How to Disagree in English - Basic English Phrases

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hi Instagram okay we've started streaming on this camera too there are two cameras in the room today exciting hello youtube and facebook and twitter and twitch and instagram is over here to welcome everybody to our weekly livestream thank you very much for joining us as always this week this week's topic is going to be how to disagree so I'm going to introduce some polite ways some nice ways to disagree with people but I also want to talk about some casual ways to disagree and then last we're going to talk about compromising so how to decide maybe a different solution to your problem and this week I also hope that you can send a couple of your sentences through in chat so if you're watching yeah Facebook Instagram Twitter or whatever please send your your comments and questions through chat as always great I see Facebook is up okay we have Facebook up and youtube up hi Instagram hi Facebook and YouTube as well hi YouTube Alicia Oh Alicia hi Alicia Steven Filipe JC Rose good on Facebook Fareed Ramadan Oscar in JIT Oscar and Jason hi guys thanks for coming ok we're going to start in just a couple minutes we're getting everything set up if you're just joining please don't forget to hit the like button and of course share the video too if you like we've really appreciate it but yes today's topic is disagreeing disagreeing so we're going to start very soon I think um we'll give people a little time to join the livestream and then begin host ok and is Twitter I haven't checked Twitter yet are we up on Twitter once we have all that going I think we'll start ok but in the meantime I always try to share a little something for you to think about yes Twitter's up so I want to introduce if you missed it there's a new video up this week yeah I tweeted about it um a couple days ago so actually the link is in my Twitter feed you can check there if you like this is the Twitter feed by the way here for Instagram and Twitter but there's a new English grammar lesson up on the on the YouTube channel this week if you have not seen it it's about uncountable nouns uncountable nouns so if your if your language does not have singular and plural forms of nouns this can be a really important grammar point to review so please go check out this uncountable nouns grammar video I think it's a good resource and of course if you have questions please let me know in the comments and then I can make new video for later so please check that out alright I think everything is ready now hooray lots of people out there great - thank you so much for coming as I said today we're going to be practicing how to disagree this is our topic for today how to disagree so as I said there will be three topics for today yeah I'll slow down now sorry the introduction speed was very fast so I'll slow down for the rest of the lesson okay so as I said today there will be three points to cover a point number one will be polite expressions point two will be casual expressions so very kind of rough ways to disagree and third I'll talk about compromising so how to compromise compromise means like find a different solution so it's like person a is opinion and person B's opinion how do you put them together so we're going to start today by talking about polite expressions polite expressions let's begin so I'll put I'll put two categories on the board for today on the Left we're going to start with polite I'll write the whole thing polite expressions okay so I think polite expressions for most of you this will be some review but let's begin here the most basic way to disagree is with the simple expression I disagree I disagree so very simple very clear very correct very straightforward I disagree quite easy to understand so I should point out if you use this expression and if you use the other expressions we're going to talk about today you should be prepared to share your opinion after you use the expression so if you say I disagree give your opinion share your side I disagree plus your idea so we're going to practice this later in the live stream so basically the other one kind of polite but also used in more casual situations of course I don't think so I don't think so here I don't think so so this don't is the contracted form I don't I do not think so when we pronounce this we don't say I don't think so but it's quite connected like I don't think so so this part this I and D they kind of connect I don't think so I don't think so so this is quite good for a softer disagreement a softer disagreement so not quite so strong so you can try this out I don't think so but this one kind of shows also that maybe you don't have faith or maybe you don't think the other person's statement is correct I don't think so I don't think so so like is the meeting tomorrow mmm I don't think so I think it's the day after tomorrow for example so again kind of sharing can you see you on Instagram kind of sharing your opinion as well so the correct information after you use this statement okay good let's go to another one that's quite nice in more formal situations we start it with the expression I'm sorry I'm sorry and then but I have to disagree that's an art sorry okay I'm sorry but can you see it I'm sorry but I have to disagree I'm sorry so we start here with an apology like I don't want to disagree that's the nuance of this I have to disagree so if you've studied 1/2 to grammar maybe you've seen we use 1/2 to to talk about your responsibilities so this sentence this expression is like I don't want to disagree with you but it's my responsibility to disagree with you I'm sorry but I have to disagree so this one is quite soft for like a maybe a good formal situation something that's maybe in like a business meeting for example so this one's quite nice quite formal ok let's go to one more yeah lots of people practicing in the chat I disagree I don't think so nice nice calm day in YouTube is this a live stream or a video she shot before this is live if you're watching now well for those of you in the chat now this is live this is leather ok so let's go to the last kind of polite expression I want to introduce today hi over there an Instagram the last one for the polite side today is I can't agree with you there ok I'm going to break this one down too so I can't agree with you there there so this is a key point this there here we have this bit I can't agree with you here is another important point let's start let's start here I can't I can't because we're using can't it suggests it's not possible for me to agree with you it's I cannot agree with