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[Music] now that I got your attention with that quick intro I'm going to show you everything you need to know about my Havoc Rover its stats Echoes abilities weapon and overall how you can go about building your own Havoc Rover so you can deal 60 70 80 90 and even 100,000 damage without that much investment so let's hop right on to the video all right so here we have my Havoc Rover and for those of you that don't know the Havoc Rover is a heavy burst damage Havoc main DPS that will deal insane amounts of damage without too much investment if I'm being serious that is probably one of the best things about this character and it is the fact that you do not have to heavy invest into it to deal insane amounts of damage Dage now when it comes to the stats you want to make sure you focus on crit rate crit damage attack energy regen and Havoc damage percentage yes ladies and gentlemen you're going to have to go out and farm them three cost Echo now when it comes to the weapon you want to make sure you go for the emerald of Genesis is one of the best weapons to go with the Havoc Rover not only will it give you crit rate which is incredibly good for this character's build but it also gives you energy regen and on top of that when resident skill is cast increases attack by 6% overall giving this character a lot more damage now this weapon can be gotten by absolutely everyone once you get to 45 you will get a box where you can select a five cost weapon or a five-star weapon and you can go ahead and select this one I highly advise you go for this it's incredibly good if fits on your Rover and it fits on any other sword character now let's talk about the echo there's a lot of ways to go ahead and build your Havoc Rover I've seen Havoc Rover built with lingering Tunes but personally I think the best way is with the sun sinking Eclipse set overall Havoc damage is this character's bread and butter when it comes to my personal Echoes you will be surprised by the stats because they are by no means Peak or absolute Cinema they are overall pretty mid echos first off we have a dreamless and we have gone with crit damage dreamless because we have the sword that already gives us crit rate so why not just go for some crit damage on this we have some crit damage subset which as you can see is pretty low and we do crit rate which is also very low we have resident skill damage bonus and other than that everything is a flat stat and pretty damn useless so overall pretty midpiece it does have crit damage and crit rate but they're both pretty much the lowest rolls you can get so this can be insanely better then we have a three cost torinus with Havoc damage bonus as I was telling you guys getting Havoc damage bonus is going to be insanely valuable for this character we did roll attack percentage crit damage resident and skill damage bonus and basic attack damage bonus and then a flat defense roll overall once again the attack percentage is kind of mid the crit damage roll is actually very low so this is a piece that once again if you farm a decent amount you can actually get and probably a much better one then we have the other three costs which is a Havoc damage bonus rroom that has crit rate resident skill damage bonus and crit damage everything else is useless and once again the rols on crit rate and crit damage are extremely low meaning this p can be replaced for even more damage this doesn't even have attack percentage and the rolls are extremely low then we go to our one cost and we have the Havoc Warrior which gives us flat attack crit damage crit rate attack percentage and HP this piece is not as bad because it does have crit rate crit damage and attack percentage but once again the rolls on all three are relatively low they can be so much better giving this character so much room to improve and our last piece is a Tic Tac this has heavy attack damage bonus maxed crit damage roll resinence Liberation attack percentage and resonance skill damage bonus overall this is probably the best piece on my Havoc Rover but what I'm trying to get at is these pieces are relatively mid I know you're looking at some of these pieces like yo but you have crit damage and crit raate I've rolled these many many times I've had many chances at getting something better and I simply haven't today on stream alone I rolled about four or five three cost Havoc damage bonus pieces and I didn't even get one that was good matter of fact here's one right here you know what I mean and then we have a dreamless right here with crit rate crit damage energy regen res and skill damage bonus but this one is a crit rate so once again it didn't take me too long to build this particular character and you can indeed build this to deal insane amounts of damage quite easily you don't even have to build them with the stats that I have on M and you'll still easily achieve 60 70 80,000 damage whether it's in Holograms while you're buffed with food or in Tower where you don't have any food Buffs overall this character is actually pretty damn cracked now let's take a look at the Forte or the talents and here is quite simple ladies and gentlemen I have my