How to Talk about your Wishes and Desires in English

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live stream my name is alicia and in this week's live episode we are going to talk about how to express your wishes and desires i thought this would be a really good topic to talk about here at the end of the year and so of course you can ask for all of your holiday gifts in perfect english i hope uh this year so as you join uh please please please please make sure to hit the like button and share this video so that other people can find today's lesson that would be super super cool while we wait for people to join us live a couple of quick quick quick announcements the first announcement is as always about this banner at the bottom of the screen if you want to check your level lots and lots and lots of people many many people write about how to understand your english level how to understand what lessons you should study or what courses you should take the team put together a level check so if you click the banner below the video if you're watching on youtube or above the video if you're watching on facebook you will find this page right here so if you have an account at you can take this so you can create an account it's free there too but on this page if you scroll down if you go down on this page you will see some more information how to start this level check and this is uh the result you will get so try this level check it's totally free the team put it together so you can understand maybe what kinds of courses or what kinds of classes you might want to take so check this out if you want to check your level the link is below the video or above the vid facebook okay that is announcer number one announcement number two is as always if you have questions for me please send them if you have questions for me please please please please please send them to me uh this is a screenshot an old screenshot from the ask alicia series if you want to send me a question that you think of like during your study session or after the live stream or whatever you can send it to me at ask hyphen alicia there's a link for this in the youtube description uh if you are on facebook you can find the link on youtube as well so if you have a question please please please make sure to send it to me i will definitely read your question and then maybe answer it for this series this comes out every week the question and answer series okay so if you want to do that please send that to me and if you want to find me on social media this is my social media instagram and twitter accounts these are in the link or in the in the youtube description too okay so i think everything is rolling everything looks pretty good so i would say hi i think everyone is here in the chat now miguel hola and tui gun hello uh alain hello masoom hello uh please please give me advice as to you that is the whole purpose of the live stream we are doing uh weekly weekly live lessons here facebook is also here excellent hello so cheat and ismail and badir and cesar mitra as well awesome okay everything is good so let's get to today's lesson topic also if you haven't please make sure to hit the like button and share this video i'm going to do it now okay perfect shared okay so let's go to today's lesson boards now um this is our lesson flow for today so we are going to talk about expressing wishes and desires in kind of two main groups one how to talk about objects the things we want right items and second how to talk about actions we want other people to do lastly just very quickly some other expressions like some super super quick but good questions to know uh and just a kind of happy expression to end today okay so let's get started so i want to start today by talking about uh objects so how do you express when i say objects here i mean how do you express you want a thing right how do you express that so in today's lesson we are going to practice articles articles are uh an and the and in part two we'll practice uh preposition uh a little bit also okay so let's start uh with these uh these two patterns so first the first most basic pattern for today is i want a or i want an plus a singular noun so a singular noun means one of something right like a marker so one marker so not two markers but one you want one of something you can use this pattern the uh or and choice depends on the sound of the singular noun if it's a vowel sound use an if it's not use a for example i want a dog i want a dog or i want an orange juice i want an orange juice so we can use this pattern i want for the holidays for gifts of course also just at a restaurant as well or in daily life what do you want i want this super basic pattern native speakers use this it's very very basic too it's simple efficient i want a assembly so you can send your uh example sentences in the chat i will try to answer it live okay so here is our basic pattern for a singular noun then sometimes you will hear this pattern i want the noun phrase i want the noun phrase so this article the remember we use the for a specific noun right we use it for something we know about in the conversation or something we know about in the world for example this sentence i want the new iphone i want the new iphone okay so this one means i want like this year's new iphone so the iphone is a very very popular product right most people know the iphone you might think okay so what's the difference between i want a new iphone and i want the new iphone they're both correct but the difference is that the new iphone means this year's model the latest model i want a new iphone doesn't mean this year's model it means just a newer phone than i have now okay so they're both correct i want the new iphone means this year's okay all right some examples are coming in ahmed says i want peace of mind good lucas says i want bitcoin to reach hundred one hundred dollars a hundred thousand dollars okay uh others faithline says i want to travel next week good okay fatma says i want an apple oh i want uh or and i want an apple yeah okay some people lots of people are writing they want apples okay um naeli says i want a million of dollars i want a million dollars a million dollars okay all right let's continue so the other one here i want the new tesla model i want the new tesla model so tesla is a car a type of car you can express like the new model of something like the new iphone model or the new tesla model for example yeah you can express that with this the pattern i want the new model okay all right uh let's go to the next one so for a plural noun so more than one of something or a group of things how do we express this i want some plural noun phrase i want some plural noun phrase so you can use this for like uh like a mass nouns as well so like money for example like