How to Explain Something in English (Part 2) - Basic English Phrases

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talking about explaining steps in a process good hi everybody on YouTube and on Facebook my name is Alisha and welcome back to our Li CLE livestream today we are talking about explaining steps in a process so I made this lesson with the hope that it would be useful for your presentations and for writing so a lot of you have asked about how to improve your writing so today I'm going to talk about some sequence words some transition words you can use to connect your ideas and then I'm going to talk about a grammar point and if when a grammar point and then finally I'm going to show you a sample presentation or a sample kind of short report that maybe can help you as you prepare similar pieces of writing so we're going to start in about two minutes or so so as you join please send a message in the chat please like the video and of course share it - that would be great I'm going to share it for sure we are getting everything ready I see a lot of people on YouTube I think hi I think it just started on YouTube a few people are in the chat Facebook it looks like Facebook is up as well great hi everyone tich and Sadio and a beer and Slevin go hi everybody thanks for watching great I will go share it as well and then we'll start once everybody has a chance to join great it looks like YouTube is now live - hi Raja area hi LA hi mani hi Ahmed hi you Jeong RG I don't sleep I do sleep I was sleeping a few hours ago that's the magic of the internet hi everybody I am doing well how are you oh wow from Mexico hello Ivan says this is not live oh it is live it is live Ivan hello Viviana from Colombia great we have many people watching as always fantastic if you missed the first introduction today we're talking about explaining steps in a process explaining steps in a process so I'm going to start in about one minute I need to share the video too so that other people can find it share great okay so while we wait for others to join us a quick I guess share of something else if you have not checked the English class 101 channel in about 12 hours there is a new video up the know your verb series this is really really fun to make I love this series if you don't know this series we focus on one verb and then we talk about many different ways different meanings like different variations of that fur so there are some phrasal verbs in this series which many of you have talked about but there's a new one up on the channel now so please check out the hold episode of know your verbs my very first example sentence was actually kind of funny and I got a kick out of that last night anyway that's up so please go check that out and of course all the other stuff that's up on the channel too so watch it know your verbs know about the verb hold alright with that then let's get going into today's lesson today's lesson is explaining steps in a process so I'm going to begin over here and I'll slow down with speaking a little bit I'm going to begin here by reviewing some sequence words and by sequence words I mean like words we use to explain steps so like the first one that I have here is first so your first step number one step number one if you have other ideas for sequence words there are a lot please send them in the chat and I will try to add them in on the board so I've arranged this so that it's like the first step is here and then maybe the last step is down here so let's take a look at these sequence words and I also want to talk about some things you should keep in mind especially when you're writing so I mentioned this already this word first first of course first means like number one thing number one in your in your presentation or in your like written report when you're writing make sure to always use the same the same style of like first second and third for example so if you begin by saying first then you should continue on to second and third so I'm making this point because sometimes what I see is people will use first and then they change to secondly thirdly so there are two different ways that we can explain these steps so you can say first second third or you can say here let me use red or you could say like firstly secondly thirdly both are fine but just don't mix the two if you want to use only the black color words great just use that but don't mix the two that have the ly endings so this is especially important for writing it can sound or it can look a little bit strange if you mix up these two almond ah on facebook says why do people say first off instead of just saying first first doc sounds more casual actually so first off it sounds kind of rough a little bit rough and a little bit more casual than first so that's why people say first off first off okay if you have other questions please send them I'll try to catch everything can't promise okay so on to the next group so the next sequence word or transition word here is just next next so just step two or step three whatever you can use next and then throughout your presentations and throughout your writing so it's a great these are two great a very versatile versatile means you can use them in many different ways versatile so these are words that you can use in so many different situations they are great connecting words to show your going to the next this one after that after that where that here refers to the thing you just said so like when I begin this livestream I say first I'm going to talk about sequence words after that I'm going to talk about if and when so after that means after the thing I just said in this case after I explained sequence words okay one on YouTube says is it correct to say first of all yeah sure first of all can sound a little bit like you're maybe a little angry or a little like like you're explaining something to someone because they made a mistake so be careful with them okay so I've explained after that I want to move on to this next group though right here they all begin with once you'll notice once so that's the pronunciation here yeah we've zoomed in thank you so once once once you've