How to Battlemage - Morrowind Build and Start Guide

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so let's just keep throwing the bone walkers at him come on oh they are living way longer he is he is hurting gor is now wet noodling our freaking bone Walkers they're actually timing out now he's not even killing them ladies and gentlemen every marwin player knows that 95% of a builds power comes from the name and JBS heard a lot of them from us things that are themed things that are punny things that are just outright outrageous and dumb and well today is no exception because when we're talking about making our battle mage character we need something that equally invests Us in the build when thinking about a heavily armored sorcerer someone who's going to lead a massive military force of conjured enemies into battle along with them blocking things with a shield and shooting lightning bolts out of their fairy fingertips well that sure sounds a lot like panakin and no I'm not talking about that failed Jedi beat chater over there okay no one cares about that guy that's old news no this is referring to the most most powerful most heavily armored space sorcerer in the Galaxy this is the true name of Dark Helmet Master of the Schwarz an Intergalactic Terror and by the time you're done with this build well your Schwarz will be as big as mine now when we're talking about a heavily armored Magicka user or a battle mage character well there are two standout choices that I want to talk to now the first one everybody probably saw coming and is actually the first time I've recommended this as the main class for a build so got a fresh grind over here at Cafe nut gaming and ladies and gentlemen I am talking about the Breton oh yes the butt of every joke about Elder Scrolls races but not today because today the Breton is truly in their element and let's talk about why by first looking at their skill bonuses you can see the Breton has a plus five to Alchemy plus five to alteration plus 10 to conjuration perfect for a battle mage character starting out with all those summons that we're going to want to have we have a plus five to illusion tend to mysticism and tend to Restoration so all around an incredible Maga user just from their skill bonuses alone but that's not all let's go ahead and move down to their specials and take a look at their Magicka bonus and you can see fortify maximum Magicka 5x their intelligence so much like the high elf we do have an innate boost to our magical pool here as a Breton additionally playing into that more heavily armored tank style you can see they have a 50% resist to Magicka so not only will we be shielded from swords and clubs and Spears with our heavy plate armor but also from spells with the innate magic that bristles under a Breton skin I I don't know how they get this but hey will certainly take it and moving down you see they also have dragon skin which is a shield 50 points for 60 seconds on self a nice way to boost our Armor class by 50 points kind of get us out of those tight situations when somebody's gotten up in our Grill and we're all out of Magicka now another thing that makes Breton incredible for Battle Mages is that they start with a 40 to strength if you pick a male Breton as well as a 50 to endurance and 50 to willpower so not only will you be dealing some damage with your melee weapons here at the start you'll also have a very high spellcast chance and a high magial pool so all around if you're making a battle mage kind of conjuration style character Britain's really a no-brainer definitely to stand out here but if you are someone who wants to lean a little bit more on the battle and a little less on the Mage the second race that I can recommend for this is actually another one that we don't talk a ton about on this channel and that is going to be the orc so as you can see the orc on their skill bonuses we have a 10 to armor five to Axe 10 to block 10 to Heavy Armor again leaning more into that bad battle versus the Mage side of this build but much like the Breton you see here we do have a resist Magicka of 25% along with a berserk ability which is going to fortify our health 20 points for 60 seconds our fatigue 200 points for 60 seconds our Attack 100 points for 60 seconds very cool ability and closing out with a drain attribute agility of 100 points this is honestly kind of like a baby Adrenaline Rush here the only drawback the only thing that makes Adrenaline Rush a little bit better is that because Adrenaline Rush boosts attributes hard attributes it has a couple other externalities outside of just increasing your hit chance and doesn't burn your agility down to zero which is going to make you very prone to being knocked over in combat but all in all not too bad and the thing that makes the orc an obvious choice over something like the red guard for this kind of build is that under the hood our orc has a 50 willpower at the start along with 45 strength for both sexes so the orc not something you would typically think of when thinking of a spellcasting character but when you have a 50 willpower to start the game that's really going to raise your spell success chance and is actually going to put them into a great position to be a battle mage character now with that being said for the sake of this video I am going to select our Breton character I'm going to get rid of the classic frier tuck haircut I'm going to move this over clear it off like the field of battle cutting it clean like an enemy's neck because well we're doing a battle mage here and then I will click okay and we'll move into our custom class creation now before we break down my version of the maroin battle mage this is another one of those instances where the morrowwind class that comes built in with the game is actually a great option so if you're just trying to go straight into the game you just want to click the name battle mage and be Off to the Races