Grant Cardone & Jay Abraham Exclusive Business Coaching

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Mar 12 2019 🗫︎ replies
you [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] he's going to help you sell more stuff to more people more often it is my pleasure to introduce Jay Abraham let's see the video why in the world would you possibly want to take a path going back to mediocrity when you can take the path to greatness Jay Abraham also known as the nine point four billion dollar man marketing legend of legend and the mentor to mentors as the world's highest-paid marketing consultant he has significantly increased the bottom lines of over 10,000 clients in more than 400 industries worldwide using one of his principles that we learned out of 200 helped skyrocket out of a chicken soup result number one the New York Times best seller list I believe every human being was born to be great I believe no human being wants to be average I believe no human being wants to be mediocre Forbes magazine called him the real thing and this Jay is one of the top five executive coaches in the country is also a best-selling author and has been featured in USA Today The New York Times ink magazine and Success Magazine among many on except for everybody this is Daymond John from ABC's Shark Tank I'm a panelist an investor also CEO FUBU and various other companies and presidential ambassador of global entrepreneurship and I have to say that at this point in my life I probably wouldn't be here without my mentor Jay Abraham you may know him from his history as a legendary marketer or you know his theory on preeminence or many of his books and I had to say that through you know his teachings and what he's done for me he's taught me how to position myself in very unique positions what is my unique offering as well as the ability to communicate and then go after certain target markets he also finds other ways and revenues and areas that you could tap into your existing customer base and upsell and provide even a better service also his ability to communicate and get directly to the challenges at hand and then find a way to solve it it's always great to have a solution but you know if you're a doctor and you don't have a diagnosis on the problem then you can't come up with a solution so I'd have to say if you have the good fortune of being in Jay Abraham's presence if you have the ability to hear such a fast talker who would keep your mind totally totally you know thinking at all times you will absolutely benefit off of it in the greatest way life is a series of mentors and Jay Abraham is absolutely the best in that area and not only bring myself to the table but I brought one of my dearest friends and a man I have enormous respect for I was a gentleman who is a marketing legend in fact what made him a marketing legend was he really started out early his career and decided he want to do something unique he wanted to work with every different type of industry possible and see if he couldn't find unrealized you know opportunities for these organizations revenue opportunities waste enhance performance and the secret to Jay Abraham is that literally all over the world he's worked with and what asked him how many industries it is now have to get it updated but I'm sure it's more than a thousand industries and what he's done is cross-pollinated he's discovered that for example in the real estate industry everybody markets the same way they put out their ads they do open houses and they do the same fundamental things as everyone else and if you go to a different industry they don't do anything like that you know they do something else they go to trade shows and what he did best was by working with so many different organizations he saw that if you compete with other people and you do the same thing they're doing and you do it better you have a tiny competitive advantage but if you do something no one else is doing you have an extraordinary competitive advantage and over the years and literally decades for him he's refining that philosophy and he's the go-to guy now I gotta say there's if you think of most the marketing consultants that you probably don't aim of they've all been influenced by Jay including myself and so I think it'd be really cool he's a very different approach than I do in terms of language he has 27 adjectives for every thought he's going to give you and so he is incredibly I mean he's going to give you a depth that's extraordinary and I really I look at him as somebody that I look at the dear friend but I also look at somebody who's a mentor to anybody in business I think he's the premier man when it comes to figuring how do you take unrealized opportunities how do you maximize because I do a lot of things in my life and I pride myself in my skill in this area but this is all he's done for decade after decade after decade after decade and he's always getting better so it's a great privilege to bring out and let me give me a giant welcome to alright it's Grace's sit we have limited time so I have a question wait what are we doing I'm here to UM I said Jared get Jay Abraham I want to learn every speaker that we've add was really for me I'm like hey I can get something out of this maybe other people benefit so you're here for me my friend thank you okay no thank you okay so I'm going to do a bloodless coup for about three minutes and tell you what I hope we are going to do how we'll do it why we'll do it and what we won't do hopefully a lot of you know my background because I could share it with you and give you some kick-ass stories but it would burn too much time I spend my days and nights growing businesses and dealing literally on the frontlines of capitalism solving problems making over marketing restructuring strategy extra gating people from business Gordian knots creating competitive advantages and I've been very blessed to do hundreds of industries and see thousands of different ways to accomplish strategy marketing business what has been in pardon me very very successful is getting people very clear on a problem a challenge and issue or an untapped opportunity having them in the mic giving them all of two or three minutes max to pose the question and we've given you a lot of background the quality your question will determine the quality of the answer I don't have time in this kind of an environment myself and I don't think grant does either to go probing for clarity so you got to be real clear my name is blank here's my business here's who I sell to here's what I'd sell here's how I sell here's my problem and if you can do that between E and I we're going to give you some kickass quick answers our goal is to try to knock out 30 40 50 of you as quickly as possible so let me let me ask you so why is it in addition to time your time why is it important that they get clear on the problem that is a profound question because literally if your assumptions incorrect everything flows from it's incorrect if you're focused on the symptom and you don't know the cause then you're going to pursue a bunch of tactical activities that will never get you anywhere and there's a great statement most people when they're stressed or when they're growing dig holes the more stressed - the more excited they are the deeper they did go the question is first in pardon me should you dig a hole second if the answer is yes should you dig it their third if the answer is yes or no wherever you dig it should you be digging it with a spoon or a power trowel and third should you be the guy or the girl digging it you got to get clarity of answers and my whole belief is that every entrepreneur in this room needs to be a strategist and most of you are technicians what does that mean I don't know what that means don't use any big words from em from the by use a little Indiana man okay Karen up you are expending your time your effort your opportunity on static activities that are episodic then are that are erratic and aren't advancing and enhancing a long term masterful end game plan you don't know what the end game plan is that you're besides trying to make money and stay in business and so everything you do is a little bit of this a little bit of that there's no congruency there's no understanding of how to make everything keep paying off over and over and over again so which one you talking about this strategic or that's technician tactical just does stuff strategist only do stuff that advance and enhance their big big game plan so give me an example of what tactic what am i doing today that's tactical vers strategic like we're doing here right now then I'm actually doing with you okay it's a great question that's tactical yeah something what is that what am i doing tactical because I don't understand what it means okay so what you would be