The RG35XX-H (and Plus) just became AMAZING! // New Custom Firmware!

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hello hi there I'm Tech welcome so today we're going to be looking at a device that I already reviewed it's the Amber lick RG 35xx H which is a dumb name I called it the zaz Bizzle in my review but I don't want to confuse anyone today so we'll stick with 35xx I guess I was pretty positive about it but there were some things I didn't like about it mainly the stock OS that's the part I didn't like but that might be a thing of the past because we have a new OS that I'm excited to check out it's called Kiki which is a very fun word to say Kiki it's a bota based operating system for the 35xx h and the 35xx plus so that's what we're doing today this is my new 35xx I haven't shown this one to you but I love it it was sent to me by lit NXT that's a company that's sent me lots of stuff and they sell stuff so if you want a 35xx h it's 79 bucks there but they have this Year of the Dragon sale going on right now so you can actually get this for 15% off and those guys do free worldwide shipping too there's a link in the description below this is the transparent white version of the 35xx and way better than the black one that I reviewed before so let's fire this up and I I'll show you what the default system looks like and there we go so this is how it comes out of the box it's a very basic barebones operating system it it's not that terrible it works however Amber lick has this pretty locked down and there's not much by way of customization I don't like the way the systems are organized or the games or lots of the default settings I mean most stuff does work it it it's just got a bunch of weirdness and you can tweak it a bit to make it better but it it's just work to do that when you start tinkering with it you start to see the limitations you know so let's do it let's do our big upgrade this also works on the 35xx plus by the way the same method to do this you're going to need an SD card I'll link to this one in the description below if you want to pick one up and also while you're here I guess I can show you my SD card reader this is my current favorite SD card reader anyone into this retro handheld hobby should have a good card reader because losing data sucks trust me I know this one has a high-speed USBC connection on one side but also a usba connection so you can connect it to any device really you can even use your phone to manage your ROMs in a pinch it's like 20 bucks I'll link to this below if you need one of these two so let's plug this bad boy into our PC and get some Kiki on this card shall we all right so this should be pretty simple we just got to grab the operating system image off the kariki GitHub we want the version for the 35xx plus and here we need to scroll down and there it is it's under assets it's the IMG Dogz file so download that and you'll also need a program to flash the image I'm going to use rofus so here you got to select your micro SD card drive from the device menu and then select disk or ISO image and then click select and we choose the IMG Dogz file that we downloaded and click Start and it'll ask you if you want to do it and you click yeah man I want to do it it'll write the image and then when it's done you can eject that SD card and we're ready to rock and here we go we have our flashed SD card that was pretty easy we're we'll turn this off goodbye and take out the old SD cards from our device and we'll save those so this is a a good thing about the firmware on this device if you get a new card you can experiment with the firmware but you can save the old cards and go back to the old system at anytime so we're going to put this in the left slot which is the internal storage slot and now we need to fire this up and let it do its setup thing that'll take a minute or so to install I think oh we got uh music uh okay that's pretty pretty nice all right that's enough of that all right we'll turn this off in the sound settings which you can get by pressing start that's better all right so here we are in bota and it looks like it's ready to go yeah look at that they include a few Homebrew games so badera uses a front end called emulation station and this is my favorite front end you know on Android there's D show and dig and onion OS on the Mi mini and garlic OS on the 35xx there's lots of different front ends out there and my favorite front end of all time is emulation station it's just the best way to organize and browse your games all the options you could ever need to customize any aspect of the experience so this will be curious to see how well it does here on this little guy but before we can really test it properly we need to add our games and bios files to the SD card so let's shut this down and put the card back in the PC and we'll add our stuff and then we'll be able to give this a proper test so let's let's do that all right so here you can see that our drive now has two partitions there's a Botto Sera partition with some stuff in there that you shouldn't touch and then there's a share partition and in here is a ROMs folder where we can put our ROMs and a bios folder where we can put our bios files and when that's done you can eject the card and put it back in your device and here we go it's all loaded it up with ROMs and bioses everything a retro Tech dwee could ask for now I'm not going to have the box art yet obviously so I wonder if we can do the scraping right on here we'll see about that in a bit Let's uh just try a game first yeah good old Zombies Ate My [Music] Neighbors so yeah the performance is perfect this is a great freaking game if you haven't tried it yet you really should it looks great on this screen this scaling looks perfect no complaints at all this is great all right so it looks like we have some predefined retroarch hot Keys here and obviously you'll be able to customize that set your own hotkeys yep there's hotkeys settings in there and you can customize the look of retro arch in the settings change whichever other settings you want I'm not going to Tinker with this right now though because we have other stuff to test Let's uh see what else we have here in the bota options do there's just the one theme for now let's get on Wi-Fi and see what we could do yeah Wi-Fi is working fine it connect to my network password 1 2 3 4 five it's the stupidest combination I ever heard in my life yeah yeah there we we're connected to Wi-Fi so what can we do with the Wi-Fi can we use the scraper is the question I'll log into my screen scraper account here I I don't have a ton of games on here so let's start the scraping