How to Perfectly Cook Steak. Reverse Seared Ribeye using Cold Grate Technique

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hey Tom time I'm kind of busy over here any on the clear the text we can start to video okay okay get that stuff off the counter yep put the stakes out right yeah yeah okay man this ain't your gorgeous not always good good hey I got an idea okay why don't you do this video is that on yeah why do you do this video and help dude that was not cool no this is great this will work great like figure the president of the journal Barbie's company everybody's going to see your thing this is your recipe they don't want to see they absolutely want to see I think I've made my decision I know you're the boss but I control the editing I get to decide who's in the video what the heck is editing has to do with isn't it so they's here to show us how to execute the perfect steak cooks save where we start we start the day prior we go to our favorite butcher and we pick the very best eggs in here all right and there's earnings particular cut you're looking for always a big rib eye I love revive unless I'm just in the mood for something different but any steak is an inch and a half thick or thicker that you like to eat will be this method will work great all right okay so we went to the store and you were looking at the revise we spent a lot of time looking at the steak was there something in particular we're looking for oh yeah there are several things we're looking for the first thing that I look for is good marbling or intramuscular fat you can look at this thick right here but hold up those with camera and see the marbling inside in the meat there that that melts during the cooking process it's it's great robust flavor you want to make sure you don't have too much fat that you you're not going to heat that's the fat on the outside like this stuff but it basically can easily cut and what's wrong with having this kind of stuff it melts off and gets into the fire and just gives you the flames and flame up in my mouth okay we're real I also look for a nicely defined end cap as well as a good eye other advice that's good eating that in good inning there's a globule of fat here which is not ideal that you can't have everything we've got great marbling we get the fat here that we can cut off we've got a nice end cap you know across the board these steaks here are very good choices I think will be very happy with them okay you picked out your steaks you bring them home now what we're going to drive right drive Ryan just means applying salt solve those two things in the Hans's flavor which it does instantaneously and even if you're applying salt right before you put the bite in your mouth however salt also does another thing is over time it penetrates the meat and once it gets in there it holds on to the moisture that's inside by applying the salt the night prior top and bottom 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt per pound or 1/4 teaspoon of table salt per pound be careful with table salt so it disappears quickly when you apply it so just make sure you don't over salt with that that salt top and bottom it goes deep into the meat overnight and then during the cooking process the salt holds on to the moisture for enhanced flavor and more GCS ok that's interesting because I would think that you know salt draws them water out and and and it does okay it does I'm not crazy I don't know it does take the water to the surface but then the salt goes into solution with the water and then it works its way back in some of that water yes it does evaporate but that evaporation that occurs during that process where the salt goes into solution that evaporation is is minuscule compared to how much water you save when the salt in the meat during the cooking process okay so it's almost like it locks it in there yes it does so if you have the time to solve the night prior it is it is 100% the right decision to make every time all right where are our steaks are salted we're not cooking until tomorrow so we're going to put them back in the fridge do you recommend putting a cover over on the wrapping them up or anything like that yep so everything we're doing tonight is to prepare for the perfect execution tomorrow when you're searing a steak you want the outside of that steak to be dry a dry steak here is much more quickly even a very thin sheen of water has to steam off and takes takes considerable energy so it slows down the Syria process we're going to leave these in the fridge on a wire rack so they dry overnight the exterior will be nice and dry the interior will be nice and salty you have juicy on the inside seared on the outside wall-to-wall red beautiful all right these look great let's put them in the fridge and we'll get ready to cook on them all now good all right okay so our steak has a brined overnight and we've got our kettle all warmed up so we're getting ready to cook let me show you these things these guys are looking beautiful there are a nice dark red that's a good indication that the salt has penetrated deep into the meat and yeah they're nice and dry on the outside too so this looks exactly like what we were hoping for we're using the 26 inch Weber Kettle today we've got the