How to Talk About Daily Routines in English - Basic English Phrases

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oh hi everybody welcome back to our weekly live stream my name is Alisha and today we're talking about how to talk about your daily routine how to talk about your daily routine so today's lesson will be very vocabulary focused I'm going to talk about vocabulary words you can use to talk about the start of your day the middle part of your day and the end of your day so in today's lesson I want everybody participating in the chat and comment section on YouTube or Facebook maybe Instagram I can't see you live to think about these questions on the board I have a past tense question and a future tense question for each part of today's lesson so to practice the vocabulary on the board and to practice your own vocabulary please send a couple sentences in the chat and I will try to check those live house try there are often many comments so please make sure to send your examples and your questions in the chat throughout today's lesson alright we are loaded on YouTube hello everyone on YouTube welcome I see Danielle and Pablo and Agadir and months oh that's something else something else oh we have a troll okay Facebook - Monsour and Shekinah and TV Cesar hello everybody great great everybody's here so as I said today's topic is how to talk about your daily routine your daily routine ah as we wait for other people to join a couple of announcements first we have a special spring sale this was for the month of March so the idea here is 31 percent off for 31 days of March so if you want to get this sale it's for our premium and Premium Plus english-learning subscriptions you can get this from the link below the video on youtube or above the video on facebook so you can get our our learning plan at a discount there so please check that out also a separate announcement I shared this on Instagram I shared this on Twitter and Facebook and everything but this if you have not seen it yet this is our new series we launched the video last Friday this is a series about American culture an american culture series so we're talking of course a little bit about english but also about daily life in the u.s. so our first episode was about convenience stores in the u.s. so thank you so so much to everybody who watched the video and left comments and feedback we really really appreciate it and thanks to you we are going to make some more so please check the english class 101 youtube channel to see this so thank you so much for all your feedback with that that was really fun to make alright with that all the announcements out of the way hello to everybody who has joined fantastic please don't forget to like and share the video as you arrive send a comment as you arrive and so other people can find today's lesson i am going to share the lesson and then i am going to begin today's topics so as i said today we're going to focus on vocabulary and today i'm going to talk about three parts of the day starting the day during the day and kind of expressions for evening to night so as i said also please make sure to send an example sentence in the chat so for each for each part of today's lesson you can send some examples into the chat and i will try to check them so let's begin i'm going to cover some vocabulary for each part of the day if you have a different vocabulary word please send it in the chat too so i've just chosen some very common ones for each part of the day so let's begin over here expressions to use when starting the day when starting the day so to start the day this me getting ready for work getting ready for school so in the morning for most people maybe it's afternoon for you I don't know anyway uh maybe the first thing many people do is brush your teeth or brush my teeth brush my teeth here we use the plural teeth teeth not teeths not teeths but teeth teeth no s there so teeth is the plural form of tooth tooth is the singular teeth is the plural form so please use brush my teeth here second is make breakfast make breakfast I have make breakfast here and I have half breakfast and eat breakfast sometimes people ask like what's the difference here between make and half and eat half and eat four meals like make breakfast I'm sorry have breakfast eat breakfast these have the same meaning I'm going to have breakfast I'm going to eat breakfast these are the same you can use them whichever you like whatever you prefer to make breakfast to be very very specific making breakfast is like preparing breakfast so for example like cooking eggs or making pancakes or like cooking bacon so to make breakfast is like to prepare breakfast to have breakfast or to eat breakfast is actually to put the food in your body so that's the difference make breakfast means prepare something have or eat breakfast means like to physically put it into your body okay other points I don't see any questions yet yes someone sent omelet in the chat it's very exciting so the next one here is take a shower or take a bath take a shower or take a bath whichever you do in the morning or any other time of day you can use take for this so some people do use have as well have a shower or have a bath also