Anbernic RG35XX H Handheld Game Console Is Great For Old School Retro Gaming

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[Music] hey everybody Richard gaming guy here today in this video we're going to jump in and check out the amernick rg35 XX handheld video game console so we'll do a full unboxing we'll see what this has to offer in terms of layout and design and then of course we're going to boot it up take a tour of what comes pre-installed and pre-loaded on here and then we'll test out the performance let's dive into it all right guys here we have it the am bernick rg35 xxh so we'll go ahead and open this up so I'll move the handheld aside for right now let's see what is underneath here so we have a cleaning kit as well as a screen protector which is secured right inside here you can see it right there I'm not going to install that here but certainly always a u nice addition to keep your screen well protected we also have a user manual right here as well you can open that up take a quick Glimpse at what it has to offer off here so it does walk through all the different functions and features layout for the controls couple different languages here all right so it does seem to be quite thorough which is always a good thing and then inside here I imagine we have our type-c charging cable as we typically will get from Amber neck so see if we can open this up perfect yeah so it's usba a to USB type-c type c is going to connect over to the actual handheld other end you can plug into a PC to charge it up or into a power outlet that supports usba connection so let's go ahead and put this aside now let's take a look at the actual handheld here all right guys here is our am bernick rg35 xxh handheld video game console now this looks really sharp I like the way that we have that translucent purple here reminds me of an old school Game Boy Color uh 3.5 in IPS screen on here and we have a four button configuration we have our d-pad located over here definitely feels like these uh buttons are pretty elevated you can see the side profile there they do stick out quite a ways same thing with the d-pad sits very high on the handheld but it feels very comfortable to actually navigate with a d-pad I will say that buttons are very responsive even though they do sit quite high so some people like that higher uh button configuration some people like them to be a little bit tighter to the um you know the surface of the handheld itself I honestly like them high like this it feels really good uh doesn't require much to hit those buttons start and select located right up here as well and then we have the Dual analog sticks which is a nice touch and we do have the L3 and R3 button function built in there there they definitely feel quite nice uh I definitely want to check that out in Game of course and now we have our L1 L2 R1 and R2 shoulder and Trigger buttons located right at the top now holding on to this uh it does sit in my hands very nicely it is very comfortable to hold however these kind of feel I feel like the trigger buttons are actually easy to hit but to hit the shoulder buttons I really have to pull my fingers apart like this uh it doesn't feel natural it feels very awkward to actually you know slide all the way over and hit those the action is very good there's no sweet spot so doesn't matter if you hit it right up here where it's labeled R1 um or you know on this side L1 or if you're hitting it all the way over here in the far corner right in the center the action is consistent throughout the entire button but yeah it just it feels a little bit awkward to then have to take your finger over here and then pull away that way I feel like it would definitely hinder you know hitting the buttons and navigating at the same time uh so just a little bit awkward there now taking a look at the top of of our handheld we have a bunch of different ports up here so we have our audio jack right here so we can plug in our headphones we have our OTG type-c connection right here our HDMI port so that's a mini HDMI right there so you can take a mini HDMI to regular HDMI cable connect it over to this handheld and then bring it up to a monitor or TV screen so that's a nice feature of this handheld as well over here we have our DC OTG type-c Port as well this is going to be the one that we actually charge off of and then we have a function button now if we go over here to the right hand side we have our power button and our reset button over here other side is going to have our volume controls so pluses to bring the volume up minuses to bring it down I like the fact that we do have um you know the ability to adjust the volume externally now down here at the bottom we have our two micro SD card slots now I'm going to open these up or eject them rather and let's see what we have in here now this is going to depend on where you actually get your handheld from you could have different configuration and different capacity cards but we've got a 64 gigabyte card in slot one and Slot two is I would imagine oh 128 gigabyt s right I was going to say maybe 64 again but 128 over there so that is nice now these are a little bit difficult to eject and then to reinsert but believe it or not that's a good thing because you don't want to run the risk of accidentally ejecting those while your handheld is powered on that's always a you know terrible thing to do because you could easily corrupt your micro SD card that way so it's actually good that you know it it does take a little extra effort to eject those and to reinsert those we have speakers down here at the bottom we