I Built the Most Complex Oil Refinery IMAGINABLE in Satisfactory

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hello everyone i'm kibbitz and welcome back to satisfactory where last time we had a bunch of fun messing with the fixmas holiday event and automated all the basic stuff but today we're completely ignoring all that and instead we're going to be working on a huge project the project we're working on before in the blue crater lake area here which is processing two thousand five hundred and fifty oil and making ten thousand fifteen 000 items with over 140 refineries oh yeah we're gonna be doing a lot today and we'll have a fixmas episode later and if you're excited for this remember to leave a like oh man though we're gonna be working on an insane project today yes all these refineries are gonna be making rubber and that's it they're all gonna be making rubber we're gonna be making like 14 000 rubber per minute because oil production can get about as complicated as you want it and the design we're gonna use is gonna make one crude oil into three plastic products the original recipe is 30 crude to 20 rubber so it's not even a one to one ratio and what we're doing is gonna be a one to three but it's extremely extremely complicated so let's go over things it's using a bunch of alternate recipes number one alternate heavy oil residue takes crude oil and makes it into heavy oil residue and polymer resin the polymer resin down here will become a little bit of rubber and the heavy oil residue will become fuel because this diluted fuel alternate combines the residue with water to make fuel and it's only 50 oil and 100 water so essentially you're turning water into oil it's crazy good very good recipe definitely use it anyway with both a little bit of rubber and a little bit of fuel we're going to be actually making the rubber into plastic first by using the recycled plastic recipe which makes rubber and fuel into plastic and then using all this plastic and all of the extra fuel we make into an abundant amount of rubber so yeah extremely good recipe but oh my goodness you're paying for it with your time it is hard to set up and we're going big big big big big scale with it and that's just the basic process actually getting into the weeds of things it's like oh my gosh so quick look behind the scenes into excel so 34 refineries for this heavy oil residue step and it would have been 85 but we're overclocking them all now we're gonna need 28 blenders 17 for residual rubber another 61 refineries essentially for recycled rubber and then we'll need another 31 for recycled plastic and at the end of the day we're not making 10 000 rubber but we're making the 2550 crude into 7600 ish rubber per minute so pause the video take notes if you want by the way i'll be posting this on my patreon so you can download it and mess around with it yourself you can even input your own numbers into the spreadsheet which is really handy so say you're working in the gold coast you want to use the oil there boom there are the numbers to make all of the rubber or whatever you want and how i have it set up here is to make all the rubber but you can just switch the recycled rubber and recycled plastic recipes around and you can just make like 11 000 plastic or whatever you want to do very very handy let's get started here so i've made my life incredibly more difficult than it needs to be by making this a tall oil refining plant but it's going to look cool so you know how i'd be we're going to have a control room down right here we have our fuel blenders on the bottom there because they'll use the most water and they're you know closest to the water uh on this floor here we have the 61 refineries which will be all for the rubber that we finally produce and then up from there we're just gonna kind of yolo it make all the heavy oil residue plastic extra rubber and whatever else we need and of course to get started you better believe we got a list ready baby oh yeah i got a plan so i don't lose my mind still will happen but you know at least we'll get check marks along the way so hyper tubes and walkability is number one for starting this project oh my gosh we're finally out of the radioactive zone so guess what we can use the hover pack if there's power around so we're going to be adding in power to all the floors and machines and hyper tubes to get to all the floors and machines help us out a lot uh determine a pipe spine so there's going to be pipes everywhere so i'm kind of considering hey should we pick a dedicated spot for all those pipes maybe i don't know then we have to pipe the heavy oil residue the fuel from the blenders then the recycled rubber recycled plastic the other recycled rubber in the 61 refineries and then oh no beltwork there's a lot of load balancing involved with that and that's gonna be the worst but after that we go to storage in the train connection and a little bit of details here and there testing and bug fixing and then we breathe so sounds like a plan eh and let's get to it and we'll start by adding in some hyper tubes the front of the build because they look cool these will go all the way up then at each floor we'll have a little wall hole and that will let us inside here beside this hyper tube spine you can also bring up the power because the hyper tubes will need the power of course and if we already got the power here we'll bring it up bring it over and start powering all the machines too and we're just going to be spamming the mark three uh power connector things and just doing this after a ton of tedious work we can fly [Music] oh this will make life so much easier because wow we got so many pipes to hook up and even better i got a temporary little hyper tube hub built down here and better yet we get to check off things on our tattoo board hyper tubes you're done brother give me that check mark save power the floors and the machines we got it there we go determine the pipe spine you know what what if we didn't what if we didn't there we go let's just not do that and get started by piping the heavy oil residue and in total here we're going to