Mind-Blowing 3D ORBIT Animations / Davinci Resolve / Fusion

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hey guys William Justice here I make videos on DaVinci Resolve infusion today we're going to be kind of doing a little bit more of an experimental video I'm going to be trying a few things out we're going to be doing some 3D and trying to create kind of an orbit effect so we can have things spinning around objects like we can have something spinning around my head right now to do this we're going to do a little bit of masking bring the 2D video into 3D and put a 3D shape spinning around my head or whatever we put in we're gonna have like a flat image plane in 2D and we're going to put something that spins and orbits around it so in front you'll be able to see it and when it goes behind it it'll be gone you won't be able to see it at all I also want to take the opportunity to experiment with the relight effect and I'm going to apply it to my face to try to have a light kind of follow the objects as they go around my face and put a little glow on it and see if we can make that interesting if you're enjoying my videos and want to learn more Fusion resolve and making videos make sure you subscribe to my channel and like this video also comment below I'd really like to hear what you think if you have any ideas suggestions or feedback I always love hearing from you all right let's take a look at how to create these kind of orbit effects okay let's set up the orbit animation we're going to put something and have it go around my head I have a clip of myself talking right here we're going to right click on it and choose new Fusion clip let's click the button at the bottom to go into Fusion let's set up a 3D shape right around where my head is in the toolbar click the shape icon and drag that in these are the 3D elements with shape 3D selected we're going to hit the merge option and then we're going to hit render for this animation we don't need a camera or lights or anything like that we're going to take the output of the 3D render and put it right on top of the output of media N1 and that's going to create a merge node and there's our shape Let's uh I'm going to hit merge 3D and hit one so we can see the shape in the viewer this animation we're going to use a cylinder so it will spin around my head so click the shape 3D and change the type to cylinder now it's really big so what we're going to do is we're going to bring the radius in let's zoom out a little bit there's our cylinder and we're going to take the height down and the radius down again something around in there and then we're going to go to the transform option and we're going to take the y coordinate and we're going to shift it up so it kind of covers where my head is and we'll shift it over a little bit so you see there's the object in 3D it's being rendered and then placed back on top so let's put a background into the shape we're going to start with a background node and we're going to put this into the green input so this is the material and the background is black okay so we have a the black cylinder sitting on top of my head and we're going to put some text so let's take the text and we're going to take the text and merge it into the background and let's set the text up to be call it to wrap text because we can have this text wrap around my head and to move the text we're going to add a transform node there's a transform node right before the shape node and we're going to be able to use this transform node to easily move the texture on you can see it's wrapping there but we only have part of it and we get the transform and you can see it's it's wrapping around and you can see the back of it as we shift the background it's going off the screen right there so what we're going to do is we're going to set the transform and we're going to set the edges to wrap and this means that we can keep shifting it and the text will keep coming through it's just being repeated through the animation so you can see there we just have that now the Texas is going to keep repeating around the cylinder we can kind of keep sliding it as much as we want okay let's go back to the output here and we're going to take this background node and Slide the alpha down a little bit and you see as we move the text it's not going behind my head the text is saying in front of my head because the 3D objects being placed on top of the media so we're going to do is we're going to move this up just a little bit and we're going to use an image plane so we can take the image plane right here and this takes a flat image and puts it into the 3D space so let's go out of the media N1 into the image plane I'm going to take the image plane and put it into the merge 3D you notice that it's a little bit smaller so we need to adjust the size we'll bring it up just a touch and kind of see what's going on right there and when we look at this you'll see that the text is in front and behind so as we use the transform and move the text position it's going to slide around back behind this image plane and we're not going to see it until it comes back in front of it but we don't want it to wrap around the whole image plane we only want it to wrap around my head so what we're going to do is we're going to do a little bit of masking so right in front of media one we're going to add a magic mask we're going to take the output of the media in and put it into the magic mask and we're going to take the magic mask and go into the image plane okay on the first frame let's just draw a line on the part we want to mask out it kind of that looks pretty good now we just need to hit this track forward button and it's going to do the masking for each of the frames in this video okay the tracking is complete and you'll see here that when we look at this now we just have the picture of my head in there with the cylinder wrapping around it so now let's go to the final output here and you'll see it's too small so let's take the image plane and we're going to go to transform and let's bring the size up to where it kind of matches it just needs to be pretty close right in there now let's go to the transform and adjust the position of the text and you'll see it wraps around it goes behind my head with the back so I left the background on there just so you kind of see how it's set up let's go ahead and take the background Alpha all the way down and now we just have the text going around my head now the text is Warped a little bit if you go to the shape go to the controls um you see if we just the height of the shape it adjusts there so um it's also possible to take go to the text and go to the shading and size maybe we want to bump up the Y because it's a little squished so depending on the shape the text may get distorted a little bit anyway so there we have a basic text wrapping around there now the next thing here is let's say we wanted to apply an effect onto the text maybe add a glow so let's click on the render and hit control space and type in soft glow okay we got a problem there because it's not glowing the text it's glowing everything coming out of the render um this is where I did a little trick that kind of helped out here so um let's take a look at the glow maybe we want it to be kind of a some green text green glowy text all right that's not looking too good okay so um the soft glow is affecting everything that's coming out of the render 3D so everything that's in the 3D space is get having the effect applied to it so what I did is outside the magic mask I added a color corrector and I took the gain and brought it all the way down and that took the image plane and everything that's coming out of the magic mask is now black you can see over here now all we need to do is adjust the blending mode to screen and it's going to filter out all the black and only show the non-black elements of the render 3D so now we can have glowing text that's spinning around my head okay let me show you how I put the uh the lines around my head real quick so let's take a fast noise and we're gonna take the fast noise and put it