RG35XX Plus Changes Everything! - A Complete Upgrade

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this little handheld that is right here has essentially blown my mind this is the RG 35xx plus and in comparison to its predecessor the original RG 35xx it has improved literally every single problem that I've had it has better ergonomics it has a much better d-pad has a better battery life not only that but it also includes Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity all of this for just $12 more than the original rg35 XX so if you're in the market and you're trying to figure out whether or not you should get one or the other without a doubt I recommend going for the plus just spend the extra 10 12 $113 whatever it is and just go for it it's you're going to get a better experience you're going to get a longer lifespan with that unit and there's just so many features that are unlocked especially using retroarc and everything that is there now for just $12 more there are a couple of things that I wish I could get but then again it's just it's it's $12 like you can't really complain too much especially with what you're getting in but I do want to go ahead and go over some of the features some of the differences that are there and personally whether or not I would recommend this spoiler I would the unboxing experience is going to be very similar to that of any other am bernick device but for those of you that have never had one it's going to include a couple of wipes that are there to prep up the screen for an also included screen protector there's also going to be a usba to USBC cable that is mainly there for charging and there's going to be a Micro SD card that is going to be pre-installed in your unit that could be a 64 GB card or a 128 GB card it really honestly depends on how much you're willing to paid for it and of course you're going to get the unit itself when comparing the specs between the RG 35xx and the plus the plus just is so much better not only are you going to be getting a better CPU and a better GPU but you're going to be getting four times the amount of ram not to mention that you're going to be getting a 30% bump in terms of power and there's going to to be a Wi-Fi chip as well as a Bluetooth chip you're going to be getting Wi-Fi 2.4 or 5 GHz or Bluetooth 4.2 now with all of this you know jammed inside of that body it is going to be a little bit heavier at 188 G versus 176 G and of course it is going to be slightly more expensive but to be honest with you looking at the spec sheet alone you can already tell that the plus is just worth it especially for those additional 12 bucks out of all of the things that I just talked about the biggest thing that I see making an impact at least for me personally is Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity when I was comparing the original RG 35xx to the Miu Mini Plus the thing that swayed me over to the Miu Mini Plus was the fact that there was Wi-Fi now with the RG 35xx plus having Wi-Fi and Bluetooth built in honestly that plus the fact that there's more power there's a better processor better GPU better Ram everything is just better on the plus you don't really have to worry worry too much about stuff and with retroarc you can connect to Retro achievements and you don't really have to worry about things obviously I would like some form of custom firmware on this and when it comes down to it I know that there is going to be better custom firmware that is going to be developed as far as I can tell black sy's garlic OS 2.0 is there but it doesn't utilize 100% of the GPU as of this recording once it is updated to that point guys the sky is the limit I mean there's going to be so much that can be done with this handheld not to mention that you can also use Moonlight to go ahead and play your Steam games on your PC if you want to it it's just it really leaves very little to be desired especially for this price point the stock OS experience on the am bernick RG 35xx is actually pretty solid I was really impressed with it when I was testing things out but I needed to go ahead and check out the custom firmware garlic OS 2.0 from black serif I love the way that it ran on the original RG 35xx but with a plus I wanted to see what 2.0 could go ahead and bring to the table in order to get everything set up and running I needed to go ahead and get a bunch of SD cards transfer things and all this and that and I want to make sure that everything was backed up so I ended up using the revvo do multifunction adapter from today's sponsor ugreen ug green has released two revvo do models the pro 210 and the pro 313 the pro 210 is a 10 in1 USB hub with two HDMI ports the HDMI 1 Port supports up to 4K at 60 HZ but the HDMI 2 Port can go up to 8K at 30 HZ of course you can do double monitors with 4K 60 HZ support across the board there's also an ethernet port as multiple usba ports 2 2.0 and 1 3.0 and 100 wat power delivery with 85 wats pass through charging through the power delivery port and 15 watts for all of the other functions there's also two SD card slots a Micro SD card slot and a regular SD card slot now the pro 313 is a 13 in1 USB hub that's a Powerhouse for productivity it has triple display support through two HDMI ports and one display