Wish And Desire: What's the difference? English Vocabulary

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dear genie from youtube would you give me just one wish watch this video and learn the difference between wish and desire in english yes coming up [Music] hey friends teacher prix here to help you talk to anyone anywhere anytime in english thank you so much for watching this lesson i hope you finally understand the difference between wish and desire and how to use these two words in conversations in english make sure to subscribe because every week i come here with different english lessons to help you become a better and more confident english speaker so let's dive into the content maybe you don't know this movie maybe you've never watched this movie but aladdin is a pretty popular movie from disney aladdin was a poor boy who found a magic lamp and there was a genie in it and because of that he got three wishes so let's start with the word wish well wish can be a verb and a noun in the movie aladdin he got three wishes so here the word wish is not an action but something so he could ask for anything he wanted any wish a wish is something you would like to do to have or to be so for example my friend lost a very close family member and at this moment i can understand her wish for privacy so what is her wish privacy so she wants to be alone this is something she wants to have we need to respect her wish what wish privacy she wants to be left alone number two i am sure you get your wish so maybe you tell me something you really want oh teacher i want to achieve english fluency next year i know i can feel it and i'm like of course i believe in you i believe you can get your wish number three his biggest wish is to travel around the world don't misunderstand this phrase wish is different from dream okay there is a slight difference when it comes to wishing and dreaming wish can be a verb and i'm gonna get into the meaning uh as a verb okay but there is a difference so i really want it's something that i wanna do i want to be or i want to have it's a wish now moving on wish can also be a verb and it has many different uses it is such a popular and flexible verb that i have two other videos here on my channel just to explain how to use wish in english because there are many different ways one very common uh structure that i show you in these two videos is when i want to describe you know something that i want to happen okay or to be true okay to express i want something to happen or to be true in my present but it's not possible or very unlikely so you want something to happen you want something to be true in your life at this moment but it's not likely or it's impossible let's give you an example i wish i were taller so i will always use wish plus past wish in the present and the second phrase in the past tense okay i wish i were taller this is almost impossible for me because i'm already an adult and adults don't usually grow taller they grow shorter they they shrink so it's not possible okay or very unlikely so when i say unlikely the probability the chances of something happening are very low okay in this case it's almost impossible i believe in miracles so well do you now guys i wish i could travel more often now this is not impossible i can organize myself and travel but maybe for some reason at this moment in my life it's not possible very unlikely it would be great if i could travel but i can't so i wish i want i'm thinking to myself ah i wish i could travel so this structure is used with wish in the present tense it is very common so you use wish plus simple past i wish i had my own business i'm tired of working for my boss i want to be my own boss does that happen to you so i wish i had simple past i had my own business there are some other simple ways to use wish as a verb because you want something so if you wish really hard maybe you will get what you want so don't waste your time let's be a little negative right now don't waste your time wishing for the impossible your boyfriend is never going to change oh man so don't waste your time wishing wanting your boyfriend to change he's not going to change so i give you this the second sentence to complete the idea don't wish for the impossible peter is crazy he's never going to change wishing for him to change will well that is crazy it's never going to happen okay another example be more positive i have everything i could possibly wish for huh i don't need anything else i have everything i don't need to want more things because i have everything i could wish for life is perfect and another very common example in movies be careful what you wish for because you could be in trouble sometimes we want something in life that will not really be good for us so be careful what you wish for all right and hey if you're enjoying this video make sure to hit like and subscribe to my channel the more we grow this beautiful community the more i get to help other people because youtube understands that this is a good channel that this is a good lesson when you like when you share and when you subscribe and guys make sure to stay until the end because you're gonna have a listening test uh yeah and i'm sure you're gonna like it so stay with me and make sure to post your listening results in the comments because i'm gonna read your comments and give you some kind of feedback okay now let's move on to desire shall we i'm being a little dramatic because the word desire is intense