feel free to go ahead and do that I think it's set up pretty nicely but I am going to do something a little bit different here something that is going to align with the video so without further Ado let's go ahead and hop into it and the first thing we're going to do here is Select our specialization as magic of course as you can see here going to get an innate boost to all of our magical abilities here with some of the important things for this build going to be destruction conjuration enchant Etc after selecting our specialization the next thing we're going to do is actually leave our favorite attribute as strength again we're going battle mage so we got to be good at the Battle and we got to be good at being a mage and the thing that's going to make us the best battler is going to be having that high strength dealing a lot of melee damage and having a really big Health pool now I will switch out our second favorite attribute from agility to intelligence because as you can see here the intelligence is going to termine our maximum amount of Maga now moving on to our major skills for our first major skill I am going to to pick destruction so destruction pretty self-explanatory here this is going to be all of our drain and damage spell effects as well as our Elemental damages that we all know and love things like fire shock poison all that good stuff comes out of the destruction tree and we're going to want to sling some spells as much as we want to cleave people in Twain so of course taking destruction here second I am going to take blunt weapon now this is going to be our main weapon skill why I I don't really know I guess for some reason I just associate Battle Mages with having like maces and and warhammers and stuff I guess it's because a battle mage and a paladin are like really close together and paladins usually have warhammers and blunt weapons and all that fun stuff to you know crush the skulls of Heretics as one obviously does I mean come on but also we will be getting a great blunt weapon a little bit later on here in the playthrough so of course fitting the build to the build after blunt weapon I'm I will be taking heavy armor of course sticking with the battle mage theme and also this is going to be very very helpful because heavy armor speaking dri specifically is going to have the highest amount of Enchantment points so that in the late game we can stick a bunch of summon spells on all of our armor pieces and not have to burn our Magicka when summoning our armies and speaking of summoning our armies well after heavy armor I will be taking conjuration here pretty straightforward and finally I will be taking mysticism because we are going to want to use drain Health to restore ourselves because I'm a freaking heavily armored battle mage I'm not worried about carrying around restoration magic now that's for those pansy Wizards that like to sit up in their towers you know fly around on broomsticks and and shoot down no I want to get blood on my face and physically harm someone with my healing and that is only possible with the spell absorb health and of course all the other absorb spells are great too so totally on theme and very practical for this build now moving on from our major skills to our minor skills as I say in every how-to video marwin is incredibly flexible so make this character your own pick whatever minor skills you want that you will see yourself using this is simply my recommendation my take on a battle mage style character with our disclaimers out of the way for the first skill I am going to take block after block I will be taking enchant for a lot of the reasons I've already said here in the video next I'll be taking axe as a solid backup weapon from the blunt weapon next I'll be taking alteration and finally to close out the build I will be taking Athletics so there you go a final look here at our major and minor skills for our battle mage character and now we'll move on to our birth sign selection now for our birth sign there is one clear standout choice and that is going to be the Atronach now the Atronach of course gives us the ability womb burn which is a spell absorption 50 points an effect fortify Magicka two times right off the bat again pairing that with being a Bret and having a ridiculously high intelligence at the beginning of the game just going to give you a massive magic a pool you will not be limited by your spell points early or late in the game with this particular birth sign now finally here it does give us that stunted Magicka effect which means you will not regenerate Maga innately by resting you will have to carry around some Magicka potions to keep topped up or absorb spells from other spellcasters or something like your ancestral ghost summon which is actually a great workaround for this character because you are going to have that spell anyways so whenever you find yourself low on Magicka and you're playing this build just remember summon that ancestral ghost make sure to absorb some of their spells boost up that magika pool and you'll be back on the road in no time now if you don't go the atronox route what I would recommend is probably the Mage route which is another fortify maximum a Maga sign but unlike The Apprentice it does not have a weakness to Magicka on top of it so this does keep you nice and tanky and does improve your magika pool so kind of sticks to both sides of the build and just why I would personally take it over the Prentice I'm a flavor guy I like to build my characters with a theme that I then roleplay and stick to which is incredibly obvious if you ever watch any of my let's play series uh you can check out the second Channel if that's something you're interested in link will be down below in the description but I don't know I love making new characters that make me play in fresh new ways and that way today is going to be an atronox battle mage so let's click okay and take a look at what we've