Tamriel Rebuilt's biggest update is coming and it's INSANE

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excuse me did you say something hello everyone Alec here and today I want to talk about recently posted Tamriel rebuilds teaser For an upcoming update according to the post from their website this will be their most ambitious largest and content Rich update so far and these words coming from Tamil rebuild team that means something so I read their full post analyzed all the new screenshots and it got me so excited that I had to sit down and share some thoughts and comments with you guys I honestly feel that this expansion will bring Tamil rebuild to new heights I could be just super hyped right now but I really do feel something very special coming our way I'm listening go ahead so on February 6th Tamil rebuild announced a new massive update called grasping Fortune it will expand the map further south and it's centered around the city of narcis and yes we are finally visiting a Hal capital and and the second largest city in all of morind second only to almalexia the capital of morind which is kind of crazy if you think about it narciss will be larger than old Ean har and that's something I honestly didn't expect judging from the teaser it looks like developers are transferring some of the Imperial power and influence from old Ean har to narciss as well and this decision is actually based on lore which means that coming update will again slightly affect old Ean har some things like political power will be as I said moved to narciss and mainly through dialogues and there will be some additions to old ebart as well the one I'm really looking forward to is the melee tournament we will be able to watch characters fighting each other or join them as well I'm all for this kind of entertainment and old eard seems like a perfect setting for that classic nightly tournament and people who already play Tamil rebuil will know that there was a breath and night wandering the streets of old Ean har speaking of a possible tournament so finally we're going to actually have it in game and we may see more of this memorable character it's not 100% confirmed for this update because it requires a lot of scripting but still it's great to know that it's on the way and old Ean hard's East Empire company quest line is also getting overhauled so there will be plenty of new reasons to revisit this epic city which was already slightly overhauled in previous update and looks better than ever also while much of the Imperial political power is moving to narcissis and Alexia I should say that Imperial Legions headquarters remain in Old eart now let's talk about the new map and what can we expect to find there firstly I believe that the house halalu story line is slowly getting its final piece of the puzzle as I don't think that there is much of their territory left unexplored I might be wrong I'm not that good with the overall political situation and geography but it looks to me that we are very near House Ren territory further Northwest and it feels nice having another great house chapter finalized so far we only had house telani completed in the sacred East now is this all we're going to see in regards to house halalu or telani I don't think so as Tamil rebuil one day finalizes the entire map of mwind we may see some of the bigger overarching quest lines ones that are left for the end game house Wars and things like that in I think that each great house and especially highly political and abitious halalu has its long-term plan for Domination over entire morind I believe that halalu specifically plans on targeting Rich indoral territories but we might have to wait for that and speaking of house halalu in Manila game they were my first great House of choice simply because they were conveniently placed in balamara over time I gravitate towards the reran but I have to admit Tamil rebuild rekindled my interest in Hollow on the Mainland we got to explore andran a major Halal Center and the city I fell in love with andran was like balur and steroids and looks like narcis will in return be anr on steroid and not to mention all the amazing scenery throughout these regions some of my favorite Landscapes were alongside River tier shared with house indel and now we go further south as narsis is found on the upper tier in the baron shipal Shin region I hope I pronounce it right it's as you guys can see map is nearly touching the southern border with argonia or black Marsh and to the West it goes all the way to cidel all right so now let's talk about narcis for a moment the fact that he's going to be the second largest city in entire mwind as well as the most Cosmopolitan and wealthiest Hub it means that it will be absolutely packed with content and from what I understand this is one of the main reasons why it took so long to release this map I mean the quest writing alone probably took ages and also so people afraid of low frame rate considering the size of the city and experience with previous large urban areas like old Ean har shouldn't worry as team explained that they've found a way of working around it by smarter urban planning so let's just hope it works and narcis will be comprised of six districts Market quarter will include the Grand Bazaar one of the wonders of the East with its many lights and Merchants from all corners of Tamriel it has multiple levels secret Black Market operated by Kamala Tong and a chance to find all kinds of rare exotic items another one is St valet quter home to working class population konat Tong Hall many smalltime guilds and Tower Apartments owned by rivaling local gangs it sounds like it's going to be a very fun but dangerous place to visit these are classical slums home of the poor Petty thieves where basically everyone and everything is corrupted Waterfront the next district will include headquarters of Kamala Tong who seem to be working pretty close to house Halal and between you and me Kamala Tong is a much cooler Guild of Assassins than dark brotherhood and finally Waterfront is also home to the East Empire Company headquarter foreign quarter is another district and this one looks like it's going to be the absolute blast first of all Fighters Guild main headquarters for all of morind are found here and as one of my favorite factions I expect a lot of oldfashioned questing fun here from killing rats to dealing with internal faction politics