Lets Terraform A PLANET ! Planet Crafter Prologue Episode 1 | Z1 Gaming

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[Music] oh what's going on everything here and welcome back to planet crafters remember we checked this out a while ago we had a couple episodes on it it was a i believe it was a demo well there was a bunch of updates and i want to hop back and check it out again seems like people enjoy the first time let's do it a second time hopefully you guys enjoy if you do enjoy the game and you want to see more you want to check it out for yourself have a link down below and uh maybe consider liking the video and subscribing and hitting the bell icon to be notified for future videos let's go ahead and let's start um i have a save file zero however i want to start a new i want to start fresh survival too that's fine with me let's just do survival too let's load that one up and let's get rock and roll okay so now does this bring back memories okay um so craft backpack one equip backpack your minecraft auction tank tier one craft equip and craft micro chip construction okay open storage crate um so we've got auction capsule space food space food space food auction capsule water bottle water bottle water bottle and a seed lima and we have our crafting menu okay so we need auction tank tier one backpack tier one iron three iron two cobalt one magnesium all right so oh i you know i forgot how satisfying the gathering on this game is like i don't know what it is about it but it is just so darn satisfying uh hold on let's go grab some cobalt so we've got we have no iron yet okay so we need i know we need cobalt oh there's a chest right there we got a minor oxygen though don't forget the mind oxygen oh hello um iron iron iron magnesium okay let's take these back let's see if we can make our stuff so we need to make the auction and the backpack here once that is what we're trying to do because our auction right now is at what a hundred okay and then our equipment our backpack we can only store what three rows right now okay so if i go into here and we go into a uh auction tank tier one ah magic backpack to your one let's go ahead and equip auction backpack okay so we got another row and we went to up to 145 oxygen now okay cool and then craft microchip construction microchip oh equip this chip by adding to add light to your multi tool needed to explore wrecks oh deconstruction of the ability to deconstruct and construction oh that's cool so those are all like um upgrades for our tool now all right so we need uh silicon and two magnesium that looks like a silicon vibrator nope that is magnesium uh we need two magnesium iron silicon magnesium iron okay let's go check oh we're getting turned around here so what i like about this game one i thought was really cool what i want to see is that as you progress um we're going to start building a base and we're going to start actually terraforming the entire planet so the whole planet's going to change around us so the sky is orange now everybody was telling me in my first series that they're like you missed it the sky turned blue and the sky was blue um so yeah i'm gonna try to not miss that this time okay so there's that so now oh so that takes up an equipment slot interesting craft living compartment craft living compartment door craft drill tier one craft wind turbine tier one okay so how do we craft what is our crafting method um oh okay let's see how do i craft oh you know what do i need to be in here no how do we craft i can see the little thing on my tool oh uh cue okay living compartment in a living compartment door iron iron iron silicone titanium titanium silicon so two two iron no three iron two titanium one silicon okay okay hold on let's see what we needed we have that we have that now i actually want to build my base i think up there this time because last time we built it down in here which was not an issue um but i kind of want to do something different this time you know you know what maybe we should just build it here because if i build it all the way up there it's gonna be like uh uh you know what i thought we could expand we could see what like what what goes on you know let's go let's go take a peek see if i can even make it over there so we have 145 auction i brought an auction capsule with us but i'm actually curious if there's a bunch of resources up there too or not it's like we're surrounded by resources here oh yeah there's resources everywhere okay let's uh let's build it like right in this area right here okay so living compartment um i do actually want it above the ground a little bit do i have the stuff for the door no i need iron that's silicone uh iron are you iron okay this is iron though okay yeah i wanted it above a little bit just to see how this goes okay living compartment door if i go in here i don't think we have power yet oh it does have oxygen oh nice now we can do all the base building stuff oh my gosh uh drill tier one in a wind turbine okay so that's the next things that it wants us to do so let's go ahead and let's see what we need drill tier one wind turbine so we need what two more pieces of iron that's easy warning power deficiency i am aware don't worry okay so let's do a wind turbine where should we throw all of our wind turbines at put a one there power restored throw a drill over here okay now let's grab some oxygens oh now we need to start building the base so now we can see our terraforming terraformation index is two ti currently now i think there's gonna be a room that we end up unlocking living compartment craft station drill wind turbine heater a foundation outside stairs screen terraformation okay so these are the stuff that we we're kind of gonna need here now uh last time it was a little finicky building onto this two iron and titanium let's see if the uh the building on is a little bit easier now all right let's pop back in here i have some materials