ended up with so here we have panakin a Britain battle mage Bor under the sign of the Atronach we're going to have a starting health of 40 points a magic AOL of 210 right off the bat with a strength of 50 an intelligence of 60 and a willpower of 50 and I hope seeing that gets you as excited about this build as I am which if you saw the play test of this over on Twitch well then you know that I I'm a big fan of this build and we're about to go get some items that will make it plainly clear why this is such a rewarding play style let's get into Varden Feld oh hello celis gravius it's so good to see you again don't mind my Breton Heritage here I know that's not something he typically sees from me but we'll make an exception for how to battle mage I I do enjoy this build a lot now as we make our way over to a Real's trade housee we did give the ring to fargoth to boost the old disposition over here we'll also rest to get our fatigue up as well and then we'll go ahead and barter like I said we'll sell everything to him because money is very important whenever you're making a mage character that has to buy a lot of spells in the early game but we won't just be selling to a real we'll also be buying so let me grab one Iron Warhammer and then we will also grab a steel left pauldron as well as steel Greaves to give us some early heavy armor and we will be completing the set here in just a minute to get our our Berserker off to a good start so let me go ahead and offer let's slip on the new Duds and you can see here we're already off to a pretty RI roaring start all right we got we got fraking Jason STM here ready to kick some ass with the Iron Warhammer and his I don't M mismatched armor but like I just alluded to we're going to need some armor here to get started off get that heavy armor bumping that armor class up in the air so first we're going to travel to VC and then once we are in VC we're actually going to make our way down to the boat over here I know we're not going to balur first this this the sacrilege on the channel you better watch this video quick cuz it's coming down in 24 hours my my balur overlords are going to I'm going to be banned all right I'm going to be banned but just stick with me here I know it's culture shock but I promise it'll be be worth it so let's hop down to the dock we'll talk to ano and darham and then we'll hit travel and head over to halad now once we are in the booming Metropolis of halad I mean look at this the Pinnacle of progress the star of the swamps but with that being said we're actually going to head over to one of the ramshackle Huts here at the back of the city uh that is City whoa let me don't it back here town the town of alad and that Shack is going to be fat legs drop off which is as good as the name sounds now if you've never been in fat legs well walk inside go ahead turn over here to the left and you'll notice a hatch beckoning you into what could only be something totally legal right wrong this is a Smuggler Hideout right this is somewhere where the Kong is trying to do some dirty business and it's also some of the only relevant Merchants that are actually in Hala OD so if you ever find yourself stuck here come to fat legs and then you know talk to some of the people around here cuz they they actually do have some decent trade goods but we're not interested in them we are interested in What Lies Beneath the river here so let's go ahead go for a swim see if we get any slaughterfish is is Todd gracing us today what is this no slaughterfish who okay the game the game is excited about the build today too I guess it's it's granting us its Mercy I I guess with the the Miracles of the Elder Scrolls aside let's hop over and start investigating these crates because believe it or not if you're stealing from the Smugglers the law doesn't really care so let's open the crate and inside you will find steel armor ripe for the taking so let's go ahead throw on both our gauntlets here and look at that we even get a tower Shield to go with that minor skill of block that we picked up that's going to be awesome well we hop over to the second crate and boom the rest of the armor set and then some not a bad way to start off here at level one an entire set of steel armor with just a couple buys from a real I'll take that every time so let's go ahead throw on the boots throw on the curus throw in the helmet get the final pauldron on and then like I said just like that ladies and gentlemen we are already kidded out battle mage ready to freaking Rock and then we even have a third crate over here which has nothing in it but we did get the armor so and once you're finished looting the looters over at fat legs drop off you know polishing off the freaking Myrtle Beach Restaurant of laad well come back over here speak to balen and we'll be going over to the Mages Guild in VC to start buying some of our spells now that we've arrived at vix 4 and quarter Plaza well let's go ahead like I mentioned pop inside and then we're going to want to dive into the Mages Guild over here and we're going to want to do two things now the first is join the Mages Guild so let me do that real quick yes sure Charters yeah Charters it sounds great and then after that we are going to want to come down here and do a dark brotherhood exploit like we all know and love so let me hop into this bed over here do some sleeping real quick because we are going to need as much money as we can get to buy all the spells that we need to as is tradition when doing a mage character how to video oh here we go let's go ahead start showing them what we're made of you know what let's be flavorful let's get the ghost in the mix here we are a conjurer after all let's start it going boom boom and oh my look at that damage look at that that is the freaking 50 strength with the Iron Warhammer oh my God a two-hit kill good job bonesy good freaking work okay let's let's grab all of his items here