How to Create a 3D Earth in Davinci Resolve 16

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hey guys nick here and welcome back to another video today we're going to jump into davinci resolve and show you how to create a 3d earth effect with like clouds and a glow and all this sort of stuff and although it's not going to be a super technical tutorial i think it's going to teach you a lot on how to deal with 3d shades in davinci resolve so let's show you what we're going to create [Music] and yeah we're just going to jump in now and show you how to do it okay guys so let's jump into fusion to create this effect so the first thing we're going to do is create a new fusion composition and we're just going to call this earth five seconds 24 frames a second that should be fine i'm just going to drag that onto the timeline and then make sure you play heads over it and jump into fusion all right so here we are in fusion now when working with 3d models inside of fusion you're definitely going to want the double viewer open so that is just enabled by this little button here so if you see the two rectangles click that you get the two viewers and vice versa so make sure you've got that cool so we're going to create a few different objects we're going to start by creating the sphere so the earth so to do that we're going to hit shift space and when type in shape and it's going to bring up our shape 3d and we're going to add that to our scene awesome so make sure it's off here by itself now for a shape 3d node to be connected to a media out node we do need a renderer to do that we're going to hit shift space and type in render and you have a renderer 3d so we're going to add that to the scene it'll automatically connect and then we can connect that to the media out node so this media out node here in the second hand viewer this is what our render is going to look like once we've finished with everything and then if you drag the shape 3d into the first viewer this is our scene now navigating around 3d space can be a bit complicated i use a mac and a magic mouse so i can't really explain how to do it currently i'm just sort of using the scroll wheel that's going up and down if i add the command modifier that makes me zoom in and out and then if i have the shift modifier on top of that then i sort of rotate around it yeah it might be different for you guys just because of how my setup is so currently we have a plane so a plane is just a flat 3d object it is in 3d space but nothing special about it obviously we want a sphere so if we click on the shape 3d node you can see over in the inspector the first option we have is the shape it is awesome all we want to do is change that to sphere now obviously we have cubes and all this sort of lovely stuff but we want a sphere now if you do have a look around you can see that the edges here might be hard to see because of the color if we go wireframe you can see here that it is quite jagged okay so what we're going to want to do is increase what is called the subdivisions and the subdivisions is the amount of planes that make up the 3d object a plane being this little square here the all these little squares that make up the sphere so let's increase the subdivision while we're in wireframe mode so you can see what it does so to do that we're going to head over over to the inspector and we've got our base subdivisions and we've got our height subdivisions because it's a sphere we're going to want to increase these to the same point so i found that 40 seem to be a pretty good point to get a nice smooth looking sphere and you can see now that we have a nice smooth gradient keep in mind though the more subdivisions although technically meaning a smoother object it will be harder for the computer to render so you need to find that happy medium awesome so the next thing to do is to make this look like the earth and it's actually really simple if you head on over to google and type in earth map and go to images what you want to download is a something that looks like this so it's sort of like a flattened version of what the earth would look like higher resolution the better find one that works for you so i have downloaded mine and to do that we're going to bring it into the scene so we're going to open the finder up go to where i've located it media and here i have my three maps so we're going to start with the earth one so i'm going to click and drag that into the scene first thing i'm going to do is rename this so i know exactly what this is so i'm just gonna rename it to earth map now i know exactly what that is to make the sphere look like the earth we just need to connect this to the shape you'll notice we have two inputs we have a material input and we have a scene input the material input is the one we want by connecting an image into the material input of the shape node it will then display the image that you plug in so let's do that here connect it in boom straight away we have an earth and the reason that this works so well even although if you do zoom in you do get a little bit of weird artifacting here especially around the polar caps but it works really well and that's because that particular image is designed to look exactly like this when applied to a sphere now that we've done that let's quickly if even if you go through after the fact and change the shape it'll still apply but the way it applies could be a little bit different so cylinder same thing get some weird kind of wacky sort of things going on so i'm going to stick to sphere now we're going to pretty much leave it as is now we're going to want to add clouds to this scene clouds are going to be done the exact same way as we've done this except we're going to use a cloud map so instead of typing in earth map if you just type in cloud it's going to come up and you want a black and white image you do not want any color in this image because the black will be transparent or see-through and the white is going to be opaque so lots of different patterns download one that you want and once you've done that we're going to drag that into the scene here's mine boop done and we're going to rename this one as well so we're going to rename this to clouds map now we need to plug this into another shape 3d to do that i'm just going to copy the original one and paste it and i'm going to plug the clouds into the material input so we've got this ready to go then just drag the output of that shape node to the output of the original one and what that is going to do is merge them together and give it a sec to sort of do its thing so now clearly we've there's something weird going on so we need to do a few different things number one is we need to make sure that the clouds map so this sphere is slightly larger than this sphere otherwise we will not see what's underneath so find the shape 3d so the earth one let's go to the scale so under the first tab here so the current radius is set to 1. that's nice and easy to work with so if we go to the second one we're going to make it we're going to do something like 1.05 so it's going to be ever so slightly larger and if we plug the merge 3d node now into our little scene here we can kind of get a better idea of what's going on so to get this to look properly we're going to go to the shape 3d node actually let's rename this one so we're