Create a Modern House : Blender Tutorial : 1 of 3

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hey guys Steve here with another CG geek blended tutorial that's right another one in the last two weeks just to further prove the point that I'm actually back from the dead and making more content so in this tutorial we will be creating a modern house this is going to be the first of its kind for the the channel I haven't really done much of this yet and it's a really fun project if you're interested in getting into architecture a little bit or just looking for fun project it's a lot of fun to create architecture and modern houses so a very popular render among CG artists so I'm going to be showing how to do that today now I'd say this tutorial is geared towards intermediate to beginner maybe after a month or so of planning on the blender you should be able to handle this tutorial without any difficulties and I'm only going to be covering the modern house design shown here not the the environment so not the trees and grass if you want to create the trees and grass I have a tutorial here for the realistic trees that you can create your own or if you'd like to purchase the nature asset pack the realistic tree nature ethic package I have here for just 10 bucks you can get all four trees and they're ready to use with rigs and everything sitting goes for the grass and stuff I have a tutorial for that and also nature asset pack for that too just ten bucks if you're interested but no more talking let's get on with the the tutorial so hopping into my scene here now first I'm going to set up a few things for this scene it's going to be cycle so we'll change it to cycle and I'm going to be using an HDR map for lighting so I'm just going to get that out of the way is set up right now so go use nodes change it to environment texture and go open so I'm going to be using a an HDR from HDR Haven I'll give a link in the description just can use the 4k version for now but yeah it's one of the free ones on HDR Haven Drive field there'll be a link so you can find okay so now if I go to rendered view we should see that HDR in the background as we do so perfect this is kind of so we can set up the materials as we go and see how the lighting is working the last thing is going to be setting up the color management go ahead and change that from default here over to the filmic so we get more of a filmic look and we're kind of setting up our properties and materials appropriately for the the color so that looks a bit better awesome I'll go ahead and delete well you know what let's use this default cube why not first off let's bring in our floor plan so we have a floor plan design here available in the description again where everything is if you ever can't find anything it's likely in the description so I'm going to enable background images drop that down click add image we're going to open it and as you can see here it is just a basic floor plan for a pretty simple modern mobile home I guess you can call it because it's a pretty small house that is transported around and placed where you want it so go ahead and open that design I'll have a link to it and let me see here let's rotate this so in top view it is facing us you can rotate with the rotation option right here so just give that 90 degrees and that looks like it looks pretty good so we can just leave that as it is now I'm going to start with the porch so the porch is where we're starting and let's kind of scale this up to to be about appropriate for what we're going for as well scale is right here let's just make that 25 that looks a little better now I'm going to have to click open up my my finished scene on the other side here just so I can kind of reference it I'm going to scale this cube down just basic scale grab it over where we have our our planks here I can close the properties tab now go to front view and whoops that's another thing I want to change is in your properties tab make it background images only from the top view right there so now when you're in top view with number seven you don't see it when you're in front view you're good to go okay um another thing is I didn't start my display there you go now you have the there were few people are asking how I do that that's just the screencast keys add-on you have to enable the script alright so in top view I'm going to kind of place this cube well dead center I'll scale it along the x-axis just lining up this plank appropriately with the the for plan design here go to front view let's scale it along with Zed down to about a a deck board then that looks pretty good now before it starts duplicating this all over the place it saves a lot of time to just add the material to it and unwrap it at this point let me scale it down just a little bit more I think I want about six boards before here or so one B let me see here actually now I don't even have I think this is about the right size Gill along the X I'm not sure if this this porch is exact same design as I did in my final vendor so I'm just going to kind of wing the porch a little bit but we'll use this for the other floor plans system before it starts setting this up and the material to it just to make it easier to duplicate so go ahead and tab you and we'll just unwrap it we'll split our screen here split it again and then the bottom one will open up the uv/image editor we're going to open an image and this will be our first texture used the textures user from CG textures with links in the description okay I'm just going to open up this board here and