doing tactical is not optimizing the audience to the fight to the fullest capacity if we knew that there were 20% real estate 20% technical sales 30% we'd move them around and we get them into organizations and have them pull their questions and get the optimal questions so we would nail everybody's that would be strategic does that make that strategic yeah okay all right tell me now how many real estate people here good how many tech tech nut was the next category technology technology driven people how many network marketing people how many auto industry how many net I did network market how many plumbers how many furniture how many of you in furniture retail how many in dental chiropractor roofing solar to ask it a little different so how many people market direct to the either consumer or industry radiant and how many market through booths at conventions or seminars raise your hand how many have distribution channels raise your hand how many basically use electronic media TV radio raise your hand how many could actually say I'll say this could be really fun how many people can say that sixty to eighty percent of your businesses word-of-mouth or referrals raise your hand stand up and remain standing I'm going to blow your mind this is my favorite embarrassing exercise okay now I don't have time because of the clock to do this right but you're going to love this I'm going to give to you this exercise and you're going to own the crowd with this so if I add I don't sit if I had time I would randomly go around the room and ask you to tell me percentage and dollars and it would be mindless that guy would go okay forty percent five hundred thousand eighty percent five million thirty percent six hundred grand so remain standing and then I would say okay remain standing if this is where tactic and strategy comes into place remain standing if you have at least one systematic strategic consistently adhered to referral generating system that you use constantly and everyone in your organization uses constantly to generate predictable referrals if you have at least one remain standing if you don't be honest and sit okay there's a lot of standing if you have to or less if you have to no more than to sit down three for more than four okay the ones that stood the longest verge Abraham students so let me give you a concept and it's a perceptive concept I get diluted but I'm going to show you what I understand about word of mouth or referrals first of all number one they are the most desirable they bite as soon as they negotiate the lease they buy the most they buy the most combinations they buy the most often they buy the best combinations the highest quality they are the most enjoyable to deal with they refer more people and they cost you nothing to really acquire is that correct and yet and yet most people who have not one referral generating system in place are spending money on cold ads trying to get trust and pay-per-click trying to get trust I would ask what's wrong strategically with that question over my career and grant gnosis I used to do hundreds of seminars and we would identify all the people that had mastered referral generation but we know ninety three nine three different non duplicated systems for generating referrals with no risk no cost and high predictability some are ongoing summer when certain factors converge some are seasonal but I would want to revisit that if you want to be strategic hmm okay that make a boy yeah so you basically lay the imagine if you're getting twenty thirty sixty percent doing nothing strategic what would happen if you had one or two or three systemic strategies and the only reason you anybody who's not getting referrals either sells to fiercely competitive markets or you're not liked very much then that's so let's say that I'm brushing my teeth okay am I being tactical or strategic say so say one time you are I'm brushing my teeth am I being tactical or strategic well I would say it is dependent upon the rest of your hygiene if that's all you're going to do you're being tactical if you're going to get your old body in shape for cleanliness pins are you trying to just be clean and neat for yourself or you're trying to make an impression on somebody else so I think it's out of context question but it's an it you're going to be fun because you have some very well all I'm saying is because when I'm dealing with people in my in my my company they do brush their teeth right I don't care hahaha but I do carry underwear they all wear masks I do care if they understand what I'm telling them and sometimes I don't think they understand because I'm having to tell them overnight how many have had that experience having to tell somebody some over and over and over again so I'm trying to figure out how to how to boil things down to such a simple matter it's my six-year-old can understand it I can tell you okay okay it's not it's just as simple it's realizing that everyone in this room has a different definition a different definition a different impression a different background so any word you use any any strategy and a directive any concept you share you're coming from the palette of your mind and presuming they're interpreting it the same way you've got to get them to tell you what they heard what they think they're supposed to do when I go to a company the first thing I do is I interview 20 of the key senior executives and I ask them all the same questions their answers are all over the place let me give you a good example when I used to do seminars I had a segment I'd come back purposely ten minutes late and I would apologize and I'd say gee I'm so sorry but I saw the most stunning woman out in the hall and I was captivated can I come back and start my mic program and then about half an hour later I'd say remember when I said that stand up stand up stand up and tell me what came to mind was very interesting a stunning woman to one person may be short balumptuous' booty for key blonde to a woman who's a little bit anti-sexist it might be somebody very conservative you know so no two people have the same same definition the same experience obeys the same interpretation so I was telling somebody else when we used to do seminars we would stop at key intervals we'd have it set up differently everyone would go around a room or a table explain what they got out of it and you'd hear if you had 20 people at a table you hear 19 different interpretations we try to figure out the most highest and universal then we would share it with everybody because no way I don't care it's not about them not listening the flaw is your predicating that they have the same values yeah young vision and the same definition they don't so is there is there a way if you want to go here how do I get people to have the same values that I have two ways and most people don't do it number one you literally start by expressing not the back row but the literal granular implications of your vision I want to have okay look may I divert for a minute okay I've done a lot of work on greatness done a lot of work on greatness every human being is innately embedded with DNA for greatness greatness as a man woman husband wife father mother lover parent employee employer and yet about two percent of the world becomes great why I have four answers I'm going to go on to something else no I love this okay first answer and this goes right to what grant saying nobody ever showed them what greatness greatness is supposed to be like internally feel like emotionally and in your soul express like and be recede like and then you've got all these different ways of being great great boy employer leader entrepreneurs have to be leaders so the first thing is figuring what it looks like and if you have five different areas of your life what greatness is supposed to look like as a husband as a lover as a friend as a parent when you get clarity on that which almost nobody gets the next impact or constraint is how do I get there what path is going to get me to to not manipulated strain feigned superficial greatness but automatic greatness for it's a natural and a flowing flowing flowing thought coming out of your being there's lots of paths most people try to go that path but it's like a boba vaulting when you find the shortest path now it becomes even more problematic you've got to pursue it and anybody in this room that either has or knows anybody that has children little children knows that when they try to talk or walk or eat or go poopoo they're not very effective in the beginning and unless they are supported and champion by a parent or a nanny that keeps them encouraged and going forward they would never do it so it's no different with the human being except you need to paint pictures of what you think is supposed to look like and then you got to give