Difference Between Get and Take - English Vocabulary

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hey student watch this video and learn the difference between get and take and useful expressions that you should know with these two verbs coming up [Music] hey friends teacher prix is here to help you talk to anyone anywhere anytime in english thank you so much for watching this lesson i hope you enjoy it now guys understanding the difference between these guys is very important but the first thing i need to tell you is that there are many different uses okay for these two verbs in english get and take and not just a specific uses but also specific expressions okay that's why this is part one if you want part two of this video you have to post in the comments hashtag part two the more hashtag part twos i see here in the comments the faster part two is coming so if you really want to see part two you have to participate and post part two hashtag part two in the comments that way i will know that you really want to see the second part because there are many explanations for the verbs get and take and i want to make this video as short as possible so that you learn something new and go about your day in general we are going to use uh the verb take with a more active action okay when the subject is taking action while in many cases the verb get will show a more passive action receiving action while take is well a more active action for example i take my medicines every morning okay so here i take my medicine i consume my medicine in the morning now an example with get that shows the idea of receiving you know a more passive action i get my paycheck i always get my paycheck at the end of the month well when do you get your paycheck at the beginning of the month in the middle of the month or at the end of the month let me know here in the comments you know so here when i say i always get my paycheck at the end of the month i'm saying well i always receive from someone okay well you get your paycheck from somebody from your boss from the company you work for so here that's a very important difference between these guys of course that there are specific expressions that will change this okay but now let's focus on specific meanings with the verb get the most common one which i've just talked about is to receive i got an email from my manager last night i received an email from my manager last night well what did you get for your birthday what did you receive for your birthday wow you got so many presents that is wonderful you received so many presents good for you okay do you get many birthday presents i don't i want presents well it is true i don't get many but i got some birthday presents on my last birthday it was nice my friend gets two hundred thousand dollars a year oh he receives two hundred thousand dollars a year he makes he earns 200 uh dollars two hundred thousand dollars a year okay or my office my room my office gets very little sunshine well when i say that what i'm trying to say is my office receives very little sunlight sunshine okay that is not true in my case but it's a good example another possible meaning meaning number two to obtain okay or to buy for example hey i got a new phone well iphone has just launched a new iphone right iphone 13 well i don't know when you're watching this maybe it's next year but hey i got a new phone check this out well you got a new phone i bought a new phone now you obtained a new phone okay another example hey try to get some rest try to relax get some rest is actually an expression but here i'm not telling you to buy some rest i'm trying to obtain some rest it's a very common collocation okay expression i got a new job yay congratulations i obtained a new job that is awesome okay so this would be a good example to describe the meaning number two okay to obtain or to buy something there are actually two meanings here number three to arrive okay wow i got home super late last night i arrived home late last night okay i arrived late i got home super late last night okay so this is one possible meaning um i will call you when i get there so when i arrive there i'll call you so i'll call you when i get there very common sentence native speakers use in everyday conversations i'll call you when i get there yo call me when you get there if i'm telling the person hey are you on your way yes well call me when you get there that's a possible one and another meaning get to do something okay number four get to do something that means to have an opportunity to do something for example while we were in boston let's imagine a family okay while we were in boston we got to see childhood friends our childhood friends okay so here you need of course you need a compliment you need another action i got to see i had the opportunity to see i got to see my childhood friends so while i was in boston okay i will change the example to something more realistic while i lived in boston i got to study at harvard this is true i went to harvard and i studied there for about six to seven months and i took two courses there so while i lived in boston i got to study at harvard i had the opportunity to study at harvard so get plus the action i got to study i got to see i got to visit i got to buy because here the idea is i had the opportunity to do something okay number five is states and conditions okay uh here i can use a variety of adjectives and other kinds of words to create this idea to give this idea of state and condition get sick get dressed get married get lost when you don't know where you are you know you're driving your car and then the gps uh you confuse the direction so you don't know where you are well you got lost my friend get divorced no more okay get depressed so