Sloan's here XL and the drip and grill pan in there so here's on this side it's got 25 fully lit for cats in there we do that because we want good clean smoke I mean the kettle is warm right now we're at 225 and there's no there's no visible smoke coming out of the vents so that's resting we're about to we're about two-thirds open on the top we're fully up on the bottom and we do that because it's got 25 spoilers for cats in there with no unlit briquettes and you just need more airflow to maintain the temperature when you only have when you have no unlimber tech so what we're getting ready to do is we're going to take the lid off we're going to put the steaks on the indirect side we've got our smoke thermometer with a needle probe run around grab that put it in the stake put the lid back on and we'll be cooking at that point so I'm just going to go ahead and get this going you can see the bank coals on this sides of the Plymouth here over here probe that Center state the lid back on now these will probably cook for 50 minutes to an hour we want them to get up to 115 degrees for the seer when they reach 80 degrees we're to flip them for more even heating and then when the steaks hit 90 degrees we're going to lie a chimney of charcoal and get that fully lid so about the time the steak tip 115 the chart shows will be foil it and we will just put it down okay the stakes are at 80 degrees so we're going to take the lid off and put the steaks REE probe close done there we go yeah this is an entirely necessary but it does help this even out to cook a little bit so we're going to go ahead and take this stuff probe all there is to it okay our stakes are up to 115 degrees according to our leavin thermometer we're going to take the thermapen just to confirm that all three states are equally done 115 degrees is a very good temperature if you're shooting for medium-rare which is the file temperature of 135 usually during the searing process you add about 20 degrees C whatever your internal temperature is so as your goal of thumb if you're shooting for temperature other than medium-rare go for 20 degrees below your final desired target we're going to pop the lid here check the stake I mean they're good we're going to take them out take them inside and get the raise here the stakes hit 115 we took them inside and we'll be prepping them for the deer shortly before we do that we've got to get the grill nice and hot we've got a fully lit chimney of charcoal that we're going to put into the Sloan's here XL put those out for for regular sauce here I would use 2/3 to 3/4 full chimney for the XL it takes a whole chimney and we just want the grill getting nice and hot while we're well prep mistakes inside it's important that we did not put the charcoal grate on there we want we're going to throw on a cool grate which I'll show you in a few minutes okay we've got our three steak since I ever get ready to prep them the first thing we need to do is dry the surface very important because all this residual liquid that's on the stake right now is just going to present or slow the searing process it may not seem like it but even just a little bit of water can can really slow things down just a little function so we've got that one drei you don't have to squeeze it you just had a squeezing it doesn't do anything cut it dry we're going to coat it with some oil here this helps with all the helps of steering and it helps with our cracked pepper right here [Music] honey [Music] and then nice and coated pull crack pepper now I say a little loving a lot like remember I really like the flavor you get from sharing the pepper onto the steak so I always put it on before I near you Pat it down and that oil seems to grab it pretty well you can we can certainly Pat it if you want to if I have a plate I would definitely do that but since we're on this worth rack here and I'll just let it sit there the very reasons of wait once you have run five four teenagers history out of the room this is ready we can go straight out to the grill like it is yep and we've got this one done we'll go ahead and prep the other two and then we'll see you guys again outside okay we've got our state's got our tongue so we've got our great we're ready to go we've got a hot fire here this great is cold the reason the grate is cold because I want to get an overall even sear on the steak I don't want serum are so hot great gives you see remark so cold great we throw that on and then we have the steaks on [Music] you're not going to hearing sizzle begin Liz because a great cold that's normal all right Sara timer for one minute why why are you like this article great so we want the entire surface of the state to be feared we don't want a grid pattern of sear marks that those tear marks are flavorful but it's much better if the entire surface is here instead of just the crosshatch pattern appear one giant tear mark over the whole surface of the thing yes exactly you can hear now-u they're starting to sizzle they're a good because they're they're going good whereas we're closing it on the one minute point so make sure you wear gloves when you go that what we're going to do now is rotate flip the roof it's great what's the stake and the reason we do this is every time we