook 20 years ago and morrowind has no tutorial it's also one of the most confusing however that confusion ends today because in the first part of this video i'll be showing you how to set up a great enchantment character how to get yourself some soul gems and souls easily to start off how to create an enchantment item and the mechanics behind it and then in the second half of this video in classic coffee nut fashion i will of course be showing you the exploits as well as giving you a couple examples of all the fun stuff that is possible once you have mastered the enchant skill so if that sounds like a plan to you go ahead and rev up your soul gems and let's get into it so first things first if you're trying to make the best enchanter that you possibly can but of course with the caveat that enchantment is one of the skills that's widely open to pretty much any character who wants to use it of course you can pay actual enchanters to enchant your items and you can use things like fortify intelligence enchantments potions and make even your tum as rocks orc berserker a sufficient enough enchanter to help yourself out along the journey and of course break the game and make infinite gold as is tradition in morrowind and these videos but from a min maxing at level 1 point alone the high elf is going to be your best bet because they do get a 10 boost to enchantment right off the bat and they also have conjuration which is a great spell to pair with enchantments because of course you can trap the souls of your summoned familiars and then turn around and turn that into your nice shiny new enchantment now after we selected our race we of course are going to want to pick a custom class if we are trying to again min max out that level one ability and to do so we're going to first want to select our specialization as magic now when we hover over magic here you can see that enchant is going to be one of the skills that does get the five point specialization boost when selected as well as conjuration and again that pairs very very nicely with enchanting moving on to our favorite attributes again the only attributes that matter to an enchanter are of course going to be intelligence and willpower so we will select those as well and then it kind of goes without saying that for our major skills we should of course take the two that we've mentioned so far in this video so we are going to take enchanting as a major skill and we are also going to take conjuration now if you're really really trying to maximize out the benefits that you can get from being an enchanter you will also probably want to take heavy armor as a major skill or at least a minor skill because heavy armor does have the most enchantment points available to it of any other class in the game so if you're just trying to max out the amount of enchantment points that you can have on your body and filled up with crazy effects and skills and buffs and boosts then you're probably going to want to be a heavy armor user or an unarmored user as the exquisite line of clothing also has a large number of enchantment points but again dwarfed by our heavy armor with a shield as well so here you can see we have enrique a good example of an enchanter that i would use during one of my playthroughs or streams again copy that gaming go ahead and check it out if you haven't already but there are a couple things that i would like to point out here as well mainly we took the apprentice as a birth sign again we're going to want to be conjuring up familiar so we do need to have a big enough mana pool to support summoning things like golden saints daydroths any of these nice big souls that we do want to steal and then additionally here if you look at my major skills i did take mysticism because that is what soul trap actually falls into unlike in oblivion and skyrim where it is included in the school of conjuration and i also took longblade as a major skill and block as a minor skill because i'm going to want to be using a daedric shield if i'm trying to maximize my enchanting ability because the daedric shield is actually the most enchantable item in the game with 225 enchantment points available so if you're serious about enchanting you're going to want to be using a shield as well now as you know if you've seen a how-to video for me before we always start at level 1 and that means we got to ransack the census office and take saccucious for everything he's worth but i'll cut to the chase on this one and we're just gonna take all this loot and go sell it to uh rla after we find fargoth's ring and turn it into him if you're confused on selling the old limewear platter please just go look at any of my other videos because i've sold this freaking piece of kitchenware more times than a pottery barn i'm moving inventory out here like i'm in ikea or something right before college starts so now that we have our pockets weighed down by a little gold from the old man's kitchen where let's go ahead and head over as always to balmora yes home sweet home but i promise that there's a reason there's actually a reason this time not just because i fan girl for this town and every video and if you've watched this channel long enough you know but let's go ahead head right over the mages guild and then head downstairs to our good friend the old guild guide in the back and the reason is because we want to grab soul trap as this is going to be the most important spell for enabling us to be a master enchanter of course if we're not collecting souls into our soul gems we will not be able to then expend those filled