How to Spellsword - Morrowind Build and Start Guide

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all right Health's back up Health's back down Health's back up so Bell is so good all right here we go we're getting some shots in getting some shots in that Sanctuary is paying dividends look at that damage that we're doing with the sword of white woe weakness to Magicka paying off and boom just like that level one every Elder Scrolls player knows the build starts right here at the beginning with the most important choice of all the name and of course you want something that fits the character and the build and for that we'll be drawing inspiration from probably the most popular spell swords right now our good friends the witchers out from the backwoods of Poland taking the global cinema by storm good for them that's awesome but they are exactly what this build is going to try to be embodying so with that being said we're going to hearken back to the most famous Witcher of all and name ourselves Gerald which is only one letter different but feels completely wrong now before we hop into the race breakdown here for our spell sword character I do again just want to preface and reinforce kind of what I said earlier which is the theme of this build and that will be a traditional spell sword going 50 50. spell sword 50 spell 50 sword between the physical aspects and the Magical aspects because of course if you start wavering to one side more than the other the recommendations for the build will then of course change so since we are going to be existing in these two separate worlds the real physical world and then the elemental magical world we of course need a character that's focused on one thing and that is balance balance of bonuses as well as balance of attributes and the first race that we're going to talk to fits that word exactly and that is the dark elf and this becomes clear immediately when looking at our skill bonuses the dark elf gets a plus five to Athletics we also have a destruction of plus 10 which is going to be an excellent secondary damage image source again supporting our physical use of weapons a light armor of five which is going to be the best way to keep us nice and Nimble and I think just fits this style of character the best which in my head is a kind of nimble sprightly fantasy d d style character duelist that's going to run around shooting Fireballs out of one hand and stabbing really hard with the other can't do that if we're wearing heavy armor because you'll be too damn slow we also get a plus five to Long Blade plus five to Marksman plus five to mysticism and a plus 10 to short blade now when we step back and observe this list as a whole again this fits perfectly with that theme like I said of balance we have multiple sources of damage we have mysticism for things like absorb Health absorb fatigue magical debuffs that are going to support our physical attacks and then we also have the Athletics the light armor to keep us nice and light and moving around shooting Fireballs in one hand and stabbing with the other which again is all this class and play style is about and this theme of balance again is reflected in in their attributes as well Dark Elves start with a 40 to strength 42 intelligence 42 Agility 50 to speed and a 42 endurance which makes them a great all-arounder the only thing really lacking there for the spell sword kind of style is that thirded will power but you will get a little bit bigger magical pull with that 40 intelligence additionally we get two specials as well one is the ancestor Guardian which is a nice Sanctuary for 50 points Sanctuary again plays into that Dodge chance makes it much harder for your character to get hit again being that Nimble fantasy fighter and then we also just get a 75 resistance to fire which cannot be ignored fire of course one of the most common Elemental damage types in the game so wrapping up with the dark elf I think it's pretty clear to see that they are very balanced they are meant to be that spell sword character they're very fast they're very light multiple sources of damage perfect for that skirmishing magical fighting character that all of our Fighters wind up being but there is also a second race that's perfect for this kind of hybrid Caster roll and it's one you probably didn't expect and that would be the Argonian and although this isn't something you traditionally probably think of as a spell sword character let's look at their skill bonuses here they are going to start with a plus five to Alchemy plus 15 to Athletics always love to see plus 15 fits into this skirmishing playstyle very very well and of course is the highest bonus we can get while in character creation plus five to illusion 5 to medium armor five domesticism five to spear and five two unarmored so again very very balanced a nice mix of physical weapon skills armor skills and magical skills that allow for Buffs debuffs to be applied while in combat and additionally like the dark elves their attributes reflect that theme of balance as well and particularly for the female Argonian starting out with a 40 to strength 50 to intelligence 40 to willpower 40 to agility and a 42 speed lacking only in the endurance and personality department now I've bought up willpower twice now what does this mean for this particular build style well willpower is the primary attribute used when determining whether or not we're going to be able to cast a spell it also plays into determining how well we can resist paralysis effects and if you've played marwin enough you know there's plenty of them out there in the game and sure you may say coffee that sounds well and good for the spell part of spellsword but what about the sword