Finally GOOD CFW!! Batocera Lite Install Guide for RG35XX Plus & H

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R [Music] retro hey guys welcome back to play retro if you're new here welcome my name is Javi and today we're going to be checking out this brand new Basera we got custom firmware finally for the RG 35xx plus and the H unfortunately I don't have the H but I do have the Plus in front of me let's get this booted up so you guys can see how this looks so check this out [Music] so I'm going to leave this live like like raw and uncut you guys can get a good idea of how long this thing takes up to to boot up but it's really not that bad it has this nice like loading bar right here but it's it's not really that much longer than the stock OS but I'm about to blow your mind with how much this thing can actually do check this [Music] out so as you can see it plays some lovely background music look at this beautiful theme you might have seen these images somewhere too they look familiar to you look at this that's because amernick ripped them off from this theme so this is like kind of like the stock this going to this is going to remind you of the stock OS look at this oh man this looks crazy I got a grid uh a grid a grid theme going for these games right [Applause] now check this out and of course if this is not your style you can switch that up as [Music] well check this out look at that even plays a video has a rating on the side it has a manual indicator right here bunch of metadata whatever you like this is way way better than the stock OS look at this I personally love grid view that's why I use it but you guys you guys can use whatever you like it's like we can finally have nice looking box art without it being cut off without it being squished like basic stuff that Amber can never do for some reason beautiful full fulls size box [Music] [Applause] heart but I want I want to say one thing before I glorify this thing as it's being amazing it is still a beta okay guys so I've been testing this probably for like the last 24 hours and I have run into some issues some games do not perform as well as they perform on the stock OS so that's something you're going to have to understand this is still a beta so there's certain things that are just not going to work well um I ran into one issue where I was playing a game I went to close content in retroarc and the whole thing just froze it crashed it changed how the menu looked and stuff like that it's just things that have not been ironed out yet as much as I've worked on the bugs and stuff there are still bugs in the software however what I will say is that you guys should try to contribute to making this custom firmware better if you guys want a better custom firmware experience you know help out grab this custom firmware and just help make it better you know because there's been a lot of work already done here and it's pretty amazing like one of the things too I've noticed is that N64 you cannot map the controls there's no way to um get like get into the the Standalone emulator menu or maybe it's just not documented I don't know how but for example games that you use the joystick to to move you cannot use the d-pad at all so those games are broken and then you just have to reset the console so it's just things like that you know I I want you guys to to be aware of like what you're getting into with this system if you're a per you're a person that performances everything to you and you just want to play your games at the best right now just stick to the stock OS until this gets to a state where it's very very very good right right as of right now we can connect to Wi-Fi we can scrape boxart you can do net play you can connect to Bluetooth here I'll show you in the settings you can even change your theme check this out so right now I'm using the default theme it's called es theme carbon you can even um like tweak this one as well but check out this look we got check out this theme now this isn't perfect either because it's not the perfect aspect ratio this is supposed to be 480 but it's 540 so it's a little bit stretched but still it looks so much better than than the stock way way better than the stock look at this and this is stuff that's just impossible with the stock OS look at this see if we switch the track let's go with that one check this out let me show you one more cuz I know there's people out there crazy about themes look at this one this is like artflix this is supposed to be like a Netflix kind of theme check this out look at this it's crazy it's like you're scrolling through Netflix literally but instead of movies and TV Shields it's games but yeah guys if this looks like something that you'd be interested in if you want to get this on your handheld I'm going go ahead and show you how to get this installed and it's very very simple this um custom firmware is just as easy as many of the other custom firmwares you're you're you're accustomed to so if you're ready to get this installed we can do a one card setup or we can do a two card setup whatever you want to do let's get on the computer all right guys so welcome to my computer so go ahead and insert your uh SD card one into your computer and first thing we're going to do let's start with some preparation so as you can see I have here in my notes you're going to need your micro SD card reader if you're doing a single card setup you're going to need uh 132 GB branded SD card or higher or if you're doing a two card setup you need one 32 GB branded SD card and and one 64 GB or higher uh branded SD card and the recommended Brands I always use same ones as always are Samsung and SanDisk okay and as well as that you're going to need some programs uh I always use the same three going use mini tool Partition Wizard uh rofus and szip as always these programs going to be linked in the description below so you don't have to worry about finding them so without further Ado so if you if you already gone ahead and inserted your SD card into your computer head over into your mini tool Partition Wizard and the very first thing you want to do is have a look