them why and why goes towards a lot of things why goes to the corporate culture but it also goes to the experiential outcome you want from the recipient your patient your client that's word first thing second you've got to give them a chance to play back what they got out of it and what they think you said and what they think it means and how they're going to execute one other point that is very interesting many people that are small medium entrepreneurs complain to me that they can't hire quality people and my answer is if you can't hire them grow and develop them because most people really aren't invested in the growth and the development of a team when you do that right two things happen staffs really research you get 20% on average of the productivity of staff team member ploy what I'm going to call it not because they want to be lazy they don't know how to optimize and if they don't know and you don't help them it's a screw you teach masterful selling what I find most hilarious when you talk to most companies that have salespeople I'll say ok you train your people they'll say sure and I'll say no no I'm not saying you show them out the products the catalogs that you know the performance elements do you teach them consultative sell it to teach them problem-solving do you teach them Socratic interview you teach them how to listen and acknowledge you teach them empathic selling they'll go like this I could go on but we're going to run out of time ok what you want take a question oh I I do want to take questions but I want to do it in a very meaningful way so we're going to ask this of you you hopefully took the time to see the preface we gave you clarity purity distinction of the question if you are prepared to ask a great question and the greatest ones will frankly be ones that would be universally beneficial to everyone that will be great go to the mic about 20 of you and you'll be given two minutes to pose your question and then I or grant I don't care we'll give three minutes of answers however and this is me not grant grant is much more empathic and nicer and loving and kind and consider it if somebody didn't read the rules and starts asking a protracted question it's going to take an hour to answer I will respectively say next not to be disrespectful to that person but to be respectful to everyone else beautiful okay sounds fair the rules are clear where're you going okay get to the mics and we go quick left right left right left right and we'll go front back front back okay yes sir what's your question do you think thank you going to mention all the park talk really clear into the mic a little bit of an angle my company does asphalt and concrete work we do construction in Minnesota and you've all three formulas my question is and I believe is available but it's not traditionally a company that's easily scalable so how do you scale one company that only operates in a local area because of the physical service of everyone so where do you operate at between two years and you're doing construction is that right yes sir okay it's very simple is you are you successful we're profitable we do computer work here okay look the first question are you more successful than 51% of the companies the localized companies doing what you do yeah why because you don't have any profit sir okay well you should say because we have a better marketing a better system a better implementation if you have implementation processes that are better than 51% of the people you compete against you can license or partner that with other regional ones all over we've done it with sawmills who basically had processes for reducing the cost of energy and increasing the quality of wood we've done it with car washes that had upgrade systems that would quadruple the number of sales if you've got a process rather than try to start businesses find all the companies who want to be great and say I can make you the most successful and I want 20 grand was 3% and you're welcome JJ no yep can you come sit down come back here you couldn't hear anything you get ahead of me in front me I can hear you okay if you sit here right here yes absolutely okay ah there grant Michigan Johnson he was mad my name is Anderson Silva I'm trying to grow my own business become the Hooters coffee we sell coffee lovers mostly men's department social media is offering contain experiences my biggest issue that I'm having raising down payment money I need for my business alone without just for me or Jeff what I was for you I'd it's okay so your question is how can I raise capital for my coffee shop track record track record sales and okay what makes you think your coffee model will work it's working in other parts of the country specifically considered Northwest rocks yeah okay so it where it's working there is it a chain or are they independence both can you license the independence so you've got a model that's been validated when you go to your investor and if can you go to the independent that is successful and license their procedures the process and then use that to show an investor you've already got a validated empirically profitable model well doesn't it make a lot more sense than not having proof of concept and just saying you're over here I think I can do it and then if you when you're raising money what I always do is do it in tranches we teach risk reversal and there's two kinds of risk reversal risk reversal sorry risk reversal for the I like to walk around risk reversal for the fire the consumer but risk reversal for the investor if you're going to try to raise money what I always do is give them milestones benchmarks of things I'm going to do at certain intervals before they release much of the money and I have to keep doing it and the an investor is interested in two things one the viability but really getting their money back and get their money back with a better profit and they can get a better timeline and putting it somewhere else if you can't answer that you did me don't you think I think dude I hate your idea okay why do you want to compete with Starbucks now me I mean I you just need to really like you pitched it to me last night frickin idea is terrible dude and you don't pitch it yeah I don't know you're the Hooters of coffee I'm like I don't get it I don't get it I don't I hate it I mean you gotta you gotta come up with a different pitch you're opening your slaughtered in the marketplace everybody's like I don't did I don't want invest in it so just because you love something some idea you've got to figure out if the rest of the world wants to love on that idea because Howard Schultz didn't make any money for seven years and if you can't stand the seven years they're two like bleeding out but the difference is Starbucks is on every street corner man every time I see one of these guys pop up the the kaboo cavern coffee maker across the distrub bucks I'm like that's a six-month deal and they're gone so I'm just saying you got to find be sure you in the right vehicle yeah I mean something that I teach which I should have probably overlaid I'm all about highest and best use optimizing and the question is what are your resources what are you trying to accomplish what your skill set what your relational capital is that the highest and best entrepreneurial business you could go into in heaven with leverage ability and also with absolute value yeah so if you don't have that what do you saying it's do you have any money do you have any connections do you have any you know how many dude you better get working me down that's good we should go on the road you got to go knock on a door dude and raise some money okay my first three businesses I did not raise money from anybody I went and knocked on somebody's doing today pay for this right we didn't get free tickets away here we sold you a ticket so I could pay for this production all right okay gentlemen they're a woman I can't see and hold it hold it if you can at an angle like this that you tell all the good Jay can you hear me it's good good yes sir day yeah hi pleasure to meet you up come all the way from London deeply to us you wish you came from London ask me a question wait you know what I'm the psychic marketer the answer is five next yeah I run the biggest of mentoring organizations for entrepreneurs okay entrepeneurs outsource their business and also their wealth creation to us how cool are you in London if London and you do it just in you care you're this year here's us your launch okay cool so we are part of the universal inside of what we do about a year and a half ago we launched the hedge fund how'd it do just got this a number one on Bloomberg very cool very thirty percent a year so just curiously what are you investing in here in the u.s. features of the quantitative strategy okay and we just sprayed