Dropped Frames Fix - EVERYTHING You Need To Know!

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look I get it you've been watching hundreds and hundreds of guides on YouTube because you want to fix your story twitch dream but even after trying everything nothing works and now you're getting desperate so why is this video gonna be any different I've tried so many guys to try fix my own streams and I've just got super super frustrated and you're probably frustrated as well and the reason you're frustrated is because every guy on YouTube sucks like it's guys video you guys the worst okay maybe some of them are good like the alpha gaming one is pretty good but for the most part every guide that I've seen leaves out one bit of information that is very very very important and that is that they never tell you what's actually wrong with your stream every single stream can be stuttering for a different problem and every problem requires a different solution let's say for example your problem is with your internet and you see this guy's telling you change your resolution or you use a different CPU encoding preset or use x264 instead of anything but none of that's gonna do anything because the problem is your internet has nothing to do with your computer so stick around I'm gonna be explaining how to figure out what's wrong with your stream and how to fix it I know this is gonna be a long video but trust me there's gonna be things in this video that I have not seen in any other YouTube video before also I made this video how do you think I feel but before we get started make sure to subscribe to our Channel we make all sorts of videos to make your stream look awesome the last couple videos were about how to animate your twitch stream so I recommend you guys check that out all right let's spend a minute or two to talk about how OBS works in every single stream OBS is going to be doing three main things for you the first thing OBS does is it puts together your scenes your face cam your Game Capture your alerts chat boxes everything that makes up your scene and you can see in the OBS preview window is put together and made into frames this is called compositing and it is mainly done on your GPU now I want to be crystal clear it's done on the same part of your GPU that is used for your games and has nothing to do with anything this is gonna be really important later so keep this in mind the next thing OBS does is it takes those frames and turns it into a video stream but not only that it compresses that video stream into a size that's more suitable to be uploaded to twitch in OBS if you're using x264 this is mainly done by your CPU if you're using Hardware encoding like an vanqor dvc or QuickSync this is done on an entirely separate chip on your graphics card now remember that this is a dedicated chip on your graphics card it's not the same part of your graphics card that's used for games and then the last thing OBS does is it just takes that video pumps it out into one of twitches ingest servers and then eventually to your millions of fans we're just gonna call this the networking phase well if your stream is stuttering it's going to be slurring in one of these three phases so how do you figure out which phase is causing your stream to stutter good question let me show you in OBS studio you want to click on view and then you'll see stats this is only available in OBS studio so if you're using stream labs OBS stop doing that come over it'll be a studio it's way better if there's one bit of advice to take away from this video it's this use the stats menu in OBS it is the first place you should go do any time your stream starts stuttering if you're getting lag frames or rendering lag this means that OBS is stuttering during compositing in other words the bottleneck is more than likely your GPU if you're getting skip frames for encoding lag then the bottleneck is more than likely your CPU or the dedicated chip on your graphics card if you're using and Bank and if you're getting drop frames then this is a network problem which means some of your video stream isn't quite making it all the way to twitches in just servers that's really important that you understand the difference between lag frames skip frames and drop frames because it's gonna tell you exactly what the bottleneck is so you know exactly what to fix now I recommend you start running a test stream now you can run a test stream by either making a fake twitch account and streaming to that or you can attach bandwidth test equals true at the end of your stream key in OBS this is just to make sure that your viewers don't see that you're live and think that you're actually streaming now when you're running a twitch stream have this stats menu up and take a look at it once you get stuttering you're gonna see one or more of these numbers go up the number that goes up is going to tell you what your bottleneck is all right now you've done the test stream and you know what your bottleneck is we're gonna talk about each type of lag and things that you try to fix it I'm gonna leave timestamps here so if you're having one of these problems you can just skip ahead to the part that's relevant to your situation alright let's talk about drop frames now this could either be really easy to solve or really difficult to solve there's only one number that matters in OBS and that is your bitrate nothing else matters I know you've probably seen another video that changing your resolution can help or maybe changing encoders obvious doesn't work like that it's only your bitrate that matters and all that you need to do is make sure that your upload speed is fast enough to the support the bitrate that you put into OBS all right so all I need to do is go to speed test on it and find out how fast my upload speed is wrong I know every single video you've ever seen has totally you speed test on it and by all means if you're having general internet problems then yeah go use that site but that only tests your upload speeds to their servers it doesn't tell you how fast your upload speed is to twitch so instead we're gonna be using a tool called twitch test and what this does is it tests your upload speed