you so again this sounds like maybe I would like to maybe but I can't like it's my responsibility or there's just something that's incorrect so I cannot agree with you there but another key point I mentioned is this there at the end of the sentence this there means there's just one point of disagreement only one point only sorry so one point only if this sentence I can't agree with you this means like generally everything you're saying like the general argument the whole discussion I can't agree with you but I can't agree with you there means that one point only I can't agree if that makes sense so if that's okay let me know if you have questions about this also let me know so this is the whole conversation I can't agree with you and part of the conversation I can't agree with you there you could change I can't - I don't I don't agree with you there - mean like my personal opinion maybe I don't agree with you or I disagree with you there so there are there's a few kind of modifications some changes we can make to this one okay my squeaky chair is making some noise sorry about that but let me know uh yeah on Instagram yeah it is backwards sorry ah we're testing if you don't know we're testing Instagram if you prefer Instagram but it is backwards the board is backwards here how can we fix that I wonder mysterious okay yeah we'll have to fix that so maybe if you're watching on Instagram you can just listen for today and I'll read everything that's on the board yeah sorry about that we have to we have to flip the iPad but we don't have time right now okay um good so with that that's the kind of the first group the polite expressions I want to talk about to begin today so we're going to go to another point but before we do let us take a break let's take a break so as always we have free stuff for you guys this week I was thinking because we're talking about disagreement I thought maybe a good time when you need to disagree is when you are shopping so this is a free thing we have on the website here Instagram you can see - backwards sorry but this is a free PDF sheet that you can see so like there's some vocabulary words of course Forsch like clothes shopping you can see both sides you can see clothes shopping and stuff like that but there are also on the back some good questions so questions to use when you're shopping for clothes but if you're shopping with your friends for something here you can use these sorts of things like like I think this looks good I don't think so to disagree with that person so I think shopping this could be a really nice one to pair with this week's lesson so if you don't have this if you don't have this it is free please check the link it's at English class if you're watching on YouTube the link is below the video if you're watching on Facebook the link is above the video same on Twitter on Instagram I think you should check the link in the profile probably okay so please check this out of course there are a lot of other ones oh you can't see me you can see me Instagram so there are a lot of other ones too that you can check these are all free so please check out the links in the livestream Facebook Instagram Twitter all the social media networks okay yes this PDF file is in the link in the link below the video if you're watching on YouTube let's see Daniel oh you're watching on Facebook check the link above the video on Facebook you can download all of those PDFs you just saw so please do check that up there's lots of good vocabulary and stuff there and it's free Oh keto says can we use this sentence I'm strong disagree no you cannot use I'm strong disagree so that's a nice example though thank you he said he he said I think uh instead of I'm a strong disagree say I strongly disagree we'll add one more there I strongly disagree we can't say I'm I am that means I am strongly disagree I strongly disagree is the correct one thanks for that though okay let's continue to the next part the next part of today's lesson we talked about polite expressions here now we're going to talk about casual expressions okay so um Tina yes you can watch this video replayed it is being recorded so check the Facebook or our YouTube page Twitter as well alright if you're just joining yes today we're talking about how to disagree so please don't forget to hit the like button and of course share the video if you'd like as well alright let's go on to part 2 for today casual expressions I have run out of space on the board okay casual expressions we're going to talk about some casual ways to disagree now so ways that you might hear children disagree how to disagree with your friends with people you have a close relationship with so let's begin with one kind of childish way to disagree and this pronunciation is important it is this you h you H you'll hear kids use this expression uh-huh and people that you're very close to for a very small disagreement so it's something that's really not that big a deal so you can use this but in very like very casual very like close situations only uh-huh that's a good one okay another one I want to introduce is no way no way so this one I like to use no way it's like one it's very casual for sure but you can also extend the vowel sounds here no way you can use this for two situations actually one to disagree so no way like I don't want to do that no way or depending on intonation you can use this to express surprise also like no way that one's good to junior in YouTube says I usually hear nope yeah nope is great yeah let's add a note to the list nope like we you nope nope is sometimes used for disagreement it's also used as a casual no too like mmm do you want to do that nope so it's more like a rejection than a disagreement I think a nice one ah good so no way is good for a disagreement like do you want to go to the beach tomorrow no way it's raining so it's like AA disagreement I don't think that's a good idea and yeah we just talked about nope another rejection kind of expression let's go to a very rude one well a fairly rude one ah don't use this at work don't use this with your boss don't use this in polite company the expression is hell no hell no so there are a lot of variations lots of changes we can make to this one so you can change this word hell is not a polite word but it's a fairly mild swear word yeah someone just wrote in the chat what about hell no so you can use this and some of you in the chat are sending like the stronger versions of this yes those are all correct those are all correct I'm not going to talk about the really really rude ones but you can imagine if you have watched TV and movies you have probably