around about 20 million okay what's your question my question is otherwise an exit say to me a year and a half first question is how did you get to where you are now both let's separate it how did you build the multiple service organization what is the driver that drives that and how did you find your clients and how do you grow them lieutenant we took the best don't in the UK and then offer them as a mentoring service obviously the average sale those companies Elizabeth those entrepreneurs have done is about 20 million and then we offer them as mentors to entrepreneurs okay but stop you didn't just do that that's a static statement did you knock on doors did you know with seminars yet what did you do to drive them to draw the entrepreneurs of the many tools that we've now got on board you could give me either/or but give me both tech to the vision and hearthstone a little louder place we pitched the mentors went to them and they got them on board so yeah are they stellar mentors with great with great buyers okay so you started with the mentors yes then hey why did seminars much like this gratis ones or did they pay premium otally startup free in a real facility and how many members do you have right now eight thousand one thousand I fell how many oh how many came off the net zero zero zero okay that's very impressive and what do they pay the initial event that I may be there they don't pay anything that's what he said why well just did you in just as we get into the business of a network or well to get in the network they pay nothing no one say yes get into them we could have anything because our end game is investment what's the correlation out of eighty thousand people eight how many eighty eight thousand eight part of me had it I think both of them turn audiologist in the audience and if so can I borrow your your equipment so out of eight thousand non-paying members how many investors do you have in the hedge fund about 200 so 200 is what percentage of eight hundred eight thousand three percent so I would say that if you first of all that doesn't sound like the most efficient model I mean it seems like you did 20 million last year right but it's gross for 20 million investment at what purse like 3% 2% you get what fee you get on 20 million 1 + 20 % of okay I've never raised money in my life in October I said I must or raising money we raise money we raised over 20 million dollars in less than 90 days now I 21 I'm trusted that people know my name I'm credible I've been doing it for - I've been doing that space real estate for 25 years and I started doing a show every Monday morning on how to buy multifamily real estate and if you're an accredited investor but I give information now I've never paid one penny for a hotel room or a free meal Facebook man its face thing called Facebook these are the new channels okay it used to be the old way he come-to the olive tree and I'm going to buy you dinner and you know you got to go through the dinner and a whole deal dude there's Facebook YouTube try to get his family ourselves very steak yeah but I didn't buy anybody a damn steak and I raised 20 million how many investors in a room okay I didn't buy you a steak now so could you do that are you doing anything online we do something and one more question what do the members get do they get this mentoring free know how much they've you forgot that so what do they pay for that if I do hundred pounds Pirela an average how much revenue does that generate okay and how profitable is that couple of million so are you trying to grow that but that's the part that's not scalable yes but it's a bit long let me ask one more question and then I'm gonna have to stop what's the correlation between the paid users of the mentoring and the investors [Music] that's not what I asked is your chronicler clinical you know gives a quantum quantified is eighty percent ten percent okay so basically you're charging two hundred fifty dollars a month to pay for your business because you don't want to wait you don't want to wait for the fee at the end of the year all right so we're going to move on to the next question but yeah your first business didn't paying you enough because it's too small how many had that problem okay Gary Vaynerchuk and I Gary had this conversation with me about other girls better off working for herself at 40 grand a year that she is working for somebody else at 40 grand a year the internet so beautiful as a dude ain't nobody better off working for 40 grand a great answer okay your business is too small bro you got it you got to figure out to get you should be completely focused on raising two hundred million dollars and drop the 250 a month okay thanks I agreed in the back here sir my my a mystery to finish the sewers of network marketing mentorship my clients far left in the entire rule we sell them fitness health and lifestyle goals we market by sharing a lifestyle my biggest issues on task officers is bringing in tyrol together to elevate angry and economic global red well first of all you're way too erudite in your language and your aspiration I'm thinking what you're saying is you're a network marketer selling physical either products or supplements and you're not limited in the territory is that what you heard him say so sorry Zenit what I gathered from business you know tax real quantity that means in terms of income yeah so it's cool well tell me what my biggest thing is like we've got such an awesome group of people in this room right now anybody gonna sell each other why can't why can't we going visit with each other just going create such an awesome you know opportunity to elevate third world country so but let me ask you a question is this a to everybody are you asking us for a question honestly it's not it's a bit he's inspired now him a big hand given being a man that's as bad as jacked up oh it's up okay so I gotta get really down or I've to stop so what methods are you successfully using right now to grow your distributors or members yessir go on right now are in the process of unrolling a really awesome okay wait so right this moment in time are you doing anything to generate members on a continuous basis and how many members have you generated or distributors he don't know dude you need to get on card on you bro you got to get on card on you because you got to learn how to sell your pitch you don't even know how to talk to Jay yet okay this is how many other students we get a chance to pitch something and it's like yeah it's so sad because I've helped people jack billions ours but we have to go to the next one yeah there's three flows okay one flow is the dispersal it disperses the communication goes in a lot of different directions that never hits anything there's another flow called a stop flow it doesn't go any place it just stops and the other one is a smooth flow and you got to work out the fluids you got to move so the stream can actually create energy alright so thank you for that that's a good good luck to us ballsy yes sir you know move the mic a little bit of an angle because I'm having difficulty understanding yeah okay that's better so I already sales of marketing focus and harden we do all with the R and Evans roll the charts so we require dollars for that and can you get compensated yeah on the variable or just a peek at the marketing service speak so they pay us a would selfie from your cleric donors for that okay we do this to rank you so it's all phases they sales really why and it's more we achieve for tourism you speak people to rent until we do events and all over the country what kind of event shopping centers retail stores go in to set up an okay so you'll set it up in in conjunction with a charity yes and then a portion of the proceeds go to the charity and you get your fee for doing it yeah we leave donors in and then okay so what's your question my question is the personal collection is them how what advice would you have for someone who is you know look at the kroger business but maybe they're a little bit impatient they want to take you to the next up quick but then my problem is right now online you know I want to get there quicker but it takes me off again I explain what this is impatient do you want to answer for us for you well I'll tell you what I believe because I've done billions of dollars for people when you have a good model that is solid and solid means it'll scale if you bring other people in it's not going to be marginal what you want is to find people already have access to the influencers or the entities or the profile of people you want and you partner with them because they've already got the trust they got the influence so you can do organizations you can do influencers you can do people that sell candy stores you can do people that I always figure out who's already