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what's up guys my name is witty and we are back on power world today to talk about some tips and tricks for better building design for both interior and exterior of all of your builds you don't want to end up having just a gigantic wooden square box or anything that's so simple uh and it's always better to make things look good and you can do it pretty easily in this game and there are a lot of things that people have already found that look nice and there are a lot of things that maybe not everyone has seen so we're going to try and talk about all of those things in one video and without further Ado let's just jump right into it so the first thing I want to talk about is actually not so much a design tip or anything like that rather just a way you can keep items safe if you play on a server of random people or maybe friends of yours that you don't want to take some things now obviously all of the chests in the game do have security settings where you can add a code to them that's not necessary for this however I would recommend doing it anyways just in case uh you never know let's just pretend that this is a house here this is a a build that we have it's more finished I didn't feel like actually finishing it for such a quick little tip but let's just pretend we have a full house here and all of your storage is located in this house somewhere but you want to hide a particular chest with all your valuables so hypothetically speaking if we were to grab onto this wood here and just walk our way through the steps and wind up in a room where you could perhaps build a wooden chest and keep all of your valuables and if you ever needed to Escape run up to a wall and simply crawl back out now for obvious reasons you don't want to let anyone see you climbing out of a staircase because then it's not such a secret place but it is a very good place if you just want to have some kind of secret room in your base you like that element or if you're trying to hide something because you don't want some sticky fingers to find their way to your things now let's move on to some actual design tips because this is just something I felt like I had to include so first things first in my opinion don't be afraid to put IV all over the place honestly it's a really cool thing that they added this to the game and just sprinkling ivy in different places on the exterior and even the interior walls just adds a little bit of depth and makes things feel more homey it makes things look better feel better and it honestly is just really neat looking I would say the same about these wall lights here the wall candles as long as you have enough electricity running through your base these things look great in almost any place and you can use them as a light source of course so at night time it's not Pitch Black running around your area moving forward a few steps here as you can see barrels which you can find in the storage tab here when you are building can actually be used as pillars now there are a lot of things in this game that can be used as pillars I do believe you can actually use the containers as well and you can even use the wooden boxes down here in the same way I think the barrels look the cleanest because of the metal rings around them it even almost provides some kind of extra structural support in some way it it feels really nice they look really good I don't think I executed them very well here I think that I should have had them on the edges but nevertheless I can change that at a later time the point is these look really good and they function nicely as pillars now right beside that as you can see everyone has already talked about this we can use the wooden benches as a railing for a porch as well as an overhang or anything else they are a very good railing however we are going to talk about one that I think is slightly better in just a second don't forget you should also be throwing plants around anywhere you can especially if you're using I to make things look cooler because the plants just blend in with that even better I used them here because I couldn't fit two wooden benches in either direction and the plants just fill the space really well and make it still look good as you can see I do maintain the same strategy when decorating the outside I have Ivy seemingly randomly scattered around the edges now on to the in my opinion best way to create railings and pillars in power these guys right here look the best they can get much closer together than the benches can and honestly I think it is the the cleanest thing that I have found to make pillars and railings in this game barut it's not even close you go to furniture and it will be on the third page it is the antique braided basket and these things function so well you can throw them almost perfectly side by side there's like a pixel in between them as you can see here you almost can't tell especially from a distance that there's even a gap there and it's it's honestly the same when you stack them on top of each other which is also incredibly easy to line up and Incredibly easy to do and they're lined up just like that now I do believe it is four high it is indeed from the roof to the roof on the second level the foundation to a roof is a little bit taller if I'm not mistaken so you might have a tiny Gap there however I do still think that this is the clean way to have railings and pillars in this game and I probably intend on mimicking it to the bottom and removing the barrels entirely but we'll see how it goes another huge recommendation I would have is to throw some barrels and