heard many different expressions similar to this so you can use hell mode to express very strong and rude disagreement hell no it's good fun okay now I want to talk about one that's super confusing I think for people who are studying I've heard actually my students have asked me questions about this expression Instagram I know it's backwards ya know but there's this dot dot in the middle so we say yeah and then we say no and people say what does that mean like what so this ya know sometimes there's a long space between this like yeah no it means this yeah means I heard you so first means I heard your suggestion I heard what you said I thought about it no that's what this expression means ya know sometimes people will drop this this duck duck and it sounds like the decision is faster like ya know so you'll hear that in very casual situations as will ya know ya know so you'll hear that ah also on the internet a couple of phrases you'll hear similar to this ah ha ha no ha ha no so this is like laughing so like you think the thing the other person said is ridiculous or crazy so you know ha ha no this is very like I wrote it in capital letters ha no so it's quite strong it's quite casual ha ha really yeah that one's good also you'll hear um no no no that one is also casual again and for like you want to give the idea I'm thinking I'm thinking no oh no that one's quite good to use to know so these are very common these are kind of funny to use yeah no that one shows like you you are probably close to the person you're speaking with yeah nice one ok good so let's practice let's practice these um I have two example sentences actually I forgot to share my first example sorry let's look at two examples sentences please sorry Instagram you won't be able to see this I don't think but I'll read it so you can send your messages on Instagram so let's practice disagree so we have polite and casual expressions and I explained share your opinion when you disagree so please disagree with me now with this statement you'll see in just a second above my head thank you okay so please disagree with this here is a statement for disagreement people a around the world should start work at 6:00 a.m. so that means in every country around the world people should start work at 6:00 a.m. there's an opinion so please disagree please disagree with this opinion so Instagram the question is please are sorry people around the world should start work at 6:00 a.m. people around the world should start work at 6:00 a.m. disagree please disagree with me jr. Hey out of the question is a way to disagree yeah it's like saying something is impossible I'll include that on the board so out of the question that's out of the question it's impossible it's like a rejection more than a disagreement out of the question possible it's a ridiculous request thanks for that jr. ok so please disagree uh someone says I don't disagree ok I like you so it's ok for everybody around the world to start work at 6:00 a.m. everyone says I disagree I disagree I don't think so good good good so and then share your opinion so what do you think is a better solution so don't just disagree don't just say I don't think so I disagree what's your counter to that what's your opinion what do you offer instead of this so instead of this what should we do shinji says there's no way that I'll wake up at that hour good good good that's a nice one um Arianna Alicia what about nah yeah that's good nah nah nah that's another good one it's a casual no nice one nice one good uh good I'll tie Yvonne YouTube says I don't think so it's impossible nice one nice one good good good ok then let's go I have a second question is it ok control desk to go to the second question yeah that one's more fun maybe ok so let's look at the second question maybe you have some strong opinions about this one like superheroes Avengers is out have you guys seen Avengers yet okay maybe you can fight me on this one please disagree with this statement Batman is the best superhero so Instagram the question Batman is the best superhero disagree please disagree with that Batman is the best superhero okay so please disagree meaning I don't think so Superman is the best or I don't think so green flash yes so who do you think is the best one so Batman is the best superhero please disagree with this statement disagree with this statement I want to fight you on this about Batman anything Batman is the best superhero please disagree with me hi there you Instagram Batman no that's not a valid criticism of Batman YouTube I'm sorry but I have to disagree with that good good good good there we go okay Andy says I'm sorry Alicia but Superman is super boring well I said Batman is the best superhero so disagree with Batman nice one Andres I don't think so Goku is the best okay Felipe I don't think so spider-man is the best nice scarlet says Batman is trash Iron Man is the best okay Super Heroes is a better topic for you guys okay um what else Deadpool is the best oh I really like Deadpool also yeah good good good I disagree with feyo's his idea of taking the world is that a spoiler an Avengers spoiler don't send spoilers don't send spoilers spoilers means like movie like points things about the movie okay um let's see you been CEO says no he's not for me Superman is nice okay uh Salvador says I disagree Batman is only rich that is true that is true Batman is just a really rich guy okay Facebook any disagreements any disagreements with the Batman I do you guys have it good God says I'm sorry Alicia I am the best you are the best superhero I haven't seen your movie yet girl keep working keep working on that okay good you guys have it so that's perfect that's a perfect example no I disagree Superman or Deadpool or whoever is the best you guys are arguing in the chat that's hilarious no way Eddie says my dad is the best nice nice dads are pretty cool superheroes for sure oh Black Panther yeah I haven't seen that yet I won't you okay good Oh superheroes nice choice nice choice let's move on though to the last topic for today so we have a huge number of things here a huge number of ways to disagree excellent work if you're liking the video please make sure to hit the like button share it as well we appreciate it let's go on to the last topic for today how to compromise how to compromise oh and if you missed it we have free stuff free stuff for you as always this is an example if you need to disagree when you're out shopping and you need some vocabulary for your shopping you can definitely check this out it is free from English class you can get this in the link below the video on youtube above the video