throw that in our inventory and you know what I'm actually going to do it a second time just to be safe because again spells are very expensive here at the beginning of the game like I said earlier all this gold really does matter oh and here we go round two let's get our freaking hits down one two oh we got a three shot him this time come on oh but two felt so good okay we'll take it but here we go we're loading up and again you don't have to do this you know exploit at level one you can't just wait till a little bit later in your normal playthrough style but we got to keep the videos nice and to the point here so we're going to keep moving and now that we have all of our armor that we'll be selling in just a second here the second thing we want to do while we're in Vic is actually come over here open the wooden door and then see good old elf friend Siran and believe it or not Siran I'm I'm actually not here for Elton Brand This Time shocking I know believe it or not she is a spell Merchant does anyone ever use her that way well you let me know in that down in the comments I I freaking only ever come here for Elton Brad but like I said we'll open the Spells and hop down to unu's open door because shortly we will be turning this into a 100 Point open spell that we'll be using to get an incredible item right at the start of the game that's perfect for this build now one thing I forgot to mention before we get too carried away is we actually do want to loot the Mages Guild Supply chest over here grabbing our Maga potions are fortify willpower potions and the Scrolls of course because these will become very important as well and be sure to grab the ones in sadrith MAA as well because these are crucial a little bit later on okay so here we are we have a full set of armor we have an incredible character build under our freaking arms and now we're going to go over to Caldera and solve that money problem now that we have a bunch of dark brotherhood pieces in our back pocket so let's head down here and on this bright beautiful sunny day we're going to make our way over to gorak Manor to see all bar yeah that freaking rap scallion surprised clavicus vial let him off the leash you know he's quite the Troublemaker always gets always gets caught up in a lot of Mischief but you know maybe that's why clavicus keeps him around I don't know but here we are we're going to open the B to menu and then we're going to throw all that dark brotherhood armor that we just got right at his face so there's 4,800 gold click offer we'll go ahead rest 24 hours for him to get that gold back and we will then sell all this armor again even getting rid of some of that steel armor we had still lying around and as you can see that's another 3500 gold in our pocket so we are very well set up for a little spell shopping spree here in just a mon moment which is absolutely fantastic because like I mentioned all these summoning abilities they are pretty expensive not only to buy but also in Magicka value so I know we took enchantment at the beginning of this video as a minor skill that is going to be something you're certainly going to want to leverage as this character grows the ideal solution the end game for this battle mage character is going to be having all your summons on Enchanted items so that you're not destroying your magika pool and can instead use those for spells once your people are out and about fighting with you but with that out of the way now we are going to speak to Amelia and Amelia is going to take us over to Sandra MAA where we are going to start amassing those conjuration spells like I mentioned once we've arrived in Sandra Mora let's go over to the back and speak to our good friend elany haeran and we'll open her barter menu here and we are going to scroll down to what is easily the best early game summon spell summon greater bone Walker oh yes you too can share the misery of getting stunted by a greater bone Walker stuck in place by that that devil of the undead with all of your enemies so let's go ahead add that to the inventory and then we also have the first of our atronox spells here which is going to be summon Frost atronox and if you're feeling really spicy you know go ahead and add a summon skeletal minion into the mix as well because should mention about conjuration now that we're in the Spells portion of the video that you can only have one effect of the same type on one spell so if I'm going to make a Conjuration Spell that's going to summon multiple creatures well I have to have unique effects for each so for example a summon Frost atono summon greater bone Walker and summon skeletal minion is a spell that can be made and that works but what I can't do is throw multiple summon greater bone Walkers onto the same spell instead I will have to make the same spell with different names or put it on different items such as different pieces of my enchanted armor or weapons in order to get multiple of those same mobs out so if I want multiple greater bone Walkers I'm going to have to make someone greater bone Walker one someone greater bone Walker 2 and someone greater bone Walker three and cast all of them in succession to get three greater bone walkers at the same time now the second thing that we're going to grab while we're here in Wolverine Hall like I mentioned earlier in the video we're not interested in restoration magic okay we're Battle Mages we're battling we're not here to heal ourselves okay if we're healing we're stealing the life force from others so we're going to come down to the Imperial Shrine and speak to anas Atrius and then we are going to be grabbing our absorb Health spell of course absorb Health one of the strongest spells in the game it does damage it heals us and it can't be reflected perfect for a battlle mage character so what we're going to do is now head back into the town because there's another awesome conjuration seller just a little bit inside of