How to Install Batocera Lite on the Anbernic RG35XX H + First Impressions

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so I just posted my review for the an bernick rg35 xxh just the other day and while I did have a lot of good things to say about it probably the most negative thing besides the cheap SD cards that they shipped in here uh absolutely self-destructing and requiring me to reflash the operating system the worst thing about this is probably just the operating system itself it's just not very featur rich it's not very nice to look at it's very very Bare Bones and I got a lot of comments about potentially flashing a new operating system called I'm guessing that's batera light if there's a correct way to pronunciate that I don't know what it is and basically what this is is an alternative operating system for this device it's one of the greatest things about these weird little handhelds is that you almost always wind up with somebody making some sort of alternate operating system so what I'm going to do is very quickly show you how to flash it and then I'm going to install it on my device and see what it's like so first link in the description will be this page you're going to scroll all the way down and click on this guy right here this is going to download a file in a gz format to extract that I use win ra so I will drop a link in the description to win Roar as well you're also going to need something called rofus which is my personal favorite to actually flash this image you're about to download onto your SD card so over here once win Roar is installed you're going to right click on that file you download it you're going to extract it here that's where that's going to pop up take the SD card you're going to flash this thing too and plug that into your PC at that point you're going to double click on rofus select the drive you're going to install it to select the image file that you just now extracted and click Start it's it's going to obviously erase everything off of that card so if it's the same card that your device came with grab everything off of there that you need grab your saves grab your ROMs grab everything that you need now strangely on this thing it looks like we have a lot of unallocated space and I'm wondering if what's going to happen whenever I actually plug this thing in and boot it if it's going to adjust for that and kind of fix that problem otherwise you'd have to maybe expand but I don't actually even see where you would be putting your ROM so I'm wondering if it is going to actually format that partition whenever we do this so we'll plug it in we'll Boot It Up see what's going on and then we'll come back to the computer and actually put our ROMs back on it so we're going to pop that SD card in it's the only card that's actually in there let's hold down the power button and see what happens I'm pretty sure this thing has a charge on it although the standby on this thing uh with the stock operating system is terrible so it is possible that it was left in standby for a day and it was fully dead because of that all right we have a screen that has popped up here so clearly the installation has gone correct this does not look like the original operating system at all and I'm assuming I'm hoping I'm wondering if the reason this little progress bar is moving so slowly wondering if that's not exactly what I thought was going to happen that it is actually doing some formatting stuff a lot of these disc images whenever you do these installations like the stock operating system they're meant for a specific sized SD card so 64 good card typically is what we're supposed to be looking for this did not seem to have any such instructions so I'm kind of assuming it's able to adapt itself to whatever size card you have we're going to let this thing roll and pick back up here in just a moment so we are up and running and in fact we have some like background music going on that's pretty interesting and as you can see this is an entirely new interface that we are scrolling through favorites all games this is a much more visually pleasing interface and it looks like they've actually got like one game per system already on here but of course that's going to be it so what we're going to need to do now is turn this thing off pop out my SD card and see if we can drop some games on there so we've plugged the SD card back in and we now have the bat sah Drive which is what seems to be your boot information your boot logo which is this guy here you could actually swap that out if you wanted to some stuff we're going to ignore and then share is over here that's where our ROMs are going to go and there is a ROMs folder so as simple as that I'm going to go grab the ROMs I want I'm going to drag them into the appropriate folders so we have popped this SD card back in after loading it down with some of my games of choice you can see that this first boot process is still taking quite a while I'll have to test how the standby function is on this thing how much battery are you losing is there a reason to long press it to hold it down until it fully shuts down or can you leave it uh in sort of a standby mode we're also going to need to go in here and turn off this music sound settings front and music let's turn that off we'll jump into N64 and as you can see I don't have any artwork for these games and I wonder did I see a scraper here I did let's connect this thing to Wi-Fi when you hit that button just be patient it's taking a second to enable but something is indeed happening there we go so let's connect to that Wi-Fi that keyboard was much more responsive than it was on the old operating system I can already tell you that again we're kind of uh Frozen up here for the moment I think something's happening Wi-Fi is enabled I hope that means it's connected so let's go down and hit scrape now an error has occurred let's go back in okay so I went back into the scraper and I changed it from screen scraper to the games database and hit scrape now and as you can see it is doing its thing so if you don't know what that means what it's doing is it's going through and it is grabbing the artwork as you can see there's one that it's pulled it's grabbing the artwork for these games this is already much more featur Rich than what we had on the operating system all right so that is a pretty darn useful feature you can see it has grabbed some artwork for every single game Let's jump back into the N64 section and we'll fire up Super Mario 64 I dig that animation loading in there as well this is