at your SD card in this case I'm just using a 16 GB for this example because I'm running kind of low on SD cards so go ahead and right click this you're going to delete the partition whatever you have here go ahead and press apply and hit yes then click okay and then once you have this you just want to right click it again click create and then right over here says file system you want to set this to Fat 32 and then the drive letter I don't like to leave it on D I like to change it as always um I used to use maybe use your the name of your uh the first letter of your name and if you want you can also label it so if this is for it's for Basera go ahead and name it Basera okay and yes all right so now you got this formatted to FAT32 can close out of this and now you want to head over into this uh GitHub page right here this is Basera light beta for the RG 35xx plus and the RG 35x xh so they're going to use the exact same file you want to scroll down all the way down till you find this right here you want to grab this first one right here Basera H5 RG 35xx plus 39 and it's dated for February 8th go ahead and grab that and now you'll see it's going to download give that a second to download uh it's a fairly small download it's only 1.3 GB so it shouldn't take too long okay and once the file is done it should look something like this it's a gz file this is a compressed file okay so um you're going to go ahead and right click going go down to seven zip and I like to either do extract here go hit extract files I like to extract files and then I'll just go ahead and uh direct it to my desktop that way the files uh go goes to my desktop go ahead and press okay and I'll just give seven zip a second to extract the [Music] file okay and here is our image it's in this little folder right here and now we can actually start flashing so go ahead and open up rofus click yes and now that we're in Rufus you can see make sure you're on the correct Drive um as you can see it says Basera with my letter we're good to go go ahead and just click select and direct it to the image file right over here uh mine is on my desktop but locate it wherever you put it on your computer so go ahead and press open the only thing you have to press here is press start it's going to give you a little warning um just make sure you are on the correct on the correct SD card and press [Music] okay okay so when you when rof is finally uh finishes you're going to see a bunch of error messages just go ahead and close out of these this is fine you may see this boot partition right here just go ahead and ignore all of this close it and close Roofus as well so I know that looks bad just go ahead and close it don't worry about it close everything else and then you can safely eject this from your computer so now go ahead and take this SD card and let's put it in our console okay guys so to's go ahead and take this uh SD card and insert it into your tf1 slot right here and now let's get our first boot going and as usual your first boot is going to take the longest so I'm going to leave this uh unedited so you guys can see how long it takes to actually do the first boot [Music] but B has to do its thing it bends partitions and create folders and all that so just give it one second to get installed but the actual boot time of the system is around I would say like 30 seconds it's not terrible [Music] [Music] and just like that we are in our system but now you're going to see there are a few games in here go to all games I'm sorry so you can see there's a few games in here which is nice of them to just throw in a few games you can actually play for the first time so you also notice that your buttons are swapped so right away I want you guys to do this press Start go into system settings go to frontend developer options and then right over here where it says user interface you want to change this right here it says switch confirm and cancel buttons in emulation go ahead and press that and then you can back out of this so now your buttons will be correct this will be B for cancel an a for accept I'm just going to let you guys know that because it was something that was really bugging me when I first um launch this uh this uh custom firmware okay so once that's done go ahead and you can guys can sh safely shut down okay guys now when you uh reinsert that SD card into the computer you're going to notice you have another partition right over here called share along with boot right over here so in your share you'll have a ROMs you'll also have a saves and you'll also have a bios folder so these folders you want to populate with all your uh important stuff so let's start with our our games so I have this little um curated um ROM collection right here it's only 50 games for this example um just so this doesn't take forever so I'm going to go ahead into my ROMs right here and I'm going to copy over all these games into the corresponding folder so have these 10 games right over here so Genesis is going to be Mega Drive okay now we're going to do our bios files go back out of share and in your share root folder you'll find a bios folder go ahead and drag all your bios files into this folder okay and then the last thing we're going to do is just transfer over our saves you will see a saves uh folder right over here you can if you have any saves I currently don't have any saves I want to put in here but if you do have saves from your previous uh stock SD card go ahead and grab all those saves from wherever they're located um you want to check your actual ROMs folder cuz that's where the stock kind of puts their uh save files go ahead and grab all those F all those uh go ahead and grab all those saves and put them in this folder right over here and then once you're done with that go ahead and safely eject this SD card and now let's put this back in the console okay guys so now go ahead and put that SD card back into um the tf1 slot okay so now you're going to notice there's going to be a bunch of systems in here that are not populated and your gamees going to look a little bit weird so let's fix a couple things in here so first I