got access to the market and who is not threatened by what you do and we would have 30 different contacts when we did the seminar business I think I spent 300 grand total and we did 250 billion because we figured out who already had entrepreneurs who had professionals magazines Tony Robbins investment newsletters but fine but before you do that you better make sure that your model makes sense and there's enough in it to make it worthwhile for them because if it isn't financially and they're not profoundly motivated to the charity it's going to be a waste but that's the safest because they got the infrastructure so but he said I'm decipher that's right the UN he's my interpreter out when Kim's story walked our stage here I said Kim you will never present a $59 product ever again there's no margin Tim for you for others like it what he brought the value he brought here is worth hundreds of times more than that than what he's asking first product how many agree with that so with Jay saying Jay saying two things you need to collaborate with people that are already in power man you're grinding it out because you you're starting from zero you know they'll 0 to 100 find somebody's already going 80 miles an hour good next okay and number two make sure there's margin there's more enough margin so you can bring Jay on board and give Jay a piece the big one but well-deserved of course mr. Ram yes Jonathan McGee Mike we have created in which we help people get credit cards of $30,000 more your % interest and they can pay off and they can pay off say it again one percent at a time and how do you do then we do through you leveraging the free credit act record and multiple credit cards and the systems that are already established in the bank so is it complicated as hell yeah okay and what does somebody pay to get access to this card they whenever we get them apart they got a flat person origination fee and that's it okay so 5% on the thirty thousand yeah so you get $59 for getting them the card right and the guard lets them pay 1% a month but is it accruing this incredible balloon at the end there's differences really yeah okay sounds interesting what's your question no my question is we get healthy individuals to be able to have an oral program but we can also train businesses we disseminate this information okay so what's the questio so I'm saying that we have a lot of options in which way we expand the most effectively nationwide well I go back and default always there's always somebody else who has the audience you want and it's not competitive and usually there's multiple ones and those they've already spent years millions hundreds of millions trying to reach the market they have the trust they had either online offline distribution they are the ones to do I have tons of people that I've got one big client is the second largest buy here pay here Lawton in the world and they basically partner with all kinds of other people that are credit type and you want to basically figure out who's already got your market and make sure that your concepts not going to blow up because it frankly sounds complicated itself yeah guess what the next time somebody asks you if it's complicated you need to be like now dude it's simple okay you need be like no it's simple man I give people money anybody money that needs money seven billion people need money yeah and they only pay one percent right how much is my credit card charge me minimum I'm not five percent right flat percent of the balance you do it for one we do it now no but you should you got to pay how much of the balance every month one person yes good that's that 1% 0% interest it's a freaking great deal man you guys one more it does it and you got to advertise it what's your advertising budget we haven't started advertising for about the launch day have you sold any of it yes I mean we've gone every 300 people okay I have one little exacerbating troubling question sure so is this for people who have bad credit or do I have to have impeccable credit it's for either actually the only qualification is that someone doesn't have a mark on their credit and that they've had a credit card for longer than a year and they can get thirty all automatically anybody so they can't have a mark no they can't well they're not bad credit pen dude how many of you know room got a mark she and I got a mark and I got good credit yeah right so it's a good creditor bad credit we sounds like it's good crash yeah but he's got do they have to have the justification for I mean the point I'm making is they have to have the justification for the 30 grand is that right Dennis the lawyer somebody wants to expand a company somebody right so dude you need an ad on CBC bro you need an ad on CNBC you need of an ad on CNBC online you need to go where money flows yeah okay I got you anyways got that market and how compellingly can you convince them that it's not a convoluted Byzantine scam I'm serious yes okay there you have it fine who's got the audience that's it right partner with them you got enough money you get you get anything on on the one percent that we don't you just get the front end right that's what that's nice yeah I like the model this is awesome let's go to the next question yeah we get we got to go down there thank you I think so not trying to be rude yeah I would invest in that business before I'd invest in a coffee deal you know whatever because I need money man you like to hit earscope you think nope but I do like grants Hooters coffee was that because it just got a little more proprietary - all right they'd all fail I did with anybody's name on it we could sell it right here at least we get a mobile okay hello look at this look at this these people want money how many of you want money man I want money man give me some money man okay go ahead my name is Thomas I'm completely in the savanna oh what's the book sleepy in Savannah okay 15 grand and I might need water outside and iced over my business cause of the Brina is so adorable I'd like to know that Thanks is that the little one running around yet how cute she loved us both we had a long conversation thank you when I make my next wonder stand with you I also run fake rumors I was gonna ask you a question about my business but the reason I found you was because I was looking into a real estate program and my friend said no go listen to grand cordon and I learned about you about two months ago and I've been addicted to watching your YouTube videos as soon as you come on and if my question is because I'm in a bind I was looking in apartment building like I said and I am a teacher of a New York City School teachers that have money in my PC a which is a retirement on it I was out a bunch of thousand in there and I can't just take it out to do an apartment building but I could take it out for a hardship withdrawal to buy a home and I'm going to be purchasing a home fairly shortly yeah I wanted to know I was thinking of doing okay so I know where you're going with your question number one you should not buy a home nobody in this room should buy a home maybe J because you've got some stupid money sitting around you don't have stupid money you should not put money in a stupid thing like a home if you real estate agents in a room sell homes good sell a home don't buy a home you don't need to sell everything you don't need to buy everything you sell okay so what I would do first of all you can take your retirement money without doing the hardship thing with it a hardship you can actually get that money a self accredited is a tie all right you can get it you can get it self-directed check into self-directed if that's not possible to you you could buy your first your next purchase as a home I think there's some banks here I didn't say this you buy it if the place you're going to live and then like in seven or eight months you're like I don't want to live here anymore and you rent both sides okay all right cool next okay hello my name is Torben hold it a little bit away just so we can hear thank you terrific Department I work at after a Fremont in Silicon Valley I moved there because my store Acura Fremont which largest Acura store in California is on Grant Cardone I moved there from online Michigan line good so the reason I mentioned that is the industry that I made those cars we sell cars born to insurance we sell parts we sell service and we sell munching mmm we reach people through email text phone what's a question yep question is the biggest challenge is is that okay we're on grant I got 15 sales people on there nine to nine eighty hours 90 hours a week I grind yeah oh pls Ryan's like me of the 15 to 20 people nobody's using or adopting that and my question then I feel like the biggest opportunity in the world Ricardo is the technology remodels everything