Yuanwu COMPLETE GUIDE! Best Yuanwu Builds - Weapons, Echo, Rotations & Teams! Wuthering Waves

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 Yuanwu is a free character that we get  by clearing some of the initial floors   of tower of Adversity. He can deal a fair  amount of damage for a free character and   also brings a lot to the table with his  supportive skills that give resistance to   interruption and can efficiently break the  white bar of enemies to stun them faster.   We will see more about him in detail in this  video along with a complete guide to build and   use him in best ways possible. Without any  further ado, let's jump right into it. Starting with his skills. Yuanwu's skill descriptions can be very confusing.   I will try my best to make  it easy to understand. On using Yuanwu's Resonance skill, he  will summon a thunder wedge that lasts   for 12 seconds. The thunder wedge creates  a field around it called Thunder field. If   any character hit a target within this field, it  will do a coordinated attack which can be trigger   every 1.2 seconds. It has a low cooldown of 3  seconds allowing you to easily reposition it. When the Thunder wedge is on the field,  Yuanwu recovers 6 Forte circuit stacks   every second even if he is not on the field.  And when a coordinated attack is triggered,   Yuanwu will gain 5 stacks. He can hold up to 100  stacks. When Yuanwu's forte circuit is filled,   holding the resonance skill will consume all  the stacks and deal Rumbling spark damage.   This skill has a decent damage multiplier  which is tied to his Resonance skill. The   Rumbling spark will also detonate the thunder  wedge if it is on the field. It restores a huge   amount of resonance and concerto energy, so  using it every rotation is very important. Even when he is not on the field, you can  tell whether his forte circuit is filled.   When Yuanwu's forte circuit is filled, the  thunder wedge will get enhanced to thunder   uprising and deal an AOE shock damage. The  enhanced thundering wedge will shine more   brightly and you will be able to see thunder  shocks coming out of it more aggressively. This   is the sign that his forte circuit is filled.  Usually within the duration of one skill cast,   his forte circuit should be ready, if you are  constantly triggering its coordinated attacks. After triggering this, Yuanwu will enter into  Lightning infused state which lasts for 10   seconds. While in this state, Yuanwu's  resistance to Interruption is greatly   increased. Additionally all his basic attacks  are enhanced and they scale on his defense.   His attacks deal more Vibration damage, which  means it will greatly reduce the white bar of   the enemies. While in this state, Yuanwu  won't gain any forte circuit stacks. This lightning infused state can  be applied to other characters   by using his Resonance liberation. However,  other characters will only get the increased   resistance to Interruption which is also very  useful. His Resonance liberation has high damage   multipliers and restores 20 concerto energy.  It has a low energy cost of 125 and a cooldown   of 20 seconds. If you use the liberation  while the thunder wedge is on the field,   it will detonate the thunder wedge. This  is his most important skill as it makes up   for a huge portion of his damage, buffs all  characters and generates concerto energy. The resonance liberation is buffed  more by his first inherent passive.   It increases its damage multiplier by 40%  and increases its Vibration damage. Which   means it will reduce the white bar  of the enemies more efficiently. His second inherent passive increases the range  of the field generated by his Resonance skill.   The range of the enhanced Resonance skill due  to his forte circuit is also increased. And if Yuanwu leaves the field  without having full forte circuit bar,   he will leave behind a thunder wedge. This  doesn't have a cooldown. This can be useful   for repositioning the skill. Only one  thunder wedge can exist at a time. Yuanwu's outro skill deals a significant amount   of Vibration damage, that is damage  to the white bar of the enemies. There are two main ways to use  Yuanwu. First is as a hybrid dps,   where you swap into him and quickly use his  skills which doesn't take much time. This is   the most preferred way to use him, as his basic  attack damage is low when compared to others,   and spending more field time with him  resuls in overall less dps. However,   if you really like him and want to give him  more field time, you can still use him as a   main dps where you utilise his buffed normal  attacks of his Lightning infused state. For his skill priority, most of Yuanwu's damage  comes from his Resonance liberation and skill. So   prioritise leveling his Resonance liberation and  resonance skill, followed by his forte circuit,   followed by his intro skill and the  basic attacks can be skipped. If you wish to use him as your main dps prioritise  his forte circuit, followed by his liberation then   his skill and lastly his intro. You can skip  the basic attacks as you won't be using them   and spend your on field time doing the buffed  normal attacks from his forte circuit. Moving onto his sequences. The first sequence increases  Yuanwu's Basic Attack Speed and   Heavy Attack Speed by 20% in his forte  circuit's lightning infused state. The second sequence restores 15 Resonance  energy on triggering his intro skill. In his third sequence, when the Coordinated  Attacks of the Thunder Wedge hits a target,   the damage is additionally increased  by 20% of Yuanwu's Defense. The fourth sequence is a nice supportive upgrade.  