I'm going to select just the center ones here so we can see what what these are and then I'm going to switch this to node editor up here go and we'll go materials over here use nodes because this was the cube before we have to click that and then we have a material right here so let's edit a texture so shift a texture image texture connect that up there and now if I switch to textured view here we can see our texture on there always we should be able to I'm not yet oh it says I didn't put the texture in there there we go so now if I scale this up you can see it's repeating nicely so scaling it just to one the x-axis until it looks appropriate and we hit period just Center that board you don't want to look repeated too many times that's a little strong some somewhere around there looks like a good board in my opinion and then we might also want to do the edge boards it's not as important but if you go to face flex mode here and I just like that edge face you can see that just needs to be scaled along with why a bit thinner hold up I think this needs to be rotated 90 degrees scale the well my wife this is the way it looks that's because it's the wrong way so yeah scale way down along the Y like so and then scale along the X so basically you're flipping it today you go and we have a nice board edge there we won't need to bother with any of the other edges I know it's messy but hey you can get away with it so save time so with that done we don't really have to worry about the materials anymore until later it's just the UV mapping and getting the texture honor that we want so let's go ahead and add a modifier or rate modifier we want these boards go in that direction of course then we go to zero and crank this up a little bit here along the y-axis now we just want very small gap I mean you don't have huge gaps on a porch but about 0.12 is good and we'll put we'll put seven boards on so maybe six it looks good I think so we'll leave that there and that that will do it for the sat section there now way I want it over here as well so I'll let me see here I'll shift D it pull it over here now there's kind of a step that comes along this area here so I'll raise this up about the height of a board or so maybe two boards right around there and now this has to be scaled way down so I'm going to scale it way down along the x axis there lining it up there and then of course we have to scale the textures as well so scare the move along the x2 until they look now pretty good similar to that so anyways and that'll do it so now this one obviously can be cranked up a whole lot to make it all the way down there so you can see how quickly the rain Potter's fire saves time it's such a lifesaver I love it so there we go with that now I'm a few of these boards are going to have to be longer and stuff so we're going to have to start applying some array modifier it's no big deal that's just why you want to have the textures already applied I think the spacing let's make it a little tighter maybe 1.5 1.15 perfect so now we're just going to go ahead and crank up a few more of these that looks about right and click apply so now I can take the few boards that I want in this area here let me grab those and faces hello you can't there we go grab those end faces top do that one too no we're on side right there hmm oh I might want to change that right there click that option then you can grab those faces easier okay sometimes we will drag these out to the right length and then as you might have guessed we need to scale both textures along do X again to make them look good ready so a textured view now you can see it doesn't look too shabby we have our porch coming together and nicely so just a few more options like that we got a shifty this we rotate it 90 degrees along and see why x or x axis change this down to just two and this will be that step area in there so as you can see this was pretty fun it's kind of just working with some working with boards basically if you're a carpenter like I do a lot of carpentry myself working with boards in a three space so it's pretty fun another thing I like to do it just makes it more fun and will easier to see what you're doing is if you go to n I can collapse these things down now and go to display well first you need to uncheck texture there so you're a solid view and then you can choose madcap and that just gives you kind of cool shading and if you also turn on ambient occlusion it just makes it look way better in the the viewport for kind of editing your keyboards and stuff so I like to do that oh it doesn't look like I ever made these a little closer there so let's pull is in a little tighter and then I might have to add well no I can just pull these out done so these two though we don't want these to be too far apart and pull them out so basically if you do a bad job with this it doesn't necessarily even look that bad it's like hey a crummy carpenter work done it doesn't mean it doesn't look realistic so that's the fun part that's fun part about this all right so we got a few more to do here so mission the shifty rotate it 90 degrees along these said as you can see the ambulate collision is really cool when you're modeling there it just makes it so much more fun I'm going to switch the textured view here to because these will need to be tweaked and I'm going to scale on the y scale on the Y way down pull it over there to fill this gap here okay let's just pull it out I don't know exactly how big it needs to be really as you do is from the top view maybe hit Z to look at it in wireframe I'll