Custom Firmware for Anbernic RG35xx Plus and RG35xxH - Koriki/Batocera Tutorial

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want some custom firmware for your am bernick 35xx Plus or 35xx well here you go hey everyone thanks for stopping by this is retr funte so I just got done with my first impressions video on this device here the Amber bernick RG 35xx and Bam some custom firmware has just Dro for it now to be clear it's been out for a moment but not for the h model also it was mostly in beta until now so the cool thing about this software is that if you have either of these devices from amck the 35xx Plus or the 35 xxh you can follow along and the software works for both devices I will show that later in the video also if you are crazy like me and happen to own both devices you can swap the card back and forth and use it on both devices so I will be using my PC to show you how to download Flash and install this firmware on an SD card all the links will be in the description below so this software is called Kiki or you can think of it as Basera light Basera is not only some creepy prehistoric looking cousin to the Cockroach but it's the name of a software that is used a lot in the emulation World typically on PCS or some Standalone emulation consoles it has a ton of potential because it can support a plethora of systems depending on the device that you are using it on now that we have a little insight into what we are working with here let's get to installing the software so for the install you will need a spare or new SD card that is 32 gigs or higher now since both devices take two different SD cards you have the option for a separate games card however to keep things simple I will be throwing the games files on the same SD card all right let's get to the fun part after you have your SD card you want to go to the GitHub page that is linked in the description below here you can read about the firmware the installation what emulators and cores it supports and what isn't supported just yet on the software keep in mind that this is a custom firmware that developers in the community are actively working on so from time to time there might be updates that come out for it that will add new features or fix things so let's scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see the assets section here you will find the installation file that we need to download it's the big long name right here that is the biggest size and it will end in gz just to give you an idea should you watch this in the future and the date changes click that file and it will start downloading while you wait for that to download maybe click the Cofe button above and buy the developers a coffee custom firmware developers don't make any money for doing this but they're awesome anyways and after that before the file is downloaded let's insert the SD card that you are going to use for the firmware into your computer you will need to format it to xat which I've already done but it's it doesn't hurt to do it again for the sake of this [Music] video the other thing that you will need to do is go to the website for balena eter that is linked in the description below and download that program now once your firmware file has downloaded you need to unzip or extract it then let's open balena eter so we can Flash the file to the card make sure that the target is actually your SD card and it's the correct one you don't want to accidentally flash this image onto a different hard drive or something now once you have the correct destination that you were going to flash to you just go back to the ma main menu and click on flash this will take a while so maybe go grab yourself a sandwich or some coffee once the firmware has been flashed to the SD card B etcher will say complete and you will likely be greeted with a slew of pop-up windows and might even be asked to format the card again don't do any of that simply close all the windows except the one that will read share and looks like this here is where if you decide to use the same card for the firmware and the game files that you will load your game files and bios files also disclaimer I can't share where to get the game or ROM files or the BIOS files but you already have access to them and you didn't even know it you can copy them over from the original card that came with the device if you want to pause and not put the BIOS and the G game files on the card and you just want to double check your work you can always eject the card and throw it into the device just to see if the firmware actually copied over correctly I might suggest doing that in case this was your first time flashing firmware but you should be fine if Benta eter says that it's completed and then you will be likely greeted with this screen this is from badera and if you see this you're probably good taada I installed the firmware correctly so if you see all this you'll be fine if you've loaded your game files you'll see some other game files here now before you eject the SD card you want to make sure that you hit the start button and actually shut down the system and then you can eject the SD card and then throw your game files on there but make sure you do that if you are going to turn off the system at all all right so now that we've done all of the things it's time to go have fun and test some games also to to get out of a game you want to hit the function button at the top and the start button if you're on the 35 XX plus you want to hit the start button and the menu button in the middle just like with the previous stock firmware both devices play 16 and 8 bit systems just fine now to access the menu for Basera or Kiki exit the game and hit start there you will be able to to change your settings for the game emulators turn on Wi-Fi scrape box art change your themes or download new ones and a slew of other settings it actually looks pretty similar to emulation station if you are familiar with that or Amber Al Dreamcast is kind of hit or mess it depends on what game you are playing and it also depends on your personal preference of whether you think you can play it with a little bit of lag or not for the most part there is going to be a tiny bit of stuttering here and there unfortunately with Sega Rally Championship I didn't even end up playing the game you can hear the terrible stuttering and sometimes some of the games will just not play so let's switch gears and test out the 35xx plus if you happen to have both of these devices you can literally just take out the card and throw it into the other device and it'll work just fine now something I did want to show off here is not all N64 games are going to work on the 35xx plus it's simply because we don't have any thumb sticks and the N64 actually needs that so here you can see that I can't play this game but it actually works and I'll show you that later in this video it actually works works on the other device on the H but you know what does work is arcade games and I want to point out the reason that I am showing off this specific custom firmware balena eter kcki is because Min UI is out for the 35xx plus and I believe possibly the age but it doesn't have arcade support and I can't deal with that in my life I love arcade games I Absolut love them all right let's test out some PSP let's start out with some lightweight gradius and looks like it's playing pretty good so far now as we go up to teeken six you can definitely hear and see the stuttering I think it's still probably playable but that's up to you and this is also at 1X resolution with auto frame skill on so this is kind of what you get Ridge Racer actually surprised me usually this game is pretty hard to run and it was running really smooth so some games are going to run great some games are not going to run great these are just bonus games in my opinion the Dreamcast N64 in PSP so let's switch back to the 35xx FZ is actually running really well on the age and just to show you Diddy Kong Racing is working as well now let's go back to PSP and see how all these games run on the AG I always like to test out ultimate ghosts and goblins because once I hit the flame burst if it crackles or stutters then I know there's something wrong and it looks like it the H is doing just fine so that's it for my tutorial on Cori or Basera light for the 35xx plus and the H I definitely think anyone who has the H should consider this firmware N64 in most games on the other systems work really well if you have the plus well that's up to you if you want something new hate the stock firmware maybe give this a try if you don't care about no arcade games maybe check out Min UI or just be patient and I'm sure soon we will see garlic OS drop for both of these devices let me know your thoughts in the comments below as always be sure to like subscribe and even share this video with someone who needs some custom firmware fun for their amber neck devices thanks for watching stay awesome everyone and go play some [Music] games
Channel: RetroFunTech
Views: 32,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anbernic, rg35xxh, rg35xxh custom firmware, 35xx plus custom firmware, cfw, rg35xx plus batocera, 35xx plus koriki, 35xxh koriki, 35xxh batocera, psp, n64, dreamcast, sega, nintendo, tekken, tutorial, firmware installation, firmware tutorial, anbernic rg35xx, anbernic rg35xx review, game testing, emulation, retro games, budget friendly gaming, budget portable gaming, koriki, batocera, custom firmware tutorial, custom firmware guide, anbernic rg35xx plus, amazon haul, amazon finds
Id: v_kC-7ujnok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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