done that or once you've finished that or once that's complete so here I want to like kind of look quickly at this grammar point ah sorry once you've done that once you've you've I know that this is something that's difficult for people to hear once you've not once you once you've done that so this youth is once you have done that once you have finished that so again this that refers to a previous point that you explained once you've done that these are and this one as well these are good when you're explaining a process so for example like a recipe so add the milk to your dough for example once you've done that so that means after the previous thing is finished go to the next step so I'll show you an example of this a little bit later but a pronunciation point for your presentations is once you've done that or once you've finished that and then this one down here once that's complete once that's complete the spelling here is th a T apostrophe s that's here this is different grammar once that is complete or you might hear once that's been completed there are a couple of different ways to say this but they communicate the same idea it just means after the last thing is finished that's what this means but these sound quite natural because we're connecting to the previous statement with the use of words like this or that okay ah let's see other questions once you've finished the video I'm going to practice it cool or maybe once you've finished the video I'm going to review it that would be a nice natural thing to say okay I'm gonna continue on the next pair I'm going to talk a lot about this point in part two so the next pair are first if we can do that so I've made this kind of as a like a presentation or a group related example you'll notice I'm using here we if we can do that if we can do that that means if it's possible for us to do something if it's possible for us to achieve something that's like this is a way of sharing an unreal thing so something that has not happened yet but you're thinking about it so this is useful for a plan a plan or maybe a proposal if we can do that okay the next one in this pair is when that's done when that's done so you'll notice the same thing here I talked about with once that's complete when that's done they really mean the same thing this when so using when means we have some expectation I'm going to talk about this later so we think it's definitely going to happen similar to once as well we use these in the same way and someone I think asked about like done and complete and finished in this case we use them in the same way when we're talking about explaining steps in a process there are some other cases where like finish and complete can have like different meanings but for today's lesson let's just focus on them meaning something is finished it's 100% okay finally that's perfect finally these last two here they are last and finally last and finally and you can use this last leave if you want but they just we use these before we introduce our very last point so I just said finally to introduce these last two words so this is a quick review of some common transition and some common sequence related words I don't see any other points in the chat oh hey jr. hi Alicia can I say when this lesson is all wrapped up I'll eat dinner yeah nice good yep all wrapped up so jr. used if you're in the YouTube chat jr. you as the expression all wrapped up so that's a casual way to say finished that comes from like present wrapping so it's like when a present is finished it's all wrapped up this is the verb we use for a present to wrap so all wrapped up nice one okay other things all right I don't see other points so I'm gonna take a quick break and then we'll go on to talking about and when so this week again actually I'm not gonna show you PDF to this week but if you missed it last week we had this Black Friday sale but the team has extended it for one more day is that right or it's for their last the last I think I think it's the last spaces so if you missed this last week's deal Black Friday is one of like the really really big sale days in like in u.s. in the u.s. culture and like in us shopping culture so if you missed it there's a really really big sale on the website okay so it's like the last spots there were only a hundred and one available I guess so it's the last ones okay so check this out this is for the subscriptions on the English class 101 website so please have a look if you want to get this you can check the link below the video on YouTube and above the video on Facebook so go grab this you can find I think there's monthly and yearly deals you can grab there so check it out okay good with that being said let's continue on in the lesson for those of you asking yes this lesson is live hello Edwin yes it is live um someone Lam I said when do we use lastly use lastly before you introduce your last point in your presentation so I used last I think you can say lastly - that's fine okay let's continue on if you're just joining it send a message in the chat like the video share the video as always we really appreciate it we're talking about explaining the steps in a process okay let's go on to a part two of today's lesson I want to focus in this part on a grammar point that I've noticed has occasionally caused some confusion I suppose it is the difference between if and when is Edwin so very very simply we use if if there is a chance something can happen so if is used to talk about an unreal situation it's it has not happened but there's a chance it's going to happen in the future if if when on the other hand is something that is like 100 percent going to happen there's an expectation it's something that's expected to happen so using these correctly can be very very important because it can communicate or not your expectation to the listener or to your reader so let's look at a few examples first let's look at if so remember these are all expressions we use for unreal situations that means it's not true it has not happened but there is a chance that it could happen so for example if I have time I'll call you if I have time so there's only a chance