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so weathering waves has been out for about a month and a half and we're about to reach level 60 so in today's video I'm going to tell you everything you need to know about preparing for level 60 we're going to tell you how much things cost what you should be farming and my overall opinion on the transition from 50 to 60 and let me tell you it's going to get wild because it is a massive change a massive transition and you want to make sure you get prepared so let's hop right on to the video now getting to level 60 is a massive step if you guys have been watching I've been posting every time I get to the major levels like 40 50 and now 60 and there's a lot to go over first off when you reach level 40 you think everything opened up you got so many new things to do Data Bank 20 you're getting all these gold Echoes and things seem great but once you hit Level 50 things get very very expensive not only when it comes to resources but shell credits and overall if you're not prepared you're going to be trying to recuperate from just hitting level 50 for several weeks now level 60 is going to be a much higher wall to climb ladies and gentlemen and I want to make sure you guys are prepared so my best advice is as soon as you hit Level 50 start preparing for level 60 I know that seems crazy but go ahead and do whatever it is that you want to do I'm just telling you what me and all my friends have been doing so we don't pretty much choke out once we get to level 60 now the first things you want to make sure you start farming are your character Ascension materials now these are a lot easier to get and you can indeed wait until you are 60 to farm them but like I said it does get quite expensive so these things right here you want to make sure you start farming each one of the characters will take you to a specific boss you farm these out and you're good to go now you are going to need a crapload of them as you can see right here and each boss will give you about three to four these are Level 50 drop rates so they might get even better at level 60 nonetheless since you want to make sure you're prepared because you can definitely notice the damage and the h the bosses gets once you reach a new level cap I do want to be prepared so this is the first thing you want to do now the next thing is preparing your weapons guys there's a lot of farming to do when it comes to your weapons because you're going to need all these weapons skill materials and they're quite hard to get I've ran so many skill material Dungeons and simply I just haven't gotten almost any Golds if I'm not lying to you I've probably ran about 50 of these dungeons and I've gotten like one or two gold from the forgery challenge so just keep that in mind these are going to be quite hard to get now with the purples blues and greens that you do get you can pretty much craft a gold almost every single run if not every single run but the fact remains that you're going to need a lot of these now it's not just this many for your weapon Ascension right you're going to need a lot more now if we go back down you're going to make sure that you got the stuff for your skills so if we go over to Karo you guys will see that currently at level 50 the max level for your skills is going to be eight you will be able to level these up to the max level once you get to the next level being 60 now I do want to let you guys know it gets expensive as you could see we need three just to take this to level 9 and then we're going to need even more to take it to level 10 so it is going to get quite expensive and this is for every single one of your skills ladies and gentlemen so yes you want to make sure you're farming them skill level up materials from the forgery challenge as much as you can because these things are just insanely expensive and this is where you're probably going to spend most of your energy and most of your time but there's something else I'm sure you guys already noticed when it comes to the Shell credits it gets quite expensive just leveling these up from 8 to 9 it's 70k and you have that on every single one of your skills right so you're going to be getting a lot of upgrades but it's going to cost you a lot of money now if that wasn't enough we do have the cost to upgrade your weapon right that as you can see right here is pretty expensive and then you have the cost to ascend your character so when you start adding all of these up it gets very expensive ladies and gentlemen right so you want to make sure you're prepared at least for your main team as you could see right here we have our Karo prepared we have our Yin Lin prepare not just when it comes to Ascension materials for the characters but also for the weapons right I'm not telling you you should be out here preparing for five six seven characters because that is just too much in reality it is going to be too much even if you use all your cubes all your energy it's going to take you a long time and a lot of resources to do so now the best advice I can give you is make sure you're doing this for at least three to four characters your main team and a secondary DPS for your second team so you're set up the best way possible as you can see we have Arina right here she's level 80 and I have not prepped her just yet I'm still saving up so I make sure that I'm ready to go and in all reality Verina doesn't really need ascensions that much she is very good but in all reality she's not going to take that much so the main thing that I advise is your main DPS you want to make sure you level up your main DPS and get all the materials ready to ascend them if you're doing Rover guys getting Rover to ascend is one of the easiest tasks in the game so you want to make sure you go ahead and do that it's pretty much an easy character yes you're going to need the experience and all that good stuff but at the same time you don't need to go out and grind the same amounts that you would for another character now the weapon obviously is going to cost you the same as every other weapon and I personally haven't gone out of my way to farm the materials for Rover's weapon but once again as I was telling