into the merge and that's going to put the fast noise in that cylinder we'll turn off the soft glow temporarily and what I'm going to do is just set up a quick gradient so with the fast noise selected go to color choose gradient and gradient style linear and we can take these put the fast noise in viewer one we can set the range of the grain with this line move it pretty close together and then we're going to go down and set it to ping pong so it's going to take this gradient and repeat it we'll take the black option and bring it over so we just kind of have a thin white line and we'll take on the black we'll we're going to we don't have to do this we're going to set the alpha all the way down and let's make these a little closer together go to noise and we'll bring the detail down and we've got some pretty straight lines here and once we have these lines set up then you can use the transform let's go ahead and turn the glow back on and you can use the transform to adjust the Y it'll go up and down and you can also adjust the X position and it'll kind of spin around right there you notice that there's a crease right here in the back so what you can do is you can take that crease and put it behind the head and then it'll kind of hide it a little bit and again we can take the fast noise and adjust it to make these lines bigger or smaller all right one more thing I'm going to do a quick animation and then we're going to use the the relight effect to kind of have the glowing show up across my face let's do a S rectangle we're going to use these shape nodes I'm going to set this up really quick pretty small Corner radius and we're going to have a s render that's going to render the shape and we're going to take that and put it into the merge and we already got a little glowy rectangle there same thing applies we can use the transform to spin it around my head and we're going to do um we're going to use the duplicate node and we're going to make let's see make three copies and we're going to move them along the X here and we're going to make the size go down on each one and so let's take a look at what we have in the media out here so something like that we're gonna have this going around my head and we're going to put a green light on my face one of the things I did is I went to the in the in the intro I went to the shape and the transform and I adjusted the rotation a little bit like that so that when we move it it's kind of going diagonally around okay so let's let's add the relight effect okay so here's here's relays we're going to take the media out and put it into the relight effect and we're going to take a look at that in the first viewer it says we move the light you're gonna be able to see how the Shadows work this is how intense it is right here and this is the position so you can see the light coming from the top left and then we move over here and it's coming from the bottom right you can see the Shadows or the darker areas so what you can kind of think about this as like a mask any parts that are white are going to have an effect applied any parts that are darker or not okay so after the merge one let's add a color corrector put it right in there and we're going to make it green so this is going to be our kind of a green light obviously we don't want the whole animation to be green so what we're going to do is we're going to take this relight effect I'm going to put this into the mask on the color corrector okay you notice it didn't do anything that's because of the masking for nodes defaults to working off of alpha so all we need to do is go to settings so for the channel let's choose luminance and you can see right there it's only the effect is being applied in the lighter areas of the screen so now we can take this light and move it from this side of my face to the other side of my face you'll see that right here the effect is applying and on the opposite side where the Shadows are it's not going to apply as much and you can adjust the there's all sorts of settings in here where you can adjust the brightness the reach is how far the effect applies you can see that more area less areas when we bring the reach down it's only going to affect the area that's closer to the source let's animate the lines and the relight effects so what we're going to do is when the lines are over here we're going to want the relight to be right in this position where it's lighting up the um the right side of my face and when the lines rotate around to the other side like right around here we want the relight effect to move and light up the left side of my face right like that hopefully it makes it a little more realistic so first and first step to do is animate the line so let's go to the transform remember to go to the first frame and we'll reset the animation and we're going to keyframe the center position let's go to the last keyframe and we're going to spin it around my head a few times so with the relight effect it runs pretty slow so what we're going to do is we're going to disable that so you can see we can see what the animation looks like so let's animate the relight position now that we have the lines animating let's go to when they're on the uh the right side of my face we're going to go to go ahead and enable the relight and we're going to move the position to right in here and we're going to go to the let's click light position set some keyframes on the light position and we're going to play the animation out till the lines go to the other side of my face and we're going to take the light position and move it over to the other side you see the light shifts on that side now we did this once we just want this to repeat so we're going to do is we're going to open the spline editor open up all the light sources select them all the keyframes here I'm going to say set ping pong so basically it's just going to keep toggling back and forth and the light is going to follow the lines now the one thing is you'll see that when when the lines go behind my head the light's still following it and it's lighting up my face while the lines are behind my head we don't want this so what we're going to do is we're going to go to the first place where the lines go behind my head so they're starting to go behind my head right right around in here and we're going to go to the color corrector click on settings and we're going to take the blend and bring it all the way down early down a little bit right in here I'm going to set a keyframe and we'll go back to the first frame and we'll bring the blend all the way up and go to right right here we're going to set another keyframe so that the the blend is way down while it's behind my head and then when it gets to be in the front of my head we're going to take the blend and bring it back up so the kind of the lightest strongest right where it's in the front once you have that set up you can go to the spline editor select the frames and do the same thing we can just get it to ping pong I'm using the spline editor you can get this to repeat so that it dims while it's behind my head and then gets stronger when it's in the front Okay those are just a few basics of how to do some orbiting effects using 3D and taking flat images and bringing it into the 3D space and having 3D animations go around the flat images if you have any questions comments or anything please let me know we'd love to hear from you um like I said this was just a real quick experiment to see a few different things that we can do thanks so much for watching if you enjoying the videos make sure that you like and subscribe you can also go to my website billjustice.com I have lots of effects and plugins and things on the website you can download and try out
Channel: William Justice
Views: 12,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Video Effects, Davinci, Davinci Resolve, Davinci Resolve 16, Fusion, Davinci Fusion, Tutorial, Filmmaking, Effects, tips, tricks, davinci resovle tips, william justice
Id: 86eRyOTVmR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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