part well willpower even plays into your starting fatigue so the Argonian really is again perfectly cut out for that hybrid style physical damage buff through magical abilities kind of character additionally we can look down here at their specials they get a resist disease which eh we could ignore a immunity to poison and then a nice fun little role-playing ability with water breathing so again stepping back looking at the entire package here the attributes the bonuses the specials are dark elves and our argonians were clearly built to be those hybrid fighter Caster style characters the true traditional spell swords now you may be saying hey I've done a million Dark Elves I want to try something different if I had to recommend a runner-up for a spell sword style character I most likely would go with a Breton they're incredibly effective spellcasters but I am not going to do a breakdown here on the Breton because I want to do something that leans much more on the spell side and do a future video on a battle mage style build so again not gonna do a breakdown here but this would be my third place runner-up now for the sake of today's video I am going to go with the dark elf again I think these are just the perfect jack of all trades kind of character they're very very flexible and perfectly in tune with trying to be that fighty spell casting skirmisher now after we've selected our race we of course need to create our custom class and this again will depend heavily on what a spell sword means to you but for the sake of the build again I'm going for that 50 50 traditional Witcher style route so for our specialization we'll start by selecting combat so all the items here on the list will be getting that plus five bonus and here you can see some key abilities such as Long Blade such as Athletics spear if you're going for that Argonian character and this will just help play into our primary source of damage which is of course going to be our weapons themselves after selecting our specialization we'll move down to the favorite attributes and for the first we'll be leaving it as strength now strength super super important for any character that is going to rely mainly on a melee weapon strength of course scales our raw damage output as well as increases our encumbrance which makes us nice and fast and Nimble and also increases our maximum fatigue pull allowing us to land more hits and not fail casting our spells as much because our current fatigue does plan to our spell casting formulas as well and speaking of spell casting we will be taking as our second favorite attribute willpower sticking to that balanced theme part physical part magical will be splitting our attributes strength and willpower once our attributes are locked in we can move on to our major skills the first of which I'll be taking As Long Blade great way to get a little additional reach since we'll most likely be wearing light or alternatively medium armor if that's more your style but there's also just a lot of amazing long blades in the game that support this playstyle thinking of things like chrisomir thinking of things like ice blade of the Monarch there are so many great Enchanted items that fit thematically with a spell sword style character for a second major skill we of course want an armor skill I will be taking light armor for my particular version of this build medium armor also totally viable but just in my own head spell swords are not like heavily armored Knights that throw a fireball every now and then there's something totally different after light armor we want to begin introducing that magical balance to our skills here and take destruction as a major skill this will play in nicely with that innate 10 point skill bonus that we do get from being a dark elf and something I'd do want to point out here with the destruction skill itself is that this is not just fireballs and lightning bolts and all that awesome fun stuff that we typically think of when we think of Destruction which is raw damage destruction is also all of our debuffs so things like weakness to Magicka weakness to Fire and those kind of debuffs again pair perfectly with the spell sword kind of theme of using magic to enable our physical fighting aspects after destruction we're going to be sticking to that idea of using magic to enable our adventuring and we will be taking alteration open abilities jump abilities levitate so on so forth and then finally here we'll be taking again a school that I mentioned earlier in the skill bonuses which is mysticism which is phenomenal mainly for the absorb spells again healing yourself dealing damage double whammy totally awesome gotta take it now with our Majors out of the way we're going to be moving into the miners and as I say in every how-to video please make make this character your own make this the character you want to play these here are simply my recommendations my take on this particular archetype but minor skills of Morrowind very very flexible that being said if you're going the traditional 50 50 route you can certainly take these as some inspiration so first I will be taking Alchemy drawing from the font of the end of Witcher in that classical DND you know potion chugging in the middle of a fight to get some crazy buff to beat the big bad gotta have that on this character Gotta Have Alchemy after that I'll be taking in chant again taking the physical buffing it with the magical perfect for a spell sword third here I'll be taking Athletics wanna remain Nimble and quick when we are in that light armor next I'll be taking illusion and this is actually for the sake of the theme and the role play not really for the things like chameleon and invisibility although they are