i want some money of course as someone wrote too okay so you can use this for plural nouns and for those masked nouns too for example i want some new clothes i want some new clothes or i want some makeup i want some makeup so you can use this pattern i want some you may hear people drop this too like i want new clothes or i want makeup also but you will also hear this some pattern used i want some something okay i want a and oh make sure when i say this this slash means please choose one please choose one so either a or an but not both yeah so i want a new house or i want and something so this doesn't mean both yeah so choose one depending on your noun sound okay uh next uh okay all right some people are writing about food and stuff good okay let's continue to the next pattern then and then i'll try to check more of your questions or more of your examples the next one i is a different pattern so not i want but i wish i wish this pattern is i wish i had noun phrase i wish i had noun phrase this is a pattern we use when of course we want something there is something we want but it's not so likely like there's a low chance we can get it or it's really difficult to get right now these i want i want i want it sounds like maybe i could buy that thing tomorrow or maybe i could get that thing in the near future this pattern is like it's hard to get right now or it's difficult for me right now so you'll notice the grammar is different too i wish i had noun phrase for example i wish i had more time i wish i had more time or i wish i had a bigger house or i raced it sorry i wish i had a bigger house house so it's maybe difficult to get a bigger house like tomorrow or to get a bigger house next month or next week right it's difficult to find more time right right away so we use this pattern for things that are difficult to get so it's not as simple it's just let's go to the store let's get more time let's buy time at the store it's hard to we can't do that right we use this pattern to express these kinds of concepts these feelings so that's a good guideline for this part if you want something it's easy to get you can use one of these patterns i want if you're talking about something you want to change maybe about your life or your living situation you can use this pattern okay yeah some good examples are coming in carla says i wish i had the ability to fly very nice nice use of this grammar great uh jenny says i wish i had ah i wish i had a new job i would maybe say i wish i had a different drop i wish i had a different job malki says i wish i had a smaller face so okay okay i wish i had a visa to go visit okay good good good all right i wish i had a billion dollars priya i wish i had a billion dollars or i wish i were a billionaire okay karina says i wish i had more time to study good vera says i don't want anything i'm perfectly happy because i have everything i need to live well congratulations all right all right uh good let's go to a break it's time for a break oh my gosh that's right we finished it so this is part one about objects objects so how do we express that we want things that we need things okay so let's take a super quick break and then we'll go to part two talking about actions how do we express the actions we want from other people okay so let's go to this banner at the bottom of the screen if you want to check your level with the level check test our team created you can find this from the link below the video if you're watching on youtube or above the video if you're watching on facebook you will find at the bottom you will find this page if you go down on the page you need an account at to do this you need just your name and an email address and you can take this level check test you will get a result and you can check the courses that the level check test will recommend for you so if you want to take a look at this please check this out it's free just for your information so have a look and see if maybe you can find something that looks good to you to study okay so check this out uh on youtube check the description box on facebook check the link above the video yeah okay so let's go to part two now part two is about actions how do we ask for the things we want other people to do for us okay so let's go to part two and if you haven't please please please make sure to like this video and share it so that other people can find today's lesson yeah okay good lots of people are sending really creative example sentences this week that's really cool um i wish i had more time to go to the moon is that the only problem you don't have time that's the only thing keeping you from the moon that'd be really super cool edwin says i wish i had a lamborghini yeah that'd be super cool i would love to drive a lamborghini someday okay great let's go to part two everybody's very creative today all right uh so let's go to part two about actions so how do we request an action from somebody so let's look i want to focus on two uh well we'll look at three patterns but these two let's start the i want and i wish patterns first let's look at this so i want person to infinitive verb this is our basic pattern excuse me to express this feeling of i want that person to do something maybe for me or with me how do we do this so this pattern here is i want person so this person word you choose use the object pronoun so that means like you or her or him or them yeah so not uh she right or he so please be careful we're going to practice two different uh pronouns in today's lesson so let's practice this first pattern here okay so i want you to help me i want you to help me so i want you so the other person in this case this person to help me so help is my infinitive verb i want you to help me i want you to help me okay so this is like a request it's a different way to make a request it's not a question it's a statement i want you to help me okay second example i want her to lead the project i want her to lead so lead means be the leader right to lead the project so infinitive verb here is lead i want her to lead the project okay so again this part right here this pronoun this person not she she is incorrect he is also incorrect here i want her i want him to lead the project okay all right okay so you can send your example sentences i'll try to check them live so this is the first pattern we can use i want object pronoun here okay then let's compare this to this wish pattern this wish pattern so again we practiced in part one right the difference between this i want and i wish thing right the feeling when we say i want you to help me it's like it's it's possible like you can help me right now so i'm asking you please help me right but this one i wish person would infinitive verb this is like this is difficult i can't control this so i can't force maybe the