going to rename this clouds so it's easy to track and we can rename this one earth all right so with the clouds sphere we're going to go down under the first tab in the inspector down to blend mode i believe yes and we're going to change it from additive to screen and we can change the game the gain is going to be the amount so it's almost going to act like opacity so it kind of goes a little transparent and we can kind of start to see how big this sphere is over the original so we can actually go up to the top here and what we're going to want to do is kind of make it i'm going to shrink it really low just like that and we're going to turn the gain back up all right so now we have the clouds starting to look more and more like the earth we're going to do a few things we're going to add a camera to the scene the camera is going to allow us to i guess animate this scene so to do that we're just going to move this over and we're going to type shift space typing camera 3d camera the first one comes up click and enter and connect it to the most 3d note and the merge 3d node doesn't matter where you connect it it's just going to automatically connect it in and now if we select the camera in 3d space we're going to want to move it because clearly currently right now it's sitting in the middle of our earth which is not what we want so let's drag it back a bit and we'll see a real world there we go cool so now we are getting a good interpretation of where the earth is sitting looking good there is a little bit of a weird artifact in here i think maybe we need to make the clouds ever so slightly bigger so we're going to go 0.2 seem to make it worse awesome so now we've got this what we're going to want to do is now do some animating so to do the animating we're going to have the clouds rotate around the earth and then we're going to have the earth rotate as well so to do that what we're going to do is going to grab the sphere so the cloud sphere we're going to head on over to our transform tab and under the rotation we are going to add a little expression so we're going to say x equals y so drag that down let's reset that first cool and then we're going to double click in the y and go y equals enter to z so now when we rotate the z axes they all kind of rotate together so we get more of a diagonal rotation so all i really want you to do now is we're going to go to the start of our scene set a keyframe for all three move forward to the very end and we're going to move that z transform now i'm going to over exaggerate it we don't need to but i'm going to over exaggerate it so that when we're playing this through we're getting some you can see the clouds are turning awesome so hopefully you guys are following along you know we're going to do the exact same thing with our earth sphere over to the transform same with the rotation let's reset that all together equals enter together double click equals enter together enter and now we're going to set same thing at frame zero i'm gonna set keyframe for all three and we're gonna move forward and this time i'm actually gonna go in the opposite direction so the earth is rotating kind of differently at the very least cool so now if we change this so that it is a little bit easier to see and hit play now you can see we have our earth moving obviously the clouds are quite exaggerated but that's just the point of this video so we're nearly done with this scene all we're going to want to do now is we're going to animate the camera so what we're going to do is we're going to set the camera probably back here at frame 0 so let's go to frame 0 and we are going to zoom out a little bit and we're going to set a keyframe for the z translation the z being the blue axis so what we're going to do is we are going to set it there set a keyframe we're going to move forward a little bit not along we're going to come in real close perfect and then from there it's going to automatically keyframe and then from there to the end of the scene we're just going to move in ever so slightly so what we end up with is this camera that flies in right at the start and then slows in but still zooms in quite a dramatic camera move it looks kind of cool almost done guys just two more things to do what we're going to do is go to the spline editor and we're going to find the camera so click the camera so we can see it click this button to zoom to fit then we're going to select drag these to here shift s animation so that it looks a little nicer and not super super drastic cool that's done last things last thing is we're going to add a glow to the earth so that it has a little sort of a something else to it so to do that we're going to add it after the render of 3d so obviously everything here is in 3d the render 3d now converts it to a 2d image which we can apply a glow to so hit that shift space type in glow i'm going to do this one here and that looks quite intense we're going to change some things so the apply mode we're actually going to go to merge under what that does is sort of makes the glow sort of underneath it and we're going to turn off the alpha glow we're going to turn off the green and we're going to turn off the red so it's a blue glow and we're just going to increase the size a little bit and the glow amount so now it's quite exaggerated for this example but that's the idea cool pretty much done with this one guys if we head on over to our project we have our earth coming in now if we wanted to add stars underneath i find the easiest way honestly if you're not animating with the stars is you can just drag an image in so you could bring in some stars so we could go the desktop let's bring in some stars chuck that one in slap that underneath and just like quickly zoom in on it like so and now if we are to play this through we have our flying in our earth rotating and flying in very cool so hopefully this has shown you a little bit about 3d objects inside of fusion and how to create a 3d earth now ironically enough this same principle does apply to other planets so if you were to type in jupiter map and go to images you're going to get a jupiter map same with moon and all these other different planets so you can go off and create your own planet and yeah i'd love to see what you guys are creating so make sure you leave that down below for me to check out so there you go guys that's how you create a 3d earth or planet in davinci resolve as you can see it's pretty simple process and you can create a bunch of other different planets with this sort of method make sure you tag me if you decide to create something i'd love to check it out and yeah if you enjoyed this video make sure you hit the thumbs up button and until the next one see ya
Channel: That Modern Dude
Views: 6,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve 16 tutorial, davinci resolve import 3d model, how to import a 3d model in davinci resolve, how to import 3d model in davinci resolve, davinci resolve 16.2, davinci resolve effects, how to animate neon stokes in davinci resolve, how to make hologram effect in davinci resolve, davinci resolve 3d earth model, earth model in davinci resolve, how to use davinci resolve, how to create a 3d earth in Davinci Resolve 16
Id: 0nVLSuwe578
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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