sadrith MAA and as we walk let's talk about conjuration and some of the major mistakes that you can avoid when you are using this ability now the first major mistake that you will want to avoid is actually building your conjuration composition the wrong way now what do I mean mean by that conjuration com this isn't League of Legends this isn't a MOA you know come on coffee you're over optimizing that's probably what you're thinking but actually there's some pretty big mistakes that you can avoid now the first thing is going to be being conscious of the pairs of summons that you put together what do I mean by this well the first thing is pretty much all Undead and maroin are weak to fire so you don't want to spell make a spell that puts skeletons for example with a flame flame astronaut because when the flame astronaut casts its spells it is of course an On Target flame spell it will explode and it will kill all your skeletons and essentially just waste all the Magicka you've just spent so avoiding weaknesses so that you're not just burning Maga is actually something that you do want to keep an eye on when you're summoning multiple people at the same time now the other thing you know not just avoiding weaknesses but actually think about some synergies that you can have instead of summoning skeletons with fire atronox put them with a frost atronox because they're actually immune or put a bone Walker with a daydr because a bone Walker is going to be able to have an innate resistance against its shock and poison damage now this isn't something super critical it won't break your time and marwin but again it will just waste all your Magicka and since we took the atrona well we care about our Magicka we don't just want to be burning all our Potions all day and it's just it's not fun to see everything blow up and you're like why did they die so easily but with those tips out of the way now here we are at our second destination in sandri Mora which is artiso Fon our sorcerer so let's go ahead open it up and speak to ortis now what we're going to want to do with oriso is actually polish off some of our remaining conjuration skills so let's hit spells and if you want to again we did take axe as one of our minor skills so we can pick up the bound battle axe here to help with leveling that and then let's go ahead scroll down and you'll see that artiso has the remaining atronox we picked up the frost and Wolverine Hall but here you see we can get our flame and our storm atronox and before I click on this look at the price on this guy I mean 1,283 gold ladies and gentlemen that is that's why we needed to do the Dark Brotherhood exploit at the beginning summon spells are ridiculously expensive and I get it it's because they're very strong but wow 1,200 that's that's a lot of freaking change you're going to be spending even more if you want to grab a CL land fear and a bone Lord as well which again I would recommend because if you're trying to stack summons into one spell you need a lot of options because you can't double up you can't have multiple bone walkers in one spell multiple atronox of the same type in one spell Etc but with those spells in our inventory you know you could come here and spell make and do like I said kind of your compositions like I mentioned before trying to pair around Elemental weaknesses just so you're not burning all your Magicka up summoning flame atronox to kill all your freaking skeletons but I'm actually not going to do that right now we're going to keep the video moving and ladies and gentlemen now we are entering the portion that we all know and love from our how-to series when things go from zero to freaking 100 so if you're a new player don't want to see the endgame loot go ahead click off now but if not well there was your warning and let's get crazy now the first thing about getting crazy with this while we actually head back into Wolverine Hall is not someone we will be seeing in this video but something thing that you should definitely know about as you play your battle mage character beyond the end of this howto guide and that is going to be the enchanter Felon Marian now felon Marian is a spell Merchant that lives in the upper Tower of Tel bran Nora and he definitely deserves a shout out because he is the only Merchant in the entire game that sells summon winged Twilight and summon golden Sate spells so if you're interested in the you know idiocy of max level enchanting having repeatable golden Saints to Soul Trap and throw into Super overpowered items well then felon is going to be your best friend he'll he'll get you fing sped up and Off to the Races with those suckers right there now the second thing that we're going to want to do is to head out to tell fear and to those of you who maybe newer well Tere is all the way over here and there's no fast travel way to get there no no easy way to do it so with the magic of editing I will catch up with you there shortly oh my God leave me alone no oh we're so close we're so close leave me alone no just just get on the beach just get on the beach oh there's two of them oh go go go okay okay we made it all right we made it I love this game I can't stand slaughterfish can't stand it but now that we're here at T fear well well we're going to pop inside and we're finally going to make use of that open spell that we made back in the vent now we didn't get a levitation spell yet so the first thing we're actually going to want to do is uh we're actually going to want to go let's go ahead and get up in the upper chambers and then we're going to want to steal the rising Force potion that is sitting right over here let's go ahead and get that in the pockets oh and look at that I didn't even put two and two together we also have a potion of invisibility uh I I guess this is probably to help with the corprusarium or to get away from stealing although they don't really care if you steal all right with the rising