I will have time if I do I'll call you or if we can finish this we can go for dinner something like that or if he arrives early we can get a drink together so these are all unreal situations they have not happened we're just like talking about a chance so I mentioned this in part one over here this sequence word thing if we can do that that means there's just a chance there's not necessarily an expectation of something let's compare this then to when when so as I said when is like this is a future expectation a future expectation so we think there's a 100% chance this thing is going to happen we want to communicate that expectation so some examples of this when I get to the office so that means 100% I'm going to arrive at the office so when I get to the office please make some copies I don't know if it's a weird request so when I get to the office I'll go to my desk something simple is fine another example when she calls when she calls give her the information again there's an expectation here we know this is going to happen there's a plan when she calls give her the information okay and finally when we leave it's like when we leave don't forget your wallet or when we leave please pay the bill so these are all things that we expect to happen there's a 100% chance that thing is going to happen so I want to show an example of where making a mistake with this could cause a problem so it's quite small sorry I think we might have to zoom in again you just zoomed out sorry so I want to show a situation where making a mistake could cause a problem a key word here is the word break up break up so to break up means to end a romantic relationship so to stop dating someone to break up let's compare these two sentences the first sentence is if we break up I'll be sad I'll be sad if we break up I'll be sad the second sentence when we break up I'll be sad so why is this weird why does this cause a problem if means there's just a chance the speakers the speaker is saying like the if if if this unreal situation happens I will be sad the speaker is expressing just a chance of something however in this sentence when we break up I'll be sad if you use when in this sentence it means you expect your relationship to end you expect to break up with the other person so in many cases this is probably not a good thing to say if you want to continue in your relationship so chance expectation this is an example of where it could cause a problem in other situations it can cause a little bit of confusion like saying if I have time I'll call you or when I have time I'll call you so these are very small choices but they communicate expect tation or no expectation to the listener so please be careful in your writing and in your like presentations and in your conversations about which one you choose here oh hey other things nice example sentences Jonathan says if you continue making videos I'll watch them all or I'll see them all nice okay I don't see other questions or other examples okay good so as I mentioned before to this if and when points is used when you're explaining your sequence when you're explaining those steps in a process so I introduced originally if we can do that meaning a chance and here when that's done when that's done so here that means there's an expectation that thing is going to be finished okay good ah I don't see someone I'll mender on Facebook says if I were to be is that right to say it could be and it may be it's kind of depends on the sentence I'm not sure exactly so perhaps perhaps I I would need to see a full sentence other points I don't see anything else other questions okay so I will take one very quick break if you're just joining us then I mentioned this earlier in today's live lesson but there is one final chance to get the Black Friday deal that we had on the live stream and on the website and on our YouTube channel last week if you missed it you can get this 51 percent off these subscriptions on the English class 101 website so you can find the link for this below the video on YouTube above the video on Facebook and I think our chapt desk is sending links in the YouTube chat maybe facebook chat as well so check that out if you missed it last week you can find it here and if you're watching on Instagram you can find the links on YouTube and Facebook and other places on our website too I think so if you're watching on Instagram please please go to YouTube please go to Facebook to get this sorry we don't have a link on Instagram I don't think so check this out I think you can find things on monthly and on yearly basis is there alrighty other things I don't see other questions yet I will try to check let's continue on the final point finally finally in today's lesson I want to talk about or I want to introduce rather like a sample presentation or a sample report so I want to put everything together that we talked about in this lesson and show you how something just simple could be explained before I do that though I want to give a quick reminder some quick grammar reminders about your presentations or your reports there are three points here I've mentioned here past tense present perfect tense and future tense so simple past tense remember we use simple past tense for actions that started and finished in the past so nothing in the future it's not continuing to the future it started and it finished in the past so I talked about sequence words I talked about if and when those are finished actions then the second grammar point here is present perfect tense present perfect tense I know many of you have questions about this so a reminder we use present perfect tense for something that started in the past and continues to the present or the effects of that action continue to the present so this is something that's continuing and we can use the continuous form here to really emphasize the continuing nature of that thing final point future tense simple future tense like I will or I'm going to I plan to we use these to talk about our next steps so your plans like the things you're going to do after your presentation so let us look at a sample oh wow I'm screen this is just a giant