Making a 3D map with NASA data in DaVinci Resolve

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so as the title says we're gonna be making one of these you could turn it and make it look like this so let's get started so the magic behind making this 3d matte is actually something that NASA did back in 2000 they actually ran their shuttle with a radar that scan pretty much the whole globe and that's the link to make this very easy so that we don't actually have to create this in 3d and make you know custom mesh or anything like that it's all driven by this data which is the really cool thing so there's a couple of things that you're gonna have to get but first we have to find a location so you just go to Google Maps and you find the location I was first going to do the mountain and then I was like no I kind of want to have like it mountainous area so then I was like looking right next to it and there's this little like village that's down the road from the big mountain and this mountain if we take a look at this when we go into 3d and then if you hold I think that's control and move your mouse around you can see all of this elevation and this is pretty much what we want to make and yes you could you know record this and bring this in but it's not an actual 3d element we can't do cool things like dynamic lighting and being able to move it around and actually have it be a 3d element itself so that's what kind of makes this really cool so I had to first pick my location and then I you know I said hey this looks cool cuz it's like you know you have the all of this like little city stuff down here and you know you have these mountains come in from all these different directions I was like that's pretty cool and so I first started this with I found a website that got rid of like the majority of like the names and stuff but I quickly found out that you know the closer you zoom in the higher the resolution so if I took a picture of let's say I want to do this whole thing and I you know I size it all it's get north the correct like that and I sized it up but it took a picture of this it was only the resolution of my screen so I had to figure out a way around that and we'll get to how I did that but so we first pick our location then once we find our location and I have all the links in the description for this so then the next thing we have to do is go over to this terrain party and this website really not that great but what it does behind the scenes is actually very powerful so we're just gonna zoom out and we're gonna take this little square to where our location is my locations right over in here and we're going to flip the map view so we can actually see it and I'm actually in the wrong area down here so here's the mountain that we had before and then we're gonna come right here with the villages and we can change the size of the final image that we're getting now this is going to adjust the resolution of this image and not so much the size of the image so all the sizes of the image are going to be the same but how dense the resolution of that image so the blurry bits compared to the sharp bits obviously when you make this really big is when it starts to become a better image but I don't think we need that much so I'm just gonna go like that then you click this button and then it just asks you what do you want to call this so I'll just call it hood cuz that's the location and then in the background it's getting all the different variations of it and boom here are my images the only one we're gonna be really worried about is the merged could just takes all the data and it adds them together and then this is the image that we get and this is the part that really makes everything easy because the next thing we can do is we can take a mesh a plain mesh which is you know just a flat and then we can state these luminance values as a different height so the brighter gets the taller it gets so we'll come back to that here in a second and then the next thing that we need is we actually need the texture that we're gonna put over that mesh now like I said I could come in here and just take a picture but the resolutions not going to be that good and you have to remember that we're going to be taking a flat image and we're gonna be stretching it and warping it so it's gonna look real funky if whatever your screen resolution is so I'm like recording right now and 1080 if I just take a shot of this obviously this image is going to be really low resolution so the next link is right in here and all we're gonna do is we're gonna zoom this out to where our location is and here's our location here's our mountain and here is where we are where we want right then now we need to tell this how big we want an image how many pixels do we want this to be so over here I have five thousand by five thousand and then I set that as the dimension and now we're all out of whack right there's a couple of things you can do to make this a little easier the first thing we're going to click this button to close it and what it's done simplest way to explain this is it's made my and it's made the website that resolution 5,000 by 5,000 right so now we have scroll bars compared to over here when we're actually looking at Google we just zoom out zoom in and move around the website is whatever the size of the browser here the website is the size of whatever we set that as so I'm going to zoom out and right here is my location what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna bring this into the middle the middle point here and bring this over to the middle point here I'm gonna find that location again which is right here now I can zoom in and get the resolution that I want so let's say that's the resolution that sharp great looking stuff now I have to just make sure that these boundaries here that I want to go up so here's my my line here's the line here so I might want to do one zoom out and move this over now if I bring this to the middle that's in the middle and then coming down to the bottom it's kind of hard to pick something specific but we have this road and that goes down and between the two mountains so it's like a little thing right here so I'm guessing that's this road here the highway so I think that this is good because in the middle I have like the town and