and see if this works and there it goes oh we're we're scraping uh this is an early alpha build of this operating system so some stuff might not work but man this is working I love this oh I wonder if the theme browser works yeah there we go oh holy crap we get the themes do oh that's so cool oh there it is wow how freaking easy was that I mean why why can't Amber lick just give us this badera is free it's open source anyone can die download this edit it build it up and compile it however they want why does amberli always give us these weird operating systems with janky ROM sets and crappy box art it baffles me that they're not using this sort of setup by default man this is so much better than the stock system so ridiculously easy too I mean you can just flash the image boot it up and it creates the folders copy over your bios and games and you're good to go all right so that theme is done downloading let's try it out there it is bosera Club oh yeah yeah I love this theme okay let's try a few more this one is Alec full NX that's a very popular theme one of the best a few minor issues with this one a little bit squished but it's totally usable this one is arcade Planet it's a nice simple lightweight theme here's epic Noir very popular theme I let's stick with this one for now because I could spend ages playing with the themes if I don't just choose one already all right so uh I think it's time to Qui goofing around and finally do some performance testing Let's uh start with PlayStation that's the easiest to run 3D system and yeah that's that's working that's working really freaking good actually oh look at that the performance is literally perfect smooth 60fps the graphics are super crisp it looks absolutely beautiful on this screen and the controls are amazing that's one thing that I liked about this device was the physical control controls and yeah they're they're super tight oh I'm I'm loving this man what a great way to play PS1 all right I'm moving along to something a little harder let's try some sagga Saturn um no so this isn't working is it just a black screet the retroarch menu works so it hasn't crashed it's just that the game isn't working so uh try a different emulator core here no uh so Saturn's not working I'm not sure what's going on there I'll have to do some tinkering around but I'm not going to bother right now though okay moving along to Dreamcast we'll go with the default emulator yeah this is running not the best performance here it's kind of stuttery but that might be because we're in the retroarch core which usually performs worse than the Standalone emulator so let's try the Standalone flycast emulator okay uh this it's still stuttery but here we can go into the options and turn on frame skip so I set this to a frame skip of one and yeah yeah this is running perfect now nice and the controls are perfect so it works great as long as you turn on frame Skip and there will probably be easier to run games that don't need frame skip that's this is outstanding that this is running Dreamcast as well as it does at this price let's do Nintendo DS next I guess uh the controls are pretty messed up here yeah this is uh freaking weird oh there we go what button was that so there's some work to be done on the DS emulator the controls are kind of broken in the menu the performance is good it it's working oh let's see if we can get the HD resolution applied yeah yeah there we go HD resolution and it's still running great so apart from the controls everything is fine it's working really good I guess this emulator just needs some tweaks to let it be all it can be I think later I will try to fix this myself maybe I can edit the config file or something but uh yeah we'll see about that moving along Nintendo 64 time this is another one that wasn't included on the original SD card that came with the 35xx so this will be interesting yeah this is working actually amazing not a hint of slowdown the controls are mapped perfectly wow not bad the the downside here is that we're in the Standalone emulator which doesn't have save states or any options menu so you're stuck with cartridge saves but still Nintendo 64 seems good to go as far as I could tell and finally let's try some PSP Vice City Stories how's this going to go okay so far so good works well in this starting area but I want to get over here in front of the airport because it always slows down over here yeah yeah it's getting uh pretty choppy however the frame skip is compensating and I'm not getting audio stuttering so from what I'm seeing here I'd say most PSP will probably run fine and the hardest stuff will run but it'll get a bit stuttery and you can go into the settings and tweak stuff so you might be able to squeeze out extra performance if you tweak around obviously this screen isn't the ideal size and ratio for PSP games so just think of PSP as a bonus on here maybe your favorite PSP games will work fine but it's not an ideal way to play PSP anyways obviously and real quick I I I wanted to try this supposedly this also works in the exact same way on the 35xx plus so let's just slap this card in here and confirm that yeah look at that it's working oh man I'm so excited yeah so I feel like this is what we've been waiting for for this device yeah I love the the hardware I love the pocket friendly form factor yeah we don't get many pocket friendly wide format devices this is this is the one this is really the only choice right now and it's very appealing as a pocket device because it's flat enough that it actually rides in your pocket and it's comfortable and now not only is the software like okay this emulation station is the best emulation software the best emulation front end that I could have asked for this is going to transform this device from something that's okay into something that's great and I'm super excited for the potential here if you want to try this yourself on your 35xx Plus or your 35xx I will include a link to this software in the description and if you want either of these devices especially this gorgeous transparent white 35xx then definitely check these out on lit NXT there's a link below for that and that brings us to the end if you like this video then definitely check out this video my review of the 35xx there's a link on the screen right now and down in the description below and you can go watch that now because we're done I'm techweb thanks for watching bye-bye
Channel: TechDweeb
Views: 69,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: techdweeb, tech, dweeb
Id: Lm5W3Y1Ud4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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