The New King of Handheld Emulation?! (Under $70)

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when the original rg35 XX launched I was blown away not only because of the price that was there but the performance I could go ahead and play titles all the way up to PS1 all for $55 and on a handheld I was truly honestly astonished I mean this was my first handheld emulator so I was definitely blown away but the more that I gamed on it the more that I started noticing the blemishes to it like I noticed that there wasn't any Wi-Fi capabilities that were there but there were other handhelds that had that around that same price point and I also noticed that I couldn't really connect a Bluetooth controller though it did support 2.4 GHz but I digress then amernick released the RG 35xx plus and it fixed not only the ergonomics not only did it improve the internals not only did it add features that I wanted but all for just $12 more than the original price point to be honest I was blown away with what this little thing could do the custom OS that was there that I tried was garlic OS and to be honest I was a little bit you know taken a back by it but then Amber you know shortly afterwards released the RG 35xx now with this handheld I was kind of taking back a little bit because I have the RG 405m which I should be doing a video on but I haven't gotten around to it unfortunately don't tell Amber but I have been you know messing with this and I've had it since launch I've enjoyed my time with it but ever since this has come out there have been other custom OSS that have been released and to be honest with you I kind of like where this is going I kind of like what you can do with the rg35 xxh but how does it compare to its predecessors and how does it compare to what's already out there this video is sponsored by ugreen and their nexe PR Line This is a charger for my steam deck this is one for my pixel8 Pro and here's another one for my Chromebook and this is the single charger that can replace them all ug Green's nexo Pro Line uses Cutting Edge technology to make a compact charger that you can take with you on the go I travel a lot for for work for my day job so something like this is a definite must it's so small that the 65 wat and 100 W Chargers actually fit in the palm of your hand they can easily charge three devices at the same time with a combined 65 Watts or 100 watts of power charging through its two USBC ports and a single usba a port it's compatible with a bunch of devices and supports all sorts of fast charging protocols including the 45w Samsung super fast charging 2.0 with its built-in thermal guard system the adapter changes is the current to provide a full Fast and safe charge without damaging the batter's longevity now the technology in this saves an average of 553 tons of CO2 per year which is the same as planting just over 220,000 trees use the link in the description to get up to 15% off and get yours today and thanks to you green for sponsoring this video when it comes to buying the rg35 xxh you have a couple of options first and foremost you have this clear color that's here then there's Atomic purple and and then finally there's this all black color that's here personally I ended up going with this clear color right here I just think it looks pretty awesome and when it comes to actually buying your uh unit you have a couple of options now without anything the default is going with the 64 GB model and this comes with a card pre-loaded with a bunch of games and if you wanted to purchase something a little bit more expensive you can go with the 128 GB added card for $82.99 to be honest with you you don't really need that uh you can just go with a 64 GB model and just find whatever games you want to you can just pay you know whatever you need for a better card and that way you'll have a better overall experience in comparison to the RG 35xx plus it's not that much uh more expensive you're essentially paying for the extra analog sticks that are going to be added onto the side if you wanted to buy this online on Amazon just because you it's a more trusted retailer you can do so it is a little bit marked up but obviously this is prime shipping so you're going to have a better overall experience if there were to be any issues and it's essentially a no hassle return if you needed to return it to Amazon for whatever reason it may be now another option that I've seen a lot of people go towards is something that's called keep retro and they do have the rg35 xxh listed here for $75.99 depending on where you are in the United States this does include free shipping so when you go to add it into your cart and complete the checkout process you'll be able to see how much it's going to cost to ship to your specific location for me it was free so again this really depends on where you are in the world when it comes to to the unboxing experience this is pretty much on par with all of the other am bernick devices that are out there you're going to get wipes to prep up a screen for an also included screen protector a usba to USBC cable as well as a 64 GB card and finally the unit itself I'll go ahead and I'll put on the specs on screen but as you can tell the RG 35xx plus as well as the xxh is pretty much on par in terms of everything you're going to be getting the same CPU same GPU same Ram same screen size same battery and connectivity the only only real difference that I saw was weight which uh the rg35 xxh is a little tiny bit lighter but it is going to be a little bit more expensive which makes sense