incredibly powerful in Morrowind but if you're not trying to be a sneaky character illusion is still amazing to have on a spell sword because of the nice role play additions that come with it things like night eye things like light again enabling your adventuring with magical Buffs and magical abilities so illusion spells certainly something you want to have in your back pocket and then finally here I'll be taking restoration because we will inevitably get swarmed by patronox and golden Saints or have a spell reflected on our face and will want to be able to heal so there you have it our custom class take on a spell sword and now let's move on to selecting our birth sign now for me personally there's only one Clear Choice here for a spell sword style character and that is going to be the Atronach and it may not be immediately clear why but allow me to explain as we review our ability here so if we look down we can see that the astronaut grants the ability wound burn which is spell absorption for 50 points constant effect incredibly incredibly powerful effect honestly maybe even a little bit over tuned here as this just negates 50 of spells that hit you we also get a 2X boost to our maximum magical pool and then at the bottom here stunted Magicka which simply means we will not be able to regain Magicka naturally through rests so we will have to either absorb the spell through our innate spell absorption percentage that we do get or via using potions so how does this play into being a spell sword well I think not being able to completely rely on a refreshing magical pool does again kind of put the onus back on being that primary fighter that's buffed via the magic so we have the bigger magic of pool so we can cast pretty much all the spells that we want a couple times but when it comes down to the brass tacks you're gonna have to stand and you're gonna have to fight and be that true fantasy swordsman that we all see in our head or watch on the screen so I think not only is the Atronach a super super strong sign but also just thematically it is so perfect for this style of character now I do know there are plenty of Morrowind players out there who just do not jive with the stunted Magicka ability and that is totally totally okay so alternatively something that I would recommend as backups here if you're going for more of the spell part of spell sword I would recommend taking The Apprentice I think the Mage is just a little too underpowered and a 50 weakness to Magicka you can easily get around as again Elemental damage which is much more common than just pure Magica base damage is not affected by a weakness to Magicka it's only affected by weakness to that particular element so this is not actually as bad as it sounds on paper and I think the 1.5 x boost is certainly worth that trade-off now if you're trying to go for more of the sword route I can recommend that tried and true lover sign here with our fortify agility 25 points and then of course the lovers kiss which is an awesome paralyzed way to get yourself out of trouble now for the sake of the video I will be taking the astronaut and I will be showing you an easy way to get around this stunted Magicka maybe a little broken maybe not let's get into it so here we have we have it Gerald the dark elf spell sword born under the sign of the Atronach 50 to strength 50 to intelligence 40 to int will power agility endurance and luck so an incredibly incredibly balanced character and a wonderful way to start off this build so as always in a how-to video we're stealing the limeware we're throwing it on the ground we're backing up he caught us can't imagine that we're grabbing it again and we're off on our way running I've done this so many times it's honestly second nature I could probably do this blindfolded in my sleep I am the grand larcener of the census and excise office but what can I say it's too good the start just cannot be ignored as all marwin players know gold is the only thing keeping you from unlimited power much like real life and much like real life as well 500 smackers is not something to turn down or shake your finger at when you're trying to get up on your feet all right once we're done in the simple town of satanine let's go ahead and start making our way North because very close by is an item that will get the spell part of this build off to a incredible start and since spell comes before the sword well it only would make sense that we're doing this piece first right so basically all we've done here is head a little bit north out of town there is the road you've pretty much just turn left as soon as you start to see this hill appear and then we want to make our way down to the coast not to swim though because that does not sound very relaxing in vardenfell just getting slaughtered by slaughterfish no thank you could you imagine if real peaches were like that like just freaking slaughterfish in the water everywhere does the does the concept of a resort even exist in Bartonville I don't think it can that would be like if sharks were as common as minnows that just wouldn't work but anyways here we are at samaris ancestral tomb just outside satanine let me show you where we are on Ye Old map as you can see just outside of the town and now we've put on fire bite here as we have no weapons currently but we will get through just fine don't you worry so now let's head down into Samaras it's actually a very very small tomb there's only a couple rooms as you'll see here and probably a couple enemies so here we go nice ghosts boom one shot of fire bite there's that destruction skill paying off that willpower and here we got a base bone Walker you can see we just absorbed two of his spells the Atronach