okay take a shower or take a bath is the most Almond way to talk about this action one more point you might hear instead of take the expression hop being used hop in the shower or hop in the bath hop sorry it's hard chop49 the bath so to hop hop is a small jump that's what that means to hop it's a small jump so when we say I'm going to hop in the shower it does not mean I'm going to get in the shower and jump that's not what it means to hop means I'm going to quickly get in the shower clean my body and get out it sounds like a very quick motion like I'm going to quickly take a shower I'm gonna hop in the shower that's what this means hop in the shower usually we use it for a shower a bath isn't really such a quick thing to do so I'm gonna hop in the shower okay good finally or not finally the next one here is do my hair do my hair so the verb we use for hair styling is do to do my hair to do my hair if you want to be specific you could say for example curl my hair or straighten my hair or maybe you have another style that you use so curl is this I like this motion with your hair to curl your hair and to straighten your hair you could say flat iron your hair so a couple other words to do my hair means to style my hair but we usually say do in everyday speech I'm going to do my hair okay so we can use do my hair we can use curl my hair curl is spelled Cu RL curl curl good pronunciation point there to curl to curl my hair or as I said to straightens sorry too rated to straighten so you see in this word straighten the root here is straight straight so it's to straighten something means to make it become straight I'm going to straighten my hair so like I straightened my hair this morning in past tense straighten finally drink coffee to drink coffee this is very important for my mornings to drink coffee we also use to make coffee as I said to prepare coffee we have this verb as well for coffee to brew coffee to brew coffee this means specifically to make coffee to make a drink that requires heat we use brew for beer as well to brew beer so brew coffee we use heat to make it okay so these are the verbs I want to introduce for mornings I saw lots of example sentences can we scroll up in the YouTube chat there was one I missed there I can see Facebook it's live I can see Facebook a bit there was one I missed on YouTube keep going keep going keep going keep going yeah there okay there were some I missed on YouTube Ruth asked what is the difference between take a shower and take a bath to take a shower you're standing up and the water is hitting you on top of your head up to take a shower how can you stay there actually and then to take a bath is when you're sitting inside your bathtub just hanging out there so there's no shower water hitting you you're sitting in water that's take a bath take a bath then Alma Ruth said yeah I'm from Alma I'd like to practice sorry that was the one I wasn't the you know ah truly dark in the morning when I wake up I brush my teeth take a bath put clothes on I eat breakfast and go to work go to work so all your verbs need to be in present tense nice put clothes on that's another one we can add here to put clothes on to put clothes on or to put on my clothes both are okay you can change the position of your position to put clothes on or to put on clothes both are great nice ones okay Hussein says is have a shower British or American could it be used in either way I feel have a shower is a little more weird or they put that did I put that anywhere no I didn't talk about that uh so here have a shower if I want to use have a shower it's okay I think it's probably more common to say have a shower in British English I say take a shower I'm an American English speaker I always say take a shower take a shower okay I think that's everything thank you for that um all right I'm checking Facebook I always drink a coffee I can't wake up without coffee yeah great example someone wrote on Facebook I can't wake up without coffee I can't wake up without coffee good yes you can't say have a shower one can we use brew for tea to brew tea that's a good question I don't know I don't think that I would use brew for tea I think that we just use make we also have the verb to steep to steep steep ste EP we use to steep like to steep a teabag in water so that means to leave the teabag in water for a like a few minutes and the tea goes into your cup to steep your tea so that's making tea we use brew like when we pour hot water over something and it changes it a bit so I feel like if we use a verb for tea it's maybe steep tea to steep tea yeah a few people are asking that good okay excellent so those are our morning or our beginning of the day expressions to start the day and as I said yeah you can try to make these example sentences in the chat so send these now prepare these now while we take a break what did you do this morning what did you do this morning for example I got up I brushed my teeth I made breakfast I coffee I took a shower and I did my hair for example or what are you going to do tomorrow what are you going to do tomorrow morning specifically okay um alright I'm gonna take a quick break you can send your examples in the chat while I talk and then