JinHsi POWERCREEP ALL DPS? First Impression and Guide

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now I just got my hand on a level 70 gingi and this unit is an absolute power crew I think this unit is a massive Step Up compared to any characters we have in this game by far and so this is why I like to refer to as the Gen 2 unit meaning that they are the non-starting unit in the game and allow me to explain what does that really mean as far as my first overall impression but before that I would like to start you off with her summon animation but just before that remember to subscribe to the video and I stream regularly on Twitch and so follow me over there as well let's get started oh nice okay we got her wait this Su what is this summon animation if you are paying close attention you will immediately notice that her summon animation as well as her overall gameplay animation is a massive Step Up compared to any other unit we have in this game by far in the previous game punishing great Raven there exists a time where all the unit release after after a certain period of time were so much stepped up in their animation their gameplay Styles as well as well their damage and the punishing great Raven Community often refer to these character as generation 2 unit or Gen 2 unit which mean any unit released after this point which is so much better in both the animation and gameplay aspect but also the damage and it really feels like that this is the beginning of the Gen 2 unit right now now in my experience of playing ging G's actually a pretty quick swappy play Styles character kind of like Havoc Rover or arcore majority of her damage seems to come from her skills and then her ult which that's just a massive amount of damage again kind of like Havoc Rover a lot she's a character with extremely good AOE potential not only that her attack kind of continuously stagger enemy in a small a fashion radius both her damage heavy hitting skills which is her skill and have alt both have like pretty decent a range now in this first impression video I want to stick to the basic I want to talk about about things like is this character fun to play is this character satisfying to play or is this character like hard to play and require like too many demand which you see that's completely true in this case of gingi and I'll talk about that later with that being said this video is not like a complete Guy where we're going to talk about her best combo since those will take time to figure it out one week later someone in China is probably going to be like oh this is actually the secret combo that is the best this is probably the secret team so there's no point of me really going over them right now I'll give you like a brief things of things I think run well and work well but for the complete guy we're going to develop that a little later so make sure you subscrib to the channel for a complete guy followup in the week later with that being said let's head over to the training room ji has two attack form the basic attack form and then her Incarnation form ji Bic attack form it's actually pretty basic it doesn't really do a lot her skill in the basic attack form is just a quick dash for the most part you're probably going to be only using this form in your very very first rotation to build your very first outro but otherwise for the most part you're going to play in the Incarnation form the one thing to be really careful in your basic form is that her attack is actually really slow and this could be really messy for your per timing you can enter Incarnation by casting four basic attack and then casting your skills and this will put you into Incarnation form where you can kind of float in the air a little bit you'll be able to tell you're in Incarnation form because your attack are going to be different in addition to the fact that you now have a dragon on your Forte bar while you're Incarnation you can do up to four basic attack there's no way around it you can only do four basic attack at most and then your Incarnation form will end one of the biggest thing you notice that as long as you keep attacking you'll be able to hover in the air this is really massive against bosses with aerial Mobility like the monkey because it mean you can Tech chase them into the air and continues to DPS them by the way can we talk about how quick this powercraft lingang because previously this was his specialty and now another character can do it why did I make this lingang character when you finish your reincarnation form you can get a special skills which is the dragon breath skills this is actually where your majority is going to come from and this signify the end of your entire rotation your empowered dragon breath skill will do more damage based on your Stacks so this is the number of stacks you have right now is indicated on your 4K circuit and when you attack an enemy you gain one stacks and you can gain up to 50 Stacks now the trick here is that you can only get one stack every 3 second so I get a stack here and I attack again I do not get any Stacks but the main gimmick here is that you can get Stacks when your teammate attack as well even though if they're not on field it is worth noting that after triggering the dragon breath effect your next switch is actually going to considered to be a outro intro even though if your concerto energy is not full this mean if you have full concerto energy you can actually stack this to do a intro outro switch back to gingi and then do another intro outro one with the special effect but the other one with your regular conserto energy do know that you can only trigger this effect once every 25 seconds so you might not get this on every rotation gen he outro is extremely important to trigger that is because it reduce your Stacks from getting one every 3 seconds to one every 1 seconds so this will build up your Stacks a lot quicker for your Empower resident skills this is why I recommend people to build their outro on the first rotation just because it is so important and make sure you're doing outro on every single rotation finally let's talk about her alt and then her ALS just go boom yeah by the way can we talk about this insane Echo piece I just rote for her because majority of her damage come from her skills and you also want to have enough energy recharge for her ALS and then on this free cost onset spectal damage bonus piece I got crit rate I got crit damage I got attack and I also got skill damage bonus so uh well look like I'm meing her now with that being said though I want to talk about her gameplay I think there's a lot of good things but also some things are not as great for one she's easy to play but also really hard to play wait what does that really mean gingi has an extremely simple rotation you do an intros your skills to get your into your Incarnation attack five times for your four basic attack followed by your final heavy attack damage and your cast your skills the reason why I say she's really easy to play is because she has a static rotation every single time her attack basically doesn't change you can't change them during the Incarnation form and they have really big range really big AO Plus on top of the auto targeting on your skill and your ult you basically just need to click your button and you can't ever Miss no matter how far you are due to the massive Auto targeting range you can get Perry actually pretty easily during your reincarnation form and dodging during your reincarnation form isn't a problem from what I have seen compared to the other air walking character Ling I was kind of afraid of dodging in the air to be a problem just like the previous characters but it has been pretty smooth pretty responsive so far now you notice that I'm currently using the specto echo ax uh that's