you're going to be paying three bucks more and that's essentially for the analog sticks that are there but overall it's the same experience let's do a quick tour of the handheld itself it feels really great to hold in the hands and honestly those analog sticks that are here feel good most of the time I'm going to be playing 2D titles anyways but every once in a while when I do want to go ahead and play those 3D titles having twin analog sticks feels awes awesome now the back side you're going to have these rubber pads that are very Akin towards the amck horizontal uh handheld and it's it feels awesome because you can kind of like rest the back of your hand there and it just feels great now on the front side you're going to have your d-pad as well as your start and select button face buttons and your analog sticks on the bottom you're going to have two SD card slots as well as two downward facing speakers on the top side you are going to have your L1 L2 R2 R1 as well as a 3 2.5 mm Jack two USBC ports HDMI out as well as a function key on the right hand side you're going to have your power button as well as your restart button and on the left hand side you're going to have your volume rocker overall this is a very sturdy build and I actually really like the way that this is set up and because of its form factor and its size this is just something that I find very pocketable this is just something that you can take with you and go out and about and not really have to worry about whether or not this is going to fit into your pocket by any means this just it just works so when I first got my hands on the RG 35xx you know what I'm I'm just going to call it the age okay when I first got my hands on the age it felt really good but there were a lot of differences that I noticed immediately and I know that they're my nud it's probably me just being nitpicky on things but I immediately noticed that the face buttons themselves have a lot more travel distance than the original plus especially in comparison to the two I'll try to go ahead and get a nice closeup up shot on screen right now but then the analog sticks the analog sticks felt great this is something that I just kind of missed especially when I was playing 3D titles on the plus because when you go to the H it just it feels natural to have something like that also I don't know if if the mic will pick it up but yeah that's the shoulder buttons here they're very loud now I have nothing against you know clicky shoulder buttons I mean even the original RG 35xx as as the plus they both have clicky buttons you can still kind of hear them but this just is really really loud I would actually prefer to have something closer to like the uh original Nintendo switch on like the joy-cons to have kind of like those two buttons that are there instead of just having these that are just kind of just like lining up the edge of the body also I ended up hitting the function key instead of actually using the power button to go ahead and turn things on now I know this is more in line with my own personal experience on things and that this is also in line with how all of the am bernick all of the other amck devices are set up with the power button being on the right as well as the restart button but it's still definitely um left a little bit to be desired now you have two speakers on the bottom which makes the overall audio experience a little bit better I don't like the fact that they're downward firing I would rather have front-facing speakers whenever possible but I do get it because there are analog sticks and there's only so much that you can squeeze into the uh the face of the unit itself the screen is gorgeous I've really been liking the way that amck has been picking the screens or the panels that are in these handhelds the color balance that's there is the way that I like it which is on the little bit warmer side but in terms of things it's just it's beautiful and it runs the way that it should the d-pad also feels just like the Plus in fact I would probably say that this feels really really great the only thing that I don't like is that there are some Mis inputs but you kind of have to like really force yourself to actually get get those Mis inputs in there most people probably wouldn't even notice that whenever they're gaming on these handhelds now I'm not going to spend too much time on the H if you watched my plus review this is pretty much on par with what's there the OS experience is pretty much identical so in the game room you have your games uh retro Arc games you have all of your games that are listed here and personally I prefer going this route just because things just run better overall you have your favorites so let's say if I were in uh uh let's see I wanted to do uh Crazy Taxi all you got to do is hit the start button right here and you can go ahead and favorite it and then it will go ahead and pop up in your favorites and to unfavorite you just do that uh history just shows your history of games that you've played search you can go ahead and search all the games that are there in your system and then settings will allow you to change the settings of the handheld itself now here you can find your network settings you can uh find your Bluetooth settings as well as icon settings which is pretty much all you can really change that and like the background if you wanted to change the background you can do that too but but there really isn't too much functionality in the grand scheme of things I mean it's am bernick their stock OS experience has never been