then going all the way up I have at least this I don't think I can see the actual mountain so that seems fine so now that I have this what you need to do now is you need to take a picture of this whole thing this whole website in the description there's a link to download an extension for chrome to take a picture of your whole website so now it like I said it thinks that this is a whole website right all the way up and down left and right but how Google Maps works is the more you zoom in the higher resolution you get so now if I click this button and say capture the entire page it's going to jump around and take a screenshot of each part and then once it's done it's going to stitch all of those together and then I'll have one really big image so now it's just taking them stitching them all together once it does that another page pops up it says okay here's your whole image so there's my whole image it's pretty big I probably could have went up a little bit actually I think we're gonna go up because there's like a mountain up here and I have way too much down here so we're just gonna close that and all I'm gonna do is just come up and then just pull it up I would say like that maybe and then going down okay I'm gonna go up maybe a little bit more and you just have to remember it when you're at the top that's gonna be the top of your image when you scroll down that's gonna be the bottom but don't move around in in the screen because then you're shifting where the image is actually gonna be if that makes sense so I'm still in the middle and I have my town here let's see up okay down I have this mountain over here if you remember I have this mountain over here if you need some help for like locations you can come back over and you can zoom in and remember come into here we can move this around and see we've got our one mountain here here is the other mountain there was that little connection that we were looking at what the trucks just sitting there so that's in between these two mountains so I think where I'm at right now is probably good so in the middle come over to the middle I still got this in the middle okay good let's take another picture now in the top corners all the Google stuff will still be there so that's up to you if you want to get rid of that but the the next part is gonna kind of make us get rid of it so but you just so you know that you know those are going to be a part of the image so now we got one and this looks a little bit better we have this mountain here we have this mountain scroll down we have this mountain and we have this mountain over here so now we're just going to save this as a PDF and sure it just made a little folder in my downloads so now we have these two images and because there isn't anything that I could find that you can get identical copies of one another what we need to do is we need to make them identical so that we can easily map them to each other so all we're gonna do is go into Photoshop make one transparent get the other one to sit on top and where they both overlap we're just gonna cut that out and use that as a useable image [Music] okay once we're in DaVinci we're gonna bring our both of our images into the Vinci so here we go I'm gonna come over into fusion and I'm gonna go new fusion clip I'm actually going to change this one too let's do ten seconds and I think 30 frames so you can set yours whatever you want if we double click on this one you'll know it's open when you see the media out then you can bring both of these in we can view them bam bam now you'll see that if we zoom out here we can see our resolution but now this is in a box and the reason why it's in a box is because it's the settings are set up for for da Vinci and not so much fusion so there's one setting you have to do is over here is you have to go into image scale and change this to Center crop so that means that just won't rescale it so if I was to add those on to the Edit Page they would be like really big instead of scaling to fit within the frame so now I have them both here first thing I'm gonna do is bring in an image plane bring in a camera and bring in a renderer I'm gonna connect the camera to the image plane and connect the merge to the renderer and then we're going to look at both of these and whichever one is the colored one we're going to bring that into that image plane and now if we take this merge and we play the merge up here what we'll see is that it's standing straight up and down I'm gonna click on my camera pull my camera back now this image plane I'm gonna click on that I'm gonna come over to change the rotation and I'm just gonna put this to negative 90 so now it's sitting flat so now if I was to look at this through the cameras eyes I don't see anything okay well it's probably cut sitting perfectly flat with the camera if I was to pull this up a little bit now I'll play it we'll see it here so let's close this play the image over there and the next thing that we have to do is now we have to take this data that is going to change the height of everything and we need to add that in so you're just gonna hit shift spacebar and bring this up and just gonna type in displace and we're gonna get this displace 3d we're gonna add that in and then connect that up once that's connected up we're just going to take in our data that's gonna do our height and we're gonna connect that in and boom it did some crazy stuff so let's just view it like here so this is where we're currently at the first thing that we can do is we're gonna come into our displace and we're gonna drop this down so play this over here and I'll just zoom in a little bit here and we can tell that it's kind of pretty jagged right it doesn't look all that great to begin with but it's pretty jagged let's pull pull back our camera a little bit so let's come over here pull our camera back and maybe up and then tilt it down just a little bit so we can actually see what that looks like so that that's currently what we're working with and now if we come if we come over to our image plane what we can do is we can change the divisions and that's just how many different locations will be a point to add height so if we were to look at this where normally was at we didn't see it's just very few points right very few points like it goes up and then down