Stative Verbs in Continuous Form - Basic English Grammar

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everybody welcome back to our weekly live stream my name is Alisha and this week we are going to talk about stative verbs in the continuous tense so this is a grammar point many of you have asked about so this week I'm going to first explain what our stative verbs and what our dynamic verbs then I'm going to talk about why we use these verbs in the progressive form or the continuous form I'm going to share some example sentences that use some different grammar patterns so that you can maybe get some ideas for how to use it and then I'm going to talk about using the verbs being and having so there are lots of questions about these as you join don't forget to hit the like button and share the video we really appreciate it send us a comment in the chat so that we can say hello to everybody as you joined from around the world and don't forget as always we have free stuff for you guys this week this week we have lots and lots of PDF lessons that you can download for free from the link below the video on youtube or above the video on Facebook so as you join please make sure to send a message I see many of you hi on YouTube hello everybody Wesley Frank Giuseppe Rawat haha Shangri on yelled oh Carlos Eric's my CEO John Chris control desk I see you writing chat coming hi hi and on Facebook hello leaves in my mind ditchin Ceaser and Abdul Qadeer I'm very sorry if I mispronounced your name hi everybody thank you very much for joining us as we wait I want to mention the latest yes the latest video that's on the English class 101 YouTube channel is this there's a new episode of our series know your verbs if you have not seen this series and you're working on your vocabulary this could be a really good series to check so we look at one verb we talk about all the conjugations of the verb and a lot of additional meanings of the verb so the newest one is this the verb meet was the focus verb for this so please check this out you can watch this on the English class 101 youtube channel this was a fun one and your example sentences we're pretty creative I liked them a lot okay that's my only announcement item I think hello everybody I see lots of you in the chat now fantastic I am going to share the video on Facebook and then begin today's lesson ok and share done all right good let's get started then so as I said today's lesson is about stative verbs in the continuous tense so today the lesson title uses continuous yes continuous it's ok progressive is also ok there are these two words we use to express the ing form so continuous form this is the I and G form of a verb so I'll use progressive and continuous to mean this today first I want to begin with an explanation what is a stative verb what's a stative verb so you can probably see here maybe and this word stative there's kind of this root this base here state so a stative verb is used to describe a status a state a condition so it's you can imagine it's something that we choose so we use stative verbs to express things like our emotions we use them for emotions for feelings for our mental state so like things that we feel or things like words we use to describe thinking and so on so these are stative verbs this is different from a dynamic verb so a dynamic verb describes an I'm doing something for example I'm teaching I'm talking those are actions things I'm doing a stative verb some examples are down here are like like and love need and so on these are called stative verbs and yes there are some verbs that can be used as stated and dynamic verbs there are some okay onto this last point here stative verbs are usually used in present tense so present tense this means like the infinitive form so as I said like or love we usually do not use stative verbs in the ing form the inga form but there are some cases where we do so that's going to be the focus of today's lesson I have slowed down my speaking considerably I'm slowing I'm slowing down a lot today yes because there are some big vocabulary words okay so as I said some examples of these stative verbs examples of stative verbs are these these are some emotion or feeling related words so I talked about like and love these are very common examples need I mentioned to need to want to sound to sound here sound this is used as a verb for example in the expression sounds good that sounds good so sound is a stative verb we can use it as a stative verb these three here these are also stative verbs be have and think so at the end of today's lesson I'm going to focus on B and and using being and having as many students have questions about these points so these are stative verbs we use them as I said for our emotions or mental state so why progressive why should we use this ing form what's the reason for this why so we use the progressive the ING with these verbs to show a temporary condition so temporary means for a short time only so for example when I say like I am teaching now teaching is the progressive form that's a temporary condition it's only in this moment in one hour I will not be teaching so we use ing forms to talk about like a short-term or temporary conditions temporary statuses so with state of sorry with stative verbs we're using them in the progressive tense the ing form to show a temporary state so I'll show you some examples in part two of today's lesson so but let's let's kind of warm up with miss comparison then so let's compare these two sentences so this sentence I like baseball this is the simple present tense sentence like is one of my stative verbs like here is simple present tense so as I said we usually use these in present tense very common sentence I like baseball however let's compare to this it says I've been liking baseball lately so this sentence shows a temporary condition there's a big right here lately means recently so in like the recent past or in these last few days of the last few weeks recently lately this part I have been liking so in this case this is a present perfect progressive sentence I've been liking baseball lately so what's the difference between these two I like baseball is a simple fact so that's like saying it's my hobby or maybe I've enjoyed that since I was a little kid I like baseball fact fine this sentence however I've been liking baseball lately means in this like recent past so very recently or this is something that is temporary maybe next month I will hate baseball I don't know but this sentence shows us a temporary condition