How to Farm in Enshrouded!

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all right guys tosa coin here so today I'm going to show you how to get a farm going just like this one so if you like what you see make sure to keep on watching if you haven't started a farm let me tell you right now this is extremely useful if you end up needing lots of plant fiber and twigs or maybe you have been struggling keeping up with your food in the game or maybe you're just tired of running around and Gathering random crops just to make sure that you're fed so first off make sure you have the farmer MPC and make sure that you have The Alchemist MPC you're going to need the Alchemist NPC because he has a production place called the grinding Stones it only costs 10 Flint stone and 15 Stone so get that crafted as soon as possible once you have one of those guys you can place them down and then you can throw bones in them to create bone meal once you have some bone meal you're going to go on over to the farmer NPC and you're going to create some Farm soil you're going to need seven dirt and three bone meal if you don't know how to get dirt all you have to do is just get your pickaxe and mine some up it's not very difficult once you have your 10 Farm soil you're going to go right on over here to the seed bed you're going to probably want to craft two to three of these they cost 10 wood logs two metal scraps and 10 Farm soil each once you've crafted your seed beds you can place them down wherever you like I personally got three of them and then you just press e and you go into the crafting menu all right right down here you can see where it says browse recipes you can click this and you can see all the recipes that you can make for the seeded I might have more recipes than you right now it's just because I might have found some different plants further into the game now I definitely will recommend make some shrub seedlings it's really handy if you are an Archer and you need those Twigs constantly for arrows but also plant fiber is so useful because string is needed for so many things in this game so make sure you make some shrub seedlings once you got some shrub seedlings going honestly just pick whatever seedling is going to be most useful for you I've been using melee weapons a lot so the corn seedling is really useful because corn gives me extra strength also if you're far enough in the game chamomile really helpful because that chamomile tea good on the endurance good on the health regen I think tomatoes are good for adding extra dexterity just pick the seedlings that are going to help you most if you're playing with your buddies make sure you have a nice little variety of plants growing Pro tip make sure you have a well close by because quite a few of the recipes require water and you don't want to burn through your own preserves of water if you decided to build your base where the game asks you to put your first flame alter which should be somewhere in this ballpark you then should have a well to get water from right over here now let's say you have seedlings that you can plant I have some corn seedlings here so we're just going to go ahead and use those you're going to need some Farm soil all right so either you made a ton to throw in your seed bed because some of the recipes require Farm soil or you can just come over here to the farmer and craft more Farm soil then you're going to want to get a construction Hammer I already have one on my toolbar so we're going to come over here next to my farm that I already have we're going to press tab to enter to building mode and then this is where you can select your terrain shape and place it down but let me show you this just in case you don't know how to get here so once you hit tab to open up your construction Hammer you're going to press alt for more shapes and you're going to see at the bottom here I'm on terrain I'm just using my mouse wheel to go between these I go down to terrain and personally I think number six the Box 4 m is the best shape for this so we're just going to place down one just for the example here and boom we have Farm soil on the ground round no PR we're going to press tab to get back out we're going to grab our corn seedlings and we're going to place them down now you will probably be placing them down like this trying to make sure that you have the space between them right freehanding it we don't need to do that what I have found is much easier to do just press X to use snapping and now it's snapping between points you can put one down boit says not enough space it snaps the next one not enough space snaps the next one and you can keep on doing that over and over till you have a full field of of crops so when your crops are all grown of course you can go Harvest them so let's go back over here to the back side of my farm I'll just show you all you got to do is press e and you can collect your crops it's very easy this is a great example right now of just how excellent this is for farming twigs and plant fiber and then boom yeah that is a working FN when you are all done harvesting your field just make sure that you save a couple crops to make more seedlings with you wouldn't want to have to go back out and scavenge more crops now if this has helped you with the farming at all in this game please leave a like And subscribe I hope this covered all of your questions when it came to farming and a shrouded and if you made it to the end of the video leave a comment what crop do you plan on planting the most and why thanks for watching guys and as always see you next [Music] time
Channel: T0ssACoin
Views: 35,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Videogames, Funny, Comedy, Valheim, ValheimMistlands, Survival, RPG, OpenWorld, Sandbox, BaseBuilding, Enshrouded, EnshroudedTips, EnshroudedFarming
Id: hdFY9QMIKx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 55sec (295 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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