Force potion on let's go ahead fly on up to the top level and then we're going to want to turn and go over to Mr d himself who is brooding over here as powerful Wizards do you know I will say as a battle mage I I respect the hustle I like that this guy's in heavy armor you know we're practically kin aren't we what we going to do next now is pop our standard fortify willpower potions and after popping all 10 we still only have a well a 29% chance to go after it so maybe you know maybe pop a quick save before this one but certainly doable and then we're going to pop this sucker open come on now oh there we go second try look at that and then we will hopefully absorb this trap yes look at that okay okay VCA is VCA is on our side today look at that double look and on top of that we get an incredible item to pair with our wonderful armor so let's open up the chest and you will see here scorge with a chop 10 to 35 slash 10 to 35 thrust 6 to 8 a weight of 30 and a value of 80,000 gold with a cast when used summon drora for 30 seconds on self and a summon Scamp for 30 seconds on self perfectly fitting the build The Conjurer play Style again it gives us two unique summons so we can have you know two people already out before even casting any of our own spells totally conserving our Magicka and just being an allaround badass weapon so let's take a look at this item here and there you go I mean come on how much how much more sick does it get than that look at that Dev fear he he knows how to make them right he knows how to order them that is a nasty looking mace right there nasty so now that we have our armor our weapon and our spells handled we are incredibly well set up to be a fantastic battle mage character but you know how it is on this channel with these HTO videos we don't just stop at 100 we go ahead and crank everything up to 110 and then show you exactly how broken things can be so for this final item we'll actually be heading to blood moon and grabbing something absolutely insane that we showed recently here on the channel so with that being said I'm going to go ahead grab my divine intervention spell pop it and we'll catch up in just a moment and once we're back in sadra tomorrow we are going to want to pop back into the Mages Guild and the best way to get over to blood moon is going to be talking to enel we're going to want to travel to aldun and then once we are in aldun we are going to want to take the silt Strider from here over to cool now once we are in cool we are going to want to head down to the docks and once we are on the docks we're going to want to talk to the old kajit seir over here and have him take us over to blood moon so we can get our final absurdly powerful item and then show you what all of this has been building towards I promise it's worth it ah another beautiful day out here in Fort frosta the wind is blowing the sun is shining and the Dead uh walk the earth because you know I don't know the dagers they they don't want to stay in their graves they're they're freaking dead Nords they're too rambunctious all right you can't you can't keep a good Nord down you can't even keep him clothed so how did you expect him to stay Dead all right that's all I'm saying but once we are here in Blood Moon outside of Fort frostmoth we're going to want to open the map and follow the River just north to this area here which is right outside skull village now if you're an avid watcher of the channel you probably know what we're going after here which is going to be one of the more recent items that we showcased but you un who is that man posing so menly what the hell why aren't you attacking us what I I have never seen an enemy do that before that is that is absurdly frightening okay we're leaving we're leaving hold on let me ready Scorch okay well this is the this is the dangers of traveling and blood moon well I guess guess we're going to get to test the build early here are are you just is he he's just taunting us taunting us naked from a rock see this is what I mean you can't keep a Nord down I'm sitting here fully armored got this insane BCE on me and he's he's butt naked just ready to fight God I love Nords but uh okay uh we're just going to continue to ignore him and and maybe we're good I I don't know let's uh let's go and chalk that one up to the marind magic we all know in love I like you am not immune to it so so here we are we have just been following the river up like I mentioned let's take a look at the map here again just keep that sucker on your left and you're going to have a good time because the cave that we want is actually right there in front of us hiding behind the reings but remember how we grabb those invisibility potions from D well this is going to be the perfect time to use them so here we go grab the invisibility potion and just like that the murder Smurfs can no longer see us and now that we're out here we are going to want to pop right into Rim hle oh and now that we're in here summon our drora we need them to do the heavy lifting here oh God oh God we're going to have to absorb Health come on there we go we're back okay these guys do a ton of damage in the early game oh oh no no oh no okay okay stay calm stay calm we can do this we can do this all right take two Gorge come on stay focused on the drora and we're good and we're set let's go here with absorb Health there we go okay back topped up okay okay one down that's right blood moon content level one level one we're doing it we're doing it let's get our summons back out let's make sure we stay topped up ooh there's doing damage doing damage yes one more left one more oh come on buddy we need we need you to do some work oh he died he died oh we we need scorge back okay he's also a skeleton so he's going to be weak to Flame let's try and get the flame atono down see if we can there we go oh we have him now we've got him now easy money get him boys just like that okay the power