I don't know if you can see that but it's very few points so we just need to increase those points so if I keep this big so you can see this and I come into here let's just change this to 50 points so now it got a little bit more jagged right but let's go to 300 and now it's looking a little bit better but it's still like all over the place so we're just going to bring this down to a comfortable amount and now let's just go for one view so it makes a little easier to see whoa all right so if we look at this this is starting to look more like you know like it was in Google Earth right that's looking a little bit better we could bring this down a little bit more so let's just come down to like one I think that looks more reasonable that's looking a bit better now the other thing that you've seen is that I had these corners closed off I did a little trick to do that so if that is something that you want to do and you know make it sort of the same as mine so let's just bring in a background so we can see what this looks like sitting on you know a nice background and let's change this background to some like a nice color sure so this back on oh gosh let's sew this back you can see through here right so we we want we want to fix that a little bit so like how this works is it's you know the the darker it is the the lower it goes so all I did to do this is I just brought in another background and I just looked at the resolution here and it came into this background and I just turned off other resolution and this is for 0 and I'm just gonna add 10 to each side so for 173 so now this is 10 frames around 5 on each side bigger what I can do now is take this node and put it on top of the bigger node and then bring that in so now if I look at this there's like a little edge that goes around right but this is like this is counting like that's gonna be as low as possible compared to the rest of this and then I can take that same node copy it and paste it down here and do the same thing in here and connect that up and then what I did for this one is I just made it like a dark brown so something like that and now if we look at this now we have that that little bit of black there and you can do like little things to inch up this this black so you could come in here and this is a merge so it's gonna move the foreground image and you could just simply slowly move this obviously you don't want to have it like higher than the edge but I feel like that would probably be good let's make this a little darker so something like that so that's kind of all I did there to get make it go around and make it look like a box right and the cool thing with this is because this is 3d we could add in lights if we want it to we could take this and oops add in a light then we can just pull our light out and like pull it up tilt it down on everything let's go to views and view the this is the actual renderer but we're gonna come into the render and turn on lights and shadows and we can see it down here if we come over in here let's click on our light pull our light back and up we can see it's kind of like illuminating over here and we can turn it up let's start up the intensity too to make it brighter and then we can make our cone bigger bring this out and one thing you can see here is that it's like it almost looks like a gloss so we can come into our image plane and then come into specular and turn this all the way down so we don't get that at all but now we have almost like a dynamic light so if we were to take this you know down let's actually bring it over to the side so our viewer can see this if we were to bring this over now and have it look over here we can see it's casting shadows on the far sides of the of the mountain so we bring this down a little too low we can see it like it's lighting up the sides obviously that are from that side but it's casting shadows on everything else so you could do like really cool in the background you could put you know stars or whatever you could obviously tint the light to make it look however you want or you could do something where this light you know travels throughout the day or on top of that you could come in here so all of this is coming is like going into our merge here so because our image plane and our displace are all like one little thing so like let's to take all this this is our whole 3d element we could come into this displace and after this do a transform 3d and then we could just take this and we could just rotate this and obviously we're you know affecting how the lights being cast on this like you can see this side of the mountain is completely dark at that side isn't so there's a ton of different things that you could do with this obviously this isn't looking so hot maybe I would even bring an ambient light in just so it lights up everything else but bring this intensity down so at least we have light on the rest these other parts here maybe you could make it a different color I don't know but that's kind of how you would do that and because this is a 3d element now you could track this two different things if you want it to so yeah there you go you know little camera movement move your lighting around just a little bit add a little ambient light in there with a little background perfect you could just no no get this the spin or something and you know you could sell a new apartment building right there and tell people about this new area that they can all move to and live so I I don't even I don't know what to use this for yet I was thinking of doing something a little more cartoony because we could also get 3d houses and put 3d houses on something or I don't know I haven't I haven't quite figured that out yet but if you know let me know in the comment area and with that being said my name is jr. and thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: JayAreTV
Views: 131,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackmagic, DaVinci Resolve, resolve, tutorial, how to, 3d map, Topography, nasa, fusion, davinci resolve 15, 3d, video editing, video editor, vfx, compositing, image plane, displace 3D, 3D element, map
Id: qP6wVajeI_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 49sec (1429 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 01 2018
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