How to move to a new SD Card | Unbricking my Anbernic RG35XX H

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guys something very annoying has uh just happened I was just uh testing the anck rg35 xxh my review is like 80% done I'm going through I'm playing spin 64 games testing it the battery completely dies it shuts down I think whatever no big deal I plug it in and I let the thing charge for 30 40 minutes and I try to power it up and this is all I'm getting that's it it uh won't ever get past this splash screen this boot screen no matter what I do and I'm thinking that what has likely happened is the crummy cheap micro SD card that these things are shipped with has basically failed in some way I had the same thing happen with a pal Kitty uh handheld console like this I believe the exact same thing has happened here so as you can see we're not going anywhere in this video what I'm going to try to do because cuz I need to fix this and I need to finish my review is we're going to grab a new SD card of which I have a few I think I have a decent one yeah there's an Amazon Basics one in this little baggie here we'll use that one because I can I've trusted them to success in the past we're going to jump over to download they do have their system firmware and I'm going to hopefully show you guys how to flash this onto another another SD card and go from there oh it's a Google Drive it's a Google Drive Link and it cuts off I think that's the number eight I'm wondering if that's because oh wow no there we go I had to zoom out it's because I had this thing uh like half and half on my screen so make sure you get all of the link we're going to paste that in and it looks like we are split into nine pieces so we're going to see if this will work if we highlight them all and download Google Drive should it's going to take a while I hope it will zip them and then deliver them to me we will then have to unzip that which will give us the parts and then we have to use seven zip or winar to unzip each individual part into the final piece because am bernick I guess can't afford their own file hosting and they're using Google Drive so I'll show you all of that process I guess so highlight them all download them it's zipping them let it download and then we'll skip ahead in time and now back here it has third party tools and there's no content and I'm I'm assuming that what we're going to get from our download here is going to be something we're going have to basically flash to this SD card so let's go ahead and power this thing down although it frankly does not matter we're going to grab the old SD card and we're going to plug it into our computer and you're going to want to jump into that card which that's already not a great sign it's not showing how much storage there is so that card may be well and truly wrecked if you're able to get into it still there's a folder if I'm not mistaken called saves just copy that paste it someplace else on your computer and we will uh try to put that back onto another device this this confirms for me that that's what has happened this this thing has absolutely uh self-destructed of course if you can't access your card and you don't have the ROMs you play already on your computer somewhere you don't want to redownload them you're going to want to copy those to it should be pretty straightforward where they are they're in a folder copy it paste it on your computer we can put all that stuff back whenever we're done so I guess while we're still zipping away let's uh I'll put a link in the description down below you're going to need to download something called 7zip uh if you don't already have it there's your download link I'll put it in the description download the one that you need it's going to be the thing that will allow you to put all all of these pieces together so go ahead and get that downloaded while you're waiting and strangely after that entire zipping process it just asked me if I wanted to download multiple files I said yes and it is downloading each individual part separately so I don't know what that was about but we will very soon have all of these different parts let's delete this stuff that you don't need to worry about that stuff is unrelated let's get all these downloaded and then we'll slap them all together while all those files are continuing to download we can go to the next Link in the description to download something called rofus I think that this should work just fine to actually flash this image to the SD card so we're going to click on that download link as well and we'll get that started all right we're just stacking problems on top of problems so I initially highlighted these and had them downloaded all at once and what I got out of it was kind of weird these as you can see end in 001 002 003 and so forth the problem was whenever I downloaded them through that method of highlighting them all downloading them all it added another z00 something to the end of it and when I tried to extract them it didn't know what to do I tried deleting those last numbers and it still didn't know what to do things got very very weird so instead I've had to go in here and one at a time hit download it keeps giving me errors telling me can't download I kept doing it over and over until one at a time each one of them has actually let me download it and I just finished up the last one and so what I'm going to do I'm try this again let's highlight show more options we're looking for seven zip and let's extract here and I'm really hopeful that what we get out of this yes finally is an image file before it was giving me some weird stuff we are actually getting an image file now thank goodness this has been a nightmare so while that's doing its thing let's take a look at Rufus so your device is going to be however you've plugged in your SD card now obviously you want this to be a 60 4 gig card because that is what this image is meant for and obviously anything and everything on that card is going to go away whenever you do this okay so we're done extracting so now we're going to click on select we're going to select that image everything else should be totally fine we're just going to click on start it's going to warn you hey this is going to delete delete everything on that card that's fine click on okay and let it do its thing it's going to take a little bit of time it shouldn't be too bad all right after 20 5 long minutes it says that it is done we're going to click on close and back here our drive and it says it's actually mostly full already and I'm wondering if that's not because they literally have the games in there oh my goodness that might be what you would call illegal but that actually does make things a little bit simpler for me because I don't really have a lot of work to do to put my games back where they would go you would of course if there's anything you've added to it you can put them there let me show you this really quickly there's the save folder I'm sure that's where your saves likely should be I'm going to put a couple of things back on mine that I put on there to begin with and then we'll test this thing out ladies and gentlemen we are alive but as you can potentially tell here I had to do one more stupid thing to make this thing work I took the screws out of the back well me just back up I put everything together held down power was still stuck at the same Amber Nick screen something was still not working so I had figured okay let's try just draining this thing of all possible power it it died when it did this so maybe something with power is going on so I removed the screws of course it's using you know one of these super annoying little heads whatever took the back plate off unplugged the battery hit the power button for a little while to drain all the capacitors all the power from this thing put it back together power again and now it is actually working hopefully you don't have to do that part but if you do I'm sorry to be clear I also do have both SD cards in it so I took the original that corrupted it's gone my Amazon one that I'll put a link in the description to this exact card it's flashed it's plugged in but there is a second 128 gig card it is in there as well I don't know if that matters or not but it is in there I would also encourage you to just leave as much alone as possible like if you've got a folder for You Know M and you don't play m delete the games but leave the folder I just just leave everything as as alone as possible maybe even just leave the games maybe just ignore them and just try to add to them if at all possible I'll also drop an affiliate link for this handheld itself I can't imagine how many people will watch this video and say that's what I want I'm jumping on board with this one but if you want to I'll drop a link down there as well guys thanks for watching hopefully this is helpful for other people out there I'll see you on the next one and until next time stay Nery my friends
Channel: Shane Craig
Views: 37,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XjV_Zvc-9i4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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