so now if i want to build another oh it shows if it's going to link oh i like that oh see that's nice before it was always finicky trying to figure out if it's gonna link or not okay so we've got that there um do i have enough to make another one oh i do okay oh my gosh base building extravaganza happening here folks uh we'll fix this stair thing maybe i don't know we might be jumping into it constantly so main corridor right here and what i was thinking is having a corridor down there and a corridor down here maybe of some sort i don't know maybe we should just deal with what we got first um i'd like to get a room for our information screens it'd be kind of cool if we could have them all right here oh it almost looks like it needs to sit on a counter desktop we just set this like right in here inside the door okay so if i put that there uh oh i don't have the stuff now okay iron cobalt iron iron magnesium okay let's go grab some more stuff and then let's get those screens put up i do need ox or water as well okay so screen terraform information oh this is a big one okay so let's put that there and then these ones i think are small oh darn they need to be out further okay um oh you know what i don't have the deconstruction tool yet do i i don't think i do um let's run back let's make that let this do its thing and yeah and i need to grab a water too i think actually i have water my inventory oh we're good perfect okay so let's see craft micro deconstruction tip okay so we need magnesium for that okay so there's our deconstruction chip now the reason i'm thinking deconstruction tip is because i want to move that bench i put it on i have two of them there okay so deconstruct that oh i got the materials back oh since we got the material back um i'm thinking that we could fix our floating base we just moved it back to like right here huh let's look at this grid oh i could put that to right here and then it wouldn't look like it was floating but then what about stairs i probably can't put stairs now see that's what i was wondering maybe i should have started with stairs let's do this let's put some stairs there let's put a foundation here actually let's do this let's deconstruct this one and then let's try putting it up here okay so i want it like is that gonna line up no oxygen is getting low let's get in here and get oxygen okay there we go i got it so got it lined up so it'll work with the stair we can go right up in here there's no jumping necessary it looks nice we're gonna move this stuff over there now okay so now that we're safely off the ground let's get our stuff back in here so i wanted okay so we need our tariff information screen here i think right as you walk in is a good spot for it and then we need two desktops instead of just one hopefully two will fit in here oh i don't think it's going to i think it's a round table oh look at that we actually got two tables right in here perfectly nice okay uh but now i'm out of iron warning oxygen low we're back okay all right we're good we're safe all right so terraforming information let's get that up here first and then screen blueprint screen energy levels let's get blueprints uh power deficiency and then energy levels haha that one might help us as well okay show interface all right so uh consumption is 1.9 kilowatts per hour production is 1.2 we don't have power to run everything so what we need is we need another wind turbine which those only require iron which is kind of crazy that's just iron for that i'm not complaining that's crazy but i think there's other wind turbines that are a higher level that are going to require other things as well so we'll get these ones in first i also don't think this drill was running oh no it is pressure energy oh all right let's go and get this one in there power oh sounds like there's a sandstorm going on no no no no kidding uh okay conception 1.9 oh yeah no it was counting the drill okay cool um also power in this game is global so no matter where i set a wind turbine it'll just it'll work it'll work it'll be there okay now this is where we get blue prints for further stuff and that is by unlocking so terraformation backpack tier one is unlocked at 400 ti um oxygen zero how are rooting pounds of oxygen this is where we start unlocking this stuff heat pressure so on and so forth up so we unlock the auction tank tier two already but we don't wait where's our crafting station blueprints do we not have a crafting station construction oh craft station tier two uh that's what we need we need an iron and a silicon and we gotta get that quick because we need some water okay so now let's see let's go and get a craft station tier two in here we're just gonna put that like right here by the door and now we don't have enough power it's gonna be nice when we have bigger wind turbines power restored okay so now we can go in here and now we can actually craft a water bottle i grabbed a little bit of ice let's grab another one and let's consume those perfect and then health why is my health so low or is that hunger is there food exoskeleton oh exoskeleton tier one or does that go up did i take was i taking damage out in the storm no place this sea place seed and device to generate o2 is there a this looks like it's constantly going down is there a food thing there was a packet of something in the um this thing out here let's go check it out what was that other packet in here space food uh we need to bring all this stuff with us oh darn actually you know what we need consumer space food uh oh can i just deconstruct this uh i want any storage for it okay oh looks like we had mail uh how do we make space food i'm a little worried now i think we're gonna go ahead we're gonna build that veggie tube i don't know if that's gonna give us food or not uh you know what we need a storage crate let's throw a storage crate in right i don't know where the front of this is at is that the front