flip on we want to reapply them onto a cool gray now just look at those bad boys there's no sear mark anywhere they're note the time we're a minute 14 so a 2-14 will it will look looks and rotate again and we're just going to continue to click and rotate until we have the desired skier and the desired doneness we're shooting for medium-rare typically this is going to we're going to sear this both sides twice one minute of these two four minutes total each guy gets two minutes one minute of time [Music] all right we're a minute 40 I'm going about the 40 seconds or so before it slips again feels good yeah people are going to be obviously another that you might see some flare up during this process as long as it's a fountain fire I'm fine with that a little coins not going to hurt anything okay so what do you do is a different part as they do catch on fire just move them over to the the indirect side and can wait for the flames to this idea all right we're getting ready to rotate again rotate flip flip flip no spear marks we've got nice colors these are these are coming along very nicely we're about a little bit over two minutes into this Deary so another minute on this guide will rotate one more time plus one more time another minute on this side and then look at that so when it looked like this would be is part right yeah there's no reason you are you can I've seen people to producers I don't there's no reason to do if anything you just risked the water boiling over and I put in your coal valve okay yeah again we got a little bit of flame but the stakes on fire so I don't know coming up on a minute or no rotation and we're going to play and I don't know if you can be encountered here but this mistake right now that this year is just phenomenal alright I'm gonna try to get our guys maybe yeah it looks focusing on this one you see how the entire surface is here yeah duty tear marks we've got fear all over that's flavor that's flavor baby but flavor the Holland's telling two different things take this way a few years I mean I think I've cooked steaks about every way you can cooking over the past thirty years or so this is this is my favorite method I think this is the perfect way to execute a quick we're done we're done let's go come over put them over here move them over to indirect look at that see this is that look beautiful beautiful like all three steaks perfect see you separate in here make sure we're done oh yeah we're good in emerge so we're going to eat that yeah we're going to have to taste that frozen table yeah precise yeah nice good okay let's get these things inside and cut them mine okay we've got one of our three steaks here nicely a seared exterior you can see juices pulling this thing is so tender look at that I mean it's cooked up to medium-rare and it's very tender let's go ahead and cut into this and see what we get oh man moment of truth do you hear that did you hear that juiciness we could have used a butter knife you know what I don't know if they should see this I don't know man okay here we go nice look at that you've got wall-to-wall read very little banding at the top and bottom that banding is overdone meat you want to minimize that as much as possible you get a lot of red you got a nice sear on the exterior this is a this is a very perfectly cooked steak let's take a bite right here oh man in New York [Music] am i right just wow I mean this is better than something most days I'm at a fine Steakhouse and we think what for these like seven dollars a pound yeah so we're all striving yeah I mean you get what you get with steak the better the steak you can buy the better you know the better potential you have but here have another bite under the tooth you want after each one yeah I mean do this with a seven dollar steak this tastes better than prime of head Adele Frisco's huh our chemical plan at all Wow okay cut we got eight dish mmm that's what's up yeah no problem Jane I'm not gonna lie to you that was one of the best steak I've ever had well thank you I'm glad you enjoyed it I really enjoyed it we should do this again totally I'd be off to that yeah they was talking while we were looking at the footage and he's like oh no I can't wait all my secrets I did there is nothing I mean that's how I make my perfect sake get home I didn't hold back on anything he's got a reputation to pull yeah so thanks for joining us today if you have any questions check this out on ABC barbecue comm we have a lot of other recipes there and remember we didn't invent excuses we didn't in this what's a guideline we did invent the kettle we perfected it [Music] you [Music]
Channel: SnS Grills
Views: 1,625,349
Rating: 4.594708 out of 5
Keywords: medium rare, perfect, bbq, ribeye, meat, searing, oven, low and slow, maillard reaction (namesake), beef, steak, sear, do it yourself (website category), cuisine, fork, spoon, knife, skills, home, chef, dinner, restaurant, diy, eating, eat, help, tricks, tips, technique, trick, tip, tutorial, best, how, how to, kitchen, recipes, recipe, simple, easy, Slow 'N sear, Weber, Kettle, Slow and sear, smoke and sear, slownsear, grillaque, Cold Grate Technique
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2017
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