How to Come Back from Rock Bottom - Grant Cardone

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Great video! Hey Grant, I'm an I.A. and was curious your thoughts on investing in an REIT compared to alternative commercial real estate investing???

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Mar 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

What did you learn? How can you apply it to your 10X targets for 2019?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ace_decade 📅︎︎ Mar 12 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] [Music] it's going good man going good just bang bang bang you know yeah I know you're doing a ton of podcasts out there right now that's awesome see your face out there more well it's a dad on top of everything else you know so it's not like it's not like that stops all the other stuff the deals and negotiating the partnerships the kids my girls are riding bikes this week so just goes to show you that back to the obsessed thing you know you can either be like do one or two things and try to balance the rest of your life or you can be obsessed with your life and make sure you cram as much as you can into it yeah I'm glad you mentioned that because that's a lot of what I want to talk to you about today and for those of you out there who are living under a rock and don't really know who Grant Cardone is or what his story is grant tell us how you got to where you were today from either your childhood or young adult when you started working just how did you get to where you are today because I know it didn't just happen overnight dude I got there about being obsessed with getting out of where I was and it didn't happen overnight it's about be obsessed get obsessed be ups tests stay obsessed and then surround yourself with other people that are maniacs and and be willing to get rid of the people along the way like there's no I know everybody's looking for hey when did your life change look at changes every day so and then and then you got to add change on top of that how are you gonna get to Mars right well you're gonna build a ship you're gonna probably blow up the first two or three of them and then you're gonna stay focused on the task get people around you that don't make excuses get rid of people that do and then you're gonna be like hey we're going to Mars dude no matter what it takes what it cost and and and you got to keep feeding the dream you know and so that's what I've done dude I like from eight years old like eight seven eight years old I've just been feeding the beast and when I quit feeding the beast of my dreams and fantasies when I quit giving them energy what happened was I started feeding other demons and my my life went downhill so by the time I'm 25 I'm broke I'm wrecked I'm spiritually bankrupt on physically bankrupt I hate myself and then but I didn't quit you know I Jared I just had to start rebuilding from zero so grant tell me I knew a little bit about your story maybe more than some of my listeners out there I know that you had a I guess a pretty pretty unproductive pass to say the least and we can go as deep into that as you want to but I know at one point you had doctors telling you that you'd be good to stay off of different things for about 24 hours and I don't even know how anybody gets up in the morning with any vision or hope for the future whenever that happens tell me how you climbed back from kind of the past that you had to the guy you are today that's cleaned up and obviously much better and accomplishing great things I just I I threw myself completely into it I basically I did what people say you shouldn't do ok I I I traded a negative addiction for for work so I have never met a super successful person that somebody hadn't labeled a work addict like like when work becomes an addiction dude we got a we got a problem with labels you know I remember my dad my dad died when I was 10 years old he didn't have a problem with work he said work is good he said more work is better he said lots of work is even better than that and if you could get a whole bunch of people working together you could actually accomplish something now fast forward you know to to somewhere in the last 20 years work became an addiction like oh my god your work addict you're a compulsive work person you're over achiever you have problems in your life I'm like dude the only problem I got in my life is that you telling me work is a bad bad thing the more I work the better I am the more I get accomplished the happier I am the more I work in a more accomplished the better I feel about myself I'm not trying to fill up the hole I'm trying to get my reach my potential so to answer your question which was you know what went wrong basically what went wrong was I quit obsessing or denied I denied the obsessions I have about about the greatness that I believed was possible for me and when I denied my greatness what my potential my fantasies about the future right when I denied that dude you're pushing so much energy down the moment a guy offered me the first frickin stick a weed and I grabbed it reluctantly and and then smoked it see it see I got all this stuff I've been denying right I'm like dude that's good let's do that again okay let's do it again and let's pop a pill no less whatever right let's smoke that and let's smoke this and let's just and then I spent the next nine years smoking and popping and and killing myself so when I got when I went to the treatment center and said okay I got to get rid of the negative obsession they actually suggested that I should get rid of all obsessions and I'm like no man there's too much juice there dude there's too much life there and so I grabbed all that and just threw it down into my first my first career which was sales tell me grant help session is different than motivation in your mind and no people throw those words around all the time but you're camping