other person to do this action so it's difficult to do this but i want it this is what i want so we express that with this pattern i wish person would infinitive verb so here we use we don't use this object pronoun i said in this pattern we use her and him and them in this pattern we use he and she and they so this is a different grammar structure i wish she would talk to us i wish she would talk to us so you'll notice we have this wood here maybe you've studied wood how we use it for unreal situations things that are not true they have not happened or maybe we don't know if they're going to happen here we use this the speaker is saying i want this so i wish she would talk to us which means she's not talking to us now this is a problem for me i wish she would but it's difficult i cannot force this person i cannot make this person talk to us so we use this grammar structure to express that okay uh much sin ayanna it is i wish her wrong that's correct yeah her is incorrect so this uh person this person word and this person word the pronouns we use are different in these patterns so i wish her is incorrect or i wish him is incorrect i wish she i wish he would talk to us it's a different grammar structure so i wish she would talk to us or i wish he would apologize i wish he would apologize but yeah we can't we can't make a change easily to the situation so we tend to use this wish pattern isaac says what's the difference between hope and wish [Music] a a wish as i'm talking about here is something that it's hard to it's hard to achieve as we've talked about in part one it's like i i want this thing but it's hard to achieve and maybe uh there's a low chance of the of this happening in this case hope is kind of more positive it's a more positive idea about the future like i and we use a different grammar structure like i hope she talks to us sounds like there's a chance she's going to talk to us i hope she talks to us or i hope he apologizes that sounds more positive like we think there's a chance it's possible that's a quick answer oh i can't see uh uh i can't see what i'm doing i'm sorry okay all right so let's go to the next uh the next pattern here so the next one that i want to go to is a question pattern a request pattern okay so let's go to can and could so i get a lot of questions about this can and could difference people say like what's the difference should i use can should i use could is are they incorrect and the answer is you can use both can and could to make requests both of them are fine to use could sounds a little bit more formal really but we use both of them in everyday speech very very often so it's up to you the feeling okay so you can use this question pattern to make a direct request right these are statements yeah but if you want to make a direct request you can use this can or could pattern okay so for example can you close the door please can you close the door please so this is a direct request as a question so you could say this close the door please so it's a command right close the door please but this becomes more polite can you close the door please or i want you to close the door also you could say that i want you to close the door the sentence i wish you would close the door it sounds like it's impossible and you might hear someone use that to sound really really frustrated like i wish you would stop doing that we use this sometimes to sound very frustrated like it's hard for you to do that thing but i'm getting off track so can you close the door is a good just direct request to use okay another one could you help me move the sofa could you help me move the sofa so again we have this nice polite could you could you yeah and in speech keep in mind these can you and could you sounds become reduced so not can you close the door please but can you close the door please can you close the door please so can you it reduces quite a lot can you close the door please and this sound could you this becomes could ya could ya or could you help me move the sofa could you help me move the sofa helga says could you pass me a cake wow what situation is that a cake where you need a cake pass to you i love it okay um good i wish he would pay me says oscar good i wish he would pay me nice example okay can you help with the minute please sunny maybe can you help for a minute so that means can you help me for a short period of time maybe that's what the sentence is okay uh can wish and you go together uh like this one like i wish you would blah blah yes absolutely like in my example i mentioned quickly earlier i wish you would stop doing that i wish you would stop smoking for example that's a really good example of how we might use wish okay all right last one then a super quick one can you take a look at my computer can you take a look at my computer this expression take a look at this thing we often use it to mean look at this thing that is broken and please fix it for me so instead of can you fix my computer it means can you please it's a like a polite soft way to say i think this is broken will you please look and fix it maybe so we often use this take a look at my machine like take a look at my phone or take a look at my computer my ipad i don't know some kind of machine or device okay or we i also hear that uh request for text like can you please take a look at this paragraph or can you please take a look at my essay we can use take a look at to mean please check and fix this thing okay uh what is the difference between can you close the door please and can you please close the door please the second one has too many pleases so we only need one please can you close the door please one please is good if you say like can you please close the door please you don't need two pleases in your request it sounds strange like please can you please close the door please like if you want to sound silly if you want to make a joke you can put lots of please in your sentence one please please use one please per sentence okay all right let's finish part two and we'll go on to part three how am i doing oh my gosh time goes so quickly okay really really quickly if you missed it earlier there is a level check on the english class website this banner says test your level now so if you click the link below the video if you're watching on youtube or above the video if you're watching on facebook you will find a page that looks like this if you scroll down i'll show you the top you will find this page so you can make a free account if you have trouble you can find the one two three four steps right here and then you can take the level check test and see how you do see which uh courses and classes might be a good match okay so let's go to part three time is going very quickly so let's go to part three if you haven't please please please make