Image Plane vs Projectors - Bringing Images into 3D in Resolve & Fusion

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let's talk about the different ways how you can bring images and video material into fusions 3d environment you have the image 3d node you can attach images to any shape 3d objects and you can use camera projection and there's actually a difference between these different methods and I want to elaborate a little bit on this I noticed that there seems to be a little bit of confusion out there recently I created a let's say a medium complex camera projection in my free fusion course and afterwards some people asked me hey I can just put image planes isn't that much easier and the answer is obviously yes and no and there are differences to consider ok let me start by bringing a simple image plane here image plane 3d is the object and by the name of it it sounds like this is the default object to bringing in images and if you think that then you are probably right so now I have a plane in my 3d environment and I have here a few images so my 3d environment already has a camera which is a bit backwards from from 0 and a render node so I have set this up up front and I have a few different images here which I loaded via the media in in DaVinci Resolve and now I can attach them to the image plane and see what happens so here I have my simple cabin footage some photograph I attach it to the image plane and it's immediately in 3d the good thing about the image plane is that it considers the aspect ratio of the of the image and the resolution of the image so the image plane automatically scales to the dimensions of the picture if I load this panorama here you can see in the 3d viewer what happens so now I have a different sized image plane it adjusts to the aspect ratio now that's the main difference between using an image plane and just attaching an image to a shape 3d plane so instead I could put here a plane let's put a shape 3d object let's disable this for a second or disconnect and let me attach something to this shape 3d and now you see my image here is distorted because my shape 3d has a different aspect ratio so by default this is also giving me a plane if I don't change it and this plane has dimensions of like one up one by one by default and unless I change it to the correct aspect ratio of the image I will get a distorted image on this so in general when I attach any photographs or images to 3d objects unless it's the image plane it will just get textured onto the object so I can also use a cube for example and depending on what shapes I use I will see the image applied in different ways so for example if I have a cube here then you see the image gets automatically attached to all the all the different sides at the same time or if I use a cylinder you see it gets like wrapped around the cylinder and this is just the way how textures are being applied so certain images for certain images this may make sense first of all of course if you have textures from 3d objects from 3d programs then they are meant to be attached this way of course if you just have photographs in some cases it might still make sense for example here if I have a panorama photograph or like a like a Cyclorama which you know it's like stitched together from like 360 degrees then I might actually attach it to a cylinder so I can attach this panorama here to my shape 3d cylinder and let's see where it is in the 3d scene compared to the camera so if I if I move this cylinder in the center of the camera or the camera into the center of the cylinder and get the radius probably a bit up you see on the right side then this is starting to look correct from the camera perspective now the camera is looking into my 360 Cyclorama so if I want to if I have some 3d camera movement either from 3d tracking or I have some 3d motion graphics and I want to use Cyclorama for for a background then I could do it this way now my camera can rotate in this and look around and I have a wonderful background and I can do you know some some camera animation in here the same with the shape 3d if you have a 360-degree image of VR image or one of these HDRI maps which you can can download from the internet or even shoot yourself if you know how so if you have this kind of 360 wrapped around images then you can attach it not to a cylinder but to a sphere in that case so let's change it to a sphere and bring those radios up probably and let's have a look into this so now my cameras inside of a sphere and can look in all directions and from the center it will look fine so this is all by just attaching the image to the texture input or to the image input of the shape 3d and again if your image was made for this like a 360 image onto a sphere or a panorama or to a cylinder then it will look fine otherwise it get just terribly distorted and it doesn't make any any sense right now if you have a normal sized picture and still want to have it on two different geometry without this kind of distortion then you can use projection so let's set this up quickly let's say I have I have here a clouds image just a normal photograph and let's see I now want to have like a sky dome I want to have like a round-shaped Skype in the background so that my camera can move a little bit left right up down and I still have a proper sky in the background now I can do this with this and if I just attached it to a sphere it will get distorted to the side right but instead I can use a projector and projected onto whatever geometry I have in the background so if I now attach a camera here this camera automatically if I have an image input into a camera then the camera automatically turns into a projector you can also use a projector note by the way it space the same thing usually I just use the camera because I have it right here so I have attached my image to the camera I have you know projection controls and perspective projections or you can usually leave the default so the same way how you have controls how a camera captures an image about focal length and angle of view and so on you have kind of the opposite for projecting images and now the camera if I attach it to the scene it lives now somewhere in the scene and projects into it let me go back to a plane for now just for demonstration and right now I don't think I see anything here