we'll go to part two so as I said today again I think it's our last yeah the last chance for this sale that's in the banner here the 31 percent off sale is for the month of March 31 days in March 31 percent off our premium and our Premium Plus subscriptions at English class 101 dot-com so if you would like to study English with us you can check the link below the video on youtube or above the video on Facebook and get the 31 percent off sale that we are doing now so please have a look at that if you are interested in studying more English with us on our website all right let's continue on so if you're just joining this week's live lesson today we're talking about your daily routine your daily routine I have just talked about starting the day I'm going to go to this middle part here during the day so please send your example sentences and please make sure to like and share the video so other learners can find it great okay I saw some good example sentences I missed I missed one there someone said what did you eat for breakfast this morning me I had Greek yogurt and toast add an apple and coffee and water that's my breakfast on many days anyway others said Toto said I got up I brushed my teeth I took a shower I prepared my breakfast and then I went to work and then I went to work ah be careful this one have or eat breakfast many students use take we do not use take breakfast in English take breakfast is not something we use we use have or eat breakfast otherwise great and when your subject is the same like iiiii instead of I took I had breakfast I took a shower I did my hair you can just use I one time I brushed my teeth made breakfast did my hair went to work just one time it's good all right let's move on time is going quick let's go on to part two for today part two for today is during the day during the day so let's focus on some vocabulary words we use at the office or at school first is go for lunch go for lunch or this verb grab lunch go for lunch or grab lunch grab lunch g are abie to grab what is to grab to grab means like to quickly get something so like if i if my friend is holding this marker and i wanted i just grab it like that i'm quickly getting it so when we say grab lunch it sounds like we're gonna quickly go get some lunch and come back so it has this feeling of doing something quickly doing something quickly so we could say go for lunch as in i'm going to go for lunch and I'm going to grab lunch you can use the same verbs we talked about over here have lunch and eat lunch again we do not use take we do not use take lunch okay actually for eating I should say for eating we do not say take lunch we do say take a lunch break I'm going to take lunch means I'm going to take my lunch break so I'll add that here to take lunch means to take a lunch break to take a lunch break so in this case only in this case only you may here to take lunch but this means I'm going to take a lunch break it does not mean like eat we don't use the verb take to me and eat this take means take lunch take my lunch break that's what this expression means to take lunch okay onward then for work or for school perhaps - we have the expression to have a meeting or to have meetings we use the verb have to have meetings I'm going to have a meeting later or I have a meeting later okay someone said can we say hop into my tracks and shoes for my morning walk we don't really use hop into clothing actually no we tend to use it for like the shower I don't think we use it for clothes really let's see other things it is this class for beginners yeah this is a very beginner friendly class yes this week is very beginner friendly can I say having a meetings not quite you can say I have a meeting I have a meeting someone wrote I am take lunch I am going to take lunch if you want to use this verb I'm going to take lunch okay on to the next one for students for students and people who are studying something go to class go to class I'm going to go to class so we use the verb go attend is too formal for everyday conversation so to attend class it's correct to attend class but we don't use this word in everyday conversation you might see this word on like your syllabus your syllabus is the course information sheet the course information paper you might see the word attend for example students must attend every class so to attend class means to go to class but we say go in everyday speech attend is a very formal word to attend class soon L on YouTube said can we use have a break yeah we can have a break I'm we usually use the expression take a break take a break so you might you might hear have I personally use take in that case so to take a break yes you can use that to take a break or take my lunch yes exactly Charlotte on Facebook said I'm going to have class I'm going oh I'm going to have a class okay so I would say I'm going to class or I have class one of those is okay the difference go to class or the expression I have class or I have a class so to go to class means now so like I'm chatting with my friend I'm going to class I'm going to class we use I have a class means like I have a class at two o'clock I have a class at four o'clock we use have a class for our schedule like I want to explain