just scale it down along the Y until we fit that right in there like so not bad now the texture like I said will need to be fixed on this one so if I go texture it again you can see it's way too big scale down along the X until we have the kind of a decent board like look okay that one's okay we want to really be seeing that one so we don't have to waste too much time on that that's the thing it's also about picking choosing your battles you could say if something's going to be pain and you're not going to see it don't bother with it it doesn't matter you can't see it nobody knows a sec all right scale it along the X a bit more place it right in there like so a little bit more perfect well not perfect now it's perfect and let's fix that texture let's get long x something like that very cool very very cool and we'll just use these here shifty rotate 90 degrees - and then up all is over here and this can be this whole edge I think don't don't quote me honest well not quite we're almost there though almost to the point where we're done at the porch and that's that's going to be good because we're making progress all right all right about there doesn't have to be perfect you can always tweak these things later as well just trying to keep the tutorial move it all right that looks good now we have that other section right here so I always have to do is shifty this pull it out right around there top view to check good and then pull it down okay so that's basically the porch design and it kind of comes up and fits along the terrain there and you'll see I'm pretty much the design right there though I'm actually I think I only have one board on mine so I could just go count of one and all these simple boom and grab all three of them and then pull that up like so awesome so there we go with our change the distance on this a little bit these will be a little tighter together there we go with our porch we can move on to the hard surface modeling of the house now this might be a two-parter just so you guys are prepared because there is there's a lot to go into creating a modern house about that looks good okay so top view let's start putting some walls up now on the way these walls are made is basically they're all translated wood shakes going back and forth so it's pretty cool but it's also a little bit tricky it has to all be done similar to the porch here with the with the array modifier what am I looking at here you know what think no oh this is the front of the house here that's why I messed up all right I need to rotate this this way sorry about that guys no biggie though no harm done rotate - 90 pop it over there like so now things now things make a little bit more sense already there you can see it now I need a scale it's all down a little bit along the x-axis everything fits together nicely now I was looking on the backwards I mean you could build a house in that angle I guess but it wouldn't really work with this way I have the porch laid out all right so for the walls like I'm saying it's going to be shaped this lined up here not not quite looks like we need this board to be removed if you are gone and we'll just duplicate this bad boy shifty this hit L if you're wondering to select the whole object in the shifty and pop it into that opening there there we go now we can add the the rest of the walls so as I was saying before I got distracted I was doing shakes across here so it's kind of shakes with like a black wall behind it so we can do this similar to the way we did the porch with first adding the cube the cube of Rubik we'll skip that Cuba way down scale it along the X a bit more on the X till we basically fill that black hole just the outside gives us basically the trim right around there looks good hit end to turn off the property a bit because we don't need it anymore and then before we go any further let's unwrap it so let me grab all those vertices right there you unwrap okay and then we're going to do this again where we open up an image the image used for this one let me think I think it's these planks right here I'll do some tweaking to make them look a little bit more red that is them so let's grab everything actually just go you unwrap I'm wondering why it's looking like that okay so all we have to do is select it all and basically just go you reset and we'll have our faces here to scale appropriately I'm just going to grab those switch well before I switch the textured view let's add that material and there just like before shift a and in the texture image texture we can select that wooden plank there whoops wooden planks thank you and collect it to the color all right so now when I go to textured view here all right here all material via works too but I want textured we can scale this so I still along the Y or weekend oh yes it's working beautifully well for some of the faces anyways some of them are going to be wrong and you have to scale them down along the Y hold up scaling well just rotate in first 90 degrees scale Maleny X all the way down to being back about there and then scale on the Y okay because some of the faces are just rotated the wrong way so check that on all four sides that one looks good that one looks bad so rotate that 190 degrees scale on the x axis so s and X just this case you guys going to keep it up and then scale along dy all right so let's grab all those faces now okay and let's just scale this to the same length so scale along the Y to 0 and the same here scale on the Y to 0 now I can grab all of them scale them down I'll do a little bit off on the x axis at 