because my plane is where let's see so my camera projector is here let me bring the camera projector back to roughly where the the scene camera is and my shape 3d I bring back into the center ok so now I have a shape or a plane here which is just white and I see something in the background and there are a few things now so first of all the background is coming from from this so if I attach an image to the camera it just says enable image plane and this just means that an image plane is put to the far background this can sometimes be useful so if I use the camera at the same time to film it I want to attach the background directly in instead of merging it in 2d sometimes you can use this sometimes it can help to align things but generally I will just turn this image plane off what I do turn on is enable camera projection and now I still don't see anything and here it says projection mode ambient light so in this case my camera is working like on my projector this camera is now a projector is working like a light source so instead of just white light it is projecting light well it's projecting my photograph but enable to in order to see light I actually need to enable lighting so let me an able lighting in my 3d scene and renderer and now you see what's happening I have a dark shape 3d and wherever my camera projection hits there I see the light so now if I move my shape around you see what's happening it is just in different areas of the in different places in the 3d scene and capturing the image that is being projected as per the as per the size of the projector right so if I'm in the front it I have a very small projection close to the projector if I'm in the back the projection gets large here it's now larger than my image and the plane capture set and this is different of course to the image plane because the image plane would just stay in one aspect ratio and in one size and I can just move it anywhere I want with the projector if I now turn this you can get for example tilted geometry like this and you get the the perspective automatically considered on this projection coming back to what I discussed making a sky dome for example so in this case I can make this again a sphere let's go back make it a sphere and my sphere is now solid and and round so let's open it up with the anger and I'll just bring it to the side just to open it and I don't need it underneath though I just make it further for the sky and let's bring it back a bit with the 3d controls and this way you see where this is going so I am projecting my 2d image onto the 3d geometry and now I have a slightly bent background here so depending on maybe I should have kept it a bit closer and instead bring the camera projector back that's probably the better solution so let's bring this back so that my scene still stays close to the center so I'll just bring this projector back and the projector now for Jay it's the image like this onto the scene now of course it's still a rectangular image and the resolution and so on may not be be sufficient depending on how far you stretch it but it actually is from the from the view of the projector and it is still the flat image but it is hitting the round sphere and this way the image doesn't get distorted like the way it does when I just attach it to this view if you want to look at a more complex projection example for example look at this sample here from my free fusion course so here I did the camera projection on two different planes and some of them are tilted and this way they the projector again from the perspective of the camera it just looks straight but then you can do camera movement in 3d and you actually have captured kind of I have tried to recreate parts of this terrain in 3d by tilting planes a little bit and thereby get a better parallax and a better sense of 3d by actually having shapes that are tilted in the 3d direction now last thing to note about projection in the sample I did just now I used ambient light as the projection mode the problem with light is light can only make objects lighter but cannot make them transparent so if I you see here the black boundaries that may be an issue right so if I want to project something into a scene and you have transparent edges or so then light will never cost transparency light will only make brighter or or less bright if you need that you need to switch here to texture and in this case you need a texture as at the end a material property that needs to be generated somewhere and for this you need to add a catcher node which is called catcher here and I attached the catcher to my shape 3d and now you see the black boundaries are gone so my my catcher in this case caught the camera projection and now the catcher is generating a material which can actually include transparency so whenever you have transparency you need to set your camera projection to texture mode and then add a catcher to which ever 3d object should catch the projection from the camera the catcher node has another advantage maybe you have multiple 3d objects but only some should catch the projection so only the ones which have the catcher attached will catch the projection and you can further restrict this if you want you can restrict by projector ID so you can give a projector ID here and you can give a projector ID here and then only the catcher which matches the projector ID of the projector will catch the projection so you can project different images in the same scene and then have different objects in the scene capture those those images alright I hope this little round trip around attaching images projecting images and so on was was useful and clarified a few things I will try to put this into a more practical example in one of the next tutorials so stay tuned for this in the next week's and thanks for watching my name is belt see you next time oh you know with them just reminds by this short guys long time you never know my strength [Music]
Channel: VFXstudy
Views: 31,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: compositing, VFX, VFXstudy, Fusion, visual effects, Blackmagicdesign, Blackmagic, Fusion 16, Fusion Studio, Davinci Resolve 16, 3D, camera projection, image plane, cards, image projection, motion graphics
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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