be making 3400 heavy oil residue and that'll be 34 refineries do we have 34 on this floor one two three four five six seven eight eight times three twenty four that's fine we'll go up to the next floor too and get even more residue and if we're fully overclocking things each of these is going to make 40 times 2.5 that is a hundred heavy oil residue per machine and with rows of eight that's 800. that'll be annoying to deal with so we'll do this we'll go these machines first up in front here wait what am i doing i can fly something to get used to and we'll start putting down these and connect a small little group there we go and that'll be our first little output but wait my world has just been changed forever unironically there is a secret to the swatches behold you can right click this and then on this little drop down menu you click on pipes now watch be amazed as we go to build more pipes since we've selected that now whenever we build a new pipe it is built pre-painted isn't that the greatest thing of all time so now when we're working on each of the floors check it everything will be pretty painted we don't have to go through everything twice it'll all just be painted and then when we get to i don't know the oil stuff we'll just switch it to this one and then we're making oil pipes this should be black yes yep that is the greatest thing ever a buddy of mine told me that on a twitch stream i was doing and i was like what are you talking about willis and then i figured it out and i was like oh my gosh this is huge so you can even change your standard like paint to whatever you want concrete foundations the fix-it foundations all this stuff it makes dude it's probably the best feature of the whole customizer in my opinion is actually just being able to pre-paint stuff like this it's huge huge and yeah as we go through this project it will actually look really really cool because we'll be able to see by the colors what the heck is actually going on all right and a few hours later and look at that look at all the colors and the madness also try to help out future kids here a bit because oh yeah almost forgot we're making polymer resin here too so we're gonna have a belt going out and going somewhere to deal with that so the pipes are a little bit higher up now and again we're only going to be focusing on pipes first we'll get to the beltwork later and pipe wise things are looking good connected up the six refineries to a line and that went off and then we had an extra two on the end and i just did some finagling like combining these four and doing a bunch of weird stuff and eventually i just made 600 pipes then for the oil it was you know relatively simple just bring it on in and hope it works out it's a lot more simple because we're dealing with less of it it's like 30 times 2.5 it's 75 so 75 times 8 600. so each 600 pipe of crude oil just goes into a set of eight and we are good to go ah but wow we had to get all the heavy oil residue now down to the floor of the factory and then we had to get all of the crude oil up here and i just kind of brought it up this wall here and it it looks good it's gonna be probably really annoying in the future though because now we've taken up the entire wall with these pipes but you know maybe everything will be fine maybe we don't need a dedicated hype spine i don't know it looks good right so it has to work well that's the law okay back down here now it's blender time wait no it's not it's check mark time let's go love to do lists okay now it's blender time blenders blenders oh my blenders what a chaotic situation we are about to endure so we need to make the alternate diluted fuel so we need the heavy oil residue and a ton of water let's start with the easier part let's get all of the sippy drink the water and you know what now that we're painting all of the pipes in here i guess we'll paint these pipes ah blue oh and actually we kind of have to because we'll use this orange color for the fuel pipes it's time to update my entire world so any pipe in our world with a default color should be blue after we do this i caught some leg hello huh did that actually not work oh okay it worked it worked it just took a second the game was just very very scared with that decision and actually i'm infinitely curious we gotta go check on the nuclear power plant now all of the pipes there just got updated must look sick especially with our whole nuclear pant redo oh the green the blue is going to look so good oh but that's blue that's blue that is different maybe i should paint all the other things around it like the extractor's blue too maybe later we'll do that that's cool though i like it we're back to our project at hand first off we have too many blenders so we have to calculate new rates so we have 36 machines each of which takes 50 heavy oil residue well if you press n it opens up this quick search that acts as a calculator so super super quick three thousand seven hundred no three thousand four hundred whoops that's how much residue we have divided by thirty six it's 94.44 and if each machine takes about 50 heavy oil residue need to make that 50 94.44 so i think we do 94.44 divided by 50. 1.88 repeating so 1.89 meaning we have to overclock this to 189 i might have to dabble with that and oh i did do dabble we need this to be on 180 clock speed because of that stupid 27.2 blenders we needed in oh and pipe limitations and oh my gosh yep this is several hours later days i don't know time's just gone i started hooking this up and like i just kept checking my notes and then just days went by and things got a little hectic but it's looking pretty that's good right each of these machines so needs a certain amount of water of course right 180 per minute thus we had to do some crazy finagling with pipes so we have two water pipes come in uh one ends at like the fourth or fifth blender and then we have this weird load balancing thing with valves there are valves everywhere everywhere oh man though and then the output for fuel because we're dealing with such weird numbers i tried to make as many like full 600 pipes as i possibly could