2 so let me just grab that half just hit and be scaling X to 0 and you can see well you can't see scale on the X to 0 there we go it's scale from all in order and it just cleans up the u-visa bit so scale along the X to 0 all right so now I'm going to scale them all together down and just place them over one of these boards okay somewhere like that looks about right so we have this single maple board that is going across and it's being repeated but it looks pretty good except for the fact that it's inked the normals are wrong on that because I'm seeing through it or my viewers we let me just see if I go to front view okay yeah I was always back with that okay so now you guessed it a remount of fire time so hit array and change that to the z-axis which is the bottom one I'm going to go about one point zero one one point one and then crank the count up one point one might not be quite enough maybe one point two just to give that nice gap there and this might be it might be tweaked a bit but I think it looks pretty good yeah not too bad just skill just a little bit more fit it in there and then go top view scale along the Y or X I should say a little bit right about there I'm very cool so now um now I'm just going to kind of estimate how high I want this to be it can be tweaked later on and how much gap I want as well that can be tweaked later on too but let's just go with a one point two four alright so that looks decent I think perfect now we can shift D this rotated minus 90 and move it over to this wall as well right about there sitting on those planks and then here I'm going to scale down again and just a short cut might be to cut it control our cut the text the object right there and then just delete all those now these aren't capped off on the end but doesn't really matter because you can't see them you can just face them off with F awesome awesome awesome awesome all right so basically we only need these boards on the few angles that we can see no point in wasting time any geometry and stuff to areas caning see now I'm going to need to scale this down a little bit along the Y here scale along the while a bit more just kind of fitting it to that line there that should be good actually I can shift the rotated 90 degrees place it in there right we'll just kind of place it like that because I'm going to use the same method to did before where I cut it so we're going to control our few cuts so I can then choose these to delete so just ctrl R and then the scroll wheel if you guys are wondering how to how to manipulate that alright now I can use these again so just hit L shifty rotate 90 degrees and we'll just kind of well actually I don't need these anymore I think that's I think that's all because it's blacks and I'm just keep looking over at my finished rendering for kids need to make sure I'm doing this right spend a little while since I did but it's looking good so I'm let's work on some actual walls instead of just the the finish to the walls so we're going to add in another cube scale that cube down to about so scale on the Y to about so now I'm going to tab into edit mode grab that that ends right there pull it back out there extrude it I'm hit E and then you can pull it out right about there to about so and then we can grab those vertices hit again and extrude out this wall so it's basically like working with a block okay it's it's fun I like it it's like working with Legos or something you know where you can just move chunks around and basically build a house okay so that's good for there let's grab section of this wall here let me see I think I'll just grab well I'll just add another cube so add cube get down get up a little bit right around there and then scale it along dy well I'm sorry X I always call it wrong it's like no matter what I'm going to say the wrong axis I shouldn't even try all right so right about there good very good and then I'll just shifty it through that section right there grab that face drag it over there perfect and then I can control our ad anakata need right there so then I can grab that face Oh news four's to face flight mode there that face in top view and extrude that wall out now that's about all we need because we're not going to see any more of that so that should should pretty much do it I have kind of a thinner wall here so I'm just going to shift D that face scale one Y or X again there I go I got it wrong and extrude it out there extrude a little further and I have that face there - extrude that way is Google cool alright now we can give them some height so just grabbing those top faces like so and pulling them up very quick and easy whoa we have a little problem here oh I miss that face of it yeah yeah that corner face so just stop view grab in those spaces like a boss alright we'll pull them up - so this one needs some height to it as well give it some height so there is our building so far now we have a dork cutout right here so what we're going to do is when we come and modify this array we need to of course apply it first so I might give it a few more just in case and then apply it can't be applied in edit mode so apply it right there so we're basically going to cut the door out of these these wooden planks so do that it's very fun we use a knife tool you hit K and right about here will be where I cut the door up so you click and you hit C to hold it as a constraint and you also hit the Z so you're cutting through the whole object is important and then you can click again and hit return after that then you made your first cut all the way down so very