but not to 2,000 people 250 million transactions which we do in the automotive market how do you scale car down where you don't have been trained a salesperson but you can integrate existing and software technologies like artificial intelligence and put it in so when that email that chat attacked hit the customer cardones offering value within that interaction I don't know the answer to that question if I did I would do it I do I know the you good man to give me a card thank you sir all right he did the right thing that's no it's great but you need to get her vote all right we're here I can't hear you give me aa part of it punch it yeah he liked it real close to your mouth for some reason oral fixation right all right one out okay so our industry is solar clients are homeowners you like it right in there man yeah let's go get okay all right I'm so early client remembers the way we sell is door to door we mark it by knocking and our biggest untapped opportunity right now so our sales rep spent about an hour and a half to two hours with customers to sell them on this idea they have to switch their form of electricity Oh they've been using it for a hundred years and on a 20 year contract how can we what are some strategy that you guys have to shorten the sales cycle and market better so that way now why is it that you sell only by door-to-door just it's the most effective method to proven work it's worth clients working in a big way oh man he's right a lot of other things yeah yeah I mean he's selling solar door-to-door and it's very very it's very uh yeah I mean it's happening how many solar people here today yet happen huge opportunity and solar right now so ask them let me give you so long so you're sure it's right go ahead and I sit with customer here two hours yeah 80% of people that we see that would be doing and so 2 hours 2 hours 12 and how could worsen strategies so we get a key provision so we can present there 2 hours with their kids show them let him answer yeah guys let me ask you what have you really tried to leverage or or aggregate this have you tried bringing multiple people from the right neighborhoods together yes some strategies like solar Lori after install like referral strategy and what didn't buy wait but do they work they do fire not after what else should be tried front end and you want if you want to cut down the two hours right and that's two hours or just have yeah okay but what have you tried to get there's obviously a profile both the kind of house the directionality that you know the whole head but have you done that not working all right use from you okay well I mean okay so one of the things I'm all about is testing continually alternative approaches that allow your model to be leveraged and expanded so there's got to be at 80/20 rule it's got to be certain either demographic Geographic age types of houses that their their trajectory to the Sun so when you find those and then are your clients happy enough to let you use their names what is what is it well would seem like if you've sent invitations of the right people and said we have installations at all these houses and you're welcome without being intrusive to call you know knock on their door or even better we've done ads where we had daytime phone numbers but you said we'd like we're going to have a couple of them and a group of other similar quality people like yourself who got everything to gain at a session for two hours and will tell you exactly what got them so something like that but you've never tried let me let me this is what I would suggest to you okay I like that because you want how I did some better I want to fill a pipeline right but take you to ours put it on a piece of butcher paper what are you doing in those two hours so take the cheese hang on take the piece of butcher paper map out to two hours and I want you to take every 15 or 20 minutes of your presentation and say who knows the question have you seen enough to make a decision no blah blah blah blah but who have you seen enough to make a decision I love that no I have not he gives you permission to move on you guys are over showing I'll tell you a story a cat came to my house to sell me a kangen water machine I was living in Los Angeles he comes to me and I'm a yep come on up man show me the whole deal the king and the magic thing it's a five thousand dollar machine I'm not collecting the door if I'm not interested if I'm not thirsty and if I'm not qualified all right near the machine was five grand comes in he doesn't deal he puts all his cups out anybody here in a kinetic kangin put all the things out you know how y'all do all the cups put up the Diet Pepsi the orange the sprite the better the water the obviou the clear water right dude he drop one drop in the first whatever the tester was and I'm thinking it I'm buying two machines I'm thinking I wonder if they could put it on my shower and I could bathe in it I'm up to three machines in the first three minutes of the presentation this idiot goes on for 55 minutes about one machine okay we moved to Miami about a second machine when I came here from somebody else I just bought a third machine from somebody else because everybody freaking takes too long to ask have you seen enough to make a decision that's very cool good yes my name is NaN Rasta in first poem I went into a plane friend for the event it's an awesome event my question is I have ideas and inventions that I'm working on seeing that our prototype with which I want to change how the boat move through the water and my question is how to agreement to market without spilling my intellectual property well I mean first of all is it is it patented patentable it's not patented I just don't and right into the world where China and other countries would be able to keep it that time and I'm taking it away so who's it designed for and what's the application that it's really going to be most most palatable most most most evident is it as for a house or is it for a big water plant what it's a marine propulsion system I mean a new type of engine that is moving both through the water he's worried about copies yeah there you can't worry about copy ya know is there in the copy is there is there a prototype that works I do have a prototype just one minute I'll generate the march to the read people fast enough so people don't feel it from well you can partner with the right company and they'll they've got the resources they can do it if you have to patent it you mean I've got I'm involved with the company that patented is sort of interesting they have a patent that covers every form of GPS based dynamic distribution everyone's in breach and it's for audio video text but we're not going after anyone big right now we're just trying to get very small vertical licenses to build you know to build but we have the fact that it's very strong but even with a strong patent if you don't have the deep pockets you can get buried by if a big corporation wants a barrier you know you know you can get the baton and get a bat control to represent you but I think it probably it's a big big undertaking isn't it how much is it going to take to do it together well let's take each I don't care how long for the baton how long for the prototype and how much money we better figure it out because you can't raise money or you can't I mean unless you want to kill yourself and and go deplete all your assets if you're finding it you better know at least a range if you're trying to get anybody else to go fund it you better get a range and I would probably try to see blindly if there's any big organization or niche organization that has more to gain by you by at least trying to take it over and sometimes you're better off with a small royalty and not trying to do it all yourself unless you're I guess you got to be a masochist sometimes to do it yourself you're going to get knocked off now you're your own plant a planet where you're going to get knocked off you need to keep creating copycats don't win yeah be enlighten somebody and get a royalty and some front money and keep doing it you sound like you're very prolific creative person are you so I don't know that you want to be an operator and I don't think you really want to be a big big money raiser you can but if you can just flip it to people who've got more to gain and you do better Rob and let them deal with it alright now raise a lot of money in this room you know for a lot of deals remind me to tell you we did that once it was very interesting we did we did a deal like that it was very peasant next over here please mr. cardone and mr. Abraham's my name is Chris novel and I'm in the education and coaching industry our students and our client's are real estate investors we sell them a results-based education system and one of one coaching