kicking in and look at that that is the power right there of the Atronach spell absorption we've only used six points of Magicka because we are of course absorbing the bone Walker spell the astronaut is is a very incredible sign but now what we're gonna do is quick save here because this trap can kill you so let's hit here oh like I said astronaut coming in clutch absorbing the Trap and we can open the urn labeled Lauren Brynn which I'll explain in another video but you can see right here we have the mentors ring value 8 000 in a constant effect fortify attribute intelligence 10 points and fortify attribute willpower 10 points so even though we've only been outside of character creation for three minutes maybe we've already greatly improved our spell casting chance there by boosting up the willpower and increased our magical pool by boosting up that intelligence so now that we have gotten the spell part covered at least for now let's go ahead headed back to satanine take the silstrider to balmora and we'll pick it up there worrying about the sword part of the build so now that we've made it to balmora again let's start worrying about that sword part and seeing as we took Long Blade well I think everybody knows where this is about to go this is just the tried and true classic start to any hybrid spellcaster go get yourself the mentors ring head to balmora come over here and grab yourself the incredible sword of white whoa which we will find in just one second so let's move into the guard Tower here head up the stairs look at this Arsenal that always catches me off guard I mean thank God warhammers that we know where the budget's going for the Barton fell taxpayer dollars that's for sure but let's go ahead Nestle up right here Crosshair on for a little better aiming and then a great trick to try and grab the sword of white wow is actually to watch your sneak indicator in the lower left hand corner so you can see right here I'm directly in front of that guard but I'm currently in his blind spot so let me move a little bit forward probably and then boom I am no longer in the blind spot let me move a little bit back boom in the blind spot because of this pillar and just the way that the clipping works so that right there that little indicator in the corner is the best way to tell whether you're in position or not to grab this sort of white well just make your life a lot easier when you're doing this start so now all we got to do angle it right here hop grab it boom there you go ladies and Gentlemen let's take a look here the sword of white whoa chopped 4-26-2-26 thrusts 2-26 weight of 24 value of 17 000 castron strikes drain health of one to ten points not a bad way to get our spell sword off and running with some great damage so now we have the spell casting covered we have the swords covered but the fun isn't done yet in balmora because again we took astronaut as a sign so we have to deal with the fact that we're not gonna have magic up and having a spell absorption of 50 is very very strong don't get me wrong but that still is a dice roll chance that we have to leave up to the gods out there right and we don't want to do that so what we want to do is come over here to the manor District in balmora and we want to go visit The Alchemist nalkaria as a fun fact about nalkaria is not only does she sell the second half of a restore Magica potion against frost salts Ajira sells comb berries but nalcaria is one of the most important Merchants for any astronaut player because let's click barter type in Magicka and you can see here that she sells exclusive restore magic of potions and ladies and gentlemen she is a restocking Merchant of exclusive restore magic of potions so let's buy this potion here click offer barter again Magicka and she has another one so there ladies and gentlemen you have as many Magica potions as you could potentially ever hope for and one of these puppies will take your Magica pool from 0 to 100 even if you're using the astronaut sign they are incredibly incredibly great at restoring Magicka you rarely rarely will need to use more than one unless you're late game and just have a ridiculous magical pool or you've used a lot of fortify potions or something like that but boom with a little bit of game knowledge all of a sudden the astronaut not so bad you just need to have a couple hundred gold on you and we know that with Morrowind that gold comes very very easily now next up for it starting here with armor what I will recommend is that you come and visit our little fargoth clone here meldor speak to him because meldor actually sells complete sets of starter light and medium armor so if you've taken either of those skills both of which I highly recommend for this kind of character if you don't want to do some crazy game breaking Strat there is a literal full set of armor waiting for you right here so let's go ahead and fill ourselves up with our chitin items here so there we are 189 gold for an entire set of starter light armor and something else that I would like to point out simply because a lot of players often forget this is that when you take light or medium armor you're not really sacrificing as much armor rating as you think you are because armor rating in marwin is based off of the combination of the items based armor rating and your skill so the armor rating you actually see here when you are hovering over an item see this bone mold boots with an armor rating of five is already computed with your skill level in mind so you might be thinking oh light armor super weak we're gonna be terrible blah blah blah that's wrong because let's hover right over here and you can see Iron boots armor rating of three so again just just a friendly reminder