these words will indicate some kind of condition some kind of state now teacher pricks are there other meanings to the verb get yes there are many more and if you want part two of this video you need to post hashtag part two in the comments and then i will know and i will prepare part two as fast as i can okay and hey make sure to hit the like button if you're enjoying this video this really helps the channel and if you're not subscribed yet i really want to invite you to subscribe because from monday to friday i have awesome videos for you now guys let's take a look at take take will have different meanings as well i will focus on some meanings in this lesson but one common meaning is when you literally pick up something you carry something from one place to another place this is the most common meaning of the verb take when you pick up something from one place and you take that thing that object or even person to another place okay hey kids take these toys here take these toys okay take these toys please i could compliment this a little bit but here's just to help you understand another example oh no i forgot to take my wallet with me when i left home this morning well has this ever happened to you so take from one place to another okay another possible example hey take this book to your dad so take this book and i look at my son and i say hey son take this book to your dad he was looking for it so he was looking for the book and i found it so hey take this book to your dad i found it okay so here it shows you the idea of taking one thing and moving to a place from one place to another another possible meaning let me see here because i have some notes to help me right it's when you go with someone so meeting number two when you go with someone from one place to another okay so let's see my uh my parents took me to the shopping mall last week so they went with me okay so we went together to the shopping mall so my parents took me to the mall okay they came too i took my i took no i don't have kids but i took my nieces to the movies last month yeah we had a wonderful time so i took my nieces to the movies last night so i went with them they didn't go alone i took them and i made them company that's important okay meeting number three to choose or to buy okay this is very common when you are uh at stores when you're traveling as a tourist and you are at a shopping mall at a store and you want to choose something to buy you are making a decision to choose or you're making a decision to buy okay we have two situations here so let's say you you enter a store and you already know what you want okay so you look at a sales woman because you need help and you're like i'll take that blue dress can you help me so i'll take the blue dress so you already know you're choosing that blue dress okay or maybe you are at a cupcake store and then the person is showing you many cupcakes and they're like oh my god so the the person will tell you hey which cupcake do you want i'll take that one no no no no no i'll okay i'll take this one um i need to think [Laughter] this is usually me uh at a a at a cupcake store you know i'll take that one no no i'll take both now guys as i said there are specific meanings for the verb take and for the verb get but if you want part two hashtag in the comments part two hashtag part two moving on as i said at the beginning of the lesson there are specific expressions with the verb take and the verb get specific collocations okay for example take a break when you stop something you're doing for some time before resuming before going back to that activity oh i'm so tired can we take a break five minutes can we take five you know stop for some minutes for some time and then go back to the activity you were doing take the bus you know when you go at a bus stop and you take the bus take a look hey take a look at this photo it's really cool take a look take a look okay it's an expression take notes probably what you should be doing now writing down things that i'm telling you that i'm teaching you okay take action if you want to be successful you gotta take action you gotta do something okay it's an expression get get some rest as i told at the beginning of the lesson relax rest get some rest get promoted yoo-hoo you congratulations at work when you when you get a a different position you get offered a new a different position you or you get a better salary you get a promotion you know you get a pay raise or you get promoted okay get fired well not so good when your boss doesn't want you anymore you get fired goodbye hasta la vista get dark so when there's no more light at the end of the day it starts to get dark you can also use get plus comparatives easier more difficult more dangerous safer darker okay worse better oh english is getting easier or more difficult it depends on the point of view oh my god let me turn on the light because it's getting darker so i need to turn on the light well as i said there will be more expressions and more meetings and more uses of get and take and if you want to see this lesson here on my channel you gotta type hashtag part two in the comments below other than that share this lesson with your friends subscribe to my channel and i'll see you next time bye
Channel: Teacher Prix
Views: 3,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn english, vocabulary, esl, get and take, difference between get and take, how to use get, how to use take, english vocabulary, get and take expressions, verb get, verb take, get expressions, take expressions, improve english, improve english vocabulary, popular verbs in english, get, take, teacher prix
Id: Fc0JyrIeMeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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