have these two little strips on the back that make it um you know just a little something to grip on to there it kind of steadies you you see where my fingers line up they line up right on those strips so um definitely a nice uh thought that they that they added those and also if you were to put this down on a desk like this it adds a little grip on here you know you can still slide it but it's not the same as if it was just the smooth plastic on the back you know if you somebody toss this down quickly it's going to stop right away it's not going to slide across a desk or anything like that and potentially slide off the other side so definitely it seems like this is a very wellth thought out handheld now let's go ahead and uh Power this on and comb through what it has to offer internally here we are powered on so we have game rooms as well as ra games here those are the first two Collections and actually when you go here because we have two micro SD cards you can select which one you want to launch so we're going to jump into that momentarily but for right now let's continue through these different options out here we have a favorites collection so this is a great way to add your favorite titles into its own folder for easy access over here we have history that's going to pull 50 of the last games that you jumped into onto this list so if you are continuing a game from the previous day easy way to jump back in here without having to commit to adding it to your favorites list next next is a search function which is an efficient way to jump jump in here and to search for specific titles next we have our settings over here and then we'll loop back around to game rooms so let's go into game rooms and let's go into uh micro SD card 1 so this is going to be our 64 gigabyte micro SD card so we have PSP here we have and how many games do we have for PSP let's jump in here we have a total of 11 games for PSP we'll come through here and see what titles are included so we've got God of War chains of Olympus great game Grand Theft Auto Vice City Stories got some Mega Man Metal Slug we've got Ridge Racer Tekken six Tekken five good selection we'll back out PS1 how many PS1 games we've got 29 in here and we'll comb through here just to make sure that there's not duplicates or anything like that but it does look like a pretty good selection some Ridge Racer in here as well Resident Evil Spider-Man Tekken 3 Tekken 3 is probably my favorite PS PS1 game backing out we have vertical arcade with 156 titles here and you can see the screenshot for each of these games we don't have a video preview because you know this is a smaller capacity card but still very nicely laid out text list seems to be well put together as well nothing seems to be misspelled or anything like that the only thing I will say is the titles are not in alphabetical order so like we have lethal uh Crash race in here then it goes to crush racer then dangerous uh seed so it does seem like sometimes it's in alphabetical order but there's some random ones thrown in there but all in all it is laid out pretty well regardless there's just a few little surprises in there I suppose but for the most part it actually does seem to be in alphabetical order again um there just seem to be a few random ones that don't really make sense but not a huge deal continuing on we have Capcom system one two and three we have Neo Geo in here we've got 152 Neo Geo games let's check out the Capcom collection so five for Capcom system 3 Capcom system 2 is 36 and we have 30 for Capcom system one so those do seem to be pretty complete FB Neo over here with 473 games we have MIM over here with 493 games and we may have some crossover between those two collections uh Game Boy Advance we have 232 games and these are actually laid out very nicely where we have the box art a screenshot and a logo in the bottom right corner it is very small on here but still looks pretty good we have NES with 432 NES games that is huge because I don't know anybody that doesn't like Nintendo Entertainment System we have Super Nintendo 429 games and it's a consistent layout through throughout each of these collections which is always a nice touch always want consistency Sega Master System here with 353 games Sega Mega Drive with 481 games We've Got Game Boy Color 375 games and everything seems quite clean as well I'm not seeing duplicates anywhere and Game Boy can be a mess if um you know the wrong person's putting this together and they're just kind of ROM dropping because you know you can easily end up with way more games than you should have for those collections so original Game Boy 403 games we have PC engine down here with 328 games we have Neo geop Pocket color with 41 games and we have Sega Game Gear 328 games and we have wonders Swan color with 73 games all right so pretty sweet collection there uh definitely the focus here is on the more Retro Retro stuff as I call it so we don't have anything too recent on here but certainly a nice selection of games and it is a very nice layout as well very consistent so let's go into the larger 128 gigabyte micro SD card that is in slot two we'll jump in here now so PSP we have 15 titles here so believe that's a few more than what we had before and they are different titles which is nice so we don't have the Tekken titles in here we have some soulcaliber broken Destiny I love that game Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max Terminator definitely some good stuff here uh PS1 we have 135 PS1 games so definitely you know a solid upgrade over here and not all of them seem to have the