here that there are so many viable builds in Morrowind because Morrowind takes into account your skills so so very much versus the items themselves so even though chitin armor here is one of the lowest light armor tiers because I am focusing on light armor I have a character that is specked to use it it is incredibly viable and I gotta say it looks pretty freaking awesome pretty outlandish stuff all right now next up now that we've had our class on Armor and how to look like an absolute boss here got an awesome sword awesome Enchanted item to prop up our spell casting ability now let's worry about the actual spells themselves so first off I'm going to immediately join the Mages Guild yeah sure Mage is oath uh-huh yeah it's like the terms of service right no one reads those things now before we go on that spell shopping spree that we all know is coming I'm actually gonna cheese a little bit here because we need some money and you know how how to's are they're all about getting things done very very fast so I'm going to do a little bit of an exploit here and I'm essentially just going to rest until we get a dark brotherhood member to spawn and okay there he is that was pretty quick okay so here he is dark brotherhood let's go ahead take him out here with the sort of white woe it will do more damage than my fire bite they are dark elves so they are resistant to fire oh come on one more one more oh that was that was a terrible impression okay there we go though now let's uh you know strip his corpse and let's just get rid of the body I don't want to upset the fine people here in the Mages Guild uh they they well she probably doesn't care I actually actually probably did that dark elf a favor by disposing the body don't want to leave it around that orc no no no she's into the necromantic Arts let's just say that but after killing the Dark Brotherhood there let's go to Caldera and once we are in Caldera let's go ahead and visit our oh buddy old pal the creeper over here and ditch this armor because it is an incredible way to get your finances off to a running start let me tell you that so boom there you have it 3113 gold so we'll take that and the beautiful thing about having tribunal installed is that you can just keep doing that as many times as you want as much money as you want you can rest spawn a dark brotherhood kill him take his armor sell to the creeper rest spawn Dark Brotherhood kill him take his armor go to the creeper it's actually a super busted Strat but hey that's that's what these videos are about right teaching you a little something showing you a little mechanics but also you know peeling back to the veil and showing you just how busted this game can get but now what we're going to do is first head to sandrath Mora now that we have joined the Mages Guild and our pockets are overflowing with gold so let's head to sad with more and let the spell shopping spree begin because there are a lot of spells that we want as a spell sword in order to again enable all of our adventuring through magical means what this class is entirely about so first we're going to start by talking to Arielle here go to spells and we are immediately going to start by picking up night eye awesome for role playing awesome to just have Arya also sells open here so let's grab open let's grab paralysis incredible for enchanted weapons once you start making those let's also grab soul trap to buff our enchanting later and finally wild levitate which is an awesome levitate spell to start the game off with now if you're the kind of spill sword that wants Conjuring I know I didn't take it simply because it's not in my interpretation of a spell sword I will point out that ulani here sells some awesome awesome conjuration spells to start as you can see we have Frost Atronach here greater bone Walker the pain of all pain the only perk here being that you know you'll be inflicting it on others instead of taking it yourself if your spell Sword version has conjuration go talk to Laney right at the start but once we're done with the Mages Guild let's actually head one floor down to the Imperial Shrine and again bringing around that spell I mentioned earlier in the school of mysticism in general we want to speak to onus here go to spells and then grab potentially the best starter spell in the game which is absorb health and if you look at the stats here I mean this is an out of the box spell this is not custom they put this in here right at the start but you can see it as a cast cost of 11 super cheap and absorbs health 5 to 52 points for one second on touch if you roll Max damage you deal and heal for 52 points what were they thinking okay let's grab that and then while you're here you'll also want to grab divine intervention and then if you don't have a restoration spell already maybe you picked up Hearth heal from arlas if not go ahead get Mother's kiss and finally spell absorption getting ready for future enchantments because we did take Atronach in the ultimate goal is not to rely on those magic of potions although you certainly can for the rest of the game but to eventually create enchantments that give us a constant effect fifty percent spell absorption to pair with our innate 50 spell absorption then giving us 100 spell absorption making us not only immune to spells but also keeping our Magicka incredibly full and then a fun thing about that just going off the spell absorption skill there is an exploit where if you do hit that Gap where you get to having 100 spell absorption you can simply get the kind hydration spell summon an ancestral ghost summon it punch it once or twice and then it will sit there casting spells on you and you simply just absorb all of your summon spells