great but there are definitely some really good custom OS options that are out there the first custom OS that I wanted to try out was garlic OS 2.0 and I already had it installed on the plus anyway so all I had to do was just take out the SD cards and put that into the H and it just worked I mean it makes sense because it's the same chipset and so on and so forth but it just worked I went and looked at the GitHub page uh for garlic OS 2.0 and it's still on 2.0.1 so all of that lacking of features and everything quality of life improvements is just it's still there um there isn't any GPU functionality or anything like that in garlic o 2.0 it is pretty to look at don't get me wrong but the functionality that I would want in my gaming just isn't there yet if you are interested in installing garlic RS 2.0 I do have a link somewhere up here that'll guide you to a tutorial where you will be able to go ahead and see the ins and outs of everything but at the end of the day I would still wait on garlic o 2.0 to be fully baked before you actually install it onto your handheld the next custos that I wanted to try out is something that's called Kiri Alpha which is in Alpha stage it's uh bosera light build and honestly I was kind of Blown Away at how well things ran on the rg35 xxh uh given that it's an alpha I just I didn't think that it was going to run this smoothly the front end is emulation station but as you start getting into it I mean it just it runs beautifully there are a couple of Kinks here and there again this is an alpha build but it still does really well if you want to install B light or kakiri Alpha onto your Plus or H you're going to need a couple of things first and foremost an SD card of some kind I would recommend a couple of them they're uh I have affiliate links in the description below and the pin comment but once you have one of those come to this GitHub page I'll have a link in the description and the pin comment all the way down on the bottom you see this file this top one that's dog. gz the one that's 1.29 GB get that file download it and then from there get a program to write or a flash an image onto that SD card I am using Rufus I've just been using that forever so I figured I'd give this a a recommendation so to speak but once you go ahead and have that uh you'll choose your device and that should be your SD card now as you can see it says multiple partitions M and N this is just because I've already flashed the image onto this SD card make sure that dis or ISO image is uh here in this box and hit select from there pick your uh image right here it can be zipped it's fine it'll go ahead and work regardless and then hit start uh once that's done it'll take a few minutes to actually uh render everything or write everything onto that SD card but once it's done all you have to do is take that SD card put it into the rg35 xxh or the Plus or whatever it is that you're going to install it on and turn it on it will take a few minutes to actually unzip everything and get everything set up but once it's done you're set and ready to go to get that card and plug that back into your computer when you plug that into the computer you're going to have two partitions that are readily available one is for bosera and the other one's for your bioses and ROMs and everything else that you want to get set up now I'll be 100% honest with you this is pretty straightforward when it comes to things but if there are any issues like that please remember that this is in an alpha stage so some things might just not work for whatever reason it may be but I didn't run into any issues when I was getting everything set up onto my SD card when you first install Kiri onto the sand held at First it's going to look like this and this is pretty straightforward how emulation station runs you're going to have all of your platforms that are available and as you add more games to said platforms they're going to populate here so let's say I don't have any uh Game Gear games then Game Gear the option isn't going to be here but anything that does for example my uh Super Nintendo collection is here so all I have to do is just get those into the right folders and they're going to be up populating here without any uh crazy fuss or anything like that now the first time around the emulation station is going to be set up like this but if you push start it will take you to this main menu and if you go all the way down to updates and downloads you go in and there's actually an option for themes so you have your themes downloaded the tier and from there you can download anything that you know you fancy or whatever it may be but there are some that I already have installed and I'm going to go ahead and show you how to actually switch between the two all you have to do is go into user interface settings and then you could either you know just toggle them uh with your left and right on the d-pad or the analog stick or if you want to see a full list you can go ahead and do that and then just hit a or excuse me B on whatever it is that you want to uh download get out of that and it'll load into place and then from there you'll see how everything is laid out now me personally I like this look I think it's pretty clean I prefer clean uh OS experiences over anything that's super noisy but I mean everything that's there is up to your fancy so if you want to go back in you can change the user interface settings and let's say that we want to go with epic Noir which is something that a lot of people have used in the past and boom everything is right here