very quick and easy and I'll do the same thing over here so hit N or not and K click hit C to constraint and then Z to cut through and then click again return and we made our second cut now all we need to do is grab all these faces X and delete spaces there we go now there's no end to these so if you wanted to you come through all clicking and facing off all those but chances are this won't even be visible again so you don't really have to worry about it I'm so I'm not going to let me see here maybe I made that door a little tall and thinking thinking it might be a little bit tall um I can just pull all of these planks down a little bit though something like that try to figure out the bottom if I want yeah that's looking pretty good alright so now what should do next well let's kind of work on the framework in here we have some some glass walls some glass kind of beams not not glass beans the glass beans holding up the glass walls I guess you can call it so I'm going to kind of copy the same cubes I was doing here I'll add a cube right there so shift it and then cube I'm tabbed into edit mode on my walls here just in case you're wondering so it's st. still part of that mesh I'm going to scale it all the way down to about so I'm very good face select grab that corner and drag her up so you go in front of you you can kind of see the right height all right very cool and then just more of these planks so we're going to have to frame it so I'm just going to hit L so I can duplicate this I'm going to shift D it over to our sliding doors here and I'm just going to scale it inwards because this is about a half plank so something like that I will just do the same thing over here for a sliding door and then I'll go ahead and add one at the end here is well okay same deal overage well I'll just leave it like that for now now I'm going to add the front-facing beams so go to front view and let me kind of see here these beams are a little bit a little bit wide a little bit wider than I want so want to quick delete these 2x delete Versys grab that edge beam there let's hit period you can zoom in on it make it a little skinnier we don't need a beefy house it's not not necessarily modern or cool-looking and I might need another beam kind of cross here let me let me just delete that one for now hit L on this one shifty drag it over okay there we go now we have a floor to work on so I'm going to duplicate to the beam a few more times just tapping into edit mode hit L when you're hovering over it all right and then hit Z so we can kind of line that up to the edge there shifty drag it over and I'm just going to leave it at those two for now because this might this might be all you need to see right there okay so this is kind of a sliding door mechanism here I'm just going to grab one of these shifty rotate it 90 degrees holy smokes I have both of them selected grab just that one hover over it and hit L shifty rotate 90 degrees all right now going to pick about the same height as the door over there so you can kind of line it up it looks about right a little higher very good and this is going to go across see the whole door this is this at the top of the door so all the way over to the mean we go with that very cool it might be a little low still might might grab that I'll raise it up a bit more not bad okay maybe even more actually just trying to compare to my finished render and then shift D it's rotated 90 degrees and we'll do the same thing over here so line that up grab the end face again polar in cool so we're kind of framing in our house doing the dirty work alright so grab this one shift the drag it to the bottom there very cool and then same thing with this except it's going to want to have that door kind of cut out of it except right now that door is looking a little big to me maybe maybe not it all depends on and what you're going for so I actually think of that night well let's just move this one end to the Android so it's just a little tighter cool cool okay so then in the inside here of the door we want to cut this one right about so it looks about right I'm just going to hit L nope I'll grab face select grab those and then I'll just hit Y to make that its own section and I can drop that down I know what L can pull it over alright there's our door guys not too shabby time for a roof I'll say well you know what let's do the floor first because we can see inside of it right now there if we kind of kind of block that view from us so the floor is just going to be a big plain put these simple scale it up to about the appropriate width and then we'll scale it along the X for the appropriate links that's about perfect all right and wants to be a ceiling but it's the floor drop it down and we have a floor all right we can add materials for that later now I'm going to kind of work on the angle of the roof now though because a riff is angled a bit so the kind of set that up actually might be easiest to just duplicate our roof I mean our floor before that wants to be reverse now it finally get this lifelong dream of being a rose and I'm going to just kind of scale this to be the the roof so just so we kind of have something to work off of I'm going to scale it one the Y and hit Z as well so I can see what I'm doing here a little better and basically scale along the Y a bit more just so it covers up to this point here that's what I'm looking at alright scale on the Y a little tip if you want to fine-tune scaling a hold shift and it just makes you makes it curse to move slower alright so I want the angle to be nothing