directly to all of Twitter's servers so this is the most accurate speed test you can ever do so go into the description box down below and download twitch tests and run it it's gonna ask you for your stream key and then to select every server that you want to test after that just hit start and let it run for a minute when it's done you're gonna see a bunch of numbers what you're looking for is the server with the highest speed the lowest round-trip time and the highest quality as close to 100 as you can get once you have the speed you just want to make sure that the bitrate that you put in OBS is lower than the number you get in twitch test out saying keep it to a max of like 80% of this number just to give it a little bit of headroom just don't go over 8,000 kilobits per second because twitch hard caps you and none your viewers will be able to watch your stream like literally your viewers will just get a black screen I've tried it before you might also want to manually select the server that you want to connect to by default which is set to auto so it decides for you so just go ahead and set that manually just to be sure you're connecting to the fastest server and of course all the general network troubleshooting stuff applies so reset your router make sure all your network drivers are up-to-date word use ethernet center Wi-Fi don't ever use Wi-Fi but if you're 100% sure that you've done all of that and the speeds you're getting at which tests are nowhere near as fast as the speed you're getting on speed tests on then this might be the time where you have to call your ISP I know the pain I've been going through the exact same problem right now and I've been calling my ISP for like two weeks right I've spoken to like six different people it sucks you might Limor problem hell I've heard of some ISPs that intentionally throttle your upload speed which could include sites like twitch so call your SP and get them to sort that out for you all right let's talk about encoding lag now right off the bat I'm going to say this go into task manager and make sure you close any programs that you don't need running it sounds dumb but I've helped two people before only to realize both of them had crypto miners running in the background sucking up 70% of their CPU they didn't even realize it as for OBS settings there's only four settings that you care about your output resolution your frame rate your encoder and your preset a lot of people seem to think that change your bitrate makes a difference it doesn't make any difference don't ever change your bid rate unless it's a network problem so the first thing you try to do is dropping your output resolution you can ignore canvas resolution for now we're gonna deal with that later and basically what this does is it scales down your stream into a smaller resolution that is easier for your CPE to encode for example this is an example of a 1080p stream and if we drop it down to 900 P this is what it looks like and if we've dropping even further to 720p this is what it looks like you see how much smaller that is you see how much less work your CPU has to do now this is why changing your output resolution is the first thing I recommend if you're getting encoding lag the second thing I recommend is dropping your framerate from 60 fps to 30 fps it's pretty obvious what this does it's just gonna halve the number of frames that your CPU has to encode here's some footage of Apex running at 60 fps compared to 30 fps and you tell a difference maybe but look how much of my CPU usage that I've shaved off he'll if you're streaming on a potato you might even want to go even further down from 30 fps this until you can afford a better PC the next you can do is try changing your encoder by default OBS uses x264 or software encoding which basically means it's using your CPU to do the encoding the problem this is that everything in computer uses your CPU but if you're using a newish graphics card you can use Hardware encoding which basically offloads all of the encoding load onto a dedicated chip on your graphics card now because this is done on a dedicated chip this is gonna be completely separate from the part of your GPU that is used for running your games now the hardware encoder for Nvidia graphics cards is called and thank and for AMD cards it's called AMD VCE I don't have an AMD graphics card so I don't have any experience of that but from what I understand it works mostly the same I would say that if you're ever getting skip frames you should always use anything because the performance impact is basically zero that's not gonna be the case with x264 at all keep in mind and then generally won't give you as good quality as x264 but you're getting skip frames so I wouldn't even worry about that right now plus if you're using D view and Bank encoder on a newer graphics card like an RT X graphics card the quality is actually really really good and then the last thing I recommend is to change your preset this is gonna apply for XT 64 and n Bank again if you're using AMD I don't know what it looks like for an AMD if you're using x26 for your preset is gonna range from ultra fast to very slow I'm not gonna go into what this means exactly but just know that the faster your preset is the lower quality your spring will be but will be easier on your CPU and the slower your preset is the better quality you'll get but at the expense of your CPU usage if you're getting skip frames just use a faster preset until you stop getting skip frames if you're using n Bank the preset is gonna range from max quality to max performance pretty self-explanatory what this does so if you want to be easier in code bump that down to performance or max performance so once you've tuned all of those four settings you should notice that your CPU usage will go down significantly but if you're looking to save even more of your CPU usage you can try deleting any scenes and sources that you don't need an OBS so delete any videos or any browser sources that you don't use if you're really struggling you can delete every single scene and every single source so that you only have one source which is your Game Capture and see if that helps anything ok