we market through digital media events and also we have a TV no code coming to a major Network our biggest issue is also our biggest opportunity and that's fulfillment as we scale and we start growing across state by state how can we maintain fulfilment how do we structure a strategic way to find new coaches and strategic partners to help us maintain fulfilment you went in know okay I'll tell I would answer that's okay I'll tell exactly I would do if you have a success process that you can prove all you gotta do is go on LinkedIn and look for people that have worked for any the competitors look for people that are in any of the related industries and if you say we've got a turnkey program we can prove to you works all we need is the world's top people to deliver congruently and it's not very hard if you've got the proof that's what I found I always go to people either have work for or work for either direct or indirect competition and I try to first proof of concept I don't like to sell conjecture I think selling conjectures there it's it's not only is it dangerous but it's morally unfair to ever you're soliciting because you can't prove success but if you've already got a valid a valid system you can say hey I can deliver to you more clients than you can coach if you can deliver to me proof that you can coach at a stratospheric level of integrity and proficiency it's not really a problem if you've got a model just judging for me and said you have no problem you got a great opportunity that's my answer I would tell you that having a bunch of coaches with technology the way it is today like I used to travel all over the place delivering the stuff we today we will deliver my content I can control the content I can control what's in there I can control what's being shared and today it will go out to probably 80,000 people I know who they are when they look at it what they understand what they don't understand how can they look at it when they turned it on when like everything you cannot do that with human beings you've got 100 coaches out there you're trying to scale the thing out much less 200 or 300 you don't know what they're saying when they're saying it how the person actually liked it it's just a very difficult thing to duplicate and with technology like I'm using Lightspeed Lightspeed and I have a partnership with that kind of technology but I know everything about my client today the Jay wanted me to know when we when we sat you in the room yeah that's great that's great yeah no it's wonderful to hear too different but but convergent recommendations the more control you have the more congruence and the more consistency I mean if you study old old time optimization guys like Deming at they don't want variation yeah variation is the kiss of death in any kind of a consistent performance environment because you know one guy can make somebody a porch and the other can bury them so III think that's wonderful where's Brad is Brad still here no I just got his heart you tell me owes me a document great okay all right back here so I will speak slowly what is your first Catholic Russian okay this whole question is how to pinch project which is too attractive to deliver this through financial attract so my name is al - Bishop and we develop modular indoor ski resorts and snow land detective Olinsky Florida now twice our investors yeah my question is how in one sent us you sent us you would be G project say to mr. Cardona with regard to modular indoor ski resort in Florida he wants to pitch me he won't help me to pitch me yeah so let me ask you this question mr. they're very smart to in there so do you have do you have installations better my people man I know but you know what you should have had a deal where they all have the sign that ain't deals we get an automatic these are my people Jay very impressive oh you guys are good I'm having a great time cool you guys are you're making that my time here very satisfying okay do you have how many how many operations are up riding and positive cash flowing none this is particularly a new project in English that is none yes okay next question no no no no wait a minute because he wants he's got it actually he's got a good deal okay ski can imagine him ski next Friday is an indoor ski I didn't hear indoor yeah is in your ski isn't it is it Endor it is indoor ski but it could be outdoor right well it could be outdoor can be easier you're in the early stages it could be outdoors but I think his indoors because he can put in warm blazes yeah yeah yeah so so I'm going to Deer Valley Friday to take my kids because I promised some snow I'd rather not leave I wish I could bring him to snow I would love to bring my kids to the snow promised some snow this year so I don't know what it costs to build one of these little parks do they got a bunch of dumb parks all over Florida now they got gun ranges my wife goes there she spends freakin cattle and every time she walks into the gun rack you know have you seen the new Nexus gun ranges friggin awesome man I walk in there I don't have to go outside I don't have to sweat I don't have to get dirty no mosquitoes so did your deal it's a good but you got to get one up and quit talking about Florida California all over the country you got to get one up that's what Jay saying show me some proof and what's it cost to put one up it's just a bottom line just a bottom line okay but just what does an average Park cost to put up fullest one 160 million dollars 116 million six 16 million 15 1 Everage version would call about 20 million dollars can you let me ask you one final question can you can you repurpose some other facility to cut an enormous amount out of that you can be my interpretive yeah but I gotta do all the work where and these inside so dude is it like a trampoline thing in it like a blow-up you blowing the thing up yeah scuri going to you by yeah but yeah we put the information ok one last question we'll stop how much how much land does it require even the smallest unit smallest module four acres okay four acres I mean it sounds interesting but you're gonna I'd love to see if there's a way to jerry-rig an application someplace for the area I didn't know you could say jerry-rigged in public okay I'm from the wheezing I know copacetic - yeah so do the only thing I would tell you that your biggest cut was your biggest competition no no no this is your biggest competition bro 3d ocula who is it ocular yep good yep like me where where you're going right now you're right okay I gotta know who you're competing against the because these theaters you know these big AMC Theatres they will freaking die you're going to watch them die it's pastors TV because I'm going to put a headset on i'm going to watch one show i'm going to be in the show i'ma be in Avatar i'ma be in dancing and with wolves my wife is going to be watching the 50 grades of shake and it you'll be ready for the savage that I am yeah that's right wait wait with or whether you know they're a cake and I'll be like getting closer to the mic closer I love it anyhow I can't hear ya buddy yes sir one second say one more advertising and argue bring it down a little bit more please and your industry's advertising and marketing got that and roses from one my meaning we can define each other like a marketing campaign okay so pretty much that the problems that we have in the dumper where I pay that sometimes we deliver for and they no way then they're not ready to handle too much business for to handle let recover training sometimes a separated for a year from how how would you address geez I think that's an opportunity you pack again do any you basically say here's what's going to happen by the way most advertising most marketing is it's it's not modular you can test it and you can expand it at about whatever level you want so you don't have to overwhelm anyone you test you extrapolate meaning you project and you know where it's going to go so you say look we've got the ability to triple your your sales in the next eight months you don't have the internal ability so I'm going to do it you can do one or two things you can pay me for it as a fee or we'll build it as a double a double fee on the sales training but it sounds to me like a perfect positive storm I would advertise because you're going to get them more leads I would tell them dude I'm going to get you so many leads you're going to want to yeah I feel a husband you know you wouldn't have harder to be because I want to be recording we're happy yeah no but I would just I would you're they're not quitting you because it's because you gave them too many leads and they didn't convert I grew businesses yeah it has been you need to call on a different client you're calling on bro clients yeah you're right you need somebody who's got the wherewithal