uh screenshot or box art seems like there's definitely some that you know don't seem to have that but not a huge deal in the end vertical arcade we've got 156 games Capcom system 1 two and three uh you look to be exactly the same as the previous card Neo Geo 99 games for Neo Geo we've got FB Neo over here with 1,64 games definitely a massive upgrade over here MIM has 1,392 games massive upgrade here as well Game Boy advaned 947 games we have n with 679 games Super Nintendo with 1,99 games so yeah we're definitely seeing a massive upgrade collection by collection over here on the larger micro SD card in slot two Sega Master System 197 games Sega Mega drive over here with 649 games Game Boy Color with 405 games original Game Boy 729 games PC engine 236 games Neo geop pocket um we have 37 games uh and actually that was Neo geop Pocket color excuse me Sega Game Gear 126 games and wonders Swan color 66 games so yeah definitely a significant upgrade going with a larger capacity micro SD card so we do get more games out of that that certainly does make sense all right guys so now what we can do is we can go over to ra game and now we can switch between the two different micro SD cards over here so we'll go into the second one the larger one and you can see we get a different layout in here and we also unlock some different collections so we have open boore in here with nine titles we have Dreamcast in here with nine titles so Dreamcast has your Capcom versus SNK titles Crazy Taxi one and two dead are alive two U Sonic Adventure one and two as well as or excuse me Sonic Adventure 2 not not the original one uh and we also have soulcaliber in here so we do get some additional collections we also have PlayStation but we saw that before um we also have Atari and Virtual Boy and everything else does appear to be the same oh we got some Nintendo DS in here uh we have some PC engine CD we have MSX and a Thomas wave and Naomi all right pretty sweet let's see um so we've got seven Naomi games how many atomas wave we've got five atomas wave got some ports as well let's go into the other one so we have 12 actually in here and that's interesting because this is the micro SD card slot one so the smaller capacity has more Dreamcast games over here we have power Stone one and two we actually have House of the Dead um two in here we have Gauntlet Legends my all-time favorite game Crazy Taxi one and two again we have silent scope down here virtual ten Virtual Tennis we've got yeah we've got some really great stuff in here so that's pretty cool open boore has Eight titles over here uh what else do we have Atari and Virtual Boy we have Mega Drive CD over here and we had that on the last one too 11 titles here how many Nintendo DS games 12 DS games here let me check this one out all right so it looks like the exact same layout here uh exact same titles now one thing that I noticed as I was kind of combing through things is that there appears to be absolutely no Nintendo games um or none of the like ma major ones anyways so notice how we have no Donkey Kong over here which we should have for Game Boy Color and if we go over here to NES I'm going to go up to S's and we have no Super Mario like literally nothing for um Super Mario Brothers or you know nothing of that nature so uh that's unfortunate I even did the search on here there's just literally nothing that would be um you know your Mainstay Nintendo titles so definitely a um you know a Miss there uh I think we can all understand as to why they're doing that but you know it as a consumer it's definitely unfortunate I think a lot of people are going to be upset by that so let's actually jump in here and see what the experience is like I'm hot to see exactly how well everything performs here and you know how well everything seems seem to feel on here too because we do have that smaller scale handheld in front of us and the shoulder and Trigger buttons here again do feel a little bit cramped more so the shoulder buttons than the trigger but let's uh test this out and see what it's all about I'm going to jump into micro SD card slot two just because that's the larger capacity card so I'll have some more options here actually I'll kind of go back and forth because there are some nice PSP titles on both sides that I want to take advantage of so let's see what this is capable of [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] w [Music] love 15 30 [Applause] the you are [Music] the just a little bit more not you won't be able to shake them [Music] [Applause] [Applause] off [Music] [Applause] perfect you win round [Music] two [Applause] fight on one [Applause] [Applause] fight all right guys we just took a closer look at the Amber Nick rg35 xxh handheld video game console now I really like the layout and design of this handheld I think that it's really compact easy to travel with you can throw this in your back pocket take it with you on the go very easily so this is not to be compared with like a steam deck or one of those monstrous handhelds that are very cumbersome yet do have tremendous capabilities this is going to be much more limited but it's going to be a little bit more of a casual sort of handheld to take with you on the go so if you're looking for something that can rock through all the Retro collections up through Dreamcast and PSP this is definitely a great option for you um we had a great sele ction of titles included on both of the micro SD cards included now I will mention I was not able to locate any Super Mario Brothers or Donkey Kong games on here so it seems like the majority of those really