sure to hit the like button and share this video that would be super cool all right let's finish up today with a couple questions and one very nice expression to use for gift giving okay so other expressions other expressions so today in part one and part two we practiced statements right expressing the things we want or the actions we want i want to finish by asking the question right so here is the question you can use to ask your friends or your family members these things so first one this is an object question what object do you want so the question is what do you want for holiday what do you want for holiday for example what do you want for christmas what do you want for christmas or what do you want for your birthday what do you want for your birthday so at native speed these questions sound like what do you want for christmas what do you want for your birthday what do you want so this part what do you want is very very reduced what do you want becomes what do you want what do you want for christmas what do you want for your birthday this is an object question so you can go back to the patterns we practiced in part one like i want and dog or i want to the new iphone right for christmas your preposition is four here so not two not two what do you want for christmas we use this one okay all right then if you have an action if you want to ask a question about a desired action use this pattern what do you want to do this right here is the key difference with this what do you want to do for holiday what do you want to do for new year's what do you want to do for winter vacation or what do you want to do for christmas what do you want to do for your birthday so at native speed we have this what do you want again very short and then to do to do at native speed this question sounds like what do you want to do for new year's what do you want to do for christmas what do you want to do for your birthday this year what do you want to do so this is what do you want to do what do you want to do so use this to ask about a desired action so you can answer this with the actions we talked about earlier oh i want you to plan me a party i want you to host a big uh event whatever so what do you want to do is about a desired action do you want to have a party and so on good examples are coming in alberta says what do you want to do for this weekend good uh natalie says can i say what do you want to do in your birthday uh no we don't use the preposition in here we would say what do you want to do for your birthday for your birthday you might also hear what do you want to do on your birthday so on your birthday sounds like on that day exactly yeah for your birthday sounds like around that day what celebration do you want to do so you may hear for and on but we don't use in here uh isaac says can we change the verb to do for another one like what do you want to eat for christmas oh yeah yeah yeah you can change this verb to something more specific yeah so like what do you want to drink for new year's yeah or uh in your example what do you want to eat for christmas dinner okay um all right good so uh time is out so let's go to the very last point i wanted to include this just as a fun thing a nice thing uh for giving gifts when you give someone something uh or before rather i should say before you give someone a gift when you feel really excited like you think i got this person such a good gift i picked the perfect present when you're excited you can say i can't wait until you see what i got you so i can't wait means i'm so excited i don't want to wait i can't wait until the moment until the moment you see what i got you i can't wait until you see what i got you this means i'm really really excited to see your reaction to my gift but we don't say that sentence we say this i can't wait until you see what i got you i can't wait until you see what i got at native speed i can't wait until you see what i got you okay mary my model says can you say what could you do for winter season i probably i would say no i mean if your brainstorming you're thinking of suggestions you might say what could we do for our winter vacation this year or what should we do for winter vacation this year you might use a sentence like that if you are talking about suggestions for more about that check uh last week's live stream i talked about um could and should i think last week or maybe two weeks ago yeah so check that out for more of those patterns okay cool so this is uh the last point for today's lesson that was fun so i will show you today's lesson boards you can take a screenshot if you would like to so get ready and here it is all right so today we talked about how to express uh objects you want how to express actions you want and some questions and another nice expression to use for asking about other people's desires and wishes and also how to express suspense about a gift okay so i have to finish at today's lesson there but of course i'll be back next week so join me again next week next week's lesson information is where is the next okay there next week's lesson information is here next week it will be the uh the date will be december 15th that is wednesday 10 p.m eastern standard time that is new york city time if you don't know your local time please google it or you can set a notification on facebook or on youtube or if you follow me on instagram i always post a topic reminder and a link in my instagram stories so you can follow me there too so many chances for information okay next week we're going to talk about how to review your progress and check yourself so you've been studying studying studying how do you know did i make progress did i learn anything what do i do next this is what we're going to talk about next week okay so we'll finish there for today so thanks very much for joining me as always that was super great thanks for your awesome questions that's awesome uh i will say goodbye now but don't forget if you want to check your level check the link below or above the video uh to do that you will find that there uh thanks very much for liking and sharing the video make sure if you have questions after this live stream send them to me at ask alicia the link is in the description and you can also find my social media links there too okay so i will say goodbye for this week so enjoy the rest of your day uh enjoy the rest of your week and i will see you again next time bye
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 29,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn english, englishclass101, english, english language, american english, toeic, v_live
Id: 3MA7T4rqMNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 54sec (2034 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 08 2021
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