COMPLETE Jinhsi Guide! | Best Build, Weapons, Echoes & Teams | Wuthering Waves

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chosen by J to be the next magistrate and paid by you to join your team jiny is a spectroc road blade wielding main DPS who uses her skill to change her stances elevating her basic attacks with each stage and finishing her fro off with a gigantic nuke all while completely circumventing a fundamental mechanic of the game and granting your allies intros without the required concerto we will cover her skills her best weapons echo echo skills and Echo sets her sequence notes her best teams and how to play her correctly let's [Music] go let me introduce you to today's sponsor boot. death have you ever wished to program your own game with fantastic game play such as weing Raves just like I did back in the day as you can see right here well thanks to boot. death that is an easy feat boot. death offers online self-paced programming courses focusing on back and development in a unique approach similar to a captivating RPG game you will earn XP levels achievements and complete quests to get a 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so we will mostly skip this part A resonance skill is where she gets interesting since the skill itself also is heavily connected to her forte and changes depending on her stance and her stance changes when using her skill well or her Incarnation basic four but we will get to that in a little bit in any case using her skill makes her Dash forward dealing minor Spectra damage and you will likely actually never use this however her skill changes into overflowing Radiance while you are not inside of your Incarnation stance or after you use your intro skill or alternatively also basic attack 4 however you will also likely never use her basic four which means we can go straight from her intro into overflowing Radiance overflowing Radiance can also be caused midair and after doing so jiny will enter the Incarnation stance which will bring us to her forte her forte has a lot of different components to it and is to be honest like basically her entire kit the first component Incarnation lasts for 10 seconds and while in the Incarnation stance your basic attacks are placed by Incarnation basic attack the basic attack cycle of incarnation basic attack will not reset regardless of what you do which also means you can easily switch her out and back in during the state while in Incarnation Jin C's skill is also replaced by yet another skill called cres Divinity cres Divinity deals a large amount of spectr damage generates 5.67 resonance Liberation energy and an opposition to overflowing Radiance will not Advance your stance instead while in incarn your stance is now forwarded after casting Incarnation basic attack 4 to finish this part of her for hair heavy attack ddge and ddge counter are also replaced by their respective Incarnation versions as well this was only the first part of four for her forte though yeah she has four parts to it anyway after costing Incarnation basic attack for her Incarnation stance will end and she will enter the ordination glow State instead during this state all of her basic attacks are replaced by Incarnation heavy attack which basically means you can only cost heavy attacks during this time which also means you kind of do not want to do that and instead you just want to cost her now again newly acquired skill illuminous Epiphany yeah she has four skills in total bear with me just a little longer illuminous Epiphany deals a large amount of damage in two instances whereas the second instance will deal additional damage for each stack of incandescence so what's incand Essence that is the third part of a forti basically she can hold up to 50 stacks and every time she or a party member deals damage she gains one stack or two stacks if set damage was dealt by a coordinated attack however she can only receive one stack every 3 seconds for each element and the timers for both types of damage so coordinated and non-coordinated are independent from each other but they do share the same element mint restriction this means for example spectr damage and Electro damage have separate cooldowns and this applies to all six elements if we take just yet another example if our party would consist of jiny Rover and Arina since all of them deal spectral damage he can only get one stack every 3 seconds actually that's only partially true Arena's ultimate is a coordinated attack which means she can actually generate two additional Stacks every 3 seconds for another example if the team would be jiny yunin and baiji instead she could get three stacks every 3 seconds as we now deal three types of damage spectro Electro and glacio but again Yan Lin and baiji both have coordinated attacks this means jiny can still only generate one stack every three seconds but both yinan and baji could generate Three Stacks two from their coordinated attacks and one from other damage sources from them there is actually even more to it but we will get back to this when we talk about her outro that all being said after costing her skill illuminous Epiphany she gains Unison which is the fourth and finally last part of a forte which will automatically trigger her outro and the incoming resonator's intro skill when she is switched out regardless of her current concerto and it will take priority over her concerto as well so this has been a lot so I think this time we are actually due for a simplified recap of her basic skill and 4 stuff basically after casting Basic 4 intro she can cause skill overflowing Radiance which allows her to enter Incarnation during Incarnation she can now cause skill cres Divinity as well as four Incarnation basic attacks after Incarnation basic attack four she enters ordination glow which then allows her to cast a luminous Epiphany dealing some insane damage granting her Unison and having her exits at lost State Jin SE resonance liberation perge of light does actually perge not only light but like the entire enemy field and Deals absolutely massive damage costs 150 energy and generates her 20 concer while being on a 24 second cool down her intra skill dealed some minor damage and even though her inherent skill convergent flash buff set damage by 50% it is still some fine but not massive damage her outf reduces the element restriction on her incandescence from 3 second seconds to 1 second for the duration of 20 seconds this is extremely good and makes it very easy for her to reach 50 Stacks after her initial rotation her last and herent skill radiant search simply grants her 20% spectro damage bonus and this is actually relevant and I will get back to that later last but not least her traces give her 12% attack and 8% crit rate which is just really nice knowing all that let's have a look at her damage distribution J's basic attacks during Incarnation also count as skill damage which also reflects her absolutely overwhelming skill damage dealt distribution not only that basically all of her damage dealt comes from her forte and ultimate well and skill this means our final skill priority is forte into ultimate equals skill