When using Yuanwu's Resonance liberationz the on   field character will get a shield equal  to 200% of his defense for 10 seconds. The fifth sequence increases Yuanwu's Resonance   liberation damage bonus by 50% when  thunder wedge is on the field. And the last sequence gives 32% defense buff  to team members within the range of Thunder   wedge. The buff lasts for 3 seconds after  leaving the range of the thunder wedge. Yuanwu's sequences are nice upgrades. The  first one is useless for a quickswap hybrid dps   playstyle, but it is useful if you wish to use him  as your on field dps. The second sequence helps   with his Resonance energy regen which is nice as  you need to keep casting his liberation to keep   the buff uptime. His S3 is a nice damage boost and  the S4 gives shields aiding in survivability. His   S5 gives a decent damage increase and the S6 is  the best when Yuanwu is paired with other defense   scaling characters as it gives defense increase.  It also increases his personal damage. Moving onto his weapons. Unfortunately we currently don't  have any 5 star option for Yuanwu   as the only 5 star weapon in this game  provides attack% which is not needed. So the best weapon to use would  be the Amity accord. Not only   this weapon provides a lot of defense%  but also increases Resonance liberation   damage bonus by 20% for 15 seconds  after triggering an intro skill. The BP Weapon, stonard is another amazing  weapon option as it provides crit rate   which makes building Yuanwu easier,  and gives 18% Resonance liberation   damage bonus on using the Resonance  skill which is quite easy to do. The 3 star weapon, R5 Guardian  Gaunlet is his best F2P weapon   as it provides defense and a permanent  24% Resonance liberation damage bonus. Other good options are the R5 Gaunlets  of Voyager which provides defense and   energy restoration or the Originite Type 4 that  provides crit damage. With the Originite type 4,   you can make a different kind of build which  I will talk about in detail in a bit. The Marcato is also a decent option as it   has energy regen stats and  provides concerto energy. Moving onto his echoes. The best set to maximize Yuanwu's damage is the  5 piece Void thunder set. And for the echo skill,   you can use tempest Mephis. The thundering  mephis has better buffs but it takes up a   lot of field time to do its attacks and  missing the last hit won't give you any   buffs. So I prefer using the Tempest Mephis as  it takes up relatively less field time and the   claw attack of this skill can be swap  cancelled. After using the echo skill,   the Mephis will start with a tail attack,  then use a normal attack and right when the   claw animation starts, swap cancel it  by going to a different character. You can also use the flautist echo skill.  This skill does some nice damage and also   gives concerto energy regen. This  echo needs a considerable amount of   field time to complete it's attacks, but  holding the echo skill for a short while   and swapping to a different character  can swap cancel rest of its attacks. Alternatively, you can use 2 piece Void thunder  with 2 piece Moonlit clouds set for the energy   regen. If you are using Yuanwu as a support for  any defense scaling character, you can use this   echo combination and use the impermanence  heron echo skill to buff your main dps. And if you are using him as a hybrid  dps with an attack scaling character,   you can use 5 piece moonlit clouds set  with the impermenance heron echo skill. You can run a full supportive build on  Yuanwu with the rejuvenating glow set,   if no one in the team is using this set and you  have attack scaling characters in the team. While   Yuanwu doesn't have any healing mechanism in his  kit to trigger this set, he can use the Originite   type 4 gauntlet and reliably trigger this set  with a single basic attack hit. Self healing also   works to trigger this set effect. While Yuanwu  doesn't have any sustain skills in his kit,   this build is viable if you have his 4th  sequence where he starts giving shields. Before moving onto his echo stats, let's  first talk about his energy requirements.   Yuanwu's Liberation is very important as it  makes up for a huge portion of his damage,   gives teamwide resistance to interruption,  and also generates a good amount of concerto   energy. So getting it back on cooldown becomes  very crucial and you need to have enough energy   regen in order to do that. Try to aim for 30  to 35% energy regen or higher. If the enemy   is very agile where you miss a lot of your  attacks, you may need more energy regen. For his echo stats, Look for crit rate or damage on the  4 cost echo. On the three cost echo,   you can go double electro damage, or a combination  of one electro damage and one defense% also works   as it is only 1 to 2% behind. Alternatively,  you can use one energy regen echo piece if   you don't have any energy regen roll from  your substats. And defense% on 1 cost echo.  You can also go with a full Defense and  Energy Regen build if you are using S4+   Yuanwu as a support to maximize his shield, if  you don't care about his damage. I personally   prefer going with a damage focused build  as Yuanwu can dish out some good damage. If you don't have any usable 3 cost echoes, you  can run 4-4-1-1-1 echo combination. It is around   10% worse than the preferred echo pattern,  but it is easier to farm and can be useful   if you are building other electro characters  like Yinlin or Calcharo, who also needs this   set. Use crit rate on one echo and crit damage on  the other one, and defense% on 1 cost echoes. Moving onto his rotations. Yuanwu's rotations are super fast and takes  very less field time. First start by using   his Resonance skill to summon the thunder  wedge and then rotate to other character to   prepare their energy bars or buffs. Using  