out on obsession constantly in this new book how is that different than motivation well motivation is temporary you know obsession keeps you up at night motivation doesn't keep you up at night dude you know that's not obsession that's enthusiasm you know obsession is maybe I don't even look enthusiastic maybe I go through the entire tone scale from grief to enthusiasm to zubrin's to - but did I'm running through walls bro okay obsession is when you're out of ammo and you still run it to guy and take him out obsession is what the people on the plane on the flight into the into the above Pennsylvania did said hey let's just take the plane down that's not motivation we're way way you know obsession is the thing that makes heroes motivation doesn't make a hero right the whole reason that I asked that is I think people get those two things way confused yeah I think it's an awesome question by the way all the interviews that I've done about this book nobody's asked me that question and I didn't cover it in the book by the way and right now that she asked it to me Jared I'm like I would it is radically different and a great question yeah and when I look at your life I know that you haven't always had this kind of success you didn't pop out of the womb extremely successful owning a jet and all the things you do all the experience that you know you have now that you can win so I would think when Grant Cardone is I'm speaking for you here but I would think when Grant Cardone wakes up each morning there's part of you that knows you can win because you've done the preparation the training you've been down that path before tell me how you dealt with adversity though whenever people tried to shut you down as a young adult you didn't have the experience you didn't know that you could win you were dealing with getting off drugs getting your life cleaned up how did you deal with that to get on this path of winning without any experience whatsoever in the level of success you have now do I remember my first 10 years so that people understand when you brought up the plane everything the my first 10 years of my life I remember going being on one plane with my mom my dad and my brothers and sisters we went on one trip in 10 years before that we know I never did I never been on a trip we sat in coach and we flew to Los Angeles and we went to Disneyland okay and every time we were every time we looked at something everything was too expensive so and I was tripping out all I knew was the people that had the money had the control they decided when we went to the Mickey Mouse pancakes shop what rides we could be on and and you know fast forward to today you know I know I don't stand in line when I go to Disneyland I'm like hey what do I have to pay so I don't have to stand in line my dad could have probably done that too but he wasn't he didn't go to the next level and and for him for my parents you know you made money you saved money you protected money and that was good but but it's not the only solution okay my dad my dad what my dad didn't know was and my dad would be really proud of this book right now it's number one at Barnes number one at Amazon he'd be like man you're continuing my name more than writing a book okay more than sitting on the jet engine of your own plane I told my sister this last night dad would be proud that his name is continuing because of my work and you know the point of that is my dad stopped my dad stopped at save the money and let's go on a trip you know rather than hey you know what let's keep building let's keep growing let's be obsessed with something monster not just enough and and and because my dad was satisfied with enough he died at 52 I know maybe he died at 52 the other way too but when you scale out dude you can actually live longer because you're not doing all the work anymore okay when you start flying on your own plane you're probably actually gonna live a little longer than flying with a bunch of sick people particularly today we particularly today when you you know we we just saw a plane three months ago blown out of the sky it won't be the last one so how do you get there I mean do you get there by showing up every day and not quitting and how do you show up every day and not quit you have to become obsessed this thing has to become like bone marrow like like something like every 80 billion cells in your body a friend of mine told me recently you have 80 billion cells in your body I'm like broke that's a lot of cells right and then and then I thought to myself I need to get them all in coordination with what we're doing here you know I think they send messages I clearly they're communicating with one another okay absolutely hey we're dying over here guys these cells you know who knows maybe there's eight billion cells we're done and there's communication going on okay good we got to go these other cells over here we got to have some more cells and and now we're back at 80 billion again so there's some communication if you ever have watch ants work together answer obsessed man they're not motivated right they're obsessed with survival I am obsessed with my own survival okay and what does that mean survival to me doesn't mean getting by it means improving the quality of my life so I can continue you know I was watching Escobar I was watching the narcos movie on Netflix and I noticed number one I noticed how much I liked to dude I mean here's a guy like he's a serial killer man he killed millions two people he made millions of drug addicts around the world he was the seventh supposedly a seventh richest guy in the world he was killing four hundred policemen a year and I'm like why do I like this guy and the thing I liked about him bro is he is so survival he's so survival at least for himself right and and like he has this obsession to expand his empire you know and and even though it was it's criminal and dark and black and he