11 Secret BBQ Tricks From Grill Masters | Burger | Skewers | Chicken | Grilling 101

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Thick steaks, juicy hot dogs, crisp skewers: That's what we picture when we think about grilling. And though we can eat them like pros, the actual grilling part can be tricky. But no worries: We'll show you the top 11 tips & tricks that will earn you the "Ultimate Grillmeister" title. Perfect steaks, hot dogs, and shish kabobs are all within your reach! Here we go! The Potato Trick How can you prevent your meat from sticking to the grill? You grease it, right? But not with oil! Not only is oil flammable, it can cause carcinogenic compounds to be released in high heat. Instead, cut a potato in half and poke holes in it with a fork. Then rub it all over the hot grill and watch it work its magic! The heat releases starch from the potato, which creates an all-natural, non-stick coating. Now you can let your meat sizzle away without worrying that it will stick to the grill. And it's all completely natural! Talk about a win-win. The Ice Cube Trick If your patties always end up looking like hockey pucks, don't worry, because there's an easy fix. Make a small indent in the burger and stick an ice cube in there. As the meat cooks, the ice will melt and all the moisture will be absorbed. And if you really want to kick things up a notch, stick some butter in there too. Extra juicy burgers, here we come! The Apple Juice Trick The secret to a juicy steak with a nice crust isn't butter. It's apple juice! That's right, apple juice. Just spray some on your steak before grilling, and you'll get the most amazing crust of your life, pizza excluded. The Coal Trick The #1 rule of grilling is to get the temperature just right. If your coals are too hot, you'll end up with dry, overcooked meat. You'll know the coals are good to go once they're covered in gray ash and start glowing, which can take up to 30 minutes. To find out if the temperature's right, hold your hand about 6 inches above the grate. 1, 2... oh, ouch! Way, way too hot! That means you'll have to spread out the coals. 1, 2, 3, 4... Yeah! Perfect medium high heat. 6 or 8 seconds? Throw on a few more coals, because that means it's too cold. The Rosemary Skewer Trick Whoa, hold on a second! Okay... Of course you can make your kabobs like that, but this is more creative. You'll wow all your guests and it's way tastier, trust us. Stack up your meat and veggies as usual, but use a sprig of rosemary instead of a regular wooden skewer. Then throw them on the grill and enjoy some extra flavor! The 3-Zone Fire Trick Before you add meat to the grill, you have to get the temperature right. How? Build a 3-zone fire. The hottest zone is the one with a mountain of coals. Evenly disperse the coals in the center zone for medium heat. And the third zone is the one without any coals, so you can let your meat rest once it's done cooking. Now you'll have complete control over how you want your meat cooked. Plus, you get to use indirect heat! The Onion Trick Charred food bits and stubborn grime that just won't come off... These are the woes of grilling. But don't waste your money on cleaning products, because there's a simple, non-toxic alternative: onions! Cut one in half, poke holes in it, and use it to clean your grate. Onions have antibacterial properties, so they'll get your grate looking nice and clean. The Sausage Trick Your brats will stay put if you position them next to one another. But don't stick a fork in them while they're cooking! They'll fall apart and all that yummy fat (uhhh, flavor) will drip out, leaving you with a smoking grill and bland dogs. That's a lose-lose situation that no one wants to be in. The Lemonade Trick Channel your inner child and make homemade lemonade, but a more interesting version. Cut a few lemons in half, dip them in sugar, and grill them for 10 minutes until the sugar's nice and caramelized. Then squeeze the juice into a pitcher, add some fresh lemon slices, and well, there you have it: the perfect lemonade for any cookout. The Resting Trick Don't just devour your steak the second it comes off the grill. Instead, cover it with aluminum foil and let it rest for 1-2 minutes. This will lock in the moisture for an extra juicy piece of meat! But you don't have to worry about brats and hot dogs, you can bite into those right away! The Newspaper Trick The worst part of any BBQ has got to be the cleanup. Seriously, who wants to scrub down a grill when you could be relaxing? Luckily there's an easy solution: Grab some newspaper and wrap it around the dirty grate. Then soak it in water and let it sit like that overnight. The moisture and ink from the paper will remove all that grime from the grate. I mean, why should you have to do all the hard work? Cleaning up has never been easier! With all these genius tips & tricks in your arsenal, your next cookout is guaranteed to be a hit! Oh, by the way, if you're not following us yet, what are you waiting for?! Thanks for watching and catch you next time!
Channel: Scrumdiddlyumptious
Views: 2,344,206
Rating: 4.8317919 out of 5
Keywords: scrumdiddlyumptious, scrumdiddlyumptious recipes, youtube, instagram, pinterest, video, hack, food, recipe, lunch, tasty, how to, diy, kitchen, cooking, dinner recipes, breakfast, recipe video, tips, dinner, viral, hacks, meal prep, food recipes, cooking recipes, cooking shows, food tv, cooking channel, food channel, grilling, grill, barbecue, bbq, grilling recipes, grilled chicken, hot dogs, steaks, burgers, butter, onions, grilled vegetables, shish kabobs, hamburgers, brats, grilled, cookout, barbeque, trick
Id: VeWLTjZY8i8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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