Crusader Kings 3 – Guide – Italy Guide

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[Music] hello everybody realm builder guy here a very tired round builder guy here um and welcome back to crusader kings 3 and another guide for ck3 this one focusing on italy um before we get going uh thank you again for all the likes comments subscriptions don't forget to do that now also go check out in the links you will find my twitter handle if you want to follow me there as well as the link to the discord service so please come on over there and join the growing realm building community so that's out of the way now we're going to talk about italy in today's guide video so you know i've made no bones about the fact that i significantly favor the 1066 start now you can alter your settings for the 867 start to kind of limit the border gore but it still exists i mean there's only so much you can do it's just a more stable game in 1066 but i do want to talk about a few key people here in 867 then we're going to hop on over to what i again think is just the more interesting time frame uh in ck3 and also for italy which is 1066. so to start off here in 867 we're not going to worry about italy but we're going to talk about just the general or the kingdom of italy what the situation is so you have a carling king king louie the second the younger of italy then you've got the pope here then you've got a few orthodox sardinians here on well sardinia and you've got the pope of course and then some southern states here and then the byzantines have a little bit of a foothold and of course north african islamic nations are in southern italy at this time so what what is a possible strategy you can do here in 867 well i mean you could do king louis the second the younger but i just find that in general really really really boring so i'm gonna dive into a few other nations here uh and what we could do there now if you want to do the king of italy that's fine gobble up the south boom strategy done uh but we're actually gonna go south to start off with and that is here in if i get there in benevento benevento we've got prince adelchis of benevento of the radel chi city house you got all the different epoolian houses all the different titles down here in benevento in the principality it's a dutchy tier realm but they were a prince now what's interesting about him he was given the principality to defend its ancient supposedly independence in southern italy against the lombardians from the north and the byzantines from the east and the saracens from the south so that's uh that's why he kind of inherited or was given this title um now ironically what happened was he actually steered away from the carlings and the papacy and allied with the byzantines and one of the peculiar moments of history was when he actually kidnapped and robbed louis the younger of italy the carling king and emperor of italy i mean he called himself emperor of the romans even though he was technically just a king um that was kind of one of the more interesting things and that kind of led to a lifelong feud between these two and in fact um upon his release prince adele just told the king well i'll let you go but you have to promise to never set foot in benevento again he said he would and then the pope said nah it's fine don't worry about it you know adelches he he allied with the byzantines and so i don't really care what he says you can go back down there he always tried to exact revenge for that kidnapping and robbery but it never really came off now prince adele just had a rather mysterious ending in 878 when he was assassinated and nobody really knows by whom or why it's it's conceivable that uh you know the karlings from the north kind of said ah you gotta go you gotta go now the next ones i want to talk about here are right over here in napoli we've got count gregorius of napoli from house spartanos now the house names made up i couldn't find any reference to the exact house name but count gregory was actually duke gregory because naples was a duchy and the reason why they're greek orthodox is because they were more aligned towards the byzantines of time and they they actually were a rather powerful force here in southern italy uh and they turned away more and more from the pope and more and more away from uh the emperor and the king and allied with the byzantines here especially when it came to fighting against the muslim invasion from north africa so what are the strategies you could do here with benevento or napoli well obviously you're going to have a hard time because you've got the powerful more or not weak at least um rulers here to the south and then of course the kingdom of italy to the north uh you kind of want to ally with these guys and then expand down south i mean salerno is kind of one of those you try to gobble up pretty quickly and you probably could i mean napoli has more uh troops but eventually has significantly more troops so salerno before he allies with someone more powerful this would be the most natural way to go and then attacking uh the safdanids and then eventually trying to push out the byzantines who if you time your war correctly will definitely help you there so i actually want to go down here to the south but we're going to go to the aglabids now the aglabids were actually let me turn the page here real quick the aglabids were the rulers of north africa and they eventually um took over and conquered uh southern italy uh over time but their peak came just before sultan muhammad ii ibn ahmad took control of the aglabids now they're not reflecting it here i did have a different aglabid ruler in a previous one that reflected it a little bit better but uh even ahmad actually is