and he was evil right I think a lot of people a lot of good people a lot of good people with good intentions a lot of church-going people with good intentions that have read the good book and know the verses they could use some of the guts that Escobar had so that they could actually do good in the world you know what I'm saying sure see I know a lot of good people with good intentions that simply just don't do anything man you know they go to church on Sundays they spend their forty-five minutes there they got the prayers down the hymns down they know to die die die they do this they throw a dollar in the thing and they and they walk away what else man dude what about being obsessed with that every day you know I I hear about the Muslims that pray three times a day I think they do three times a day maybe four or five times a day dude I think that's freaking awesome I got to tell you you know now-now-now where it's not awesome is where it goes awry right it's where the individual goes bad but that's evil right that that's that's just wrong path it's it's yeah it's taking a positive obsession and applying it the wrong way yeah me of me being obsessed with which I have been by the way I was obsessed with this chick okay like maybe five years of my life I knew the relationship couldn't work I mean if you if you sat me down and asked me dude do you think this relationship has any chance at making it I'd be like no but man I want to go right I want to go hit her right now I want to hit it it's so good when I hit it so I was somehow there was something in me man it was something in me you know that that that drew me compelled me to this individual and i'ma tell you what I think it was as I look back on it it was at a time in my life and I write about this in a book it at a time in my life where I had backed off man of my obsession with my purposes and with the expansion of my purposes so I had basically started three businesses they were all running well and I started acting like : Kaepernick dude I don't even play on Sundays and I act like I'm a star you know you know what I'm saying I'm like I'm acting like a star dude but I'm not even in the game anymore I'm basically resting on yesterday's victories you follow what I'm saying right and what happens is I get bored you know or there stood the rock star that does an hour and a half on stage 225 thousand people and that's his whole week man one and a half hours and the rest of the week he's trying to get back to that thing he experienced in front of the 25,000 people problem is he doesn't have another show for a week so so so everything goes awry okay for one and a half hours he contributed to the planet and for a hundred and sixty six and a half hours he tried to find it again because he doesn't have enough obsessions enough positive things to throw himself back into and that's why Michelle I was so interested in this chick at that period of my life not because there's something wrong with me because I wasn't doing I wasn't being obsessed with new things that were positive for me so that energy that energy that sunlight that what a photosynthesis that whatever that thing is is seeking some target constantly it's trying to go someplace to find a target and if it doesn't have something to do it's like okay let's go hit something right grant I know there's a few types of people that you and I would both probably agree on out there there's negative people that aren't going anywhere there's positive people that could do a lot of good but they don't know how to go forward and then you've got positive and obsessed people and I know you probably know all of those people just like I do everybody though needs to recharge we talked about this a little bit last time but everybody needs to recharge and and people out there that are positive and obsessed and could be doing a lot more I'm sorry positive and don't know how to go forward could be doing a lot more but did the listener that's hearing this and says look man I'm a positive guy I work my tail off I'm burning the fuse at both ends I want to move forward grant keeps talking about being obsessed may seem silly but where do they start where do you start after being beaten down most of your life to say look I'm gonna wake up tomorrow and start a new pathway of being obsessed where I can go conquer well well I think I think there's two questions there Jared number one where do I start number two if you feel like you're burning at both ends right now and you got nothing left you need to recharge so so let's take the recharge first you know I would tell the guy that thinks he needs to recharge first of all if you're if you can only afford a three-day vacation that is not the way to recharge correct me I need a vacation so bad it's gonna recharge me no it's not that's not gonna recharge he did there's no proof anywhere on the planet two three days in a Holiday Inn where breakfast is free and the people you meet will be boring is gonna recharge you correct in fact I've been on vacations that were more work than the trip was was like going on the trip was more work than had I stayed home right now III if I'm gonna do a trip dude I'm doing a sick trip okay I tell people this all the time look if you can't do a sick trip I'm talking first-class everywhere waste money buy everything you want while you're there buy the best house the best villa have room service have people cleaning up behind you if you can't do that trip they'll go on a trip you got to figure out some other way to chill out because you hadn't got your money right yet and by the way nobody's entitled to a vacation nobody's in Tioga I need some time off dude until you have the money to do the deal right don't go do the deal because that would be a recharge but if I'm going there if I'm planning the trip and spending money I don't have then I go there and spend money I don't have and then I come home and I got