popular Nintendo games were left off I can certainly imagine why that is uh given the fact that that's you know Nintendo's copyrighted property and all that stuff so I definitely get it but as a consumer I think a lot of people are going to want those titles so it is a trade-off there you can certainly add those yourself but it is added leg work that you have to do on your own so uh that may not be for everybody it may be a deal breaker but again I do understand why that is happening um but in terms of the layout controls I do really like everything that this offers I was critical of the placement of the shoulder buttons on here so your L1 and R1 um you know I I did test out a bunch of games here it's not as bad as I thought it would be because a lot of the games are actually have the shoulder functions mapped to your uh L2 and R2 which are actually much more comfortable to actually hit I find that I can hit those pretty easily but when I do have to adjust over here and I did that a little bit in Metal of Honor not a whole lot you know I don't think we're going to actually use these functions as much as I thought we would based on the fact that a lot of these titles are remapped to incorporate the usage of L2 and R2 but uh anytime I did have to do that I do have to you know change my kind of uh grip on things and even just moving out this way to hit those buttons it does kind of throw off the feel of everything here and it throws off you know just the feel of the buttons so you know it's a little bit awkward in that regard but not as big a deal as I thought it was going to be initially buttons are very responsive analog sticks are on point definitely like the way that this feels it's very light weight now the audio on here is pretty good I do find that it doesn't get super loud like if you max out the volume on this you're going to find that it it's never blaring or anything like that it doesn't distort which is a good thing but for some titles and any that's used to emulation you know that your balance of volume is going to differ from emulator to emulator and collection to collection and even game to game in a lot of cases so you do have to kind of go up and down with the volume but when you do get to that max volume level with some collections in games you may find that it still isn't as loud as you want it to be so something to consider there that you know the volume could get louder I suppose if you you know really um you know being a little bit picky about things here but um at the end of the day it is a a very nice handheld and it's at a pretty affordable price point as well uh give or take about 75 bucks now prices do fluctuate so don't hold me to that because you know a lot of times I'll do videos like this and I'll commit to a price and then like two days later it either drops or jumps in in um you know in increases so you know at the time of this video your average price is about 75 bucks give or take but uh that could certainly change in the future so I think at that price point is a fair price point for what you get here you do get very good performance um and you know the games and game collections that are offered here are games and game collections that actually work and perform the way that they should on the handheld it drives me nuts when you know creators of these devices or the cards that go in these devices put together these massive collections of games that look really great and exciting and then you jump into them and they just don't perform properly that's not the case here I jumped into a wide range of games and game Collections and everything performed as it should on here so I think they did a nice job of including exactly what works on here and you know staying away from any collections that you know may deliver questionable results in the end so I did notice no N64 games were included on here that could be because you know that's Nintendo stuff or it could be because N64 just doesn't run the way that it should on this device I'm not sure because I couldn't test it out today but uh another thing to consider so at the end of the day we out the pros and cons see if it lines up with what you're looking for I'll put a link up here at the top of your screen as well as in the description of this video so you can click over get some additional information on the amernick rg35 xxh that's going to do it for today though let me know in the comment section what you guys think of this handheld and also what you guys think about them leaving off you know those U Mainstay Nintendo titles so that's going to do it for today thank you guys so much for watching if you enjoyed the content please give me a thumbs up on the video and of course hit subscribe to stay in the loop for all future videos right here on the Retro Gaming guy YouTube channel thanks for watching I'll see you next video
Channel: Retro Gaming Guy
Views: 4,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anbernic handheld, anbernic, anbernic rg35xx h, anbernic rg35xxh, anbernic handheld console, game console, plug and play game console, plug and play console, gaming, retro gaming guy, retro gaming, pc gaming, pc gamer, rg35xx h, anbernic rg35xx, rg35xx plus, gaming room setup, retro gaming console, gaming setup, handheld console, steam deck 2, steam deck, nintendo switch 2, nintendo switch, xbox, ps5, mini pc, mini gaming pc, gaming pc, gamer, pc build, pc gaming setup
Id: Ft650vrMZ-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 11sec (1511 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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