black attack so I'm gonna read it and I'm gonna make some points while we while we read this through first here is kind of my my presentation point so I'm going to tell you about this so we made some Q&A videos yesterday we've made some Q&A videos Q&A videos thanks these are the the ask Alicia videos that come out once a week so we made some Q&A videos yesterday this is my topic so I'm going to explain the steps of making the Q&A videos you'll notice past tense here so I'm gonna start by saying first as I said over here to introduce my first step first I read remember read and read have this same spelling but the pronunciation is different so first I read questions you sent first I read questions you sent that's my first step then I made this comment you've been sending them for a year so I'm giving some extra information here so you've in this case you the viewers the people watching you've been sending them for a year so the series has been continuing for a year so that means starting in the past and continuing to now you have continuously sent questions for that series so hear them means your questions you've been sending them for a year then so here I'm moving to my next step there my next point then I chose a few to answer so past tense this is something that finished I chose a few questions I chose a few to answer following that I have here after that or I just said following that after that we came to the studio to shoot the videos after that we came to the studio here's my past tense my connection my sequence word is right here after that we came to the studio to shoot the videos so I've included the videos here just to be specific I could say we came to the studio to shoot but I want to be specific what did we shoot the videos the next point uh here so I've got once this lesson it is finished once this lesson is finished that means once this lesson this live lesson is finished or once this lesson has finished is also okay I'll edit I'll edit the videos so I'm expressing expressing a future point I'll edit or I'm going to edit the video so here I'm changing my tenses I'm changing to a future tense expression because I'm talking about my plans then my last point here is finally finally so I'm introducing my last point with finally finally I'll send it to the team where it is the video here I'll send it to the team so here you can see my major steps first then after that once finally so it's easy to find the major steps in my presentation or in my report because I've used these specific sequence words so these are things that your listener and your reader can look for to understand where in the sequence you are like what step in the process it is so these are helpful for you for organizing your ideas for organizing your thoughts but they're also helpful for the people that you're trying to communicate with so that they can understand so these are this is just a really simple example of how to use these words naturally to make a presentation okay so maybe you guys can use this you can try to send an example if you want in the chat for sure I'll try to read it if you have if you can get it in in the next two minutes or so so this is what I wanted to cover today but if you have any questions about this topic please also send those in the chat I will try to check them and answer them somehow somewhere otherwise yeah you can send them to ask Alicia too and we'll look at them there but I have to wrap up for today so oh and there I suppose I'm actually on time my goodness it's gotten into me I didn't talk too much Wow okay uh we'll end there for today so thank you as always for joining us if you missed today's lesson don't worry it was recorded you can watch this anytime on youtube or on Facebook next week we'll be back we're gonna be here again next week next week's topic is explaining problems explaining problems so I've planned a lesson that's about like when you make a mistake like I made a mistake with or I don't know how to or whatever so I'm gonna talk about how to explain problems and like mistakes next week so please join us Wednesday oh that's easier to see when I stand right there when I'm not standing there it's hard to see okay so join us next week Wednesday that will be at 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time 9:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time that is New York City time New York City time please google it to find your local time we will talk about explaining problems so that will be next week December or 6 is Thursday December 5th is the Wednesday night I think no I believe whatever Wednesday is I think Wednesday Wednesday the 5th I feel like anyway Wednesday next week Wednesday please join us Wednesday the 5th for this lesson at 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time to explain your problems so that will be a good one okay uh that was fun so thank you guys so much thank you everybody for joining us this week live it was great to see all your messages and your questions I hope that you can use this in preparing your reports and your writing and your presentations so I'm going to go now don't forget to check out the Black Friday sale if you have not already thank you so much for liking the video and for sharing the video we really really appreciate it and it's great to connect with so many people around the world enjoy the rest of your week enjoy the rest of your night or day and we will see you again next week bye you
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 150,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords:, englishclass101, learn english, easy, fast, longplay, compilation, fun, simple, learn while you sleep, english exposure, english immersion, get better at english, live, livestream, tv, english tv, american english, british english, explain something in english, explain something, explaining something, basic english phrases, how to, give details, egnlish phrases, english vocabulary
Id: 7oikvJto7B8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 36sec (1896 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2018
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