of conjuration look at that blood moon content already getting completed here even though we would have died in two hits but that's why builds matter people so so with the henchmen out of the way let's go ahead and talk to timall and you can see right here the item that we actually came all the way to souls Time 4 and that is going to be the mantle of wo now I have a full video on just this item already on the channel be sure to click that card up there if you want some more information on this we're going to give you the short version I'm going to open timball here click on the mantle of wo and then we are going to tell him literally anything here because he is mad and is going to kill us anyways unless you do the trick that I told you in that other video on the channel so I'm going to click one of these like I said doesn't really matter he is going to attack us and let's go ahead and get right back to it we need to be very careful he has some strong spells we're going to want our buddies to handle this entire fight like I mentioned because he is not someone that we should be messing with oh come on please cast please cast oh I think he's already out of Magicka okay all right beat him beat him men how's this for necromancy you freaking panzy oh oh [ __ ] no one saw that but here we go we've got him on the ropes just one more hit come on boys yes and as as we're on the ground well timal is no more and with his demise comes our Ascension to something that should never have been made let us open his inventory and here you will see the mantle of wo value 1,000 with a drain attribute personality 100 points a weakness to normal weapons 20 points and the reason we are here a fortify maximum Magicka five times intelligence and fortify skill conjuration by 50 points and well a sun damage for 20 points but that's not so important I all you have to do you know just keep out of the sun when you're wearing this sucker but when you get in a tight spot and you need to perform put on the manle of wo and your summons will become much much easier and your magika pool will be boosted into the stratosphere again we've already taken the atronox and we are Breton so we have a massive magika pool to begin with this is just going to make it insane so here we are okay we have the Mad battle mage now we have an incredibly tanky wizard who has their conjuration boosted up to 95 at level one we have a magika pool of 510 we have a full set of steel armor and an incredible repeatable drora summon at our fingertips so you know how how two videos go what are we going to do with it well I'll tell you what we're going to do with it we're going to go to tribunal and we're going to face exactly who you think we are ladies and gentlemen welcome to the city of light city of Magic the illustrious incredible totally awesome mournhold well totally awesome above the ground the reviews are probably a little bit mixed about the sewers here in this particular DLC but we're not going to go down there because I'm sure if you have you know begun to insinuate who we could possibly be fighting in mournhold to Showcase a build's power well there's only one answer and he lies just beyond this door here in the temple Courtyard now before we go toe-to-toe with our foe here and tribunal I have done a couple extra things off camera just to save some time so let's quickly go over what that is first I stopped in balur on the way here and grabbed some exclusive restore health and exclusive restore magical potions as well as refilled our standard potions of willpower and Magicka at some remaining Mages guilds you can also look over here at our spells and you can see I just expanded what we already had of Greater bone Walker 1 12 3 2 4 and five as well and this is going to be critical for the Strat that we will be using against our little friend but outside of that everything else exactly the same as it was earlier in the video so without further Ado guard I hope you uh you know turn a blind eye here uh because we have a date with Destiny and death will be involved now one thing you will notice is that it is night time when we are doing this fight and that is completely on purposed because I want to be able to use the mantle of Woe when we do this particular engagement with oh God the Lord of misery himself right over there gayor because I certainly don't need the additional Su damage burn off the manle of wo on top of everything that gayor is about to dish out but let's go ahead talk to our problematic little bosmer here and go ahead and queue up our fight so he's going to ask for a small favor and as is tradition we are going to click through everything everything and he is going to bit pissed and run away now we do need to go wait uh in case you haven't fought gayor before we do need to leave that particular cell and then go and wait for a couple days just so that uh he actually comes back in his armor in proper form so I will do that right here and now after 3 days of waiting a bit of magial restoration from our Shrine here and getting our health topped off well we're going to hop back into the courtyard and cue this fight up so here we go we're going to head right back into the temple Courtyard and you can see there he is standing menacingly and let's start the fight and see how this is going to go all right here we go gor well well look who it is my dear friend panakin just my luck that you should stumble in here indeed it seems my good fortune knows no bounds despite my mistreatment at your hands I found riches been able to influence just about anyone I talk to and can you believe I've never lost a fight never even gotten a scratch somehow I don't think I'll have a problem continuing that streak and I owe you well that is where you are wrong gainor because we have built the baddest battle mage this side of Tamriel and my friend we will show you that right now so let's hit goodbye we start immediately he did sneak a hit