my schedule like oh I have to go I have a class now so we use have a class to talk about our schedule alright I hope that helps let me know if it didn't yeah okay onward to these last ones see friends I have this for students here to see friends to see your friends so to see friends or to see co-workers is okay co-workers or we also use the word colleagues colleagues colleagues is spelled CE o ll da GU es colleagues that gue at the end is pronounced colleagues no you sound colleagues co-workers and colleagues we use co-workers more commonly in American English colleague sounds a little bit more formal it's not incorrect you can choose which you prefer last you study study this is one for everyone to study to study just to remind you I'm studying tonight or I studied last night and finally here this one I think this is a great one that maybe many of you might not know to run errands to run errands what is this word errands II R R a n D s errands errands are the small tasks that you need to do in your day so errands examples go to the post office go to the bank go to the supermarket quickly maybe go to the I don't know veterinarian go to the doctor the dentist like these kind of quick small things you need to do are called errands errands okay I see that question thank you so to run errands means to do errands but we use run the verb run here to run errands someone asked I'm confused by saying going and go in the same sentence this is from using the going to pattern so for example I'm going to something something something yeah we use I'm going to before our plan for example I'm going to talk about evening words next or I'm going to talk about something else in next week's live stream I'm going to expresses a future plan after I'm going to we must use a verb I'm going to teach I'm going to talk I'm going to sleep I'm going to study in this case I'm going to go to class that's why we use go and going so this part shares our plan this part tells us the option go is the action I'm going to go that's why there are two goes there okay homeward then so run errands is a good a good vocabulary word to know I'm going to run errands this Friday with my spouse's Jennifer nice house SPO USPS Bo USP okay that's everything for our during the day part run errands run errands okay I will take one more break so during the break please send in the chat you are quicker your answers to these questions what did you do today with this so I went to lunch I had a class I studied I ran errands or future tense what are you going to do tomorrow what are you going to do tomorrow so send those in the chat while I talk about this so as I said earlier if you missed it we have a special 31 percent off sale at English class 101 calm so the 31 percent here is March our March sale 31 days of March 31 percent off on premium or Premium Plus subscriptions at English class 101 calm so if you would like to study English with us please check the link below the video on youtube or above the video on facebook if you're watching on Instagram please check YouTube or Facebook and check the link to get the special 31 percent off for our subscription plans for your studies so check that out if you are interested okay let's go on then to the last part of today's lesson the last part of today's lesson is vocabulary for evening and night evening and night if you're just joining today's lesson today's topic is how to talk about your daily routine your daily routine this lesson is recorded so you can check it later if you missed any part let's go to the last part of today's lesson the last part of today's lesson evening tonight some vocabulary you can use at the end of your day I will quickly check your example someone said today I went to work and took a break at 12:00 nice I'm going to study English tomorrow nice today I thought in English all day long nice okay I'm going to run my errands tonight since I am not busy anymore great Felipe on Facebook I'm going to go to class or I'm going to go to class go to class go to class don't forget your preposition there I'm going to take my guests on a city tour nice guests on a city tour on a city tour Giovanni Toto says what's the difference between evening and night great transition okay evening evening is the time between afternoon and late night so for me evening is like 6:00 p.m. to like 9:00 p.m. maybe you kind of feel it so night is like the late time night is like maybe 10 p.m. to like 3:00 a.m. and then it's morning so that's kind of the difference the the time difference there so let's talk about words to use at this time of day first is meet for dinner meet for dinner or meet for drinks meet for dinner meet for drinks we can also use this word which I talked about earlier grab drinks grab dinner or grab drinks this makes it sound more casual let's meet for dinner let's meet for drinks let's grab a drink so you can use meat you can use grab you can use get as well let's get dinner let's get drinks those are great as well okay for students and people who are studying do homework do homework we use do for homework I'm going to do my homework or I did my homework I need to do my homework I have to do my homework do homework is the verb we use blessings okay