and then now you don't even have to worry about having any restore magic of potions ever so spell absorption can get really busted really really easily but with that being said let's go ahead head back to balmora and then the final person we want to talk to is Marine dren because he sells our weakness spells here and if you want to make your sword of white woe even more effective what you can do again sticking to this hybrid Caster idea physical damage enabled by the Spells is to stack weakness effects based on the elements that you're using so we're using the sword of white woe which deals magic of damage so we want to buy a weakness to Magic a spell as it will make our sword hit that much harder and this goes for any weapon that you have in the game if you end up getting you know ice blade of the Monarch or gold brand you want to start your fights by casting a targeted weakness effect as you close in on your Target and then pulling out your Enchanted weapon to punch through the hole that you just made in your opponent's defenses and now after Marion let's wrap up our oh lady come on hey I'm recording a video all right geez no one respects my work in this universe what's it take for a man to get some credit around here I mean come on Outland but getting back to it again to wrap up our almost all-encompassing spell list here for effects that we want to start with let's polish off the list by heading to the balmora temple and grabbing just a couple more spells here ones that folks are are very very familiar with so once you're inside let's head down the stairs here and then we'll want to speak to each person over here Latino go to spells and then you'll want to buy on CV intervention as well as recall which I seem to have run out of money but this is where you get it for the purpose of the guide I'll go ahead grab I'll see V there's her call and then just over here on the other side of the room you can see that we have Mark so if you follow that shopping spree and manage your money maybe 100 gold better than I did you will have pretty much every spell that you need to get off to an incredible start here so now that we've handled our armor buffed our spell casting ability we have an incredible weapon to start with so how are we gonna end today's video well that would be with an incredible artifact and one that's definitely additive to the spell sword build but also will show a really cool hidden mechanic for Marlin that I don't think a lot of people know about so let's start making our way over to the silt Strider to vivec and then to malagmar now once we've arrived in milagmar we want to head Southwest out of town and actually to this island here as there is a very fun artifact that I think not a lot of people know about waiting for us and although our build is already awesome you can't end a how-to video from me with without a cool centerpiece artifact so back on the road I say more Adventure if you're not doing it for anyone do it for geralt our namesake he likes adventuring and killing stuff and you know we haven't done any of that yet so we gotta get some blood on the blades oh and here it starts as soon as I mention it now we can bring our Witcher training out to the Forefront slaying monsters Gerald The Witcher proving himself oh back off Heathen I'll be in karamorin in no time uh that objectively a horrible place that is uh super drafty and disgusting and way past its prime but hey if you're playing marwin well we all are too so we can't uh we can't say too much I guess so I just put on our absorb health because I do want to show how freaking ridiculous this spell is to have here at level one so let's go over to this Cliff racer I know approaching a cliff racer willingly crazy but for the sake of the demo let's let's show this spell so you can see we're hurting we're feeling it touch the clip Tracer boom we're at full health it's almost dead and it costs like no Magicka it's ridiculous so there we are Boom full health it's a ridiculous spell to have it it really is honestly off camera when I was testing this build I killed the entire balmores Mages Guild alone using just absorb health and I think one exclusive restore magika potion That's How Strong this thing is because even if it's reflected back onto you you don't take any damage because you're draining your health to restore your health so you just Net Zero so it kills them it's cheap it can't hurt you and it's honestly just one of the best spells in the game boom case in point one shot the slaughterfish back to full health it's it's busted people what can I say all right so there our island is Dead Ahead getting nice and close here that's honestly not that bad of a walk out of malagmar you just got a island hop effectively or you know use levitate or or water walking so you don't have to deal with all the slaughterfish to get down here so now let's hop on land and give our spell sword a final test here at the dungeons of isher badon let's grab a rest just to get our fatigue back and then let's hop inside and hope for the best so let's enter in I am going to do a bit of absorb Health to start just because this guy hurts and if he hits us we're gonna need to heal through it which we did just there look we actually are taking no Health damage and there you go just shows you how absorb Health can make you punch way above your weight class if we had just been fighting him straight up at level one he would have annihilated us but the combination of the astronaut with the heels is allowing us to tank through all right so let's move deeper and draymore Lord okay so uh again buffing ourselves with magical abilities to do physical fighting so let's start before we do anything popping our ancestor Guardian