into in into basics for her weapons her signature weapon age of harvest comes out ahead by actually just quite a bit thean signature weapon ver and summon is also just slightly bitter than the festar standard weapon lustless Razer if we disregard all festar weapons though you will have to Forfeit quite a bit of damage however helus Cleaver the craftable broad blade number 41 and the battle pass weapon autum Trace are your best choices and even though you cannot really make use of autumn trac's effect the crit rate provided is still quite good a 5p Celestial light with Jer is her best Echo set and skill however depending on your current Main and sub stats going for a two two piece two-piece mix match of celestial light and lingering Tunes with either J or the mech Abomination is another possibility J will not only provide a constant income of incandescent decks to jenzy but also provides a 16% skill damage buff for her which makes any other Echo usually a straight up worst Choice while echos can usually not generate incandescent decks for her as Echo type damage is excluded for that J and also the mech Abomination both partially deal skill and outra damage respectively which makes them able to generate these decks for her this also means running a two-piece two-piece mix match with Mech Abomination is a viable Choice as well especially if you do only have jiny as the only Spectra unit in the team as you are now able to generate Stacks from four different elements and this in turn means a five piece lingering tune set with Mech Abomination is a good choice as well at least if you don't run Yin Lin in your team for your main stats crit values on your for cost are her best choice with crit rate being higher in value if you have lustrous razor and crit damage if you have your signature age of harvest for her three costs either double spectr or mixing Spectra and attack percent are her best choices however while both are really close to each other in any case her best choice again depends on your weapon for the standard five star double Spector is her best on slot whereas if you have her signature mix matching attack percent and Spectre percent comes actually out ahead just slightly a setup of 44111 is also possible but unless your genz is S6 and age of harvest rank five you will lose out on a bit of damage for Giga whales a 44111 setup might actually come out slightly ahead though if you do have her S6 and her signature weapon at R5 as for her one cost Echoes the classic double attack percent is the best choice and honestly also only choice to summarize all of this these are your best Echo layouts by weapon jiny has also an ER requirement of around 25 to 35% which means regarding her substats we want to first and foremost focus on reaching that threshold afterwards we want to prioritize crit values attack percent skill damage percent and lastly flat attack and Liberation damage percent all added up together those are the final stats I would recommend if you have money to waste I mean invest spending it on giny sequences is a good way to trade your money for Less difficulty in the game for S2 S3 S5 and S6 all give outstanding damage improvements although her S4 doesn't give her justice on paper as it grants those 20% all attribute damage bonuses to the entire freaking team overall sequence 2 is a good stopping point if you just want to dolphin a little bit and does not only provide you a huge boost of additional damage but also makes her way easier to play due to her guaranteed 50 stacks of incandescence that all said let's cover her rotation at least as far as we can since her play style can vary a little bit and I'm actually very sure we will later on Discover a better rotation a video cannot stay Evergreen but a sheet can so please check out the sheet for updated information we will start off with her intro into her ultimate followed by her skill overflowing Radiance into skill cres Divinity into four times basic into skill illuminous Epiphany and then switch her out for the first rotation you will have your ultimate available but deal significantly less damage due to the missing incandescent Stacks at least without her sequence too there also means her full kit only fully comes to Shin starting from the second rotation and this in turn means you want to repeat this rotation two times in a row except the second time you do not hurt her ultimate because jenzy will basically permanently be in the air that also means switching out during her Incarnation state is actually a horrible idea which brings us to her teams as already mentioned previously JY massively benefits from coordinated attacks and currently only five units are able to provide that Mori jinlin Duan Vu B and Verina going for a rainbow team is a great choice for her and Vina does not lose too much value thanks to her coordinated attacks this means slot one is obviously occupied by jiny for slot two we want to choose our hybrid so either mortify Yin or Yuan Vu and for the last slot our support Vina or baiji technically taoi is also an option if you want to chase that one big thumbnail number or just like really big personalities but she does not provide enough Stacks to actually compete with the other supports in a real scenario even though her outro R skill damage deepen so let's end this video with a team example rotation deny yinlin and Verina which looks like her current best team we start the Tower of adversity with Yin Lin skill one into her ultimate into skill two then we switch ENT Verina Basics 3 four and five ultimate skill Echo bbor jump into two midair Basics into her outro and then we go finally into jiny now we do our previously mentioned jiny combo of intro ultimate skill skill four times basic skill and switch back out again to Yin ly skill ultimate skill into yland Forte back to Arina yet again this time we start off midair and go intro midair Bay 61 2 and three into plunge skill heavy into Echo and ultimate cancel into outro and back to jiny who now has her full power available being able to get 50 stacks and we can demolish everything in our way with intro skill skill four times spasic skill and outro that all being said thank you so much for watching please leave a like and a comment about your thoughts on jiny and if you will pull for her or if you prefer to save for Chang Lee instead or maybe you will just get both in any case subscribe for more weaing waves content and guides and join the Discord and have a great day peace [Music] n
Channel: iamrivenous
Views: 28,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wuthering waves, wuthering waves gameplay, wuthering waves cbt 2, wuthering waves rover, iamrivenous, genshin, wuwa, i am rivenous, wuthering waves news, gacha, wuthering waves overview, kurogames, punishing gray raven, wuthering waves guide, wuthering waves characters, wuwa rover, wuwa guide, wuwa yinlin, wuwa verina, wuthering waves jinhsi guide, jinshi guide, jinxi guide wuwa, wuwa jinhsi guide, wuwa jinhsi, wuthering waves jinhsi build, wuwa jinhsi gameplay
Id: 9KmyDiUEH-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2024
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