The BEST MODS for BUILDING in PALWORLD! (You Need These For Your Builds!)

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what's up guys my name is witty and today we are going to be talking about five mods that are associated with building specifically that I think everyone should at least take a look at and even take advantage of a couple of these are going to be mods that have been essential for me over the course of the last few weeks and a couple of them I haven't actually tried out personally yet so we're going to kind of experience it together but I do think that from what I have seen in video examples and whatnot they are all worth checking out now before we do jump into this video completely this video is going to be sponsored by CMH power [Music] [Applause] [Music] world [Music] [Applause] all of the information you guys may need if you're interested in joining is going to be at the top of the description and I look forward to seeing you guys there without further Ado let's get back to the video all of the mods that we're going to be talking about in today's video are going to be located at this is the mod website of my choice you are able to use Cur Forge or maybe some other mod websites as well but I would always strongly recommend Nexus mods because honestly I've just had the easiest time with it now the first mod that we're going to be talking about is one that we have already spoken of in other videos and that is less restrictive building it does allow you to do a lot of different things most of them are noted in the mod description as you can see here you are able to build floating structures you're able to build on very steep terrain which you normally are not able to you're able to have overlapping bases overlapping structures it removes the max Building height cap the number of objects cap for a character there there's all kinds of things that come with this mod and honestly one of my favorites is obviously the bases being close together and that's something you can see here in the place where I normally record my videos my bases there are two side by side and just to give you a bit of an idea of how close that is you can't have them directly beside each other but as you can see we're able to go maybe 20 M away and build a second base and this has a lot of uses especially if you like building vertically if you like building up and down you're able to have a different base on each level of your build essentially which allows you to have a level for breeding a level for farming and a level for production for example and as far as decorations and things of that nature go under normal circumstances you're not able to actually stack these benches directly on top of each other to make them look good but with this mod you're able to Simply stack them directly on top now there are a little bit of issues as you can see with this stuff shimmering but if you are able to Simply place a plant on top of it it's something that you really don't notice and because of this I I think this makes railings look a lot better if you use the benches as railings and things of that nature there there are just so many little niche things that you can discover with less restrictive building that again I think it's a staple for anyone that enjoys building in this game the second mod we're going to talk about today is another that has become a staple for me personally and that is the plaster wall texture swap mod now there are two variants to this mod you're able to use the more destroyed version which is the one that I personally prefer for the extra texture and depth that it provides but there is also a much cleaner version with more of a solid white background and I don't know if any of you have ever played Minecraft extensively but one of my favorite styles to build in on that game was always medieval and this gives me that Vibe and that is is probably why I like it so much as you can see in some of the example pictures here it just makes these buildings look so much better in my opinion and the colors blend so much better than just the solid wood there are a lot of things that you can do to improve the looks of your builds with this mod and it's a very simple one and very light on resources so I would strongly recommend plaster wall texture swap as well very quickly we can kind of show what it looks like in game it is time so bear with me a little bit but if I just throw down a couple foundations and a couple walls here you should be able to get an idea we'll go ahead and throw a window and a door as well just to give you an idea of what those look like it's pretty self-explanatory but it is a very nice touch for builds the next mod we're going to talk about is one that you may have seen that comes off as kind of intimidating and it really isn't that bad and this mod is called rotate it which it sounds like it's just for rot rotating but believe me there are far more uses for this mod now obviously you can see we are able to rotate structures such as the sign in this preview image but you can also scale structures and this allows you to create bigger roofs bigger chests bigger flowers whatever you want to make bigger or smaller now we can rotate plantations you could even mess with the Torches and line them up like this to kind of create an arcway and if you increase the size of them and line them up like this all of a sudden you have a really cool lighting source for your Pathways and things of that nature so there are a lot of endless things you can do with this and since this mod is potentially confusing for a lot of people and the Creator I believe is Japanese if not Chinese don't hate me for that I'm not 100% sure the difference we will go ahead and show you a little bit of what you can do in game now when you've installed this mod the default hotkey to open the menu is going to be F4 and when you do this you're going to see a giant thing pop up on the left side of your screen and it's not very intuitive but we're going to kind of walk through the basics of this to teach you guys how to use it a little bit in case it's something you're interested in now as you can see when I hover over this Silo at the top left it does say Silo and once you have the object hovered that you want to actually modify you're going to hit the F5 key which is going to display a lock beside that object and that means that no matter where you look you're modifying The Silo and that just helps you to not accidentally modify something incorrect ly and then get completely stuck so let's go ahead and go over all of the features now as you can see just underneath all of these fun numbers it tells us that to add and minus add and subtract it is are up and down arrow keys now these up and down arrow keys are going to be how you actually change the numerical values of the things that you're modifying as you can see where the blue Highlight on the text is that is the current thing we are modifying and this first option is going to be moving objects to the North and South if we are