cuz I haven't played the story yet and unlocked it the Drew Echo but you definitely want to be using the Drew Echo because you can use that in the air and it just come out a lot quicker so that's the reason why I use it at the end of the rotation instead oh by the way speaking of echo obviously you want the 5piece celestial light set and uh just in case you forgot you want to check out my uh really cool piece onstead if you're asking me what is the recommended start then here you go it's going to be while specto damage bonus on your free cost and then as always like attack and crit on your your one for cost but for your sub start attack crit rate crit damage which are the default and then skill damage because that's where majority of your damage come from the dragon breath followed by energy recharge n that is my overall recommendation for your pieces again just like this one with that being said I want to talk about her biggest problem which is going to be that she is very demanding in term of your team composition and your team rotation the biggest contributor to this is the way her Stacks Works once again every single time your part do a damage instant you get one Stacks but when you do a coordinated attack you actually get two stacks instead of one Stacks which is double but on top of that coordinated attack are just easier to build stacks with because you don't have to be attacking on that characters so that doing corded attack you're basically getting like four times maybe five times the amount of stacks compared to just doing any damage and this mean you really have to put characters with coord nation attack into your parties character like yinlin character like yanu character like Bina and so your choice is a lot more limiting please know that you can't put the same element coated attack together it doesn't work because one element can only get one stack at a time so if you do yinin and yanu together it's true that they both have all few attack which is really good but you only get Stacks from one of them so this pairing also doesn't work you could do Vina plus yinlin and from my understanding this is her best team by far which is a complete Five Star team so this is extremely demanding in ter of the character you have if you don't have Yin then you can use again like yanu or like morphy character with coated attack but again your choice is so much more limited plus these character just don't really buff uh ginin in a meaningful way where at least for Yin Lin she still do residence Liberation damage amplify perfect you want to make sure that you're attacking exactly enough on each of your teammate and your support of your character to be building stacks and more importantly is that your energy requirement on your teammate is also just as high you need to make sure that you have Verina ult on every single rotation because well in case you didn't know or you forgot Vera Al Perform coordination attack for the photosynthesis when it come down to doing your personal rotation on gingi I have a pretty easy time she's pretty straight forward to play her attacker pretty short and most importantly they have very very long range and very big e range but it's really that I have to make sure I'm getting through my entire team perfectly that's really get to me you know what happened if your teammate does have ultimate on like Vina what happen if you're not doing your y rotation perfectly and stuff like that and of course as always this is on top of the random pattern that the boss will do which could essentially like completely screw up your pattern on your team rotation getting Stacks is extremely important which is why you want to make sure you're rotating through properly because each Stacks will apply a 32.6 additional multiplier for you assuming your skill is at level six and you can see the base damage is actually extremely low so it's only when you get all 50 Stacks that you can ditch out that massive laser P damage this mean that every single team is going to play a little differently it's going to have a different rotation for example when I was trying it with my yanwu by the way this Yen have completely no gear I would tend to switch to Y first to make sure that I can drop his pillar to start getting those stacks damage also seems to be really really good uh with the only characters doing damage into my party I was still able to reliably basically beat down uh High Lev bosses within a re on time so that has been going pretty well for me as well with all those being said I think her animation is definitely a massive power creep her animation is incredibly satisfying compared to any characters we have in the game right now and I absolutely can't wait to see what they going to build up with more Gen 2 unit so surprisingly I actually don't have a lot of negative comment to say about this character I actually think this character is extremely satisfying to play it's extremely welld designed extremely good to play uh and it's relatively simple while doing really high damage so actually really really like those characters uh I'm actually surprised by that element myself as well I think my biggest complaint about this character is that she's relatively demanding in term of her teammates you know I'm playing Yin Verina which are limited five star characters and another standard five star that want to be in every single team and so the question is what happen when you don't have these character is she still going to perform in team that don't have these characters and I think that we need some time to see I need more time to test out every single characters but for now with my Verina team for my Yan team I honestly don't have any problem with this characters I think this character is incredibly good and I feel like if you like her design uh would I recommend this character right now absolutely I think this character is really good she has really good AOE range she has really good AO coverage while still doing that quick short succession burst for bosses I'll be really perfectly honest I don't want to overhype this character too much other than the clickbait factor of saying she's H in ter of Animation so I'm constantly trying to look for a factor of why I don't like her and it's not because I hate her or anything I'm trying to look for a reason why I wouldn't like this characters to ensure that I am not overhyping this character and saying like oh she's the best she's the greatest I'm like trying to look for a reason why I think this character might have issues like team rotation so that I'm making sure like I'm being as neutral as possible and even then my really honest opinion right now it's like I think this character is really good I haven't really seen any like major flaw with her and it would only get better as we figure out better rotation and better team comp and stuff like that and stuff so uh yeah I really want to say this character really good but a man that's such is a hard work to say because one if people pull for this characters and then they're not that good after right so but yeah I don't know I think I'll leave it there for now this is a again my first impression subscribe for the hopefully more meta in a week when people have more St figured out like a better rotation better combo and stuff like that maybe there's a secret Echo we can use other than the Drew new boss Echo with that being said always thanks for watching subscribe for more meta ticks well casual ticks I'm a casual now thanks watching bye
Channel: TenTen
Views: 64,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, Tenten, Wuthering Waves, Wuthering Waves Gameplay, Wuthering waves beta, Wuthering waves guide
Id: uYveWS1XRxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2024
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