let's see here where's that it now here's the guy this guy will take over i've seen him take over a few times and he is in control here and he is actually ibrahim ibn ahmad he takes over for his brother right yes and historically and he is known as a homicidal maniac that is the one thing he is known for so this is actually one that could be really really really interesting in playing uh you're down here you eventually take over the ugly bids and then take over sicily so prince eben ibrahim ibn ahmad you can see it right here torture shrewd lunatic intelligent melancholic web weaver ambitious sadistic i've had most of these traits pop up multiple times especially lunatic lunatic and torture come up every single time uh he is set to take over for his liege um that's kind of the interesting story the current ruler of the aglabids is the great ruler of the uglabids after this guy right here ibrahim ahmad takes over the aglabits then start to fall apart and eventually the fatimids overthrow them and then the fatimid empire gets born so the interesting start here would actually be outside of italy and then taking over italy over time yes you could go with sally mids but they're in a very very weak position the more interesting play here would be to start as prince ibrahim even ahmad kill the guy ahead of you take over the aglabit empire and then conquer italy from there so that that would be the significantly more interesting play there now the final one in 867 i want to talk about we're going to move up here is actually a vassal here and that is in spoleto we're going to talk about spoletto just because it becomes rather powerful a couple of decades after the 867 start and who we have here is duke lambert of spaletto now i have a little bit of a problem with this um now here so you've got the house of guideshi which is the correct house but lambert actually isn't even born yet in 867 um he he gets born a little bit later but he does become king of italy and emperor of italy as well it's named that by the pope so he's that that's kind of an issue i have with 867. we we're losing a little bit of the the history here his father in fact here we have him here guy or guido of paletto was the actual ruler at this time lambert didn't come in until later but he's 17 years old this would be a fantastic one to play he's a very good character uh deceitful cynical skilled tactician unyielding defender i had that pop up a few times and kind of roll up italy from here and then overthrow your liege i think that would be the most interesting one especially given that you're only 17 years old you still have a lot of time ahead you and you do have some some claims here in the north but you have all of these titles here now there are a few other ones just in general mention tuscany uh could be an interesting one upper burgundy is very interesting though this is the older branch of the welts now this is count conrad of savoy or upper burgundy um he did exist this is the older branch of the wealths not the new ones that i talk about in 1066 in the hre guide and that i'll mention in this guide as well this is the older branch and what's interesting about him are the high amount of claims up in france uh and in switzerland that he has and this is through his family ties so you can expand there just because you have a lot of pressed claims and this is the older wealth family in upper burgundy could be a very very interesting one you have a ton of siblings you're dealing with including the count of honju and you've got a couple of kids you're not married you're only 25 years old this is a very good one you could see is bavarian so that's that connection to the wealth of germany so this would be one that you could look at to start at a duke level as well within the kingdom of italy but that is really it for 867. there are a few other interesting storylines here as well in frioli or in the provence genoa and so on or even down here uh calorie or gallura but those are the ones that i highlight as the most interesting in the most problematic start date in ck3 but now we're going to head on over to 1066. so as you can see in 1066 the hre the holy roman empire and there's a guy that i made here on the channel about the hre and i omitted most of italy because i knew i was going to do this guide eventually but the hre is in control in italy now you do have some more minor uh muslim states here in the south of italy puglia is a rather big player napoli still exists the papacy has expanded you've got kapwa as well as salerno the principality of salerno also an interesting play but napoli still exists with the same family so if you want to play greek orthodox here in italy it's going to be very very difficult because apogee is extremely powerful the papacy is actually relatively aggressive at times and then you've got a rather powerful one here in central italy that we will highlight as well but i'm going to move to the north and let's click on this and we're going to go here first as an honorable mention the bosonids in the provence the bosonids are actually an older house at this time they really didn't have much power anymore but if you go back into the 10th century they actually had a few italian kings uh and the interesting play here would be to kind of gobble up maybe some of the lands around you push into france possibly create a kingdom here as well and maybe reclaim the glory of old so that's that's an honorable mention but we want to go next door here to the piedmont and to the house of savoy we have duke pierre of piedmont a bunch of titles his wife has a lot of titles in france so keep that in mind including aquitaine but pia piedmont and of house savoir or savoy this is an interesting