EASY GLASS EFFECT | A Davinci Resolve Tutorial

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the glass effect in DaVinci Resolve is one of the coolest effects mainly because this one video effect has almost unlimited creative possibilities that will bring your videos to the next level so that's why in this video I'm going to show you how to make this really sick looking glass effect and the best part of this effect is that it's super easy to make but then I'm gonna take it one step further and show you just how many different things that you can make with this effect so all of that stuff and more coming up but first if you're new here my name is Billy Ripken and I make weekly DaVinci Resolve tutorials about different effects transitions and workflows that'll help you become a better editor so if you want to level up your editing skills click the subscribe button and the Bell notification to stay up to date on the newest videos put out but let's get into it so now that we're in DaVinci Resolve we're just gonna go ahead and drag down our media clip onto the timeline and then jump straight into fusion so once we're in fusion this is where we're gonna make this effect first if you want the single viewer like I have right here just click this button right here at the top it'll switch between single and double next click on your media one node and copy it using control-c and then paste it using control V so if you don't know what a media EndNote is it's ultimately just your video clip or whatever kind of media that you've brought into fusion so technically we just duplicated our media now grab the output of this duplicated media in node and connect it to the output of the original media in and by doing that it creates a merge node so that's pretty neat next click on that duplicated media in node and add a rectangle mask to it right here and now we can just go ahead and make the rectangle like super long like this like really long so once you've made your shape clearly nothing looks different so then just add a transform node after this duplicated media right here and then in the inspector tab bring up the size just a little so that now when you look at it it actually looks like there's a magnifying glass or just a piece of glass over the frame like that part is just popping out but as cool as it looks it's not that noticeable so you know what it needs that's right a shadow so pull up our selects tool menus by hitting ctrl + spacebar and then typing in shadow and just go ahead and add that in right here now bring the softness up and adjust the shadow offset to whatever ultimately just looks good for you because I don't know what clip you're using or what motion you're gonna be doing so totally up to you and I'm also gonna drop the alpha just a little because the shadow is too dark so now that shadow looks a lot better yeah but honestly that glass effect it's just still a little too subtle like I want it to be seen so now I'm just gonna bring the size up in the transform now if I click on the rectangle node and grab this center point and just drag it around you see that that glass effect it moves around with it like that's super cool now the only problem with using the rectangle to control all of this is that the controls are limited we're not able to use the pivot or even flip the animation so you know what we're gonna do we're gonna transform it we're gonna add a transform node that that's let's all try safe drag in the transform node now disconnect a rectangle from the media in and connect the rectangle to the yellow input on the transform node then take the output from the transform node and connect it to the blue triangle on the media in so now we can control this mask through our transform node and you know what that means right we can add a pivot point for our masks by using this method now I don't know about you but it has always annoyed me that you couldn't add a pivot point to your mask so we can with this next put your playhead on frame 10 and make sure that this transform tube is selected then in the inspector tab we're gonna move our pivot over to the left just like this then go ahead and bring the size down and now it looks like the glass effect like that mask is moving towards that pivot point but clearly our pivot isn't far enough to the left so we just need to go ahead and move it over to the left a little more towards outside the frame now go ahead and bring the size down more so the glass bar is out of frame then at a keyframe under size and move forward to frame 100 and then we're gonna go ahead and increase the size even more so until it goes out of frame on the other so the glass bars just gonna wipe across the frame like this and it looks alright but it needs some curves cuz it's kind of flattened and no one likes flat animations so open up the spline tab and turn on the transform to by just hitting this check mark right here and now I'm just gonna expand this and then click fit to zoom right here now highlight the keyframes and hit s s means smooth that's what we want we want smooth then grab the handles and create a curve that looks just like this so now that looks way better so now that we got that ultimately the base effect is done but the things that we can do with this effect is absolutely insane so I'm gonna show you just how much flexibility and how many cool things you can do with this so hold up I'm gonna quickly interrupt here if you haven't already heard I've just released a YouTube asset starter pack now this pack has 24 high-quality custom-made subscribe animations bail notification animations like animations a combined version of all of that and 24 high-quality custom made sound effects plus you can use any of these animations on any editing software like Premiere Pro Final Cut Pro of course DaVinci Resolve you use all these assets in every single one of these programs so if you guys are interested click the link in the description to check it out so let's get back into it so if we want to like spice it up and add some other color to it we can literally do that what we're gonna do is pull up our select tools and add a color corrector node after the shadow and then has changed the color to whatever you want like I want red so now our glass effect is red or if you really want to spice some things up you can go ahead and delete this media in node right here and that's the one that we had actually duplicated and it is placed we can add a totally different clip or image if you want to by dragging it in from our media bin and then connecting it back together again just like you did with the media in so now you can see by doing that our red line actually has a totally different clip inside of it now I know that right now like you may be saying like Billy this is great how could you top this oh just wait there is more can you tell that I'm like super excited about this like I freaking love this effect so we can highlight all of the nodes right here and copy it using control-c and then paste it over here using control V so now if you're tracking with me we have to then just add it into our node tree by grabbing the output of the color corrector and dragging it to the output of the merge one and then you can see once again it just created a merge node so now we can add the time speed node in after the color corrector node and then under the time speed node in the inspector tab we can bring up the delay to like 30 frames or so and then under the interpolation mode switch from blend to nearest ultimately this is just gonna stop any weird distortion from like it trying to blend in with everything else like it just stops all of that weird crap that could go on just just trust me here and then we can just go ahead and change the color of this second one and bring it to blue so now this is what we have it's delayed like there's two then if we want to really add that like dynamic feel we can go ahead and add a transform node in after this merge node and then bring the playhead to frame zero then under size in the transform node we're gonna add a keyframe then bring our pivot X over to the left where animations are coming out from and now is zoom in using the size we're not gonna zoom in super far we wanted to kind of be like a subtle zoom then move forward to frame 120 and hit this little button right here under size this ultimately just brings it all back to the default but we'll still add a keyframe so now we can see there's a dynamic movement in this and finally if you want to change the direction that this glass effect is coming in from you can just go ahead and grab the pivot point and move it to the area that you want it at and now look at the glass effect it comes from the other side it's so cool and you can do so many things with it so there you have it the easy glass effect in DaVinci Resolve if you thought this video is helpful give it a like and also share it with your friends so that they can put this effect in their videos so what are you guys planning to do with this effect let me know in the comments hello I always love hearing about all the things that you guys are doing with these video effects so if you want more videos just like this hit the subscribe button and the bell notification to stay up to date on the new videos put out and also if you want those animations click the link below as usual the video on the top is a video all about why I personally will never use optimized media again and the video on the bottom is video that YouTube thinks that you would like but until the next one peace
Channel: Billy Rybka
Views: 72,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Davinci Resolve Effects, Davinci Resolve, Davinci Resolve tutorial, davinci resolve transitions, Davinci resolve Glass Effect, Glass Effect Davinci Resolve, davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve 16 tutorial, billy rybka, Glass effect, davinci resolve fusion, fusion tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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