soul gems on enchantments or recharging our enchanted items so let's go ahead grab soul trap and then we'll head back out to the siltstrider and catch a ride to vivec you thought you were going to get a how-to video without belt more in it no no no no not on this channel not today not today all jokes aside once you come to vivec you're going to want to head down to the boat talk to old ano here and then by passage over to the town of telbenora and this is going to be because there is an incredibly handy merchant here that you will quickly become a fan of so just ignore all the ruffians here on the side when you get here and make your way over to this little acorn mushroom thing off on the side and pop on in and then go ahead and start talking to fidace selvain because fidei selvaine is actually a restocking merchant for the first three tiers of soul gems now for those who are not familiar with how soul gems work the tier actually determines the capacity so the lower the tier of the soul gem the smaller the souls it will be able to hold so while the petty soldier may only be able to hold the souls of rats and knicks hounds and things like that if you do want to capture something like a golden saint or maybe even vivec if you're really wild and you're actually going to need something like a grand soul gem for that golden saint and then a artifact that every enchanter has to get absolutely mandatory has to get which is going to be azura's star which has the highest soul capacity of any item in the game at 15 000. now i'm not going to show you how to do the quest to get azura star in this video but i will flash up on the screen the location of the shrine of azura which is where you will start that quest and again it would just make this video even longer than it's going to be already but if you're interested in enchanting azura star is a absolute must-have when you're talking about soul gems because it is the only soul gem in the game that's actually reusable but just remember that whenever you recharge an enchanted item or put a new enchantment on an item whatever soul gem you were using whatever soul you were using will be consumed unless you were using azure star so just go ahead right after you watch this video head down to the coast do azure's quest and you'll save yourself a lot of money and a lot of headache on your road to being a master enchanter but now we'll go ahead barter with fidace and you'll see why she is such a nice friend to have because we can type in seoul grab all of our petty lesser and common soul gems click offer reopen barter and you'll see that she has restocked her entire inventory so if you're early on in your enchantment journey just need those smaller soul capacities maybe you're not so late in the game that golden saints and dremora lords and all these things with huge souls are spawning common soul gems are going to cut it just go ahead and make yourself familiar with fidace but now that we have our actual soul gems in our inventory let's go ahead walk outside see if we can't find anything to enchant oh that rat will do let's put on soul trap ready cast soul trap on the rat and you will be able to tell that any creature is going to have their soul trapped when they do have this fog flying around them and we'll go ahead and take this little guy out boom there you see it you have trapped a soul we can open our inventory and see that one soul gem has been separated from the rest of the stack and it has been filled up with that rat's soul now one thing that i'll point out right here is look at the value inflation off of the base petty soldier 10 value turned into a hundred value simply by filling it with a rat's soul now this immediately shows why enchanting is one of the most broken paths that you can go down in morrowind because turning souls around and selling them is actually one of the most profitable businesses especially if you have a restocking merchant like fidace right at your disposal you can just buy a whole bunch of soul gems let them restock come 10 20 30 x their value again if you start filling these with the souls of golden saints greater bone walkers day drops you're going to be selling them for tens of thousands of gold and quickly skyrocket yourself into the upper echelon of morrowind's wealthy traitors but now with a soul at our disposal i think it's a good time to talk through some of the mechanics of enchanting so again let's go ahead open our inventory you'll see the petty soul gem that we've filled with the rat's soul down here pick it up drop it right on our character and then you'll see a dialogue option that pops up and says do you want to recharge an enchanted item or do you want to make an enchanted item and with this up it's a good time to call out that if you're trying to level up your enchanting skill recharging or enchanting a new item actually both grant the same amount of experience so if you have a million soul gems at your disposal and you're just trying to grind your level up really high i do recommend just trying to recharge a whole bunch of items because recharging does not have a chance to fail and to be honest it just takes a lot less time to select the enchanted item there is a third way to gain experience by channing and that is by using an enchanted item but you get 0.1 xp off of that so not even a full experience point so that's like not even a worthy path to cross down certainly not advisable to pursue that if you're just trying to grind enchantment levels but with that out of the way let's click make an enchanted item and then let's