the next word is or the next vocabulary point is cook dinner cook dinner so cook as I said before we use cook to mean like actually like using heat you know you're using a frypan you're using something to create food to cook dinner after you cook dinner you have dinner or eat dinner okay please believe briefly review all tenses not time in this lesson so check that check the stuff on the YouTube channel the next one is to do laundry again to do laundry is to wash your clothes this vocabulary word is laundry laundry Lau and the art why to do laundry to do laundry so that's washing washing your clothes in the washing machine or by hand whatever also drying everything is included washing and drying clothes in do laundry someone said about grabbing a drink does to grab a drink mean to drink fast no to grab a drink means it's a casual invitation let's grab a drink so it doesn't mean like drink quickly it means like just like have a casual drink with someone let's grab a drink okay um next one next one next one is wash dishes wash dishes so after dinner you need to clean up we use wash dishes wash dishes or wash the dishes the dishes means the dishes you used for dinner wash dishes to wash dishes ah not to do washing dishes no do there is no do here so our verb is washed do laundry yes not do wash dishes wash dishes I'm going to wash dishes I need to wash the dishes finally watch a movie or watch TV if you are at home use watch a movie if you go to a movie theater see sounds more natural I'm gonna see a movie or I'm gonna go to the movie theater I'm gonna watch a movie so please use those verbs movie theater see home watch watch a movie at home see a movie at the theater David says I wash dishes every day me too very very boring okay how do you use past tense for do laundry to make do laundry past tense we use did I did laundry this morning the past tense of do is did I did laundry I did laundry yesterday I did laundry last weekend okay what about to do the dishes yes you can use do the dishes so wash dishes is okay or to do that dishes is also okay to do the dishes to do the dishes but not wash do we cannot use those together do does not come together with wash to do the dishes okay to wash dishes okay alright other points I plan to watch a movie says HHH HHH excellent okay very interesting username okay actually Wow that is everything and I am a little bit late now holy cow timing was all right I guess so I have to finish up today's lesson that was a lot of vocabulary words fairly quickly but I hope that that was helpful for you so I would recommend with these words for talking about your daily routine take these questions right here as like your homework as your practice if you want to practice from today's lesson ask yourself past tense and a future tense question so what did you do tonight or what did you do last night and what are you going to do tomorrow night or what are you going to do tonight so try to practice these verbs with present tense as we talked about here past tense and future tense as future tense we practiced a little bit here one type of future tense so I hope that that was helpful for you if you have questions please send them in the chat I will check the chat after the lesson and I will try to answer it somehow so if you missed today's lesson don't worry it's been recorded you can check it on the English class 101 youtube channel or Facebook page but I'll finish there next week we will be back of course same time same place same channel next week Wow April 3rd April 3rd April 3rd will be Wednesday Wednesday the topic I've chosen is confusing spelling or pronunciation mistakes so these are words that have kind of an interesting spelling but that maybe is they're kind of confusing a fur learner so like for example I talked about this colleagues colleagues this GES like this kind of thing the spelling is strange and so the pronunciation is difficult to understand so I'm going to focus on some of those and we'll practice spelling and pronunciation points a bit next week so please join us next week that is 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time that's New York City time Wednesday evening if you don't know your local time please Google it or set a notification a reminder on Facebook or YouTube so please do that thank you as always for liking and sharing the video we really really appreciate it and thank you for your example sentences and your questions enjoy the rest of your day enjoy the rest of your night and your weekend and we'll see you again next time bye bye you
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 370,418
Rating: 4.904335 out of 5
Keywords:, englishclass101, learn english, easy, fast, longplay, compilation, fun, simple, learn while you sleep, english exposure, english immersion, get better at english, live, livestream, tv, english tv, american english, british english, daily routines, daily routines in english, basic english phrases, english phrases, talk about daily routines, how to talk in english, talk in english
Id: ngqCXqzYKhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 40sec (2080 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2019
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