because i'd rather have one of my six pipes be messed up than all six of them right so yeah the sacrifice pipe kind of goes up this way fills up this pipe to be a 600 then the weird numbered one goes over here fills up this other pipe to v600 then goes over here fills up this pipe to be 600 and then we have a little bit of fuel residue which will then go upstairs where we do it again and then we have to combine that with even more and then the party begins again [Laughter] this is only the beginning it's only the beginning okay let's do that then oh no wait a second why am i freaking out we can just boop things yeah you see i just gotta be able to control time and everything so simple so nice and simple he says except there's something wrong so upstairs we have all the heavy oil residue right it's coming in it goes into through here we have one weird pipe that's like 200 like heavy oil residue and i had to load it into the blender's weird thus we ended up with this one really spooky pipe that is weird it's like whenever i do the math on any of these projects almost inevitably i'll get like a 5.64 or like a 13.2 amount of an item and i just kind of let it overflow into another system also another thing that's a little weird all of this should make 6 800 fuel just kind of odd because if you divide 6800 by 600 get 11.3 so 11 full 600 pipes and then one weird one and i double checked everything and we have the 11 pipes and the weird one the past gibbs left me a sign what is that top is 480 fuel and bottom is 600 what that's impossible that's impossible it's two machines running at 180 per minute so it's 180 360. this machine's getting split up to make that a 600 pipe i'm sure that means 360 plus what 120 480 no what i knew there was something weird i was going through all of this and i was adding in all the water and stuff and i was like hmm i don't feel like we're getting the proper amount of fuel here and we're not so we're down well that's 480 and we need 600 it's 120 times 3 we're missing 360 fuel per minute it's not possible i've done i have been working on this for days now it this this one like weird row took me so much time why well hmm let's look at the weird heavy oil residue pipe so there's some excess uh heavy oil residue coming from downstairs residue so 180 comes to here goes into this pipe this pipe is this the weird one this is probably the weird one we had one weird one that we have from another floor i think this has 200 so that's 380 heavy oil residue oh gosh oh no oh no if anything's gonna be wrong it's gonna be with the finicky pipe and i got a hunch it's gonna be with the heavy oil residue so we couldn't fit all of the machines all the refineries for heavy oil residue on that one floor so i went up to the next floor and we got a couple rows going here so what is what did pass kids do you have two machines over here okay each of which is gonna make 40 times 2.5 100 per minute so that's 200 this is the finicky line what's why is there a merger no there's a problem it's a 400 pipe it's connected to these two that means i have to redo everything but you know to be perfectly honest is kind of straightforward fixing that whole ordeal just it's such a it's such a good idea to put all of your weird numbers onto like one grouping of machines because we didn't really have to mess around with the inputs of all the other blenders there's just kind of like one row that was messed up and now it's fixed and i've balanced out the pipes i've load balanced the residue properly so it doesn't overflow it's looking crazy which is great our control room again is right up there so we're gonna look down at these blenders all the time look at that looks neat oh and then all of the fuel actually is gonna go to the back over here and then it's gonna go straight up through come on hover pack range why you gotta be like this anyway it's going through [Music] the floor and all of the fuel will end up going through the control room up to here and then out the front wall to wherever it has to go in the future then we're gonna have some extra detail on this front wall well this will go up up and away it'll look great and that means you know what time it is it's time to check things off [Music] we're only a third of the way there no it's fine because we're done with the tricky part of all the pipe stuff now it's just grinding and hooking up all the inputs to all of these and it is mindless work and i can listen to a podcast and we are going to blast through everything now brother [Music] god [Music] oh yeah this is way easier and went way better not a lot to calculate and a lot of the numbers actually conveniently worked out where we don't have to do any like fluid load balancing and now we got the residual rubber which will take up that polymer resin then pipe the majority of the fuel to the main process recycled rubber and all the fuel that didn't go to that pretty much went upstairs to make plastic because we'll actually need all this plastic to make all the rubber downstairs so residual rubber gets the check mark the recycled rubber the 61 machines check and the recycled plastic is a check and we are done all of the pipe work for the entire build now just on to the belt work yeah but we're gonna do that next time all this nonsense already took many many many many hours so we're gonna have like a part two so i hope you all enjoyed and thank you for watching but have a fantastic rest of your day and bye bye
Channel: ImKibitz
Views: 125,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Satisfactory, satisfactory update 4, satisfactory drones, satisfactory plutonium, satisfactory gameplay, satisfactory nuclear, satisfactory new update, satisfactory update, satisfactory tips, satisfactory how to, satisfactory let's play, satisfactory tier 8, satisfactory experimental, kibitz, satisfactory game, satisfactory update 5, satisfactory oil setup, satisfactory oil setup update 5, satisfactory oil tutorial, satisfactory oil, satisfactory oil refinery
Id: 6f1nm9KDPko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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