one because they of course are extraordinarily famous now they dominated the region eventually becoming kings of inder in sorry of italy under the name of the house of savoy piedmont um they actually still exist today and they only were allowed to return to italy since 2002 after the 1946 exile um now they were the kings that unified italy in the 19th century so savoy piedmont a very historically significant house that is around this time so maybe the cool play here would be to take this house and see if you can replicate that become the king of italy and kind of you know get away from the hre now i've started them a few times and you quickly get actually the the emperor gives you a few of your neighbors here so you grow in size quickly and i've started the save about three or four times can't remember and every single time one or both of geneva and burn were given to me so maybe not expand there just yet have it come in into your domain and kind of grow naturally for there from there now pierre himself was not a major ruler the key thing here is of course you have a wife with a ton of unpressed and suppressed claims in france so that does make it interesting because press claims can be inherited unpressed claims cannot so maybe look at a few of those unpressed claims and press them and expand into france as well and keep an eye on provost i wouldn't worry about lombardy or tuscany just at this point i would worry about uh provence next to you and maybe expanding to the sea from there now we're going to move right next door to lombardy now i did mention this house in the 1060 uh sorry in the hre guide and this is alberto atso alberto the fourth atso of lombardy from the house obertengi and he actually is the founder founder of the house este which lasted until the 19th century in italy and southern germany and so on he actually he's 57 years old at the start here he's got a few few kids including the fifth who i talk about in the hre guide so i'm not going to talk about him now go check that guide out he actually lived till he was almost 100 years old which is a pretty long life now but it was already a pretty long life then um you can see all of his titles and claims are local here his wife has claims as well in france so that's something to keep an eye on there they are both press so they can be inherited by velv uh now velv i have played this a few times and i've also watched it a few times uh he can inherit some titles in bavaria where he is right now but more often than not he inherits titles here and in france and becomes a little border gory but he becomes super powerful quite often um but lombardy would be an interesting one especially given that you do have some holdings down here as well the natural play is to try to eat away at tuscany i'm going to talk about in a second and piedmont and maybe uh try to see if you can get verfeth to become king of bavaria that would be an interesting play as well so now let's head on over to tuscany and of course we have to talk about one of the most interesting people not just in medieval europe but i'd say in world history and that is duchess matilda of tuscany house canal so that's kind of an old house because that's that's where she built her castle and that's where that house name comes from her father was duke bonifazio of tuscany her mother who i also talked about in the hre guide is actually married to the duke of lower lorraine so you've got quite a few claims here in italy uh which is kind of nice as well as a ton of titles now matilda of tuscany what makes so interesting she is a woman in a extraordinarily male dominated time frame uh in the middle ages and she had some great military and especially diplomatic victories uh and came to dominate most of northern italy now her family and herself were deeply involved in papal politics and she supported pope gregory vii in the investiture controversy against technically her liege emperor henry iv who she was an adversary of her entire life and outlived henry and upon his death and then shortly after in the year 1111 the pope named her vice queen of italy what's also known she was very devout and founded over 100 churches supposedly supposedly uh you can see or diligent zealous that pops up every time i start one here uh charismatic negotiator also very good diplomatically as you can see here high diplomacy skills uh learning not so much but she was very very devout and you can see that with zealous trait uh that's obviously also about piety there as well she's already named imperial vicar which is very important but she only gets named imperial vicar actually in 1111 but they decided to start her as imperial vicar now because that's an important part of her story so what do you do with matilda well uh you've got a lot of these city-states right here the natural thing is bring your realm together and then you can either go south outside of the hre or try to take on lumberty or corinthian i'm not going to talk about corinthia canton because i talk about them in the hre guide so go check that one out so for me the most natural play that i did a couple of times and i've seen other people do as well is obviously these city-states they're they're just there for the picking you've got an extraordinarily powerful military build a couple alliances not you're not married you're 20 years old and no kids want to get married matrilineal marriage of course uh you want to make sure it's your house and you're in control so keep that in mind now next i do want to talk about one of her vassals and that is right here count jacopo of orvieto of house orsini now house orsini uh they are obscure here but they are not obscure historically historically they are extremely relevant