Customs & Immigration 7 QUESTIONS |English At The Airport!

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going abroad hmm so you have to prepare yourself in this video lesson I'm going to show you seven very common questions immigration officers ask at the airport and how to answer them confidently hey friends teacher picks here to help you talk to anyone anywhere anytime in English thank you so much for joining me on another video I hope you enjoyed this lesson and make sure to subscribe so you don't miss any of my weekly videos but here we go the first thing you need to know about these questions is where ever you go ok every airport you go around the world these are very common questions so you probably need them everywhere you go ok so the nice thing about this video is this video doesn't only prepare you to go through immigrations in the United States but in in England in Canada in Australia ok the second thing in each channel is short answers you don't need to talk about all your dreams and plans and how excited you are and how happy you are no give short answers answer the question correctly and quickly okay third Keep Calm if you get too tense the immigration officer can get a little suspicious okay if you get too nervous to test they can ask you more questions now the other way around alright nice now let's get down to business so here we go question number one may I see your passport this is pretty obvious they want to see your document your passport you can just give the passport to the immigration officer or you can say here it is or here you are these are the most common ways to answer this question number two how long do you intend to stay that are there may be some different ways to ask this question but the idea is the same how long will you be staying in the United States or how long will be staying here okay how long do you intend to stay remember short answers for a week for a month for two weeks a week a month as long as you give the information that you're asking you don't need to give long answers about that nice number three what's the purpose of your visit hmm another very common question in this question they want to know why you were traveling there are two main reasons why people travel well actually three tourism business study okay so you have to say what you're doing in the United States or in Canada or in Australia how to explain what you're doing there okay so I'm here for a business conference that's something you can say I'm here on a business trip I'm here to go to an exchange school or I'm here to study English for a month or I'm here on vacation I'm going to Disney okay so these are some possible ways to answer this question and remember you don't need to give long explanations okay just say the main reason why you're in staying in that country okay nice are you enjoying this video yes I hope so so far three questions I have four more questions to show you but before that how about sharing this video with someone who's about to travel or maybe with your friends on Facebook I'm pretty sure you can help someone with this video but here we go question number four what do you do what is your occupation basically here I want to know about your job so all you can say is I am a and the occupation I am a teacher I am a doctor I am an engineer I am a student if you say you're not working they will probably ask you more questions okay so just try to say what you do and if they ask you where you work you have to say they asking me this question the last time I went there they asking me what I did and where I worked okay number five are you traveling alone if the answer is yes awesome so you say yes I'm alone if the answer is no my friends all you have to say is who you're traveling with so then you say no I'm not I'm traveling with my brother I'm traveling with my parents I'm traveling with my boyfriend with my girlfriend with my husband with my wife you need to say who you're traveling with but not the name I'm traveling with Jack who is Jack okay say the connection the relationship you have with the person I'm traveling with my sister not with Patricia I'm traveling with my sister I'm traveling with my husband I'm traveling with my boyfriend okay number six do you have any family here hmm they basically wants to know if you have a family member living in the United States or in England or whatever you're going this is a tricky question if the answer is no whoo awesome so no I don't if the answer is yes you will say yes I do but you probably have to say who lives in that country yes I do I have a cousin who lives here yes I do I have a sister who lives here or I have an uncle who lives here be prepared to answer more questions about this family member they will probably ask their name their phone number their email their address their occupation what they're doing in America or in whatever country they are so if the answer is yes be prepared to answer more questions about this family member okay number seven have you ever been here before basically they wants to know if it's your first time in the u.s. or in another country or if you have been to that place before so if the answer is no no it's my first time here if the answer is yes then you say when more or less when so yes in 2010 or yes about two weeks ago or yes last year so say more more or less when you went to that place okay they can ask you what you were doing and you can say well I was on vacation okay or I was here on business or I was studying English so these are some possibilities to explain the purpose of your previous visit if they ask you remember you don't need to say this only if they ask you okay and I know I said several but I have one more bonus question where will you be staying okay this is a common question - so it's interesting to say where you're staying if for example you're staying at a hotel you can say the name of the hotel you're staying I'm staying at the Pacific Hotel on Times Square or I'm staying at the Pacific Hotel in Manhattan sometimes they can sometimes ask you for the address but it's not always the case okay but this is a common question they can ask and in many in many cases they will ask this question nice there you go now you are ready to go through immigrations anywhere okay around the world because with English you can talk to anyone anywhere anytime thank you so much friends and I'll see you next time hi
Channel: Teacher Prix
Views: 1,125,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english at the airport, how to talk at the airport, how to speak english at the airport, english airport, custm and immigration airport, english immigration to america, english vocabulary at the airport, aiport conversation, questions at the ariport, teacher prix, the 7 questions immigration officers ask, at the airport, aiport english, imigração ingles, ingles, immigrations, customs, english, interview, customs immigration, como falar ingles no aeroporto, english airport vocabulary
Id: aHefrCbEkTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 58sec (478 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 19 2018
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