i don't know if this is the front or not that looks like the front okay uh let's go ahead and store all of this and then what do we need for our veggie tube iron ice and magnesium okay let's grab those i don't think the veggie tube is going to make us food magnesium ice pretty sure i had iron in my storage but let's just go out and grab some anyways iron okay maybe there's an unlock to craft food i think we need to figure that one out quicker than anything else that's a little worrisome all right uh veggie tube i don't know what the front of this thing is so let's just set it right there and then let's go in here let's grab our seed lima put that in there okay so that's growing now let's look at our unlocks here do we have a kitchen of some sort backpack indoor ladder oh that's cool i think that's new veggie two veggie tube like apartment window drill living department communication screen nuclear reactor beacon exoskeleton drill tier three a biodome algae gross underwater algae generates biomass place on a water surface what what the heck is all of this locker store's advanced craft station launch platform atmospheric water collector lake water collector there's no lakes here yet water filter oh my gosh there's a whole bunch of stuff um the food though the food how do we make food was there food in this i don't see food in here uh open veggie tube huh i don't actually see how to make food unless it's under like advanced craft station but i mean that's like 175 kilo ti that's a lot yeah i'm not actually i'm not actually seeing craft new advanced tools and blueprints maybe advanced craft station but still like that's really far ahead so uh basically how this works is like i kind of already talked about we need oxygen to do this that's what the veggie tubes are doing the veggie tube's providing oxygen over time heat is actually unlocked from a heater um we should have a heater tier one actually already uh but we need a radium for that so we're gonna have to go and explore and find some iridium for that huh i'm interested in seeing how we can make food okay so let's go ahead um should we head over there let's head over to that ship over there and see if there's anything in there i'm gonna take an oxygen thing with me um oxygen water let's actually consume the water now take auction with us maybe we'll find some plant stuff over there i have no idea oh we don't have a flashlight living compartment window that's handy and all but i need food to live so this ship looks super fancy like super fancy i'm pretty sure it's getting like super dark in here as soon as we enter this area yeah see this is what we need the light for because we can't see a darn thing yeah we'll wait and come back with the torch with the light mod because we can't see this is there anything of use here i don't see anything now okay backpack tier two that's all handy where's the food auction level critical oh no we're good now all right well i guess we'll grab some stuff on the way back i wonder if the food in this game is so we're playing up what this is a prologue right now i wonder if the reason you can't make food is that's like the um like the time limiting factor you know what i mean of being able to play for so long it's like well eventually you're gonna run out of food you know uh which would kind of be a heck of a deal but i mean i i get it i get it um i guess we'll have to see how much we get done in that time so we need to make heat we need iridium for heat um i'm trying to think if i remember where iridium was at i think it's on this i think it's on the ship and what do we need for the microchip torch oh you know what we need the exoskeleton tier one let's go and get that built because now i think we can place if i take that off i think we put that on and that gives us a whole bunch more slots there we go and then let's get microchip two two silicone two magnesium all right so there's our microchip torch let's get that made let me throw that on and then what do we need for upgrades for suit-wise tank uh two silicone cobalt magnesium titanium cobalt magnesium titanium we need silicon don't we i think that's what we're out of need one silicon for that and then that's oxygen take tier one and the backpack tier two we also need a silicone as well so let's go grab some silicone oh gosh we're always needing silicon okay let's see i think we should be good auction tank tier two let's go and take off our tier one there's the tier two put that back on and then a backpack tier two just to take off our backpack tier one put backpack tier two in here fantastic oh yeah look at all the storage now whoo buddy looking good we're at 200 auction now fantastic and awesome we still don't have any heat being made because we need a radium for that wind turbine drills veggie tube i mean we might we might just need to make a bunch of these other little small things get those going and then we need to go out and find iridium as well but that is gonna end this first episode hopefully you guys enjoyed if you did make sure you leave a like if you're new here don't forget to subscribe as well for more this is a planet crafter and like i said i don't know how to make food and i'm thinking that maybe we can't make food and that's what's gonna limit our exploration and stuff so we'll see we'll see how far we can get but yeah thank you again for coming out hopefully you guys enjoyed like subscribe all the fun things and i will see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Z1 Gaming
Views: 153,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: planet crafter gameplay, base building, planet crafter, lets play, planet crafter game, open world, open world survival craft, z1 gaming, terraforming, terraforming game
Id: F6pDFh5uFLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 50sec (1430 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 20 2021
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