How To Fix Obs Live Streams - Lagging Video, Choppy Audio, Dropped frames FIXED!

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I do a livestream every Saturday night where I answer your questions about live-streaming and I get a lot of questions about lag bad audio choppy audio choppy frames choppy streams things like this so today I want to show you how to troubleshoot what's going wrong on your stream and walk you through some steps on how you can fix it so let's get to it if you're always looking for tools tips and tricks to help make you a better youtuber subscribe to the channel and click that bell so you don't miss any new content there is nothing more frustrating when you're live streaming and getting buffering or dropped frames or choppy audio things like that but a lot of people have no idea how to figure out what's actually causing the problem after you watch this video you're gonna know what's causing the problem and you're gonna have a pretty good idea of whether you can fix it or not so let's jump right into OBS and get started before we get started we need to give you a way to actually visually see what is going on with your live stream and so to do this we're going to go up to view and we're going to select Doc's and we want the stats doc sometimes this stats doc when it first appears is just going to be a window over top of your OBS you can just drag it and drop it into any location on your screen I usually like to have mine above my image once we have this up here this is going to tell us exactly what's going wrong with our stream here we are in OBS if you've seen my live streams you recognize this is my same overlay that I always use I broadcast in 1920 by 1080 so that is the settings that I have right now let's go live and see what happens with just my standard overlay setup you can see right off the bat if I sway from side to side with my camera we're already getting some encoding lagging that means that frames are being dropped on my live stream so how do you know whether it's a connection problem or a computer problem well that one's really easy to troubleshoot if you look down here in the bottom right hand corner you see it's green I'm producing at a specific bitrate and we're not dropping any frames that tells me that my actual connection to the Internet is capable of sustaining the output that I'm giving it on the other hand you can see when I scroll up and look at my stats I'm getting frames lag due to encoding and frames lag due to rendering the encoding is specifically a measurement of how fast your machine can take the image that you're producing and send it out to the live stream rendering is specifically the way that your machine actually creates the image that you're going to be sending out so we're looking basically at the input and the output side of the stream one of the pieces is putting the image together the other piece is encoding that image to send it out just swaying side to side obviously gives us some encoding problems right off the bat my Mac is not able to encode this stream fast enough to stream at 30 frames per second and we see right off the bat that it's definitely not a problem with our internet connection it's a problem with the actual computer and you can also verify that your connection is good by flipping over to YouTube and it tells me I have an excellent connection on this stream I can make it miss a lot more frames and render lag and have all kinds of skippy audio and everything else just by kicking off one of these widgets here in stream labs then I flip back over to OBS quickly and we can see those widgets coming across the screen and when I use my standard stinger which is just a pretty simple door closed it's a really small file well that causes all kinds of choppiness and problems and if you look up here we're still lagging and dropping frames due to encoding and render leg all the time obviously this is gonna be garbage on a live stream we're gonna have choppy audio choppy video it's probably going to look and sound terrible so now I'm gonna stop streaming and we're gonna go in and we're gonna see what we can do to possibly fix this and make it easier for the machine to encode this stream the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna change our encoding preset that's the CPU usage under the output tab in the settings right now we have it set to very fast we're going to set it to its maximum speed that is ultra fast now this will negatively affect the quality of your image for sure there's no way around that but if your machine is able to encode fast enough you're going to do better with really fast encoding speed then you will with choppy audio and choppy video so if we can avoid choppy audio and choppy video just by changing this encoding speed awesome the picture won't be quite as crisp but we can live with that if we're still producing a high quality stream so we'll apply that and we're gonna go back and we're gonna start our stream again and let's see what we get you can see right off the bat we're not dropping frames when I sway side to side it seems to be basically keeping up with everything we're doing we're not getting the encoder error message down in the bottom left-hand corner anymore so you might think wow that's awesome the problem is solved well let's hold on a second I'm gonna flip over to stream Labs and kick off some of these widgets and let's see what happens and you can see