major but something like that all right doesn't look too bad very good and now the roof does actually continue to the end of the porch here so right about that scaling along the X is going to do it for me good alright so now we can go ahead and add like our rafters and more of our framing and stuff around those rafters because we kind of have that angle to work off of so let's add the rafters first so like anyhow you need a good rafter and I'm just going to add in a cube scale it down a bit scale it along the X X or Y axis a bit and top you just kind of match the length of the roof here I guess going to the side here kind of helps scale on the y matching that links let's get on the Y a little bit more good scaling the X to give it that narrow rafter on edge very cool kind of pull it up a little bit scale along the Y a little bit more and there we have it so now I'm going to duplicate it with another array modifier this time we're going to be going a negative direction or I could just start at the end here and that will be going positive doesn't really matter let me see there okay looks good I'm going to give it about two and a half feet I think is code I'm totally not sure about that much I'm just guessing now and then I'm going to raise the one was that a little bit so it follows the the angle of the roof something like that Oh point one five looks about right and then we'll just give as many as we need to cover the the length of our roof I'm thinking I can spread them out a little bit further I think I'll go sixteen and then spread the distance out holding shift to be right about there I'm going to go fifteen reps now sixteen nice even number looks good okay so we have our our roof layout rafter rough purified and just made up that word now the next step would be to kind of frame the the outside of them so those are frames with basically the same thing that's the the porch boards same with this section here that's framed with basically the porch the porch boards and calling them so I'm going to he'll go ahead and duplicate this one over here because it's already a shorter length and we'll just grab it move it up over here as you can see that ambient occlusion really helps to kind of let you know exactly what point you're at sometimes it can be hard to tell hit period to kind of focus on that it really helps just to yeah keep you organized I think you can see kind of distances easier with the ambient occlusion on and it just makes everything more fun in my opinion so I'm going to go ahead and go control our cut that at the right size and do the cheating method of just two leading that that way is if we didn't move that whoops sleep spaces that ways if we didn't move that center edge much we don't have to don't have to what don't we have to do we don't to change the texture map okay so I'm like the Irate modify here a little bit crank it up but so cool and then just crank them all the way up so these boards will follow all the way up to the top about here looks goodish I can say I'm going to say that will work well they want one that's awesome okay and now I'm going to let me see here maybe these have to be scaled down a little smaller so the scale is on the WHI a bit pull them down there we go and so I can get two coming across there perfect maybe I'm scaling up just a little bit now so you can take some liberties make a few changes nothing too scary about that but you can apply that already modify now grab those two end faces and these have to cover the whole length of the front of our house coming up those rafters the kind of fascia boards I'm going to rotate it now to match that angle and place it right over it like so now here you get kind of an interesting look because it can be overlapping a little bit but no big deal you can just kind of pop this one back a little bit kind of making that hang over the front or you can even knife that straight which I might I might do so now I'm just going to leave it you can knife it across there like a miter cut or something but it's not too bad I might actually raise the bottom one just a little bit and then raise this one a little bit too just like so cool cool cool and then on the end here we need to grab this board for the the cap at that end sort of shifty pull it up point out a little bit just be scalable on the Y like bounce so then place it in there just right okay get in there this is going to have an account build to make certain you just separate it so I'm going to go P and edit mode separate by selection and then give it the count of two grabbing that one account of two cool go along with Zed and pop it down I also have to be scaled along you'll see Zed a bit now the one thing is when you do the the P and separate visor selection is killing use the origin points from before want to transfer it to my new one so I'm just going to hit L select it shift s cursed it to selected and then object transform origin to 3d cursor so I just move to the origin now to my new object skew line was dead here right around so and grab it down that looks pretty perfect and then like I said we're going to have to change the texturing in that a little bit such texture mode you can see is tight skew on the X to make it a little bit more spread out not too no too shabby this one too is going to need to be spread out quite a bit let's grab both of them right now just do it it's basically these faces and I want to switch it to my other material here too so I can see more what I'm doing very good save it and scale these along the X so we have our but you'll come across there