in what we're doing here is summoning all of our bone Walkers he is going to make very quick work of them until they start getting some of the damage strength down but as you can see here this is our Strat against gayor we basically just want to keep using our massive magical pool from the mantle of wo let's go ahead and get scorge out as well for our Dray moras now the thing with gainor is he does have a very high reflect but it actually does vary it's between 50 and 100 depending on the day so let's just keep throwing the bone walkers at him come on look at this mantle of wo magika pool we still haven't popped one Magicka potion the mantle is absurd okay we've got him in a corner this is actually not great for us because we can't get any attacks in on him all right we need to grab a restore Maga all right Maga is ticking back up he's still doing a ton of damage just mowing through our bone Walkers okay okay I think we're starting to damage him he's he's the bone Walkers are lasting a little bit longer hopefully we're finally cutting through that strength God we've H him a lot he's not dealing nearly as much damage as he was but it's still impressive still impressive some of these are getting through he just has so much reflect oh oh we're about dead go go let me through come on bone Walkers you're killing me oh my God we must we have to be we have to have thrown a 100 bone walkers at this guy by now I mean this is ridiculous oh he's dealing no damage anymore though all right we are all out of potions we do have him pretty close though all right we're we're starting to tick through I don't think he's moving I actually haven't seen him move in a little while come on game come on game even if we can't actually kill him cuz he has he has a constant regen health I I think we can consider it a victory okay if we if we can nullify gayor I will I will consider this a victory at level one oh are living way longer he is he is hurting we have broken through the barrier gor is now wet noodling our freaking bone Walkers they're actually timing out now he's not even killing them the mantle of wo Magik kol has one out over the great eony warrior gayor oh yeah this is his he can't even kill the greater bone Walkers anymore look at this he's he's sitting there he's mono Amano they're all timing out oh my God the Maga pool of the mantle of wo 10 standard restores and four exclusives beats gayor oh and don't forget 500 bone Walkers I should have been counting how many summons we had it it it was I mean easily easily in the hundreds at this point is he still doing damage I think he is still doing damage cuz my point is if we can get him to where he does zero melee damage I mean then it's only a matter of time the the tech is proofed at that point I love how this wased this supposed to be a high octane fight you know he's sitting over here thought we were going to run around the temple NOP he is going to be uh bum rushed in the corner by a whole bunch of freaking zombies that's probably not what he thought when he when he came back trying to get his money well we actually can't even spend any more magic and we can't use any spells anymore we're out of potions and uh there he is he's Frozen thwarted by a level one Mage how about damn that'll show you to mess with a conjurer in the future okay if they're followed around by a zombie you probably don't want to mess with them now before we I guess consider this a moral Victory let's see is he still doing any damage all right let's step up we're at half Health if he doesn't kill us in one shot I consider this a victory I consider it a victory let's see what happens oh yep look at that damage gayor the highway bandit look at this we have we have reduced him to our level we have nullified gor's threat now could we kill him if we wanted to sit here forever and do it yes but I think this proves the point of the build how ridiculously powerful it is having some incredibly large magic pools having an insanely High conjuration and ladies and gentlemen doing this all at level one so although he is not dead I'm going to consider this a moral Victory okay we broke out some cool marwin Tech we showed what the build is capable of and if it can nullify gayor it can nullify just about everybody I think we just leave him here right now now he he's just part of the decoration wait I'm pretty I'm pretty sure he stays cursed forever let let's go inside let's go inside and wait let's see what happens if we wait a couple days in a different cell okay so let's wait for uh 13 hours okay and then let's wait for a day and then we'll see if he reset cuz I don't I don't believe he does I don't believe he does but we could just keep farming the restore attribute right there and not even have to buy more potions to continue the fight and uh there he is 37 hours later oh this poor sap he's cursed well ladies and gentlemen I I think you get the point of the video how strong this build is we're going to keep abusing gayor here just remind him of who the freaking boss is and well like I said you could take this Tech and pretty much bring it to anybody in the entire game who doesn't have a guaranteed 100% reflect but as you can see marn's biggest threat is no longer quite that big big of a threat after a couple minutes alone with this battle mage character ladies and gentlemen I hope you enjoyed this one I know this was one that people have requested for a long time thank you so much for watching and as always I will catch you on the next one [Music]
Channel: CoffeeNutGaming
Views: 9,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morrowind, how to morrowind, coffeenutgaming, morrowind builds, morrowind mage build, morrowind battlemage, morrowind powerful items, openmw, morrowind 2024
Id: j4FWrCsy2VA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 39sec (2979 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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