as soon as I kick off some of these widgets we're getting dropped frames due to render lag and that's nothing too serious so let's try the stinger and you can see every time I run this stinger my frames dropped to well below 30 frames per second and we're getting some render lagging again which basically tells us that the computer is still not keeping up now I know that you're looking at it and you see the frames come and they're a little bit choppy but maybe that's livable the problem is that the audio is also choppy so let's try something else we're gonna stop this stream and we're gonna go back into settings and this time we're gonna go to video and I'm going to change my output scaled resolution to 720 what that means is we're no longer going to be streaming in 1920 by 1080 our output is going to be in 720 we'll click apply and we're gonna start the stream again now that I set the output to 720 you can see when I rock back and forth we're not losing any frames or anything like that so that's good but when we go and we use our stinger the door closed there's all kinds of choppiness still happening here and if we kick off some of these widgets and we take a look they also seem to be kind of on the choppy side now if you think about it this actually makes a lot of sense changing our output settings actually makes the Machine kind of work a little bit harder and the reason why this is is because we didn't actually change our canvas size our canvas size is still 1080 so basically what that means is machine is still rendering the frames at 1920 by 1080 and then the encoder is down scaling those frames to 720 - output to the stream so we're actually causing more work so when you decide you're going to downscale you kind of got to go the entire way you're going to have to downscale your canvas and I would take it a step further you should probably do what I did I went back into my overlay and exported it at 720 and I also resize my stinger to 720 you want to have as much of the stuff that's included in your stream in the native resolution as you possibly can so let's go ahead and change it over so that the canvas is in 720 and we use those 720 assets and let's see what happens changing everything over to 720 is a little bit of a process so we're gonna go into settings and then we're going to go to video now we're going to change our canvas size to 720 we're gonna click OK and you can see everything now is mis sized which sucks but what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab my overlay here I'm gonna go and I'm gonna change the file to that 720 file and there we go that's gonna fit perfectly into the 720 screen now I have to just resize my video and I'm going to resize my widgets here so they fit properly on the screen and I'm going to go ahead and change that stinger to the 720 one that I did and we'll switch scenes back and forth you can see my weight screen is now way out of proportion so I'm going to go ahead and resize all the objects in the weight screen as well now for this I didn't rerender it because there's really not much else going on but I probably should have went and re-rendered the weight screen animation as well so now everything seems to be working right let's see what happens when we actually go live and I rock back and forth move my hands across the screen we're not seeming to have any problems if I go ahead and I change scenes the stinger works smoothly we're not dropping any frames there's no lag no nothing so this seems like it might have actually resolved our streaming problems now that's pretty sweet let's see what happens when we add a widget no problem big thumbs up there for sure and if I go into YouTube studio I can see the stream is also in excellent condition meaning my connection is still functioning properly so there are the things that you can do to fix choppy and laggy audio choppy and laggy video for your live streams I walked you through the whole process now you should understand fully how you can fix these problems and how to troubleshoot them which is probably even more important than how to fix them this video should help you resolve a lot of the problems that you're going to have that are pretty common with OBS but by all means it won't help you solve every problem if you're having some kind of problem all the time in OBS leave a comment down below maybe your question will be answered next if you want to know the best settings I've found for your live stream to twitch or YouTube you should check this video out right here and if you're always looking for tools tips and tricks to help make you a better youtuber subscribe to the channel my name is Michael fire junior thank you so much for watching have a great day and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Michael Feyrer Jr.
Views: 93,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to fix obs live stream, how to fix obs live stream lag, how to fix obs audio problem, how to fix obs choppy video, how to fix obs encoding overloaded, how to fix obs stream lag, how to fix obs video lag, how to fix lag while live streaming obs, obs live stream freezing/stopping how to fix, how to live stream, how to setup obs, obs dropped frames, obs studio stream settings, obs studio streaming settings, obs studio streaming tutorial, obs tutorial, best obs settings
Id: Rp3GQdCqgEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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