explain what we see here on the menu so first on the left here you'll see the item that we want to enchant so we can click the iron saber let's name it soul trapping saber and then over here you'll see the soul that we are going to enchant it with now of course the only soul that i have in my inventory is the rats but if you had a bunch of other ones you could click this and then select the other sole that you want to use in your inventory now down here on the left we have the magic effects that are available to us and this is going to be driven by the spells that your character knows so earlier you saw i bought the spell soul trap that will make it appear here in the magic effects now another toggle that you'll see down here in the bottom you'll see cast wind strikes and that means you're enchanting a weapon and every time it hits an enemy it will then apply that effect or you'll see cast when used and this is essentially taking a spell and storing it on another piece of gear it will never fail you don't have to worry about your intelligence or your willpower fatigue being proficient in magic it's just basically taking a spell and storing it to be used on your item now another thing that you won't see here is constant effect and that is because in order to create a constant effect enchantment you will need a soul that has a value of 400 or higher now if you want to see the values of souls i will put a link down to the uasp page that has that information in the description of this video but just keep in mind that the only creatures in the base game that are going to have the souls big enough are going to be our golden state and our ascended sleeper now there are other creatures in the dlcs and then of course unique entities like vivek or almalexia which actually have the biggest souls in the game but i'm not going to go through the whole list here just remember golden saint ascended sleeper as they're the most common to come across when you're walking around bartonville now to continue here with creating our enchanted weapon that pretty much every enchanter is going to want to have go ahead grab soul trap range touch set the duration to 2 click ok and now you'll see that we have effects soul trapped for two seconds on touch and that two seconds is intentional here because the game engine can actually miss effects that are applied with a one second duration so if you want to be safe it really is not that much more of an enchantment cost to simply raise the duration from one to two so go ahead and do that whenever you are using a on strike effect now with our effect applied to the item let's go ahead and look up in the top right and you will notice that some of these numbers have changed and i'll go through explaining what these are now so at the top here we have enchantment and you'll see two numbers and this is going to be the cost of the effects that we have on the item first and then the total enchantment points available second so this iron saber has five total enchantment points that can be used and our soul trap for two seconds on touch uses one of those enchantment points so if we wanted we could actually add in four more enchantment points of effects to this item should we wish to do so now below there are enchantment points we actually have two numbers that go together which our first is our cast cost which is going to be the cost of charge that it takes to trigger the enchantment that we have on the item and then below it is our total charge pool which is 10 and our charge pool is actually determined by the size of the sole that we are applying so we have a very small sole from the rat so we're only going to get 10 charges out of it but with a cast cost of one point that means that we can strike and trigger our soul trap ability 10 times before we need to recharge the item with a soul gym or take a rest for a number of days or hours as enchantments in morrowind do passively recharge over time now with all of that mumbo jumbo out of the way i will just add in a couple of extra tips here to help you better understand enchanting so to begin cast when used and castron strikes abilities always are going to cost less than any constant effect enchantments and this is just because of the formulas that run in the background now another thing that will always increase the enchantment points needed and the cast cost of something is going to be raising the duration so you always want to be efficient with your enchantment points and pick the minimum or average amount of duration that you will need as you'll be able to trade the duration and having to recast the spell for having a bigger magnitude or bigger area and getting a just better effect out of your enchantment in the long run additionally raising the area will also raise the enchantment cost especially if you're doing it with a targeted spell here and then additionally if you have a magnitude slider like the one that you see here if you raise the maximum you will raise that enchantment point value and likewise if you raise the minimum you will raise that enchantment cost and cast cost value now one thing that you can do here with a magnitude slider to maximize the upside that you can get from your enchantment without costing too many points is to set a minimum magnitude of something really low like one two three and then raise the maximum magnitude to where you actually want it to be then you can simply go into your inventory attach the item see how much you rolled is every time you unattach and reattach the item it will roll a new number in between that range