to pay bills for a trip with money I don't have okay that's not stress man okay I mean that that's not that's not recharge oh yeah you're taking a step backwards you're you gonna be like dude that was dumb no but what you will do you won't dude that was dumb you'll say I deserve that trip I needed that trip and afford that trip and now you're gonna experience even more stress because you there's no way out now okay can you turn that fan on the other question about if if I don't know where to start man look you you you you guys you got to have some big freaking the reason you're burnt out is either your goals aren't big enough or you're not doing enough like every time I feel like I can't do more what do I do my solution is not to take stuff off my plate my solution is to add something else because I want to disagree with the universe okay I want to tell the when I'm telling myself man I can't find time to do this second interview with Jared right that's where my office was telling me Jared dude there's no time I said do it right after the G&E show the reason I did that by the way was not for you Jared it was for me because I want to disagree with the universe I want to say hey I will make time I can make time I refuse to believe that I'm a candle burning I don't have a fuse man okay I don't know what is a fuse a fuse goes into a bomb bomb blows up firecracker blows up c4 blows up and it's over with you can't reduce me to c4 you cannot reduce me to a firecracker I'm not a firecracker a guy called me a firecracker once easy you're quite the firecracker dude I'm nuclear weapons I am a nuclear that never stops okay it's pretty neat what you're talking about huh I said he probably didn't even know what you were talking about yeah I don't care but it was important that I knew what I was talking about cuz ain't nobody gonna call me a firecracker dude okay the problem even even the best fireworks display you've ever seen the one over New York Jan you embar 31st it ends man I don't end see the obsessed person doesn't end and I can prove it to you Jesus Christ we both know his name I don't know what your religion is but we know who the dude is man oh yeah I'm a believer because he was obsessed bro he's like a bring on the nails dawg bring them all and bring on the sword baby okay how about a nail in that left foot over there man okay yeah move that over a little bit see that that's how obsessed that dude was hey by the way my brother over there was stealing stuff man forgive that guy okay and but I could use a nice crown man right like he's a literally like come on so we're still talking about him today right Steve Jobs man guy was obsessed I mean these people are like you're not I'm I'm not gonna die dude Walt Disney you don't you he was probably around before you were alive you know his name his work lives on why cuz he was obsessed he wasn't motivate and maybe he was motivated but more importantly the motivation was sounds like Tony the Tiger on the front of the the frosted flakes are great okay more than being motivated to buy something dude I'm freaking obsessed yeah I think you hit up you hit a key point earlier that obsession if it's not controlled and it's not put into the right avenues leads to destruction so I cherish that obsession when denied when denied when suppressed when held down okay that's when it goes off in different in in in destructive directions it's when it's denied dude not not when it's directed the right way everybody's obsessed about something man I've never met a human being on planet you don't need to be your heroin junkie for me to find out you got an addiction about something something dude that you do that you like so much you would do it every day you know my daughter's my daughters are six years old and four years old right they they don't know about bicycles yet I noticed the bicycle I'm like hey my kids aren't digging bicycles why because they got training wheels on them and they don't have confidence yet so in the last two days I took my little six-year-old and I got a riding by herself okay you know how much she wants to ride that bike right now dude oh all the time yeah when she wakes up after school before she goes to sleep after the bath can we get one more ride in and I'm like yeah we can you know and who knows man maybe she'll become a super bike rider where she can ride on one wheel the front wheel stand it up stop it at 28 miles an hour turn it around pull out her Glock and shoot somebody and a movie deal that's the only people are going to get that movie deal or the obsessed right is the ones that are so committed to their trade whether it's skateboarding bicycles movies acting producing movies creating the next apt or going to Mars dude it's the obsessed that make all this stuff happen yeah absolutely and you're so busy grand I mean I don't you tell you that you're so busy you're on so many platforms out there you've got your TV shows you've got the podcast you got everything but you're also known for great energy and hustle and I know you're gonna tell me it's because you're obsessed but if that's the answer then that's the answer but I'd love to know where that comes from every single day of your life because I haven't seen you turn it off well it's not about hustle for me for it I never think about hustle it's like I rarely use the word I even told my staff I'm like I don't know why you guys use that word all the time I never use it they write art I said guys I don't talk about hustle I don't even talk about hard work I mean there's one time I talk about hard work when it comes to money but but really really it's not about hustle it's not about a grind dude I'd much rather not hustle I'd like to show up for a deal and the money just fall out of the sky so for me it's much it's for me a hustle is a decision right I got to make a decision to hustle obsession bro is molecular its cellular it's something like hey