such a more polished looking operating system guys let's see how the games actually run though because that's the most important thing so we're in Mario 64 now and this is a game that I think often times will suffer from some graphical glitches and it looks as though that's definitely happening in here but it's running really quite well so they have Z mapped to that key which I don't necessarily love but I think I could get used to it so I ran up here real quick and got this first star so that I could manually save it so that I can try and figure out what some of these hot keys are without having to go through this opening section again back flip into the star running superbly okay so I think I figured out some of the hot keys so function key and Y will save in a Save State same thing at X will load you back into that first save State hotkey and start will close the game hotkey and a will reset the game hotkey and right will Fast Forward left would rewind if that was possible in this game if you hit up or down I think it's supposed to change what Save State slot you're in all right so we'll uh let's try saving estate there and now we'll try changing the slot I don't think there's anything on the screen that tells you this and if I try to load it's not going to do anything because there's no there's nothing saved in that slot so we'll save in that slot now and then load and it should put us back I don't think there's anything on the screen that's telling me that I'm changing the slot but it appears that's what's happening so I'm going to jump into a game that in the review pretty much pushed this thing to its limits and I'm just curious if there's any difference I don't think that there's going to be like I can't imagine changing operating system is going to suddenly make B City Stories on the PSP uh playable where it wasn't before stranger things have happened so we're going to go hop on our bike and we're going to get out of this base and hit some of the areas that gave it trouble before it's like I know what I'm doing I will say that it is definitely running to Native resolution and not at 2x which is where it was on the stock operating system so that's interesting although again I don't think it's going to make a big difference because I Tred changing the resolution before and it yeah see we're dropping a lot of frames now yeah okay very very stuttery interestingly the audio is not really stuttering the audio is staying perfect but the game is certainly still stuttering quite a bit now in this emulator the function key actually opens up this menu here where you can do a save state that way not bad you can also jump into your settings this is the same emulator that it ran on the other operating system which is probably why not a huge difference there let's go to frame Skip One one and percentage of FPS seem to work best for me before so we'll see if that gets us anywhere here H this is interesting okay there's our slowdown and that is approaching that area where I wouldn't necessarily want to play it but because at least the audio is hold yeah make it hard to play and I just hit a police officer it's better but it's not it's not fully fixed overall though guys I have absolutely no qualms in telling you that this is what you should be doing don't even worry about the native operating system this seems to be significantly better than what it ships with so it's got my recommendation the only thing that I need to test now and I'm going to do this you're not not going to see any of this for you it will be as if nothing has happened for me what's going to happen is I am going to reference that it's a 90% battery I'm going to Let's fire up a game and what I'm going to do once I get to a splash screen here is I'm going to put us into standby by pressing that power button once and then we're going to see what it's like in the morning let's see where the battery percentage is and roughly 12 hours later the answer is not that great it is still draining very very quickly it seems like that standby option whether you hit the power button or you do it through this option here it's basically just shutting down the screen so I would suggest that you shut down this system if you want to preserve the battery if you're done playing for an extended amount of time just go ahead and shut down the system there is this fast shutdown system option let's try that really quickly and let's see what difference that is in I guess what difference there is in regard to booting the thing back up now because that's the biggest problem when you fully shut it down booting it back up turning it back on takes forever so let's see if this option is any faster we still have our splash screen here and honestly this doesn't appear to be any faster than the normal shutdown so yeah that would be my advice if you're done playing for an extended amount of time go ahead and fully shut the thing down don't rely on just hitting the power button because if you do that you're liable to go dead in your pocket or on your desk whatever it may be and you could potentially lose some progress by doing that something else that I noticed in testing this and maybe somebody else can figure out how to kind of fix this stuff is that when I was playing a DS game my controls were all sorts of messed up I was trying to play Mario Kart on the DS and anytime I hit the accelerator I would also be turning to the right I tried to jump into the settings and configure my controls but things were acting very very strange so DS games might be sort of off limits for now I do think overall though this is a decent improvement over the stock operating system it looks much nicer I think that there's some nice options in there as well even if it's not quite perfect yet let me know if you want to see like a full Deep dive into this operating system because there's definitely a lot there this is not meant to be that it's not like a full review it's mostly just installation and then those early First Impressions like I said drop that comment down below if you want to see deeper coverage of this alternate oper system for the rg35 xxh like I said links to everything are in the description down below so go check those out and let me know what you think of it yourself guys thanks for watching subscribe for more content like this and until next time stay n my [Music] friends
Channel: Shane Craig
Views: 9,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TCHcv3RNgGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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