character with pretty much everything unlocked because almost everything in this character's Forte tree is amazing now I'm going to tell you flat out the first two things you want to level up are your Forte circuit and your residence Liberation everything else is not really that important but when it comes to the resonance Liberation and your Forte circuit that's how you're going to get your gigantic burst of damage now you also want to make sure you get this in the dark search State Havoc damage bonus increased by 20% this is very nice this will allow you to set up your resonance Liberation incredibly smooth like and it will allow you to deal a lot of damage now when it comes to the stat increase we have attack percentage which is actually quite solid between these two and these two right here and then we have even more Havoc damage bonus which is incredibly incredibly good for this particular character so if I had to tell you once again you go Forte circuit resonance Liberation and then after this you want to make sure you get these two these two and then you're Havoc damage that is what you really want to do with this character because it is just that good once again you obviously get the inherence skill metamorph and the reason I haven't gotten Bleak cresendo is because while it is good and it's something you 100% sure want to get it will not give you an increase to your damage per se it will just give you an increase to your overall usability of this character so I wanted to make sure that for the damage purposes of this video we got everything that will increase the damage of the character now the last thing I really want to talk about are going to be the resonance change as we know we get the dupes for this character for free everybody gets them so right here we have some of the dupes residence skill damage bonus is increased by 30% and then we have waning cresent resident skill coold down when Rover enters its S search state by casting heavy attack devastations which is really damn good resetting that Resident skill cooldown is going to be amazing in the dark search State basic attack five restores HP equal to 10% of total HP lost on hit which is pretty damn good then we have heavy attack Devastation and residence Liberation deadening Abyss reduces eny enemy have agress by 10% for 20 seconds on hit which once again is setting you up to do that huge burst damage and deal even more but wait it's going to get better in the dark search State basic attack five deals additional Havoc damage equal to 50% of basic attack five's damage and it's going to keep getting better in the dark search State Rover's crit rate is increased by 25% and once you do your dark search State and you do that burst you now have 25% more crit rate in a build like the ones you saw today you will pretty much have about one 100% crit rate or most people that build your character right will have anywhere from 75 quite easily in the dark search state to close to 100% so this character is an absolute monster when it comes to what it brings to the table and the burst damage that it can do I mean you saw me burst down a level 70 Boss in a matter of seconds with just one attack overall this character is absolutely cracked the fact we get it for free the fact that you're able to build them relatively easy and the fact that it does not ask for insane stats to deal insane numbers is a must for almost anybody playing the game and I highly advise you start building this unit now for those of you wondering how you can increase your crit rate like I said at the very beginning of the video it's all about the food currently I'm using floral porridge which gives me 24% more crit rate I usually use katsu ganji I have videos on the channel as how you can go about getting these and something else that really helps out are the petrol which will give you specific Elemental damage overall make sure you guys go and craft especially when you're fighting things like Holograms it will help you out and make things a little bit easier all right and that pretty much wraps it up for the video I do hope you've enjoyed it if you did hit that like button subscribe turn on Bell notifications and be sure to check out our other character guides we have Karo yinlin Vina Encore and many more on the way also be sure to join our community on Discord and stay tuned for more live streams we go live with this game every single day here on YouTube and on Twitch but for now thank you for watching I'll see you guys on the next one and peace
Channel: SkullCJay
Views: 18,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wuthering waves, wuthering waves guide, wuthering waves tips, wuthering waves best character, wuther waves tier list, wuthering waves best characters, wuthering waves build guide, wuthering waves new, wuthering waves news, wuthering waves update, Wuthering Waves, Wuthering waves guide, Wuthering waves re roll guide, TECTONE, MTASHED, wuthering waves drama, WUTHERING WAVE GUIDE, havoc rover build, havoc rover wuthering waves, wuwa rover build, wuthering waves rover build
Id: OtAkz4maSbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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