and then you can simply stop unattaching and reattaching the item once you get a number that you are comfortable with just gonna save you a lot of enchantment points especially in the early game when you don't have a ton of like in-game loot you know these daedric items with really really large capacities now the final tip that i'll add here before we move on to the potentially game breaking part of the video although filling soul gems and selling them back for like 30 x the price is already pretty game breaking didn't really think that went through maro and devs did you but the final thing i'll leave with here on this first segment is that adding multiple effects to enchantments is going to significantly increase the cost and it actually does so in a rather strange way and what i mean by that is that every effect that you add on adds a multiple to those above it based on the amount of effects in the list so if i have three effects on an item the first effect is going to be 3x the cost the second effect will be 2x its cost and then the final effect will be only its base cost so if you're trying to put multiple effects onto an item it is best to position the least costly of those higher in the chain because for some weird reason the devs didn't do it based on totals they did it based on the order that these effects are applied so you can see i've added in our summon ancestral ghost for 430 seconds at a 150 point cost and then i'll add in our soul trap on touch for two seconds and you can see that like i said it doubled the cost of the effect above it but now if i put those same effects in just a different order let's go ahead and take a look our summon ancestral ghost 430 seconds and the enchantment cost is now only 115 so just really strange how that works out if you're trying to put multiple effects on just make sure that those cheapest ones go first okay now with all of the fun mechanics and weirdness out of the way let's go ahead create our soul trap for two seconds on target and this is just an incredible item to have right at the start of the game as every enemy you kill as long as you have soul gems in your inventory will be soul trapped so i highly highly recommend you set up an item like this right at the start so you don't have to worry about pulling out your soul trap spell remembering to use it all that good stuff oh god and now we have rats oh my we're getting massacred holy crap come on kill the clifford sir am i gonna die to two rats and a freaking cliff racer oh god level one it's brutal okay there we go i wasn't leaving without one soul at least all right let's get out of here all right so now that we have a way to refill all of our soul gyms we've explained all the mechanics all the tips and tricks on how to make effective and cost efficient enchantments now let's go ahead and move into the more game breaking part of this video and it all begins by heading up there that's right before you leave tell brenora you're going to want to head up to the top of the tower and speak to felon marion as he sells the summon golden saint spell and this is going to be the easiest and most effective way to generate unimaginable wealth and incredibly strong incredibly effective enchantments so don't leave telenor without talking to this guy i'm dead serious and summon golden saint may be a little too expensive or a little too hard to cast for your level one character so an alternate way to do this is actually to speak to fom's morel in the caldera mages guild as he restocks an endless supply of summon golden saint scrolls and then if you're too scared again you're a level one character you're too scrawny too scared to fight him you can actually just head out into the malaga region and spawn the golden saints in a pool of lava cast soul trap on them and then bam there you go endless supply of crazy expensive souls and now that you have a endless supply of golden saint scrolls whether you can cast the spell or not you'll need an endless supply of grand soul gems to fit them in so fear not because morrowind has that as well all you have to do get attacked by the dark brotherhood head on over to mornhold in the crafters hall and speak to albert nurmark as he is the restocking merchant for common greater and grand soul gems so if getting azura stars just a little too hard for you and you're the kind of red-blooded american that just wants to feed the capitalist machine well then go ahead and just head over to albert because i'm sure he'll be happy to take your endless supply of gold and just keep feeding you soul gems that you throw away into your enchantments or recharging your items you know i always forget how easily it is once you have the proper knowledge to just absolutely destroy any sense of progression that morrowind had which is why i you know cordon off this this is the exploit section of the video it's your first time playing marwin don't do this go enjoy the story have your fun don't go riding in to the rat and pillow quest on a tidal wave of golden coins at level one that's not what i'm saying to do but if you're an experienced player just looking to have a good freaking time well then go ahead and enchant away and with that being said i'm gonna hop over to another character and let's see some crazy effects all right so now that we're on to the exploit section of the video although technically not all of these things are going to be exploits in nature but they are all enabled by exploits so just keep that in mind now the first one we're going to mention is actually an x-point that i've already touched