port it supports single monitor displays up to 4K at 60 HZ it has an Ethernet port it has three USB 3.2 Gen 2 ports so you get one USBC and two USB then there's two usba 3.0 ports and a 3.5 mm Jack there's 100 W power delivery with 85 W pass through charging and 15 WTS for other functions on the adapter but the cool thing about this is that it supports both SD cards and micro SD card use simultaneously check out the links in the description below to order yours today the pro 210 is currently 29% off and the pro 313 is currently 23% off and thanks to you green for sponsoring this video one of the things that I first noticed straight from the gecko is overall how comfortable the RG 35xx plus feels especially in contrast to the original it the changes are minute let me be honest with you they're very small but they culminate to a better overall experience that just feels so much sturdier than the original the original although it was well built it still felt I don't know kind of like a toy in a sense like it could fall it could break and then boom it's done but with this I don't know it just it feels tighter maybe it's a placebo effect on my part but it just feels so much more wellb built than the original one so let's go and do a quick tour on the left hand side you're going to have your volume rockers on the bottom you're going to have a USBC Port as well as a 3.5 mm Jack I primarily use this for charging so whenever I go ahead and want to add or change anything I just remove this SD card here that's on the right hand side on the right hand side you're going to find these two micro SD card slots as well as a reset button or restart button and the power button itself and on the top you're going to find a mini HDMI out as well as an LED or two LED lights excuse me that indicate whether or not it's charging whether or not the battery is dying or if uh your uh unit is in sleep mode which is very easy to do on the backhand side you're going to find these shoulder buttons that are honestly probably the biggest impact in terms of comfort for me because the original one didn't have that curvature that's here on these uh honestly one of the biggest complaints that I had with this was that it was just too angular it didn't feel comfortable to play on this for a long extended periods of time and you kind of had to go ahead and uh use these two buttons that were here with the meat of your of your finger versus actually kind of just T tapping down and I found that very uncomfortable so what I ended up doing is more just tapping with my finger and kind of having to move to and from with this it just feels much more natural to just push that button down as you're gaming on the front side of the unit you're going to find a much better much more improved d-pad so with this you are going to get less Mis inputs which uh the RG 35xx the original one was Notorious for that d-pad had a lot of problems so with this you have less problems with the uh d-pad you have your menu button your face buttons that are here with a rubber remembering on the bottom that just feel overall just Better Built and has a little bit more of a bounceback if that makes any sense in comparison to the original ones and then you have your start and select button overall like I said the changes that are there they're minute but the culmination of things just feels so much better on the back side you are going to have this battery that is removable and I love this because on the original one you couldn't actually access the battery without removing the entire back portion of the case or the shell so with this all you really got to do is you just got to take this out and if you wanted to change it for whatever reason all you have to do is just remove that from there and get a new battery and boom you're done and as you can tell right here 3.7 volts and this is 12.21 wat hours so it's right there with everything that has been said frankly I like the way that this works because it just to me I'd rather have more of um owner repairability and just being able to have the right to repair to get things done and get things going so I like the fact that this is here and if I need to change things I can do so without having to worry about anything now when it comes to the stock OS experience in contrast to the original that came on the Amber neck it's pretty much on par it's right everything is exactly where you want it to be now you have your game rooms which has all of the systems that are here and they're ready to go but personally I prefer the Retro Arc option just because there's a little bit more flexibility if you want to adjust things or if you want to go ahead and tweak settings to get the best gaming experience for you then this is probably the route that you want to go ah and go for from there you're going to have all of your uh platforms that are readily available for you to go ahead and stream on so for example if I wanted to go to uh N64 I could go ahead and do that and jump right into the game so I don't really have to worry too much about things um let's say Super Mario 64 now it will take a couple of seconds for it to boot up but once it boots up you can see that it is here uh I did go ahead and enable the FPS on the top right hand corner just just so you