want you to go into games collections go to systems displayed and just hide the ones that don't have any games so I only have these five systems so those are the only ones I'm going to to display and then now you can see 10 games 11 games 10 games okay okay next I want you to go into user interface settings go to theme configuration and then in here you want to change your gamess view from automatic to detailed until at least at least until we get boxar so now your game L will look like something like this there is actually one game that has that's populated so now let's get this connected to Wi-Fi that we can we can add some more um cool themes to this and also scrape our box art so go ahead and Press Start go down to network settings and then I'm going to go ahead and uh get this thing connected so press enable Wi-Fi and then click on this and it's going to show you your Wi-Fi and stuff okay so now that we got our Wi-Fi enabled you will see a little indicator in the top right corner and we're good to go so want to go down into your settings you'll see this something called scraper go into scraper settings and then you want to enter your login information all the way at the bottom I'll give me a second can do that so here I like to grab a manual I also like to grab a video Community rating is good I like to grab 2D uh boxart 2D okay and once that's done you can back out so I like to select just the systems that I have you got Mega Drive that's Genesis Game Boy Advance Game Boy Color SNES and Game Boy you'll see five systems selected and now you can just click scrape now and there you go so now I found all my games it's going to go one by one and scrape all of [Music] them all right guys so this thing is finally done okay when that's done go ahead into game settings and then go ahead and click update games list press yes and boom check this out now all of our games have nice 2D box art and not only that they also play a little video which we can use for screen saver check this out dope oh yeah this is probably a million times better than stock not only this but we can go into updates and downloads so when a when an update becomes available you want to have this on that way we can uh we can update let's see if we have an update no update available right now you also want to go into this which is your content downloader go to themes and then you can go down here and look at some of these themes and whichever ones you like you can go ahead and install let's go and try this one artflix now you can see let's go ahead and download all right and R Flix is installed successfully so now we can go into your settings and now we we have another option to change the theme go ahead and click that go back and now we have a nice different theme we can mess with now if the themes looks looks a little bit off you can go into theme configuration and you can change it right now it's set to 1080p I'll would go down to 540p so it's a little bit easier to see that should help a little bit to adjust uh all the theme is configured yeah I'm going to let you guys mess with that stuff I just want to show you how cool this actually looks and just this custom firmware really brings this uh device to life now really feels like a complete system now with badera and I didn't want to make a note um I didn't want to let you guys know that this is not complete this is still a beta you will run into some glitches here and there um there will be games that will not perform the same as they do on stock so my advice for you is just play the games that run well and stick around for when a better state more stable release comes out that's why I told you to turn on your notifications on this system when a stable update becomes uh available just go ahead and update the system because you do have over theair updates and this thing is just going to get better over time I know this was available earlier but I'm not a person that I'm going to push something that's in a pre-alpha state um because there's just way too many bugs and too many issues I I don't want you guys to be testers at the end of the day I I know you guys just want to play your games and have fun for those people that you have you have problems with bugs and stuff I'm going to just tell you just stick to the stock OS until um this stuff gets really really really polished and then install this uh for the most part the installation process is going to be the same anyway so it doesn't really matter but if you want to be a person that you want to help contribute to making a custom firmware better go ahead and download this and if you if you see any bugs just report them to um to the Creator of this uh custom firmware from what I've seen most most of the old systems run well it's just the the higher end stuff that has a few issues like N64 uh Dreamcast uh even PS1 a few games don't run as well but like I said guys this is a work in progress so yeah guys that's going to be it for this video hopefully this guide was uh simple and easy to follow you got everything running um uh well if you did not go ahead and leave a comment and I'll do my best to help you out if you run into any issues um during the installation let me know in the comment section what you guys think of Basera light so far are you enjoying it um let me know uh your experience with using it are you finding bugs uh is everything working for you let's get uh this some sort of discussion going and yeah if you made it to end of the video thank you so much for watching my name is hob and I'll see you in the next one um as these uh all these programs going to be linked in the description below so oh my God baby go me me
Channel: Javi Play Retro
Views: 24,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rg35xx plus, rg35xx h, anbernic, batocera lite, custom firmware, CFW, windows tutorial, retro game corps, retro gaming, retro handhelds, tutorial, flashing guide, install custom firmware, best software
Id: Fq1J1IQ-Lw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 25sec (1585 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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