uh just as before it's pretty clean as well so it really just depends on what it is that you want to go ahead and experience on your end now if you want to scrape things uh the first thing that you want to go ahead and do is actually go down to scraper and there are a couple of options that are here now if you go to screens scraper you just have to put in a little bit of information and it'll create an account and from there you can just download everything but if you don't want to there's uh the games DB um there's also HFS DB uh so there's a couple of options that you can choose from in order to actually get the box art for the games that you want to go ahead and play on or play with it's just a nice and better overall experience there are different settings that are here so if you prefer uh 3D settings uh over 2D settings then you can download them accordingly and you can just uh set up everything as you want them just as imagined 16-bit titles ran without any sort of problems at all everything was emulated beautifully and I didn't run into any issues or any stuttering at all even when I was playing heavier titles on the nnest PS1 titles also ran beautifully I was able to play Tekken 3 without any sort of hitches at all whatsoever and even the audio and everything that was going on is just fine everything worked as it should things started to just get choppy when I was playing Dreamcast games the chipset had a really tough time keeping up with everything that was happening on screen so the frame rate was never actually really 60fps and you could tell by the audio lag that was happening while playing the game overall it was serviceable it was playable but there was definitely some audio lag that was going on and audio stuttering as well now when it came to N64 games everything just worked seamlessly I didn't have to worry about any sort of audio stuttering or any glitches or the frame rate slowing down at at all I was playing Mario 64 as well as starf Fox 64 and things just worked without any problems at all when it comes to playing PSP titles on the other hand it's a completely different story if you want to play 2D titles like Maverick Hunter X then you're going to get 60 FPS you're not going to get any audio issues or audio stuttering or anything like that but when you want to throw more intensive titles like 3D titles like Tekken 6 then that's where this system is brought down to its knees essentially you're going to be getting 15 to 25 frames per second on average and it just I don't know left a lot to be desired at least for me uh because I love fighting games and I wanted that 60 FPS experience and I just didn't get this on this handheld that being said I'm sure that you could adjust some settings in PPSSPP in order to get the best experience possible but it's not going to hit that 60fps Mark if it is let me know in the comments below I'd love to get any specific settings that'll go ahead and bring this experience up to par but as of right now it's just not doing it for me so who is the RG 35x xh form well honestly it really depends on what you're willing to do in order to get the best gaming experience or whether or not you're satisfied with the sck OS experience me personally the sck OS experience is okay but it's an abysmal uh UI for the grand scheme of things I would rather have something like this uh the Kiri setup is just it's awesome it has a better overall experience in terms of gaming the customization is there and you just have a better Suite of features that are rarily available for you not to mention that if you're okay with just you know dragging and dropping a couple of files and getting things set up to just the way that you want it's worth it now in terms of which games you play that's really what differentiates between the two because if you're playing 8 bit or 16 bit titles then you'd probably be okay with the plus because of that lack of analog sticks and just the overall aesthetic and feel of this it definitely is reminiscent of the game boy but if you want something that is more Akin towards playing twins stick shooters or games or things like that then this might be the option for you it really just depends on what it is that you are going to Game On personally myself I am going to take this on a business trip just to see how it is to play on the go and see whether or not this is something that I would take with me further on but as far as I can tell right now I'm enjoying my experience with this and this is something that I can recommend right now so what do you guys think of the rg35 xxh is this something that you're interested in or something that you're willing to pick up uh or just check out and if you already have it let me know in the comments below let me know your thoughts if you're interested in hearing my thoughts on the rg35 XX plus then click this video over here and if you're interested in learning how to install garlic OS 2.0 then click this video over here and until next time guys I will see you on the next one peace
Channel: Baldly Rudy
Views: 23,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: retro gaming handhelds, retro handheld, emulation console, emulation handhelds, best handheld console, best handheld console 2024, rg35xxh review, rg35xxh garlic os, rg35xxh vs rg35xx plus, rg35xxh psp, rg35xxh batocera, rg35xxh firmware, rg35xxh update, rg35xxh n64, rg35xxh games, rg35xxh gameplay, rg35xxh setup, rg35xxh custom firmware
Id: K4oX7xHcW1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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