Gordon Ramsay Shows a NFL Star How To Make The Perfect Ribeye

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My problem is when I get my pan that hot my kitchen just gets so smokey. I’m sure that’s the secret to getting the steak perfect, but I’d rather not have to battle my smoke detector every time I want a good steak.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/crazy4schwinn 📅︎︎ Mar 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

I’m sure it’s perfect on the inside 🤷🏽‍♂️

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Boo_T 📅︎︎ Mar 15 2020 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/uselesstriviadude 📅︎︎ Mar 16 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] all right welcome to gourmet estate here in Baltimore and the amazing horseshoe I'm about to surprise family for talented comics tubes they think they're in a competition I have no idea that I'm here to judge them today so I'd be super quiet but the good news this is a real surprise so I can't wait to see romantic over half an hour mystery box so there they've just started and they're about to get the shock of their lives here we go thank you so much PVC tom my goodness me let's just say the students are doing well right it looks good it looks fast and why lap for individuals for very strong individuals suddenly there's only one first place [Applause] it is a stake off okay now look so I've got the stakes out I'll be room temperature ribeye I use this a lot because of the marbling of fat so let's see you around a great rib eye is in the coloring put a rib eye because there's this eye in the middle here is like this sort of the chef's piece and this rib cap here is the bit that is absolutely delicious okay so first thing we're gonna do lift up the steak and just season the tray okay salt and pepper quite generously because we will lose 30% of that before actually goes in to the pan then lay the steak on top good and then again a nice salt and pepper again now it looks like we put a lot of seasoned on there but like I said we lose a lot of it and then what I like to do then from there it's roll it round and lift your mop up a seasoning now sometimes you can have a beautiful ancho chili rub a coffee rub it goes so well with ribeye yeah then I get the fat side down the chain and leek there and I also mop that up as well I hate waste right here only use all that seasoning now that steak is done I'm goofy seasoned all the way around yeah that's really from their towel in the hand pan nice and hot okay go start up a touch of oil in there first so the cutter doesn't burn oil into the pan and then the pan goes straight in about a tablespoon first when you put the stake in lay away from you okay straight down always away there you go good now come they're lifting lift that up and just make sure that's not thickened right how's that caramelizing you see that it's not that fat yeah it's not really good come they're gonna pick up my time okay I'll pull Mero Matson now now sit my time on top I'm a garlic in there okay and now I'm gonna start off with a the sort of normal butter just down to the sides and you'll see that absolutely go into a nice nut brown beautiful color from there lift up the face and turn that over again there you go and again lay away so the all sorts of butter from burning very carefully lift up that side down and sear that fat underneath that change there's a letter below and the more fat we render the flavor profile that stays and get better and better now from there keep it really nice and hot I'm gonna go with the top of our mine you oughta take some truffle butter in and then put it down to the sides take a spoon okay and lift it carefully push the steak up and the base my steak with that truffle butter and literally push it to the side and now we're doing now is making that steak even more tender so the plat bender down inside there's a beautiful caramelization and lot yeah almost like spooning arosa between 1/2 4 minutes max Timmy's on each side and then from there take it out and let it rest now one final turn hold it up again and turn it around very carefully good now I'm gonna go to medium rare okay that means I'm gonna take it out of the pan rare so come off with my gas stay off the dirt gonna lift up my steak hesitation side up and literally pick it up over there I'm gonna put on my hour max over the top and let that sit okay yeah beautiful and then finally something that you'd recognize absolutely [Music] I can guarantee you next time we got a barbecue at home trust me be really grilling a ribeye good job Sam everybody appreciate it for what I've got great job great [Music] hello Baltimore its guys Barry here happy Mother's Day don't look good slim hello Baltimore it is Bobby Flay here wishing you all a very happy Mother's Day yes you didn't know his English but me can I cook next
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 3,981,691
Rating: 4.8986058 out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery, Baltimore Raven, Gordon ramsay steak, Baltimore Ravens gordon ramsay, Baltimore Ravens steak, gordon ramsay steak tutorial, gordon ramsay cooking tips, gordon ramsay, baltimore ravens, NFL, steak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 34sec (334 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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