to use our right arrow key this will be the East and the west and if we were to use it again this will be up and down going down to the next line using the right arrow key we are going to be looking at rotating structures now the very first one is going to rotate on this axis here you are going to be going I believe it is north and south but obviously it is rotating and not just moving when you go again it is going to be the opposite you are going to be going east and west for rotating and the last one is simply going to be rotating objects just stationary where they are so if I accidentally place this Silo down in the wrong orientation I would be able to rotate it to the proper one moving on down to scale this is going to affect obviously the sides of the object that we're modifying as you can see we are able to elongate the structure and if we were just to go to two and move on to the next one where we can adjust the width as well because otherwise this is going to be a very weird looking Silo we make that two and go to the height option and set that to two as well all of a sudden we have a very tall version of the same Silo and you can understand how this could be useful for something like The Silo where you want a realistic sized one but not only that Pals would struggle to get on top of a silo this large there are no Pals quite big enough to just jump up there like they are for the default sized one now the last feature that I'm going to go over specifically myself is the F6 F7 keys at the bottom as you can see there is an R key as well that will simply reset the structure to the size it originally was or to the location it originally was if you happen to make a mistake and you're not able to fix it just simply tap the r key and start over as far as chandelier mode goes I'm not 100% sure what this does as when I hit F6 it it does pop up with a chandelier icon at the top left beside Silo but I don't notice a difference I mean maybe you guys do and if if you do please feel free to let me know but one thing I do know is the F7 lift up mode is something that a lot of people have been begging for in updates and if you hit this key as you can see the transport icon pops up beside the silo that is how you know you have it selected and we can simply move the silo somewhere else and if I want this to be here I would hit F7 again and now the silo has been relocated to the other side of my base this is something that is incred L useful if you happen to have placed something down wrong and it's even better if you're reorganizing your base and you wanted something to be on a different side and I did test this in case anyone's wondering it works for that as well you can move your entire pow boox and the ring moves with it and honestly that is such an incredible feature to have added in a mod that I I look forward to be experimenting with this mod a lot more in the future for builds and coming up with some crazy stuff so hopefully this was able to help you you understand the mod a little bit better and let's move on to the next one the next mod we're going to be talking about is one that I love for decorating your base a little bit if you like nature now this mod is called tree mod and it is an asset swap just like the plaster wall mod as a matter of fact I believe it's made by the same guy so essentially what this is going to do is allow us to replace certain objects in the game with trees and thankfully the objects that we'll be replacing are in my opinion pretty useless anyways such as the traffic light the noal sign the stop sign the eader sign and the mamor rest sign now to show you what these look like in game we're going to start with this lovely guy right here which is of course our traffic light this is a very very large tree I don't know how much of a fan I am of these extra little stumps that just seem to lead up maybe I'm crazy but I don't love those however this is a great tree if you're interested in building like a treehouse for example uh the second option that we're going to look at is actually these guys here the little bamboo trees and this is going to be your no Pals Beyond sign the third one is this guy here and that is our stop sign this is like a giant oak tree essentially the next one is actually the trees that are native to the area I'm in it looks like and that is our ikad ear signs they are essentially like pine trees just really really tall ones and last but not least our beware of mamor rest sign which is this lovely little curved tree here you can use two of these potentially as like a an arcway into your base or something I don't know how this looks I haven't actually tested it yet but I didn't line those up perfectly just you know something like that as like an entrance way into your base would honestly look really really cool in my opinion I might have to experiment with using this myself and one of my builds is going to be coming up so we'll have to see how it goes but yeah that is essentially all there is to know about the tree mod I just think this is a really great way to decorate your base and the best part about it is these can be destroyed at any time just like a normal structure now I did have plans to talk about one other mod in this video but it seems that they were not actually able to update the mod with the newest patch install for the game so what is this guy anyways I was going to include another mod but unfortunately they haven't kept up to date with the patches so it is a little broken right now it's essentially meant to change the wooden features to a more modern look and it changes the metal features to Windows essentially and honestly they look really really good I would still recommend you check them out and keep up to date with them just in case they do update it is this mod here called the original Stone concrete glass architecture modern it's just a Spam username but generally speaking it it's used to make more modern style builds and it looks incredible when you actually are able to use it unfortunately as you can see it hasn't been updated in about a week and a half now so hopefully they're able to get get that updated as soon as possible and I would strongly recommend using it once they do that being said though we're going to go ahead and hop out of here I hope you guys got some inspiration from one of these and I look forward to seeing you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Witty
Views: 1,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld gameplay, palworld pokemon, palworld early access, palworld best base, palworld, palworld gameplay part 1, palworld building, palworld mods, palworld mod, palworld best mod, palworld best, palworld update, palworld exploit, palworld bug, palworld glitch, palworld tutorial, palworld building mods, palworld builds, palworld build, palworld best build, palworld best builds, palworld base mods, palworld trailer, palworld review
Id: lLwgJGaFgNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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