can see more or less how it runs uh I do have a safe state that is here uh that'll go ahead and load in but as you can see the frame rate here hovers um around 25 sometimes it'll hit uh 30 35 frames per second it's not 60 FPS by any means but I'm not going to lie to you this is playable for something that requires um an N64 analog stick it pretty much does everything that I would want with this d-pad obviously if you want uh better Precision or whatever it may be I would recommend connecting a Bluetooth controller that's something that's uh there but I tried multiple games on here I tried uh Super Mario 64 I tried a Crazy Taxi U marble versus Capcom I also tried a couple of PSP titles and PSP runs okay as well it pretty much does the job but for the most part for the price performance I'm honestly truly blown away by this it's just such a great EXP experience especially in contrast to some of the other uh handhelds that are out there at this price point this is honestly such an amazing surprise at least in my opinion you obviously have the choice to go ahead and go through your favorites then there's history that goes out and shows you whatever games you've been playing uh if you have a large Library which you probably will if you get the SD card that comes on here you are going to well you would be best off searching for games if needed um in settings you have your battery lock screen U Back brightness there's an IO test is there date and time uh language settings um and obviously retroarc is there readily available now the cool thing is that with bluetooth settings this is something that's new in comparison to the original you can go ahead and connect whatever Bluetooth device it is that you want to go ahead and use so like I said if you're going to be playing Dreamcast or N64 anything that requires an analog input this is really where I would go ahead and go with this because you can connect a third- party controller and then from there you can just game on and not have to worry about being restricted to just a d-pad um obviously there there's network settings and with network settings once you go in you'll be able to go ahead and uh connect to your Wi-Fi network and uh from there you can go ahead and do whatever it is that you want with moonlight this is really cool because you can go ahead and start streaming titles or games to your handheld again you are going to be restricted to uh just these inputs and the shoulder pads that are here or excuse me the shoulder buttons that are there but it works and I'm honestly kind of surprised at how well and how much Tech is packed into this little hand held overall it pretty much fixes all of the problems that I had in terms of that obviously there's other things that are here that were in the original for example um uh button sounds and changing custom settings uh changing the icons that are there as well as the background settings that you see on the back behind uh the UI but it's pretty straightforward at that point I'm really curious to see how well custom Os or custom firmware is going to run on this especially in contrast to the uh basic stock experience that's here while I was recording content for this video I installed garlic OS 2.0 on here and at first I was kind of um I don't know just let down a little bit I I was expecting a lot more in terms of the experience and this isn't a dig or anything like that towards uh black s for any of the developers that worked on this that honestly it's awesome and I can see how this is going to evolve and kind of just become more mature and just overall just a better experience especially in comparison to 1.0 but very quickly as I was setting things up for this video garlic OS 2.0.1 came out and I was very excited because I thought that they would go ahead and change things but I looked at the um the change log and all they did was add support for the rg35 xxh which is going to be coming out soon as well as fixing a paging card scaling issue which is fine I mean I'm glad that they're continuously working and updating on things um but when I installed this I was expecting a little bit more um the fact is that you do have retro AR there which is fine it does everything that you want it to go ahead and do but uh there isn't any sort of GPU functionality so uh stripping down the GPU essentially makes this kind of like a miu Mini Plus at that point uh you still have you know the Wi-Fi capability you still have bluetooth capability um pretty much anything and everything that you want to go ahead and do with RoR Arc is is right there um when you install garlic OS 2.0 for the first time around there's going to be a file directory um or file paths that are set up for all of the different emulators and games that are there the first time around I thought that it was going to be a drag and drop situation where you know for example FC is is famcom and from there you know the ROMs will just go ahead and copy and paste right over but it's actually um listed out as Nintendo uh same thing can be said for super familyc it would be sfc but in this instance it's actually Super Nintendo so you need to go ahead and buy platform drag and drop all of the games that you want to go ahead and put on a platform by platform basis not a big deal but it