on and that is the fortify intelligence potion exploit from the how to alchemy video as the enchantment success rate formula depends on your enchantment skill your intelligence and your luck so applying the same logic that we did in the alchemy video if you boost your intelligence into the hundreds of thousands you can pretty much make any enchantment under the sun that you want and use every single enchantment point that you possibly can so if you want to be very successful at alchemy i do recommend clicking on that link over there because stacking fortify intelligence potions is going to make it way easier to make those crazy crazy enchantments that we are all of course looking for now moving on to exploit number two which is unique to enchanting we'll talk about why you want to raise your enchantment skill to 110 plus as there's an interesting way that the formula that's used tomorrow and plays into the cast cost for all of your enchanted items so the higher your enchant skill goes in morrowind the lower the cast cost will be to trigger your effects and if your enchantment skill goes to 110 or above because of the way the formula is set up every single time that you use an enchanted item you will only consume one charge so if you're using a massive massive sole and then you bring your enchant skill to 110 or greater you will essentially have hundreds of uses on each item before you ever need to worry about recharging them now the easiest way to get your enchant skill to 100 is going to be by training with the master enchantment trainer corwin using all of that gold that you've gotten from selling 80 000 value golden saints to all of your friends in vardenfell now one thing to note about corwin is that he is very aggressive to the player character with a fight of 90. so you are going to need something like chameleon or invisibility or calm humanoid in order to you know talk him off the ledge and have him not fight you so you can actually get the training from him but once you've done that and gotten your enchant skill to 100 the next easiest way of course to boost it to 110 and eliminate all cast costs from your life is simply going to be to create an item like the one shown on screen here which is a constant effect fortify skill enchantment for whatever the difference is that you need to get above that 110 threshold now one thing to note here is that if you are in base marwind and do not have blood moon or tribunal you won't actually have access to the fortify skill magic effect as this was added in tribunal and blood moon so make sure that you have those expansions if you want to go ahead and do this exploit but now to show you what this looks like my enchantment here is at 124 i have attached a ring with a target spell and look at how you can just freaking machine gun this thing raining hellfire down upon the mortals and that's because this ring has a capacity of 400 and now because my skill is above 110 every cast costs only one point so i can just spam this ring 400 times and never really have to worry about recharging again i mean look at that we got the fireworks so it's like a fourth of july out here knowledge truly is power and morrowind because some of these formulas the way that they're set up just allow the walls of reality to kind of break down at a certain level and your level one character can quickly become a demigod and all you really needed to have was money and some time so i guess in a way it's you know because it's pretty akin to life i guess now with that out of the way those are the two main formula exploits for enchanting the real power though comes from the enchantments that you're going to create now you can go as crazy with these things as you want but as a finisher to the video i'll show you some combinations of some of my favorite effects that some could wager are slightly too powerful maybe not i guess it depends on how you look at this game but hey they're in it so they're pre-use now the first of these effects and we'll start slow and kind of ramp our way up here is going to be creating a constant effect slow fall one point and what this will do is negate all fall damage in the entire game whether you're falling from a thousand feet ten feet or five feet your ankles will always be kept in good shape now once you've created your slow fall and have that on your person the next thing that you can do is create an enchantment for jump of i'd say for probably 50 points but pairing these effects together negating all fall damage and jump is one of the best and most fun ways to get around honestly so let's try it out here and as you can see it just makes traversal way more interesting in marlin and now you don't have to worry about dying from jumping too high jumping off buildings and you can just kind of go crazy with it like i am here no more worrying about getting stuck behind walls as you can do a pretty good superman impression here and leap over tall buildings in a single bound this is pretty low-key but this is honestly one of my favorite combos it's just so fun to traverse the world this way i mean come on flying over the bullnetches as you spring through the air with the greatest of these i mean what more can a morrowind player ask for this is what it's all about where's this in skyrim come on todd don't leave me hanging so now that you've jumped where you need to go and you've survived the incredible heights one of the next things that you can do is have an enchantment that actually helps you kill the enemy that you were searching for and one of the best recommendations that