we use the ing form the progressive or the continuous form to express this and sometimes we use these hint words I've been liking baseball lately so this is the base for today's lesson I'm going to take a break please send your questions and your example sentences into the chat I will try to check and I will try to respond though sometimes there are a lot right now we'll take a quick break and I want to as I said today as always there's free stuff we have lots and lots of PDF lessons if you have not checked them already I chose a few PDFs to introduce that I thought would be good for explaining or for using today's grammar point so I talked about these words here yeah like like and love and and so on so I thought these are two examples of two examples of PDFs I thought would be good with today's lesson this says singing in English yeah but this is actually about music I chose this one because on the back here there are these expressions for talking about music like I love music I like this song these are stative verbs I just mentioned so I'm going to talk later in this lesson about describing things you've liked recently so you can use some of these patterns in the progressive tense and then the same thing this says like romance in love but you can use some of these expressions on the back again these stative verbs appear sorry it's hard to see it says I like your hairstyle for example but you can use I like your something so again that's a stative verb but you can change it to the progressive tense and make a slightly different statement so these are two examples I'll show you a couple more examples later but I thought these could be some good maybe ideas for using today's grammar point so if you want to download these go ahead and download them you can go now if you like you can find the link for these below the video on youtube or above the video on Facebook if you want to get them please don't look at the chatbox though sometimes chat desk does send the links through you can find them in the video description so we're going to move on to the next part of today's lesson if you have not please make sure to like and share the video so other learners can find today's lesson if you're just joining today's subject is stative verbs in continuous or progressive form to begin today's lesson I talked about stative verbs what are they so if you missed it you can go back and watch but for now I'm going to go to part two of today's lesson right here I want to introduce some example sentences I'm going to share a few different grammar patterns some are simple some are more complex but I want to show you how we use how native speakers use something like this so let's take a look first one this is a simple expression I'm liking this I'm liking this so here my stative verb is like like so we use I'm liking this for something that we usually have recently learned about so for example you are at a party and it seems good you just arrived at the party and people are having a good time there's nice music there's nice food people are friendly and you might say to your friend I'm liking this I'm liking this so why do we use progressive why liking why not I like this we use this part ing to show it's temporary like maybe in the future in this party I won't like something that happened so it suggests it's a continuing feeling maybe it's going to stop at some point in the future excuse me if you feel like confident wow I really like this place or I really like this party then you can communicate that slightly stronger more like factual feeling with I like so I'm liking this it's a temporary condition a temporary status so maybe if you're watching in the in the chat right now and if you're enjoying a lesson you can say I'm liking this lesson so far so that shows that up until this point you are like enjoying the lesson so you can say I like this lesson that's good too liking shows something is unfinished there's a chance it may stop your feeling may stop in the future okay good so and if you have questions let me know I'm trying to check the chat I don't see anything okay let's continue second example this is sounding good this is sounding good so here is my verb sound sound is my verb my stative verb sounding good when would we use this so let's imagine here you are you are making music I know not everybody plays an instrument let's imagine you're making music with your friends or with your band for example you're creating something new and you think wow this is sounding good which means in this moment this thing we made this song it sounds good now so it's sounding really good so again in this situation it's like you made something it's new and in this moment it seems good it's sounding good now maybe in the future that will change but in this moment it's good so you want to communicate that temporary feeling this sounding good this is sounding good so we would use this as I said if we're like making music or you're creating something to listen to you would use this is sounding good or maybe if you're checking you're checking the audio I'd like a music venue like this is sounding good you might use it there so again when you want to express more confidence for example when your friend gives you an idea for the weekend let's go to the mountains oh yeah that sounds good that sounds good so more confident not temporary okay nice hey some of you wrote I'm liking this lesson thank you nice okay um good good good some some people wrote yeah Akilah wrote I'm liking your method cool that's nice so so far so far I like your method that's the feeling that using progressive tense gives us okay let's go on to this next one okay challenge I included this because this is maybe a difficult sometimes use of the progressive or continuous form of a verb so here let's read the sentence is he keeps needing help with simple tasks he keeps needing help with simple tasks so one use of the continuous form is with the verb keeps or always to express a complaint to express a complaint so this is one example of something like that so here need is my stative verb usually we use this in simple present tense but when you want to make a complaint as we have here you can use the verb in the progressive form okay oh we have a question from Instagram thanks control this can I say I'm liking your explanation yeah yeah that's okay I would be careful I'm liking your explanation I'm liking your lesson is okay if you are participating in the chat like live now it doesn't it's because it's temporary it's something that's continuing