strong so be careful using desire in a sentence depending on the situation you're using desire you can even have a more sexual translation that's why i'm telling you be careful there are many cool situations when you can use desire but depending on the situation it's like trying to kill a cockroach with a bomb it's not going to work out now guys desire can be a noun or a verb okay it depends on the situation if it's a noun it can mean a very strong wish so you see wish is something you want to do to be or to have but a desire is a strong wish a strong feeling of wishing for something okay that's why it is more intense you're not gonna use it in any situation in any conversation on a side note i'm not saying this word is not common it is but be careful when using this word here are some examples peter has always had a strong desire for power so you see the context he's always had a strong desire for power so here it's okay for me to use desire it is more intense and i can even use a strong desire it's okay it's a common collocation for power so he's always wanted really badly to have more power number two even though she was happy in bulgaria she had an overwhelming desire to return home what is overwhelming ah it's so intense you cannot control it controls you it's an adjective to describe something that is so strong it's so intense that it controls you and usually not in a good situation not in a good way okay so it's an overwhelming desire that is taking over her to return home so as i said she was happy in bulgaria but oh she had this overwhelming desire to return home so i am being a bit more dramatic here in addition to that there are some interesting collocations with desire that you may not be familiar with or maybe you are let me know hearts desire it's a common collocation it means something you really really want or even someone you want romantically or just physically so james loves alice so much she will always be his heart's desire so his heart's desire what his heart really wants another example alex told me the reason why he quit his job was because he wanted to pursue his heart's desire he wants to become a writer even if he doesn't pay the bills he wanted to pursue to go after his heart's desire and what is his heart's desire to become a writer you know that a writing career can be very complex at the beginning it can be a struggle a financial struggle so he doesn't care he wants to go after his heart's desire so you see all the examples i'm giving you here are a bit dramatic or a bit more intense okay another collocation burning desire burning burning is that sensation you feel if you are in contact with fire fire burns your skin you can burn your hands so a burning desire is something you really really really want to have to do or to be okay so it's just another collocation to show the the intense feeling of wanting something okay so tell me what is your burning desire it has always been my burning desire to be a successful businesswoman right so it's nice to use this collocation sometimes just be careful when to use those okay in these examples i only showed desire as a noun desire can also be a verb same thing here it is very intense you're not just gonna go to a store and say i desire that jacket give it to me no that's too much don't do it and if you do it don't tell anyone you watched my video guys to desire as a verb it means you really want something okay it and depending on the situation wish maybe better or simply want maybe better okay let me give you some examples you will love this house it has everything you desire it has everything you want i could simply use want you will love this house it has everything you you want it has everything you desire much better but it's possible okay a few people desire to live in the city nowadays but i would change too few people want or few people feel like living in the city nowadays few people want to live in the city nowadays why because it's stressful because it's expensive because it's dangerous well it depends on the case now we're gonna get to the listening test aha are you ready you're gonna watch a short scene from aladdin and in this very short scene you have to answer three questions how are you supposed to make a wish so how does aladdin make a wish there is a procedure how does he do it number two what wishes are forbidden okay are not allowed and number three can aladdin interrupt the genie yes or no okay i wanna know your answers now let's get down to work let's listen get three wishes they must begin with rubbing the lamp and saying i wish got it i think so a couple other rules you can't wish for more wishes three is enough now i can't make anybody love anybody or bring anybody feel free to interrupt me anytime you don't understand i'm kidding don't ever interrupt me no matter what awesome guys so post your answer in the comments other than that share like subscribe i'll see you next time bye
Channel: Teacher Prix
Views: 2,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english vocabulary, wish, wish and desire, desire, how to use wish in english, collocations with desire, collocations with wish, how to use desire in english, vocabulary, teacher prix, english lesson, improve vocabulary, english speaking, fluency, wish verb, desire in english, vocabulary tips, vocabulary in english, difference between wish and desire
Id: OScFOysXymg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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