very nicely so our house is coming together very cool nom and we're making good progress so let's start working on more the finer details getting the interior walls built little areas like this might need to be touched up as well but uh just like a fine carpenter and come back and tweak it as much as you like as a homeowner likes to say a house is never finished so um it can be tweaking things forever alright let's scale it up a little bit more get up little whoops and switch to rendered you okay just want to scale it along who said a little bit more cool so first let's kind of finish our framing here now that we know where the ceilings at we can raise the borrower a little bit and I also need to kind of put see the framing on top there this wall here used to come up a little bit more if we're happy with that rectangle which I think I am so these walls need to be a little taller and we need to increase the rain modifiers and Atwell to travel to the ceiling all right cool now this I'm going to have kind of a section come over at the very top there to let me go front to you on that see the height of that okay good now I'm going to extrude it up a little higher and I grab that and extrude it this way so you can't have that coming across there now these can go up to the ceiling as well roughly there and there it doesn't matter because this final point won't really be visible because I'm going to be kind of putting another beam across the top there let's duplicate this one actually and do that right now so going into wireframe helps shifty pull it up wrote it to match the angles and place it right around there all right looking pretty good it's a little bit int high and into that which is only why a little bit pull it down on the set a little bit not too bad not too bad this wall can come up a little bit more as well we don't really have to worry about the angle because you want to see that and did I know I didn't so this wall is that extra extra portion there so what I'm going to do for this and I'm just going to extrude and fill it in the rest of the way like so now I'm going to use ctrl R and putting the cuts where my door is so right there control our here right there control our right there and now we have the cuts going through it and just going to use a really simple method to make this really easy and that is grab both those go W and bridge edge loops and you can see we just cut a hole in our wall so a little modeling tip few guys right there and us looking pretty good alright so all in all I'm pretty happy with it so far we need to kind of model that door down here make that look nice I can do it right now and just grab this plane with l50 drag it down there scale it down along with these head okay fit it in there should feed again fit it over that's it let's go front view so we can match it nice and identical alright and then shifty rotate 90 degrees yell on the X so basically just fitting the blocks and pieces into place skill on the X a little bit pull down grab that face pull up a little bit I'm making a door frame well there's a big window in it and then a little window up higher so I'm going to duplicate that ceiling was said right around there and the shifty what times the top something like that basic but it gets the job done alright so yeah let's do the interior walls not only with top view hit 5 no I'm going to hit the edge of second see through it and then hit size and you can see very basic design is just going to have this little inside wall which is a pretty pretty basic so I'm going to use the Sepik separate object to the interior wall self so I'm going to go into object mode shift a add in a cube there let's grab it and I'll just put it right there for the first one scale it down to the right width still on the why to the right width or length and the head hit Z so in custody yeah we got on the ground that perfect grab that top face and drag it to the ceilings touch the sky with it alright now I can grab that again with L shift D match it over on that one there and then we'll shift D it again route 90 degrees and fit it right in there so we have another wall there now this one kind of has a cutout window up in top here so guess what I'm going to do what I did just with the door because that is simple and easy and I'm going to control are roughly where I wanted this cutout window to be well let's move mighty fast okay right around there and then ctrl R again right around Oh we'll go about there and then ctrl R whoops not there up here right around there I have a long rectangular window just grab both those faces hit W and bridge edge loops so we cut a hole in right there that's kind of cool alright so that is basically all the interior walls you need because it's all you're really going to see from the angle that we're shooting this at if you do see through something or whatever you can just always pull some wall out more the back end doesn't have to be pretty it's the inside that matters so I'm going to come on to the ceiling beam first the color and then the beams so for the color I'm just going to duplicate this so shifty pull it down checking on the inside grabbing a one was dead just until it's out covering those those rafters nicely very good I think it's kind of coming through here a little bit so scale it down on the X&Y just a little bit keep it inside and then yeah so these beams coming across we're into the same sort of tiling that we've done a few times already and I'm just going to put my cursor right on the center add in a cube scale it down nicely about two so get