so yes it's okay to do if you're like interacting live now so why keeps with s because my subject is he he when my subject is he she or it I need to conjugate my verb in this case keep keep is a regular verb so he keeps keeps is with a simple s addition when my subject is he or she or it okay so needing so he keeps needing we attach a verb in the progressive tense to make a complaint so this is one example of where we could use progressive form or continuous form with a stative verb so another way to say this is he always needs help with simple tasks he always needs help with simple tasks another way to express this is with the continuous form he keeps needing help with simple tasks this means it's a regular action and it's a complaint this is a complaint pattern someone says I'm disliking your quality of video well that's the situation okay someone says how can I find your free lessons you can find them on YouTube you can find them from the link below the video on YouTube as well if you're watching ok onward upgrading our grammar some more next one is we've been loving this show lately we've been loving this show lately so we have this big hint word I talked about the first part of the lesson lately and we have this present perfect progressive form we've been loving this show lately so that shows that in the recent past starting at a point in the recent past and continuing to now the conversation during this time period we have continuously enjoyed this show so we can say we've been loving this show lately again it sounds like maybe in the future I won't like this show or we won't be so excited about it but recently we are loving this show so again a temporary condition okay um let's see keep oh oh keep isn't an irregular verb past tense is irregular yes kept kept but for when I said when I said regular verb I meant it just takes a simple s there sorry if I that was confusing okay let's go on to the last one then oh sorry two more again here I'm using a present perfect progressive so I've been wanting I've been wanting this is one I've seen many people ask questions about I've been wanting to do something why do we use I've been wanting why not I want to so both sentences are correct I want to see that movie is correct I've been wanting to see that movie is correct what's the difference so I've been wanting I will draw a small diagram here we can see it yeah so let's imagine you learned about here's the past you learned about the new spider-man movies did I talk about this last week spider-man I feel like I did like it talked about spider-man I don't know anyway let's say you learned about the new I did the new spider-man movie at this point in the past so here you saw you saw a preview for the movie yeah sorry you saw a preview for the movie and you thought whoa I want to see that movie and then you waited and waited and waited and now we're having this conversation here like now and it this time you didn't see the movie but you thought I want to see that movie I want to see that movie I really want to see that movie but you still have not seen the movie in this case we would use I've been wanting to see that movie to describe this feeling of continuing I wore I've really been wanting to see that movie so this expresses our continuing desire I've been wanting to see that so you can't say yes I want to see that movie this though shows that it's been it started in the past and continues to the present nice examples I've been wanting to read that book good I've been wanting to go traveling around the world nice I want to see the movie also okay I've been loving your teaching I've been wanting to see motivational videos interesting the deed okay but I have to go to the next one I'm running time this one then finally he was being so this is our final point in today's lesson he was being punished for in Erik not so here we see this this is a past progressive passive statement he was being punished for in error this is key this top-down thought this sort of sentence shows us an unfinished action he was being punished for an error when management realized someone else caused the problem so we use sentences like this for interrupted actions as well this is another situation where we would use the ing form in this case beat so I'm going to talk about being in the last part of today's lesson so I will take one more small break and then we'll finish with our last two points so I hope that's helpful nice examples everybody I've been wanting to take an intensive English course cool if I say I have been waiting what does it mean it means you started waiting in the past and you waited and waited and waited and waited and waited and then there was something else that happened so that would be a past perfect progressive or yeah past perfect progressive sentence so this is a present perfect progressive diagram past perfect would mean the whole thing moves over here everything is in the past okay I have to go to my break so I showed you I think yeah I showed you these two PDFs earlier but I wanted to pick a couple more to introduce which was the shopping one okay yeah I'm two more sorry the shopping pedia where we use verbs like like and need and want a lot and the business PDF so these are again two situations when shopping for things and when discussing things at work where you would need to use grammar such as this so for example these on the back this is the business pedia on the back here there are phrases for a business meeting but as I talked about blurry sorry as I talked about earlier in the lesson this is a situation a business meeting where you might use today's grammar like I'm liking the sound of this for example Oh back here okay thanks so that's a situation where you might use this grammar so this PDF the business PDF has some business related situations and then someone wrote about motivational things in the facebook chat their motivational workload it's on the back here too that you can use for studying okay so there's that and I also quickly showed the shopping PDF on the back there's a list of verbs that you can use that are shopping related some of these are stative verbs like have have is a good one have is here and so is like so these others are dynamic verbs okay we'll finish that break there so let's finish today's lesson I'm going to conclude today's lesson with these two quick points about B and half so if you're just joining today's lesson today we're talking about stative verbs in the continuous or the progressive form the ing form please don't forget to like