and whereas Fighters Guild there's also Maes Guild as well as main Imperial Temple for some major Divine warship so as some of you probably figured it out similarly to vix foreign quarter this one was at one point reserved only to foreigners therefore many Imperial Western guilds are expected to be found here and there's a whole ton of them which just makes the world more believable and complex I mean in older times pretty much every profession had its Guild and in narcis which is all about business and profit obviously there is a large focus on guilds both Western and dunmer however that's not all you see beneath the foreign quter or more like the entire city are the catacombs they extend deep beneath narcis in a twisting Maze of tombs burial passages and shrines now upper riches are maintained by Clan halalu but its lowest riches are abandoned inhabited by all manners of spirits and demons and in order to keep them away from pilgrims or coming too close to the surface house halalu often employs Warriors capable and brave enough to keep them away and as if that's not enough there's a unique and very extensive sewer system with almost half of it being haunted by all kinds of Undead and if you delve deeper into narcis lore There's an actual reason why it's all hunted it's explained in the game so it won't be just a randomly hunted underground for no particular reason but what all all of this means is that besides having a large epic City on the top there are miles of deep underground dungeon diving it also reminds me a bit of mournhold from tribunal DLC which also has a large network of catacombs and ruins underneath I expect a bunch of weird encounters unique mini bosses items and similar things moving on we have a council quarter this is a center of H government and home to some of the most important people in entire Morland it comes with the academy where where we can learn all about halalu and how to make business there's also a measure Hall which looks insane and is basically the seat of Halal power measure Hall from what I understand basically serves to display or show off all the glory and immense wealth of houseu so it has to be all over the top a place where that dunmer saying Wealth Beyond measure becomes reality and the council quarter is also home to Imperial consulate residence and Office of the Imperial proc Consul of Mor who is at least on the paper the most powerful man in mwind so yeah like I said we're about to meet some major players there's also main Temple which I think contains the famous muatra vix spear but let's not get overly excited about that and a big arena for more of that Bloody entertainment and there's also a super luxurious Market with only the richest Traders with some of them possibly matching the famous mud grab Merchant in Manila game so we can finally sell all those expensive it and finally there's a home Palace of Ates halalu himself The Grandmaster and the oldest living member of house halalu here's an actual portrait of Grandmaster halalu and I really hope they made a custom overweight character just for him also you guys may notice that many of these dunmer have gemstones embedded on their foreheads There's an actual story behind that as halalu dunmer were originally meant to have these gemstones that comes from sanin a famous halalu ship that sunk some somewhere near the current Village of sanin many many years ago so these gemstones aren't just for decorative purposes they have entire lore and significance behind them but let's move on next we have old quarter and it's a home to much of the old nobility and is a rather Smalls siiz district and speaking of nobility narcis will be obviously full of them but house Lalu was historically ruled over by seven main families and each family has its history and legends and there are even internal conflicts as expected and finally we have the outskirts outside the city of narciss are various manners plantations towers and homes to Mystics abandoned stronghold and most importantly Castle narcis home to the disgraced Imperial Duke a San of the Halo family castle narcis is also a major Legion Quest center for the district Tamil rebuilds Imperial Legion quest line is one of my favorites so I'm especially excited for it so this is a short most basic overview of narcis based on teaser and available information honestly I'm also trying not to read too much into it as I want to explore and learn about lore in game but just from the sheer amount of guilds important people from both halalu and the Empire the memorable epic locations vast underground dungeons filled with unknown Terrors it really does feel larger in scope than old Ean heart and I have to say it blows my mind but then again we are talking about narciss moral wom's Financial capital located at the end of the cidel purple Road it's a place where hundreds of merchants and Pilgrims go daily to test their fortune and pray to vatra this is the heart of halalu and in many ways it's this house that emulates the teachings of ancient Prophet valet to learn adapt and grow by constantly testing yourself through your enemy and this includes the Empire itself halalu may be on friendly terms with a septim Empire but let's not forget that they they are far from being honest allies to the halalu it's all about seeking opportunities and using every mean possible to rise to the top of the food chain and also we can expect a lot of more adult oriented content house halalu has its fair share of dark side something we saw only in traces in San from red light districts to the black markets ran by criminal syndicates and used for big-time smuggling and even gambling by the way narciss will also have its own version of a casino and even a Guild of prostitutes like I said there's a more mature content to be expected with that said the narcissis isn't the only settlement there will be smaller towns like shipal sharai and Clarin hle with their own local story arcs however I'm really looking forward to Al lual and Al marok two surviving Redan camps from times when this entire region belonged to the house reran in fact it looks like we will even have a chance to partake in this minor conflict with the option to help the ran remain in their small isolate Fortress or assist house halalu in removing them and we can also side with the temple in order to help local citizens survive the conflict which is kind of third neutral position or