one why hit that do we can see we're doing let's get on a wire little less pull it in there and then scale it among the X as much as we need something like that now for this one I'm just going to put the texture on it later because I don't have to be modifying it at all I can leave the array applied the whole time so it doesn't really matter as much you want to get it to the right length so going along the X before you really rotate it just makes life a little easier because then we can rotate it right about there place it underneath those rafters like so Kyle zoom it in here scaling it down a little bit more and okay now that I scaled it you get that last face place it underneath those rafters there perfect and this one as well place it underneath those rafters all the way to the last one there's something really satisfying about well building a house in blender I don't know it's fun like it this one needs to come down a little bit more so we can see in the poor cheery there oh and that's right to the the porch plane here does not extend out this far like the reviewing does this one is exposed right there right about that okay so for this now I'm just going to pull it up to the edge there like so add an array modifier on it turn to the y-axis turn off the x1 there I'm going to give it a gap of about 1.2 maybe more the 1.35 you can experiment with this value we want to kind of just let some light through the rift because the roof is kind of a clear plastic and then crank the count up to something cool see ya that's that's too many I think let's look like the count 45 and then we'll just increase this distance here till it's about right it's more like a - I think it's going to be good maybe we go 46 for seven yeah perfect alright so we can kind of grab it up a little higher well I think we just need to move our ceiling down a little bit so it's you don't seem in the inside there very good and then the ceiling as well is to come back so I'm going to hit G twice and slide it right back another little modeling tips you guys there double tapping G sliding it back into place so now I see we have these rafter type thingies going across the top and helping to kind of break the light and make it look cool and it's just a nice little touch alright we need to we need to finish this up all the way here and then we need to cut them just like we did for the door so just grabbing the top for their shift being and then grabbing along with said the copping um pulling them up that's all we need now I'm going to the same thing like I said for cutting them hit n for my knife I'm going to hit Z to cut all the way through let me zoom a little bit so I can see the whole length of it here so n Z to cut through and then yeah make sure Z is enabled and then just drag it from one versa to the other here click hit return very cool now all we need to do is grab any vertices outside of that cut up here not that last one there look at that cool and then delete them so X delete now X delete vertex see if that's looking good let's give that one to both those nice delete vertices yeah and that looks pretty clean and we just cut that like a miter miter saw wood so very good it looks it looks pretty good so let's do well at this point I might want to cut position my camera and make sure the proportions are looking about right so grab that camera there right around here I'm going to go ctrl alt 0 to snap the camera to my view grab it kind of pull it out a little bit grab one with Zed rotate around a little bit and yeah I think it is looking looking very good I'm our porches porch is going out here pretty far further than I want I really only want it to come to here so I'm going to grab all those around it and delete them don't need them cool and then these here at the very back let me actually delete those too because I'll just copy a few in front and bring them to the back so from these longer ones in here we need some 16 footers in the back so shifty and pull it back there and then this bad boy so you can come in too alright so that's looking looking very good so that will do it for the the modeling process of our house these do look kind of bad so I I'm going to fix them just got me all those facing them up that's going to do it guys for the modeling process of our house part two we'll have some a fine detail modeling inside because you can't have a house without seeing some details and furniture some tables some cups some some sinks I think or so I think we only need one sink but yeah the fine details that go a long way and making it more believable so I'm going to do that in part to those videos probably running long enough as it is so now that's the finish right there I'm also going to grab this wall section here so we got it right yeah and pull it out to about the exact right links there looks nice okay so yeah part two is going to be more the fine details and then maybe it'll be a part three depending on how long part two takes for the materials fine tuning the materials right now we just really have it textured roughly so making fun make us some fun progress here guys I'm excited to finish this project up it's looking good so I'll see you guys in part two bye
Channel: CG Geek
Views: 336,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Tutorial, Modern, House, Realistic, Architecture, Training, Learn, Beginner, Easy, b3d, 3d, Modeling
Id: 65ntDc6FJig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 45sec (3345 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2017
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