so now let's talk about rendering lag and this one is gonna be a real bit don't know why but I watched so many guides on YouTube and very few of them ever even mention rendering lag at all which sucks for you because if you're playing a game like Apex I can almost guarantee that rendering lag is the problem that you're getting now the reason you're getting rendering lag is because the OBS needs to use your Jeep you for compositing the very same part of your GPU that is used to run your games but nowadays games can really really eat up your GPU leaving nothing for OBS to do its thing if this is a CPU related issue this would be really easy because you can just go into task manager and then set the priority on OBS to be high but nothing exists like that for your GPU supposedly the newest update of Windows fixes this to give more priority to obs but in my experience this hasn't really done that much so if you're getting rendering lag there's two things you're gonna notice one is that even if you're not streaming just by having OBS open the OBS window is gonna start lagging and you'll see the frame rate drop if this happens you'll know that it has absolutely nothing to do with your encoding settings and everything to do with rendering lag the second thing you might notice is if you go to task manager and a look at your GPU usage your GPU usage is probably up near a hundred percent this is happening it is definitely rendering lag so what are your options well one option is you can move to 8:00 to PC streaming setup so you have one PC entirely dedicated for streaming and another entirely dedicated for gaming I don't know why I blanked out understand but I'm not gonna tell you spend $1000 unless you're like Elon Musk or something and if you're Elon Musk I have no idea what you're doing watching my videos so what you can do is first thing is drop all the settings in your game to low I know it sucks cuz you just spent like five hundred dollars on a new graphics card and you want to play max settings but you need some way to lighten the load from your GPU apart from just lowering the settings what you can also do is set a frame rate cap on your game so instead of letting it run it like a hundred and sixty FPS you can cap it so that it stays at 60fps now you can do this by turning on vsync in the game that you're playing but the best way that I found to cap your frame rate is to use something called a rivatuner statistics server now I've left a link for rivatuner down below so go ahead download that install that you can set it to start with Windows every time Windows starts up so you don't have to manually run it every time and once you have it running it's really simple just go to where it says framerate limit and set the frame rate limit to 60 fps or whatever frame rate you want to set it at the main thing is you just want to set a frame rate on your game so your game just doesn't run wild and use up all your GPU now it's for the OBS side of things there are a few things that you can do first thing is if you're using the new end bank set your quality from max quality down to quality or below you're using max quality it's gonna use some of your GPU can also turn off look ahead and psychovisual tuning both of these options are gonna use more of your GPU as well you'll also go to the video tab and change your base resolution or canvas resolution to the same resolution as your output resolution let's say for example your output is 720p you can change your base resolution to 720p as well which reduces the amount of scaling your GPU has to do just keep in mind if you've designed your stream for 1080p you're gonna have to resize all your sources and make them fit again but the biggest thing you can do in OBS to lighten your GPU usage is to get rid of any sources that you aren't using like browser sources and most importantly webcams if you have a camera like a c920 which runs at 1080p or even a logitech grill or two runs at 4k running these cameras at their max resolution is gonna use up a lot more of your GPU light look how much more of your DP you're using at 1080p compared to 720p so since most of the time their cameras gonna be shrunk down anyway change your resolution down to like 720p or even lower you can set it to 480p if you want and the last thing I'm gonna recommend is to turn off the game mode in your Windows settings I'm not going to say definitively that this is gonna make a difference because I know that Windows is making some changes to the way game mode works so the advice I give right now may be different three months from now or six months from now or whenever you watch this so all I'll say is try streaming you with a game mode off and game mode on and see if it makes a difference but that's all the advice I have for getting rid of rendering lag the main thing you want to keep in mind is do whatever you can to take off the load from your GPU so really cap that frame rate and lower resolution on your cameras in OBS those make the biggest differences so uh yeah that's everything you need to know this make sure your stream doesn't stutter any more so if you found that video helpful make sure to leave a like in this video and if you think there's anything else that I missed out leave a comment down below kill me this video took forever to me you're also free to join the discord let me know if there's any other video ideas that you'd like to see me cover you'll also follow me on Twitch I stream at twitch.tv slash Nutella forever ice-cream four or five days a week I'll be glad to answer and your questions there too but that's gonna do it for this video thank you guys for watching and I will see you guys sometime I think I still suck at ending videos [Music]
Channel: nutty
Views: 64,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch stream lagging, twitch stream lagging obs, twitch stream pixelated, twitch stream encoding overload, twitch steram stuttering, twitch stream rendering lag, twitch encoder overload, twitch stuttering good internet, twitch lagging while streaming, twitch dropped frames
Id: GhrjnCbNVtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2019
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