i can have for an enchantment is something similar to what i'm showing on screen and that is going to be by pairing weakness to magicka and absorb health and why this spell is so important is because not many enemies in the game have an innate resistance to magicka so by crushing it with a 100 point weakness you're making them even more susceptible than they probably would be anyways and then the absorb health effect is one of the strongest for doing damage as although it can be reflected onto the player character it will actually never hurt you because you're draining your health to restore your health so even if it's reflected you net zero you don't take any damage and this is why if i'm farming soul gems this is actually the effect that i prefer to use all the time as many of you probably well know golden saints have a tendency to throw your spells right back into your face but if you're using this if you're using absorb health with a weakness to magicka you're going to just one shot them every time and you won't have to worry about resetting your character loading an autosave or a quick save that you had or maybe you didn't have like me all the time i always forget to freaking save in this game now to try this out and show you how i set this up i also added a big area of effect here just to show you how potent this is let's go ahead let's get a little band together here oh oh lord i'm gonna be stuck okay never mind all right so here we go i've got you know five people standing here chasing me because i just ran around punching them like a madman and i hope they had life insurance because three two one boom yeah that's kind of crazy isn't it and there we go full health took a hit doesn't even matter this effect is so busted i mean look at that like they don't even stand a chance and this is simply put on the helm of tohan only 120 enchantment points and you can get this on again even though it's pretty crazy pretty heavy effect just by boosting your intelligence into the stratosphere with the alchemy exploit all right now that we've uh kind of you know wiped malmora off the face of the earth i am just going to recall back to tribunal here and show the final enchantment that i think is just a lot of fun and very effective when fighting and this is going to be the shield of glue or the pairing together of a drain strength attribute as well as a small burden as this will basically give you the effect of being a greater bone walker and gluing all of your enemies to the ground right where they stand now if you're a melee based character or a ranged character this is going to help you set up for any of your fights disengage when you're in trouble and also gives the npcs a taste of what it's like to have to deal with a greater bone walker so here we go got my shield of glue here gonna attack the high ordinator magic again let's get a little posse on us pop that guy sorry man join in follow the leader follow the leader come on everybody all right but here we go see pop it on her stuck in place stuck in place like a statue gloom to the floor people and again because my enchantment is over 110 i can just do this hundreds of times as many times as i want you can make this an aoe spell as well get a similar effect but it's just so much fun i mean look at that and then once you have everybody where you want them you can come in with an on target damage spell and then just start annihilating people oh god i got stuck up on oh man okay well you get the idea right that guy stuck up on me that doesn't count that doesn't count but there you have it pretty much everything you need to know about the enchanting skill as well as a couple cool enchantments that you can take and try out for yourself to help you traverse the world help you destroy your enemies and help make fights your own i hope this video has really showed you the power of the enchant skill in morrowind it's one of the most broken if not the most broken if you consider filling up soul gems with conjured enemies part of enchanting it's by far and away the easiest way to make money because you can just buy those restocking soul gems in tribunal or intel brenner and just have an endless supply of gold at your disposal additionally when your enchant hits over 110 and you just have all these crazy crazy effects on your items that you can cast hundreds of times i mean look at that like what it what are they supposed to do it definitely puts the game on even more than easy mode you're like a living god kind of like when you break alchemy you have enough money to buy the world and you're too powerful to be stopped vivec and almalexia quake in fear when they see you roll up in your nice shiny saran-wrapped armor so that being said that's all i got for you i think i'll make another video in the future about even more cool enchantments because there are just so many and this video is already long enough as it is but be sure to look out for that so if you liked what you saw you want to see more elder scrolls or morrowind content sure to hit that big red button down there thank you so much for watching and i will catch you on the next one [Music]
Channel: CoffeeNutGaming
Views: 102,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morrowind, morrowind enchant, morrowind enchanting, enchanted items, elder scrolls, morrowind 2022, openmw, morrowind enchanting guide, best morrowind skills
Id: rSY6fo7wzPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 20sec (1940 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2022
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