finally we can even help the local criminal J Nat Syndicate to expand their criminal operations I really love this even if it's just a minor isolate house War because we finally have an option to make some bigger decisions and decide who is going to own the location and I hope to see more of this in future and by the way speaking of JN NATA Syndicate this is going to be a very interesting place I don't even want to spoil too much but we will get to meet a slow drug lord in a unique large Velo Tower and slows are a race that we haven't had a chance of meeting in the base game and this one is apparently exiled from the lands of house dress again slows are a really bizarre and obscure race but lore friendly and that should go without saying as always Tamil rebild team based their entire work as much as as possible on concept art ingame lore books and developers comments throughout the years but with that said I have major Dune and Star Wars vibe from some of these images which is not surprising as dune in particular had a major influence on morind shipal Shin is a red desert inhabited by strange alien creatures ruins and nomadic tribes and let's talk briefly about things that we're going to find out there in the Wilds first of all there's a new really interesting dunmer faction Shin Clans they are n ads but differ from ashlanders in many ways originating from Red cons in times before the rise of tribunal shti have a very long and very complex history with the halalu they live in the outskirts of halalu territories in the canyons and caves of shipal shin sometimes employed as Caravan guards or even raiding Caravans themselves they are another throwback to that ancient velti culture and A Primitive nomadic lifestyle accustomed to dust and windy environment now shti Society is closely tied to hering sand Kum another unique bizarre creature that we expect to see in morwin and especially in this kind of environment I don't know much about it but it looks like shti Ed sand for pretty much everything from food to making bowls armor and clothing I also believe that Ks are basically Crustaceans adopted to this unique environment shti also heard another creature called goat Hopper or just a hopper it reminds me somewhat of a Nick Hound but it's basically a giant grasshopper mixed with I guess a goat now Apex prors of shipal shin are horn butchers otherwise known as Canyon they are feared even by shenti and are supposed to be high level enemies in fact it seems that entire shipal Shin region is considered a highly dangerous Zone intended for a more advanced characters in any case horn butcher claws are supposedly capable of tearing through rocks and their ingredients are high highly valuable for alchemical purposes so good luck hunting what also caught my attention are these enigmatic primitive paintings they were left by morwin needs Millennia ago and they are primordial humans whose distant descendants may now be found on the archipelago of Kat no in the padom ocean they might be gone from shipal Shin but we may stumble upon few burial goods and cave paintings that remain of these people I really love that they gave this region so much history and even prehistory which just means that roaming through the red deserts of Southern mwind may be equally fun as exploring the Majestic city of narciss there will be many points of interest like abandoned Fortress of the Raman Empire from the late first era I wonder what we're going to find within also a couple of modern day Imperial forts hidden among the Canyons a temple Monastery celebrating the source of the tier River a massive velotti complex taken over by criminal Syndicate and even an abandoned baric aliad ruin from the first a era near the Black Marsh so yeah we even going to have a alien ruin and finally I want to mention skyms as seen in this screenshot they appeared in Morin's concept art as flying creatures with spear-like legs and here we see them used as mounts by the reran my guess is that they are used for fast travel between two R forts that I previously mentioned but we will see all in all this update got me very excited there are no dates available but I don't expect it this year previous expansion was in late 2023 so I'd expect grasping fortune in 2025 or at Best in very late 24 however I believe that this year we will finally see the release of anvil by project cidel and I haven't covered any content from them so far because they're about to redesign the island of STK as well which was their only publicly available map so once Anvil comes out together with STK I'm going to do a deep dive review because old lore cidel is equally fascinating as morind and Skyrim so we can expect a ton of oldfashioned Elder Scrolls fun in the end I just want to say how witnessing all these epic fan releases 20 years after the morwin being published and 20 years of me playing the game it really feels surreal morwin seems like a game that will never truly be forgotten and even though it's over two decades old it still has a bright future most of the games these days no matter how big and great become forgotten in time but morvin has that unique status of having a long past and equally long future if that makes sense it's a Timeless piece of art that still grows and inspires generations of artists and creative minds Behind These fan based projects like Tamriel rebuild and project Tamriel I mean what a time to be alive so I hope you guys enjoy this little overview I generally don't do these kind of videos but narcissist got me really hyped as you can tell I'm going back to making standard morvin content and hopefully I'll do a teral rebuild playthrough on my second Channel pretty soon but with that said thank you all for watching and I'll see see you very soon
Channel: Borean Knight
Views: 38,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Morrowind, Tamriel Rebuilt, Mods, Modding, Project Tamriel, Cyrodiil, Bethesda, Amazing, Insane, Lore, Expansion, Overhaul, 2024, Overview, News, Gaming, Video, Game, Epic, Redoran, Elves, Dunmer, Todd Howard, Skyrim, Map, Elder Scrolls, Trending, Youtube, Viral, Fudgemuppet, Camelworks, Worldbuilding, Fantasy, Classic, Retro, Nostalgic, Nostalgia, HD, Funny, Essay, Deep, Dune, Star Wars, Concept Art
Id: WjWBtKFGto0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 3sec (1143 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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