is something to take into consideration I know that they have their reasons for doing that the developers um now when you're scrolling through it's nice because you can kind of see more or less what section you're in by the letter that's over here which is nice but when it comes to heavier titles for example uh Super Nintendo games that have the FX chip which is notorious because it essentially shows what the handheld is capable of whenever you boot that up you're going to have issues where you're going to have some form of um just the the sound is going to come out crackly it's going to be a little uh delayed in the grand scheme of things and this is something that just fluctuates as you play but it just shows that like it has problems now when I was playing this on the regular uh stock OS that came with the ambern uh RG 35xx plus it just worked um and I was actually really surprised because it didn't really have um any problems like you can hear how it's just slowing down big time by uh everything that's happening on screen so it's definitely something that leaves a lot to be desired um in terms of processing power um now technically this handheld is able to go ahead and play N64 games as well as Dreamcast games but with garlic OS 2.0.1 that's not the case uh I went ahead and put in the games I even created the directory path in in hopes that it would just pop up here but unfortunately that is not the case um so I'm hoping that with future updates that's something that's going to be um available for us to go ahead and use but aside from that you know you go into menus you can change the date and time and you can change the language and then everything is as it should be um there really isn't too much else when it comes to this OS overall I'm just a little saddened by the lack of GPU functionality that being said the stock OS experience is more than enough especially if you're just looking at getting something and just playing and not really having to worry about installing custom OSS or constantly having to worry about updating bootloaders or whatever it may be I'm sure that black serif with garlic OS 2.0 and any of the other developers that are out there working on custom OSS for these handhelds I'm sure that they're putting in all of their effort into ensuring that they can provide the best possible experience for their users that being said I would still recommend going with the stock OS right now but I'm sure that in the future these uh custom OSS custom firmwares that are out there will mature to the point to where it's going to unlock features it will go ahead and well they'll add features but it'll also unlock the full potential of these handhelds maybe we might be able to squeeze just a little bit more juice out of the CPU and GPU I will say that I am without a doubt impressed with what this handheld can do like I said earlier in the video if you're considering either this the RG 35xx Plus or the original RG 35xx just go with a plus I don't see why you would even need to consider the original RG 35xx especially when you're talking about just 12 bucks more to go ahead and get so many extra features you can track your progress through retro achievements you can go ahead and do net play to play with multiplayer locally I mean just overall it's just a better overall experience so I don't see why you wouldn't go with that so who is the RG 35xx plus4 at the end of the day it really just depends on the type of games that you want to go ahead and emulate I for one like to emulate 8 bit and 16 bit titles though there are some titles on here that were on N64 as well as Dreamcast that I never played I never had an N64 Dreamcast growing up so having this not only in a small form factor but also at a relatively inexpensive price at least for me it's nice honestly I was really Blown Away by the performance that's there obviously 60fps for some of these titles is the best way to go but I really just can't complain being able to play Dreamcast or N64 titles in such a small form factor is kind of mindblowing guys so if this is something that you're interested in I do have affiliate links in the description below as well as in the pin comment now I will be going and doing an actual comparison between the RG 35xx plus as well as the Miu Mini Plus so subscribe that way you can go ahead and stay up to date with things like that but I do want to go ahead and say that if you want to hear my initial thoughts of the RG 35xx then click this video over here and if you want to hear my thoughts on the Mi Mini Plus then click this video over here and until next time guys I will see you on the next one peace
Channel: Baldly Rudy
Views: 27,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rg35xx plus, anbernic rg35xx, anbernic rg35xx review, anbernic rg35xx plus, rg35xx plus review, retro gaming, anbernic rg35xx plus review, retro gaming handheld, garlicos rg35xx, retro gaming console, retro gaming now, anbernic rg35xx garlic os review, retro gaming handheld 2023, anbernic rg35xx honest review, anbernic rg35xx unboxing and review, retro gaming handheld review, retro gaming handheld cheap, anbernic rg35xx unboxing
Id: fPzeCqvPvb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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