ability that we get from being a dark elf Sanctuary gonna make it harder for us to get hit next dire weakness to Magicka let's start the fight with this open the door again for our other magic damage all right this is a targeted spell so I should be able to shoot it at him oh he reflected it okay that's bad all right let's get our health pool back starting with absorb do some damage all right helps back up helds back down helps back up so a bell is so good all right here we go we're getting some shots in getting some shots in it's absorb again he's almost dead that Sanctuary is paying dividends look at that damage that we're doing with the sword of white woe weakness to Magicka paying off and boom just like that level one if you start stacking those magical effects on your character your physical fighting ability just immediately goes through the Woof it is absolutely awesome but let's search the Dremora here just a Dwarven Claymore still sells pretty good so we'll take that and then let's pop a look in the ancient chest here grab the old key some gold and then add just a couple normal potions here nothing too exciting and then let's direct our attention over here as we need to continue deeper into the dungeon so let's pop that restore magical potion that we brought in use the rising Force potion that we got out of the chest so that we preserve our Magicka and then okay another Frost astronaut so I'm gonna do the same thing I did before and set ourselves up with our absorb health because we just need to get through the damage that this guy's gonna put out because at level one we're just we just don't really stand a straight up chance fighting him but our astronaut is putting in a ton of work and boom like that got through him let's keep moving in here get our sword out here's a lock level 35 and trapped so let's grab our open spell cast that there we go sweet okay this birth sign it's a little overtoned maybe not you be the judge of that all right so what we want to do is drag the astronaut out so we want them to waste their Magicka so come on buddy come on Follow the Leader right because we basically just don't want to fight them and the other Enemy at the same time and we can just wait out his spell cast he should be getting low here yep there we go all right it's putting on the shield make this a more personal Affair but we'll just use the same Strat that we did with the frost astronaut and that is just heal through their damage come on one more hit one more hit okay there we go astronaut down all right let's reposition here all right now let's get more spell absorption on oh we failed okay I don't want to get too low all right let's let her miss that all right now it's just a straight up fight and then ladies and gentlemen this right here this is why we take Long Blade Athletics light armor because if we hold our movement right we can just juggle her and she can't fire back and this is why we do what we do this is why I harp on things like this getting a little low let's absorb look at that and then we're done ladies and gentlemen there you have it this is why being a spell sword a hybrid spell Caster is so freaking op and so freaking fun there's so many combinations of spells and effects that you can combine and you can make any situation summitable but let's see why we came down here and that is because vendamia drathan here has an artifact known as the warlocks ring value 22 000 in a cast when usability reflect 10 to 20 percent for 30 seconds on self and fortify attribute speed 10 to 20 points for 30 seconds on self both of which support two of the ideals that this build has been following since the beginning guarding ourselves from spells and staying Nimble and quick and boy how we saw those two things were incredibly important in that fight right there so another awesome thing to tack on to our Nimble light spell casting fighter but the thing I wanted to talk about in the mechanic I wanted to bring up here is a warlock's ring has a reflect ability on it and our birth sign gave us a spell absorption ability so how do these two things play in well when you have a reflect effect and a spell absorption effect on at the same time that essentially means you have two chances to either absorb or reflect the spell and whichever chance comes first is based on the effect that you had active first so because we always will have this constant effect on and have had it on since we created our character we will first have a 50 chance to absorb any spell that hits us if we use our warlocks ring or a different reflect ability we then get another 20 chance to try and save ourselves from the spell and if this dungeon did not prove how important it is to have either spell absorption or reflect abilities on then I I don't know how to illustrate it any better to you but ladies and gentlemen there it is that is our spell sword build at least my own personal take on it and I know just based on the nature of something like spellsword it's not as archetypical as a warrior and means something different to everybody else so share your personal favorite build choices here on the spell sword in the comments below thank you so much for watching and go try this build out for yourself I'll catch you on the next one
Channel: CoffeeNutGaming
Views: 99,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morrowind, morrowind build, morrowind guide, morrowinhd mage guide, morrowind spellsword guide, coffeenutgaming, elder scrolls, morrowind playthrough, builds, warlocks ring, morrowind spells, morrowind mechanics
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 5sec (2405 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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