the skill at the beginning helps to build   Yuanwu's forte circuit which is crucial for  Resonance and concerto energy generation. When you are done with the preparation, switch  to Yuanwu, use his Resonance skill followed by   his Liberation. This will activate his  teamwide buff and using Resonance skill   before liberation gives some extra damage  from the thunder wedge detonation. Your   forte circuit should be filled by now. So  hold the resonance skill to use it. Use   his Resonance skill again to get some  concerto energy, and swap him out. If you are using a supportive build  with the Originite type 4 gauntlet   and rejuvenating glow set, follow a  similar rotation and make sure to do a   basic attack at the beginning to trigger  the set effect. Do a basic attack after   using his forte circuit's attack everytime  you swap into him to refresh the buff. And for main dps rotation, follow the same  rotation and after using his forte circuit stacks,   use his Resonance skill and start using his  basic attacks till the buff duration runs out. Make sure to use his echo skill whenever  necessary. If you are using the tempest   Mephis echo skill, use it during the  preparation phase to get the buff. If   you are using the flautist skill, keep using  it as frequently as possible before swapping   him out. And if you are using the heron  echo skill, use it before triggering his   outro skill. All these echo skills can be swap  cancelled, so make sure to swap cancel them. Moving onto his team comps. The best partner of Yuanwu is Yinlin.  Yinlin deals very high off field damage   and gives electro and resonance liberation damage  amplification buff which is phenomenal for Yuanwu   as all of his attacks are electro and a huge  portion of his damage comes from his Resonance   liberation. Yuanwu has fast rotations  which pairs really well with Yinlin. Taoqi is also a great partner with Yuanwu.  She buffs defense which can boost his damage   and also gives 38% Resonance skill damage  amplification. Due to Yuanwu's short rotations,   you can play a quickswap playstyle with Taoqi  and Yuanwu. Try to get as much intro as possible   on Taoqi as she needs it to instantly get her  forte stacks and enhanced basic attacks. You   can check my Taoqi guide for more details on  her. And if you have Yuanwu's sixth sequence,   he can further buff Taoqi's damage,  making them a very strong duo. You   can use the flautist echo skill on him to  trigger Taoqi's intro skill more often. Jianxin is also amazing as she provides  38% liberation damage amplification and   provides crowd control which allows you to hit  multiple enemies with Yuanwu's Liberation. You can use Yuanwu as a hybrid dps with basically  any character as he can efficiently break the   shields or the white bar of the enemies and  stun them faster. He falls behind other sub dps   characters as he doesn't have buffing capabilities  but is still a decent option for hybrid dps. Yuanwu, Yinlin, Verina. Yuanwu, Encore, Jianxin are some team examples. And for main dps Yuanwu, Yinlin  is still his best partner,   as she can deal high off field damage  and provides the best buffs for him. Taoqi's Resonance skill damage amplification  can buff his damage by a lot but her concerto   energy generation is very slow without her  S5 or the discord broadblade. And if you   miss her enhanced auto attacks, you will have  to complete the rotation without any buffs. As you will be using his basic  attacks more as a main dps,   Sanhua becomes a great sub dps to use  with him because of her fast concerto   energy generation and the 38% basic  attack damage amplification buff. Jianxin provides crowd control and resonance  liberation damage amplification. Mortefi can deal some good damage, however his  heavy attack damage buff is wasted on Yuanwu. And the last slot is usually a flex character,   generally used by a sustain support  like Verina, Baizhi or Jianxin. Yuanwu takes up very less field time and is very  easy to play. As I mentioned at the start of the   video, he can deal some good damage and brings  a lot to the table by providing resistance to   Interruption to the entire team. He can speed up  the time required to break the white bar of boss   enemies and stun them faster. His sequences are  also very good. However, just like any character,   he also has his cons. His thunder wedge has  limited range. So against enemies that move a lot,   you will need to keep switching into him  to replace the thunder wedge. His damage   is comparatively weaker in the early game as he  scales off defense. And the weapons and echoes   don't have defense as their base stat. His buffs  are more utility focused and doesn't provide any   offensive buffs unless you have his S6. The S6  is great only for defense scaling characters. he is still a very good character to  build especially if you have higher   sequences on him. Not to mention  he has a cat, and he is a dil- And that's all for this video. Don't forget to  check out my other character build guide. Make   sure to like and share the video and subscribe for  more wuthering waves content. Thanks for watching.
Channel: 12th Harbinger
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Keywords: yuanwu, wuthering waves, yuanwu guide wuthering waves, wuthering waves yuanwu guide, yuanwu wuthering waves, yuanwu guide, yuanwu build, yuanwu build guide wutheirng waves, how to build yuanwu, wuthering waves yuanwu build, wuthering waves yuanwu build guide, how to play yuanwu, main dps, hybrid dps, best builds, best weapons, echoes, team comps, yuanwu teams, yuanwu wuthering waves build, wuthering waves guide
Id: e8icAbinD5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2024
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