what am i obsessed about okay and and maybe maybe the guy the guy watching this right now the only thing you're obsessed about right now is looking at pornography I don't know maybe there's some weird deal that you're you're like I like looking at male gentle gentles or females or whatever I don't know what the weird deal is everybody's got one and all you got to do is tap in to this thing that you can't explain you don't know why it's there right you don't make a decision to look at it it just pops up out of nowhere like it raised this head hey let's go fishing dude I love to fish I'm sleeping at night man I start thinking about man I can't wait to bait the hook whatever it is dude it could be fishing pornography skiing I don't know what it is man grocery shopping Oreo cookies uh 1 an Oreo see those things have some life man you understand what I'm saying you don't make a decision to one in Oreo right if something sitting there since Oreo time and I want to play poker with the boys this weekend I want to play candy crush whatever the deal is so I'm I have figured out dude how to like give life I don't know if it sells I don't know if it's spiritual I don't know if it's purpose says I don't know what it is but I know there's something going on I can't explain inside of me that doesn't require a decision it requires permission ok permission I need to give it permission and I need to feed it right yeah I need people around me saying bro do it dude I've written four programs this year last year I was saying I'm done writing training programs this year I wrote for the most I've ever written two books two training programs and none of that was none of that was on a schedule none of that was planned but but but but it's in me bro it's in me it's like it's one to come out so grant I know that kind of off the beaten path here but I think it all ties in great thinkers and great people with you know tons of energy and obsession they typically they have a lot of different traits but they typically have an incredible morning routine just whether that's charging up the battery is getting ready who tell you that people have a who told you that they have a good morning routine no I've read I've read about them tons of them like what what tell me one guys got a good morning routine it's all how they well of course you put me on the spot to figure it out here but they all have an incredible routine to get their mind right and get ready to attack the day yeah yeah I know I mean I hear all that I hear that I'm like yeah oh really but when I'm with you dude dude when I was when I was with that guy I'm like bro you didn't do that this morning yeah you know I hear all this you know oh yeah my morning routine as I get into a bed tub with ice water and I sit in it for three minutes and that's what does it and then I go work out I'm like yeah we'll do it okay good for you okay you know what I do in the morning I wake up I'm pissed off that I had to wake up first thing I do is go piss I take a long leak and I watch how yellow my urine is and realize that I'm dehydrated I'm Sun I'm so lazy in some areas in my life I didn't even drink enough water yesterday to keep my urine clean you know and then I'm like you know I really should go work out today but my kids are eating freakin pancakes so you know what I'm gonna go eat some pancakes and I'm gonna have an expresso this morning and then dude you know I all the way to the office so this is you you're not talking about somebody else this is Hugh Grant Cardone yeah no I'm talking about me man but this is what I do do my morning ritual includes this I write my goals down every day I show up to work almost every day I show up to work I do some kind of work every day no matter what all right when I'm down dude I put my attention back on where I'm going not where I am and and so like for me I got I'm doing my life right like the fact that a day stops and another one starts I mean that's kind of like whatever that is right like you know I'm not so much worried about it how I start today is how I keep my day going how do I keep adding stuff how do I keep the day rolling there's parts of the day brother where I'm just not productive I mean about three o'clock in the afternoon for some reason I'm just if I can get from 3 to about 4 o'clock boom my energy just jacks up again but there's some part of that day that I'll all out so I try to make it through that part of the day I can go to 10 o'clock 11 o'clock at night sometimes you know I could wake up in the morning 2 o'clock in the morning work I don't really have I mean I'm just telling you I would love to tell you I wake up same time every day and I try to beat the Sun up this would be the ideal grant day I wake up before the Sun I beat the Sun up a wake up I like I conquered yes boy I beat you up son ok no I'd like to go down work out second thing three I'd like to spend some time on my kids for take a shower write my goals down somewhere in between all that get to work before everybody else work out that day at least twice eat healthy okay pray to God thank God every time I do something successful thank you lord thank you thank you man Thank You Brad that was all about you brother huh but you see I don't do any of that stuff you know but I'd like to and until I can be that perfect guy bro I'm just gonna have to be old broken G see [Music]
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 115,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to handle obsession, labels truth about drugs, prescription drugs, ADHD, obsessed, do you need prescription medication?, adhd, yt:cc=on, grantcardone, ocd, drugs, compulsive, ADD, success, obsession, grant cardone, business, average, obsessive compulsive
Id: XsuIsydCuRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 55sec (1795 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2017
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