on Facebook and Twitter Instagram check the profile link okay so let's go to the final topic let's go to the final topic for today haha no good one you cut that okay let's talk about some compromises so how do you fix a disagreement in other words how do you like fix the disagreement person a person B how do you find a solution in the middle so some expressions to compromise compromise compromise - compromise I'll put the infinitive here to compromise with someone here are a couple of patterns you can use so after you've disagreed with someone like about an activity for example how do we compromise well so this is a transition well so you heard the thing the other person said well if you don't if you don't want to do that well if you don't want to do that how about and then you can give another suggestion how about or what about a different activity so well if you don't want to study today how about studying tomorrow for example so this well shows you heard the other person well it's a nice transition if you don't want to so this is the contracted wanna wanna if you don't want to do that how about tomorrow or how about we go hiking instead so if you don't want to do that an alternative give another idea so don't just end there no okay I'll stop so if it's something you want to do or it's something important to do give an alternative a different idea so this is one another one okay okay then how about if we OH how about if we here you could drop the if if you like so okay so again here's our transition expression okay so again here shows I heard you I heard what you said okay then so from that okay then how about and then I've included if that's fine or no if - how about if we or how about we see a movie instead so you might finish this expression with instead because you're compromising you're giving a different idea a different idea to the thing you proposed earlier yeah so these are a couple ways also I'm out of space let me erase uh-huh goodbye casual expressions okay one more for explaining a compromise similar to one we talked about again starts with then this transition word then so given what you said before then why don't we then why don't we do something else then why don't we meet on a different day and why don't we bump up block so this is a very gentle suggestion why don't we this doesn't mean actually why like asking for a reason why don't we bla bla bla is a soft suggestion phrase why don't we ba ba ba hmm so this is not a reason we're not asking for a reason but this is a suggestion yeah juniors got another one agree to disagree agree to disagree means we agree that we have different opinions let's agree to disagree okay uh zoom the camera I do not have control of the camera I'm very sorry uh I don't know if you can see that a little bit um so maybe that helps yes so these are a couple ways to compromise so to give a suggestion for a different activity something else to do all right any questions any questions um you guys are still talking about superheroes Jude you're a nice one if you don't want to cook today what about eating out perfect nice one so well if you don't want to what was it yeah if you don't want to cook today what about eating out perfect that was a nice one really nice okay um what else I'm a superhero oh I wish no that sounds like a very stressful job uh all right some nice ones coming in though okay okay I don't see any questions I don't see any questions hello Instagram couple of people there then I think we'll finish up actually because it's about time to end today's listen good okay I will wrap up those cuz they're out of time all right so with that with these compromise expressions to finish with today of course if you missed the video you can go back and watch we talked about polite expressions for disagreement and casual expressions for disagreement - sorry so we'll finish there next week next week our team is going to take our Spring Break so there will be no live stream for next week but we will be back in two weeks that will be May 9th Wednesday May 9th so I'll write it up here even next livestream next livestream next live just in case Wednesday May 9th at 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time that is New York City time so also if you follow us on Facebook now we have an event page so if you want to check or get a reminder about the live streams you can join the event page so I will join every session but you can join whatever sessions are convenient for you and also you can get reminders from the YouTube channel as well so definitely join us next time we'll be talking about how to make requests canned offers how to make requests and offers so some question making some grammar points we're going to talk about probably can and may and maybe some and any to so please join us in two weeks for this livestream Instagram you can't see anything it's May 9th May 9th how to make requests and offer so please check it out there okay good so we'll finish up there up please don't forget to download your free stuff for this week what else could be good for this agreements mmm ah this could be good too business stuff business stuff for disagreements yeah so if you're at the office the polite disagreement expressions we talked about these could be definitely very important I think at the office so if you need some more office vocabulary this is also free from the link below the video or above the video from English class one-on-ones and this is free this is free all this stuff is free so please go check all this stuff out after the video ends yes okay so we'll finish there for today thank you as always for joining for liking the video for sharing the video and of course for sending your great questions as always check the YouTube channel for other new videos coming out find us on Facebook and of course go download your free stuff after this lesson ends have a good day have a good night enjoy the rest of your week and I will see you again in two weeks bye bye you
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 118,944
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Keywords:, englishclass101, learn english, easy, fast, longplay, compilation, fun, simple, learn while you sleep, english exposure, english immersion, get better at english, live, livestream, tv, english tv, american english, british english, how to disagree, disagree in english, opinion, share opinion, basic english phrases, how to disagree in english
Id: SXA44SYq1ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 25sec (2065 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 25 2018
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