dispensers and crates and trash bags the usual stuff you would see you know at a house some rugs throw those around where they make sense these flower gardens I would actually recommend to have more than just one of them I I think that if I was to put a second one here instead of these barrels that it would look just as good and I could even put maybe one or two more on this side and have the appearance of just a garden out front of my house using these other items here also has that same effect I would argue the uh wagon here should probably be closer to the Rocks but that's okay don't forget that there are a lot of storage options in the game as well not just the wooden chests I mean you can use these guys here the antique cabinets to store stuff you could even use these things on the wall here and there's there's a lot of different storage options that I feel not enough people take advantage of and honestly you can see even in this room so I have a little medicine area over here and my medicine cabinet since there's only three real different types of medicine my medicine cabinet has all three of those types just in here ready to go and when we make some or find some as loot we just throw them in there to stack them up in case we ever need them another thing that you'll commonly see around my base is that I will fill in empty holes in the ivy that I've thrown around with a clock or you know some candles even a c cabinet all kinds of fun stuff just thrown randomly and this kind of gives more of a homie SL medieval feel where all the space is just occupied another huge thing that I've noticed that I I haven't seen anyone else do is take advantage of the signs when you're playing multiplayer now I'm not on a server but I do host a game where often times a couple of my friends will join and they have their own progress here I haven't played this alone it is a multiplayer game at the end of the day and because of that I wanted to lab our chest so people know where things go so for example this chest will only have skill fruits in it this chest will only have schematics in it it's all self-explanatory and I think that is really good if you're playing multiplayer but it could be used in single player all the same if you have trouble remembering where things are or you just like organization all you have to do is wherever applicable place down a sign we will go ahead and have our Anubis finish this stuff out for us and then place down your chest and as you you can see once you Center it you can back into it a little bit and right about there we place our chest and now we have a sign inside of a chest now this side would be against the wall so you wouldn't see it poking out obviously and if you run all the way up to the chest from an angle you can change the text here we'll just put example I'd like to hit enter once after this to raise the text a little bit and now we have a chest with whatever we want to put in there another tip that's not so much important but but just personal preference take up all the empty space in your base as you can see upstairs in our main building here this is really just where our beds are but as you can see I have thrown a mirror up I've thrown ivy around I have a lamp uh a little side table for the beds and it's kind of mirrored over here without the mirror which is funny enough I guess ultimately what I'm trying to say is take advantage of all this empty space because if I just had nothing around here some people few of them may think that this looks okay but honestly I I'd rather just put something there even if it's just chest for storage or whatever the case may be use the resources that we have at our fingertips and just throw something in there I do feel obliged to mention this one on the off chance that somehow you haven't heard about it already you can use wooden benches to make staircases they can be curved staircases they can be regular staircases it's personal preference but both are possible all you have to do is place them in a row like this and you can walk up them now this can look better than a gigantic staircase like this but in my opinion it just looks messy unless you're really really careful about how you place them and winding staircases are great and all but like I said this is going to look extremely messy in my opinion if you like it it's here it's possible definitely do it with that being said I think that's about all I have time for today I definitely have a lot more tips at my disposal that I just for some reason can't think of right now but I'm sure they'll come to me maybe there will be a sequel to this video it's hard to say hopefully though you saw something that you haven't seen 20 other places I know a couple of these things have been talked about on Reddit and even in other videos but I felt obliged to include them just on the off chance that people have different viewerships you never know anyways I'm going to hop out of here y'all have a good one peace
Channel: Witty
Views: 4,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld beginner's guide, Palworld tips for beginners, Palworld advanced strategies, Palworld resource management, Palworld gameplay walkthrough, Palworld crafting tips, Palworld, palworld guide, palworld tips, palworld level up fast, palworld tips and tricks, palworld gameplay, palworld best pals, palworld level up, palworld level fast, how to level fast palworld, palworld how to level pals up fast, palworld level glitch, palworld ultimate guide, palworld starter base
Id: EtiRa2E7L1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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