and share the video that would be awesome so other people can find it and don't forget oh yes sorry those PDFs I just showed you these you can find these from the link below the video on YouTube above the video on Facebook alright let's finish I want to focus now on using the verb being being so what is the difference between be and being why should I use this verb in progressive tense I don't understand I have these two examples these two pairs of examples to look at so both of these these follow the same pattern we have a simple present tense statement and a progressive stance statement let's look at this first one the first example sentence is he's weird he's weird and so let's not worry about this about if this is a rude comment or not but let's use this as an example sentence weird by the way weird means strange someone who is not normal my god that guy's weird she's weird he's weird he is weird so I'm using the reduced form here he's weird the second sentence progressive he is being weird he's being weird so what's the difference here maybe you can see based on what we've learned in this lesson so far he's weird is a simple statement of fact like he is always weird maybe that's just what kind of person he is he's weird he's being weird refers to a temporary condition so maybe right now he's in a strange mood or he didn't sleep enough or he's really upset are really unhappy or maybe he's really nervous so he's being weird he's being weird is not forever it's only for this point in time so this is a great example he's weird he's being weird these communicate two very different things with one word difference he's being weird let's look at one more example same idea your dogs are stupid so stupid means they are not smart they are not smart so it's a very rude word don't call people stupid that's not good so the other example is here dogs are being stupid your dogs are being stupid so doing something that's not smart very dumb what's the difference again your dogs are stupid this is a simple statement of fact so maybe the dogs I don't know have very strange behavior the dogs don't understand like how to go outside or the dogs make a mess all the time like they don't have good training for example this is a general fact about the listener's dogs this is rude example second though your dogs are being stupid again this is a temporary condition so right now like the dogs maybe the dogs have lots of energy and they're going crazy like your dogs are being stupid so being here before our adjective shows a temporary state so this is a key point temporary state is shown with being so also keep in mind the adjectives that we use here I've chosen weird and stupid for these so these are status related these are verbs or sorry these are adjectives that can change depending on a situation we cannot use this with an adjective that like does not change for example tall like I'm not tall I can't say like that's not something I can change so a sentence like oh he's being tall is correct it's totally not correct your adjectives should be something that can change it's like something you can choose something you can will so you cannot use this with an adjective that is not changeable in some way okay so let's finish today's lesson with this last point using having having here again two pairs I had a great time and I'm having a great time so here I'm using half in a set expression to have a great time or to have a good time the difference here I had a great time it's a simple past tense expression I'm having a great time means right now in this moment I'm at a party I'm having a great time so if you want to express it like an experience you are in now you can use I am having a great time or I'm having a bad time too maybe you are I don't know I'm having a great time I'm having a good time okay so nice examples there my aunt is being extremely clever oh she's not usually clever so keep in mind when you use this temporary being thing you're also saying usually this person is not this adjective so if you say my aunt is being extremely clever it also sounds like whoa she's not usually extremely clever last point sorry I have to finish we had some trouble with this and I'm having some trouble with this again simple past statement we had some trouble progressive statement I'm having trouble so remember we use half in these set expressions like these to mean experience I'm experiencing trouble I'm having trouble so having means now currently temporarily do I'm having trouble okay good okay I have to finish there because I'm late sorry Lorenzo finished up so if you missed this lesson don't worry the whole thing has been recorded you can watch anytime on youtube or on Facebook but we'll finish there so if you have any questions about this grammar point please send them in the chat it like in the comment section - I will check the comments after this lesson and I will try to answer somehow so thank you so much for joining us for this week's lesson lots of interesting grammar I think so we'll be back next week as always next week will be January 30th Wow the month is already almost over amazing our topic learn English in 2019 so a nice topic I think to end January so to keep your new year's resolutions going in this lesson I'm going to talk about some ideas for your study plan so how can you like look build your vocabulary or like how are you going to continue your studies in 2019 so I know many of you want to improve your fluency so next week I'm going to talk about some ideas for how to do that okay so we'll finish up there don't forget to check the links below the video on youtube and above the video on Facebook for your free stuff I showed you a few things I thought would be good but there are lots more everything's free so please go download those right away because I'm going away so enjoy your studies have a nice week have a nice weekend and I will see you again next week you
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 86,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords:, englishclass101, learn english, easy, fast, longplay, compilation, fun, simple, learn while you sleep, english exposure, english immersion, get better at english, live, livestream, tv, english tv, american english, british english, stative verbs, continuous form, basic english grammar, grammar for beginners, english verbs
Id: BBVRmoojakM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 25sec (2185 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2019
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