because they had three popes now if you ever watched um i'm i can't remember if it's in the medici show but it's definitely in the show the porches orsini is a very powerful papal and papal vatican uh house and so this is a more minor minor house here but you start off you're not a pope or anything even the open terrain expert military let's see forgiving i had a few of these traits pop out as well but this is an interesting small one if you want to start really small you've got pretty high domain limit uh arezzo next to you would be a natural one to try to go into now they're more powerful than you you're 27 you're not married but you do have an heir you have a child this i it's just an interesting one historically so i figured i would highlight it now next we are moving south and this is an interesting one as well and we're going to look at duke robert the fox of opulia robert oakville or also known as robert giscart i did mention him once previously because he often times led military campaigns against the byzantines you could see the byzantines are already gone here historically they still had a foothold in bari and he pushed them out so here he's already pushed them out now he is norman you can see that as well and the normans in southern italy they got hired as mercenaries in wars against the byzantines well they couldn't quite shake their viking heritage and decided you know what we're just going to stay here and become a force and in 1044 they really did start putting down roots in southern italy the most interesting one was just by the name of drogo if you're a game of thrones fan of course drogo means something to you there as well but not quite the same thing but robert ki scout he was the head of the chief of roving rubber bands is what he was known i mean he was a mercenary really what it was but to kind of appease him a little bit in his younger years he was given land in calabria and then over time he expanded and he fought versus uh the pope and the lombards but when the investiture controversy hits that i mentioned before between the pope and emperor henry iv the pope actually recognized the norman rule in southern italy because he realized he needed allies against the emperor so he did that plus he also had he wanted a strong ally here to the south south of him against the byzantines because again you know it's the pope and you still had muslim forces in sicily now robert uh together with his brother count roger of messina would be a very interesting one to start as um rolled up in here and kind of kicked out the remaining muslim forces just shortly after the 1080s somewhere in there but robert scott very very interesting now what can you do strategically well i started this one now a few times just to see and play test and see how it plays initially and how it plays initially is really interesting because matilda of tuscany attacks apoolia almost every single time now you would think you could take on salerno napoli kapoa but in fact they ally with her if you're trying to take over the rest of sicily you're gonna get attacked from the north so what you want is ignore sicily for now get a strong alliance in the north so you are able to defend against matilda because she's going to press claims or fabricate claims and then press claims against you in this reach right here so look north before you look south maybe try to defeat these city-states here that gives you obviously some strength and then you can eventually turn down to sicily but if you look at sicily first times than not matilda is going to start rolling in your territory right here and you're going to get into trouble so keep that in mind for uh playing with robert oateville if you want to play with as a powerful duke now if you want to start as roger of messina uh the brother and vassal of robert this is a little bit different now the interesting thing here is you don't have to worry so much about the lands up here here i would look at trying to take over sicily as soon as possible you don't necessarily need your brother it definitely helps as you're trying to take them on bit by bit maybe try to go for the guy in the middle here first and then expand on the side so you can knock them out pretty quickly because they do have claims on sicily so if you're going to play as roger then sicily is something i would definitely look at doing if you're going to play as robert i wouldn't worry about sicily just yet i would worry more about your northern border so i hope that helped you a little bit with italy and some options that you have no i didn't highlight every single state because i don't need these videos going 40 50 minutes to an hour that just that just doesn't work so i hope you enjoyed it if you did please hit that like button subscribe if you're new and let me know in the comments if you've played anywhere in italy so far in ck3 and how that's gone for you so until next time i am realm builder guy and i will talk to you soon bye you
Channel: Realm Builder Guy
Views: 10,723
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Keywords: realm builder, realm builder guy, crusader kings 3, ck3, crusader kings 3 guide, ck3 guide, crusader kings 3 tutorial, ck3 tutorial, crusader kings 3 where to start, ck3 where to start, crusader kings 3 fun starts, ck3 fun starts, crusader kings 3 interesting starts, ck3 interesting starts, ck3 italy, crusader kings 3 italy, crusader kings 3 italy start, ck3 matilda, crusader kings 3 matilda, ck3 pope, crusader kings 3 pope, grand strategy games, paradox games
Id: NR3Pw13JkdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 10sec (1630 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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