you guys go ahead and level up your main DPS that's going to be your bread and butter it's going to carry you pretty much through the game so level up two three main DPSS and then a sub DPS and you can leave your Vina at level 80 because that's all she really needs for now right so main DPS sub DPS is and you're going to be really good to go but there's two more things or three more things technically that I want to talk about and those are quite simple so let's get on with it the first one is weapon experience materials ladies and gentlemen you're going to need a crapload of these a lot of them so you want to make sure you start farming all the weapon experience materials that you can get not just from the actual dungeons but you want to make sure buy out all the shops and this is just a small tip of advice this is not going to change everything but you can actually go around the world exploring and getting yourself all these nice weapons that are going to give you very little experience but they are going to add up as you could see right here and overall help you level up your weapon so weapon experience materials is going to be vital you're going to need a lot of them because you're going to have several weapons that you're going to want to take to level 90 when it comes to your main roster and it gets very expensive the next thing we're going to talk about is shell credits so as you can see right at the top we have 4 million shell credits ideally when you go on to level 60 my best advice is try to have anywhere from five to 6 7 million shell credits this is going to be vital for you to level up your characters their skills their weapons you guys know the drift I just went over it but yeah make sure you have anywhere from 5 to 7 million credits just so you have an easy time transitioning you don't want to be out there running out of materials and having to wait several days maybe even weeks to level up your character so make sure you're doing your daily Shell credit grind you can only do one or two per day and it's still going to help you guys out a ton now the next thing I want to talk about is going to be your materials make sure you guys are stockpiling as many materials as you can because it is going to get very expensive guys it's going to get hard to level up your character so you're going to have to to pick and choose right making sure you're preparing your materials for their skills and all that is very important but one thing that I didn't mention and personally I'm struggling with right now is resonator experience materials as you can see I'm down bad when it comes to them but I will begin farming them a day or two before I hit 60 which should be any time now so make sure you guys are farming your resonator experience materials because at the end of the day it's really nice if you have the materials right to ascend your character but if you don't have the materials to pretty much level them up you ain't really doing anything so make sure that you have your Ascension materials but also make sure that you have the materials to level up your character so do some of these every day as well make sure you aren't doing as many tcid fields I know that tcid fields are good but there comes a time where you guys got to take you know a step back from them and bu good I mean you kind of have to do them to level up your Echoes but the best advice I can give you is do not go out of your way and keep doing tcid Fields when you reach level 50 take a step back whatever team you set up by 50 use those from 50 to 60 unless they have an event which at that point we kind of have to do the tcid fields for those good drops and experience boosts but other than that just Farm resources start farming your character experience materials and that's pretty much it when it comes to being prepared for level 60 all right and that pretty much wraps up the video there's everything that you need to know to prepare for level 60 I recorded this video right before I started my 1.1 subathon so make sure you guys come on hang out tune on in we're going to be live for several days doing giveaways battle pass giveaways lunite giveaways account reviews and so much more is going to be a blast so I do advise you guys come hang out if you're brand new feel free to ask any questions you want and overall I've really been enjoying the game weathering waves has been amazing and I wanted to make sure that I get these videos out where I give you my opinion as to how to tackle these levels there is no rush and this is not a guide as to how you should be doing it there is no secret technique as to how you should be able to get to these levels faster it's quite simple 100% your map use all your wave plate and wave plate cubes and the most simple thing that I cover in every single video is refreshing your wave plates now for those of you that don't know it's quite simple you're buying more wave plates with your asteres now I do not advise anybody goes out of their way to do this because this is mostly for people that have the money to spend on this people that have the money to throw at this or simply people that are playing a very specific way this is not advised this is just me telling you exactly how I did it but that pretty much wraps up everything that there is to know regarding this level 60 account level 60 process and how to prepare for level 60 I do hope you've enjoyed the video hit that like button subscribe turn on Bell notifications and I'll see you guys on the next one peace
Channel: SkullCJay
Views: 2,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wuthering waves, wuthering waves gameplay, wuthering waves guide, wuthering waves characters, wuthering waves news, wuthering waves summon, wuthering waves combat, wuthering waves review, wuthering waves release date, wuthering waves rover, wuthering waves overview, wuthering waves showcase, genshin impact vs wuthering waves, data bank wuthering waves, fast union level wuthering waves, echoes wuthering waves, fast experience wuthering waves, wuthering waves build, wuwa echoes
Id: 1flUd81AVsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2024
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