just not the ability to maximize go call on my friend todd back here that had his birthday today did Ashley furniture and give them too many freaking leads and see if he quit okay okay you give somebody if you take your car guarantee you're calling on people that don't have any money yeah that's your problems is you need to you need to go get a better quality client that's got money who's got my money yeah and who you might need a better quality lead to you get busy not or the leads any good the leads are good man they're greatly great they're world-class it's so good you're having trouble partying with them I'm gonna tell you my staff told me not to use Instagram but not Instagram the snaps yet they said look it's a it's a 14 year old okay there's no 14 year olds going to pay $19,000 for your program grant I wouldn't show them all they're wrong okay I literally drop my demographic of my client in half really using that that is okay thank you okay you just asked a question I think we're going to have to roll okay yeah let's do it yeah he'll do that that's a good question come on man come on man this dude's a hitter right here how much you make last year 1 1 million dollars give a big a and I go it's good good first off really thankful to a grand and in full staff for having been event it's an honor to do mr. Abraham laundered my industry is mortgage and real estate my clients are middle-class clients we sell them mortgages and real estate we market by word of mouth and all my clients harbors depart referrals 100 percent okay like my idea have a 1 billion dollar idea and it I wanted to serve the whole industry so I want to offer all real estate agents 100% Commission and I'm not going to get any money from the real estate because all my money is coming from the mortgages I want to spread out nationwide and I want to go big so what's the question how do I play get 1,000 agents working for you well first of all are you saying if I understand and grant can can come in with this you have a system that can generate quality buyers for the real estate agents and you really want the backend right and that system is scalable and predictable and as a valid a very very strong proof that's already been validated wherever you work right now yes of the mortgage time and on a typical week month how many not mortgages but how many sales you generate for either your own captive agents or for other agents listing sales whatever we will ten million a month is that sales of real estate or is that back-end mortgage that's it mortgages okay but I'm not asking that because that's not your question your question is how do I get agents excited about me giving them all the money and my question is how predictable is the system for generating either listings or whatever you do for people so that you can say here it is here's it is its documentation and then you have to either charge them or get you know get you have to get some kind of commitment for them that they will implement and follow the system and you need some compliance factor or even if you have the greatest process in the world and it's free you're not going to make any money if they don't adhere to it how many sales of real estate do you generate not mortgages well I first assisted the generate leads and I knew the lead agent and how do they convert bigamy results okay that's not my question though okay let me let me recalibrate it because I think I know where you going so what you're really saying is I am willing to go to an agent and provide them with my system or multiple systems Jay Abraham's real estate training anybody else out there that will sell houses if they will give me an exchange exclusive mortgage is that correct yeah okay and you're saying how do I do that you first need one representative and I would take a small medium rural aggressive I take probably three different markets and prove it go there and say I am willing to do a three or four month experiment here's the deal I will provide five different integrated systems for generating sales for you and I'll absorb the cost all I want in exchanges all the mortgage business and I promise I'll be competitive and it will work or it won't or some will work or won't you'll find out which systems work which markets work and you look at the agents and figure out what kind of agent works them better and then with that data you can go kill then you go to one of the big real estate training companies or grant he has realization you partner with them and you're done deal it's over so be like the realization is coach provide that service to them and eternity III think you I think you don't even worry about being a coach I think you become the lead provider yeah real estate agents don't want a prospect notice they don't want to work if they wanted to work they don't work on Saturdays and Sundays you can never get a hold of one on a Sunday yeah you just say I'll cook up the cost of getting you more leads quality leads you can aim for free right for free for free everybody's I love the reference and if it doesn't work after three months we'll stop stop what it's free yeah that's a cool that's a great property right but I would not limit it just to the one system you've got okay guys we got 25 minutes question walk up I don't need to hear your name do you need to know their name right now no I have two questions let's roll yeah I can just be psychic no yes okay do it do it do it I dare yak there back there okay go ahead crazy man I appreciate everything thank you great ability al-qaeda typically two hundred to a hundred thousand dollar home vodka homeowners we sell by doing hyper local marketing so open houses all cause door-knocking pretty much own it up I don't want to compete I wanted Amin yes my question to you is how one develops callable less predictable of strategy is dominating the area and duplicated in other areas was about $40,000 but you don't ok so what would your folks spend everything there yeah you got to go not you got to go get money reinvest it get money reinvested okay everybody look everybody just needs to quit thinking about how to take baby steps Tim story said it this morning okay you actually don't walk before you run a baby runs before it ever learns to walk it has to just to find its feet it doesn't know how to walk so you guys are trying to like figure it out and Jay may have a different idea I have never done a business plan on any of the companies that have started because I didn't know what I could write I didn't know what I was going to do but I do this I needed money who's got your money take that money grab it and reinvest it in business as fast as you can to dominate more than what I'm going now I'll give you my ideas and they may or may not be congruent so the first thing I do is I always always and he said who's got the money the money in this case is who's got direct access to the markets you want and they're usually influencers and at the range that you're talking about they're not the big banks they're that everybody from the local hairdresser to the and I'd have relations with all of them and I tell them you'll want to be their trusted rep gratis in exchange for them referring first of all number two you would want to create a positioning and I've got a positioning I can give you that's killer risk reversal nobody who sells real estate here gay anybody that has heard this before they lifted it from me without acknowledgement but in real estate unless you got very deep pockets you can't guarantee the sale unless you want to give them back the money but there's a strategy and marketing called the Aikido school of marketing and it basically says you take the negative and you make it into as much of a positive as possible so if you go to people and you say look buying a piece of real estate you're living in another place or if it's going to be realm is a big decision and I want you to know that if I add the pockets and if I was wealthy I would guarantee to buy it back I can't I don't think anyone else in a market will but here's what I will do number one I will treat you as if you were my mother father son sister I will never let you buy anything you can't and I'll give you perspective on what's going to appreciate the most what's going to be best whether it's rental whether it's for your lifestyle etcetera number one number two I will get you the greatest mortgage possible and and guide you with it even though I won't profit number three and this is important once you move into this area I will number one I will guarantee that for one year if you find that you're miserable or that you're not happy I can't give your money back but what I can do is represent you on the sell-side Commission free represent you on the buy-side commission free and give you $2,000 to move and that's a pretty cool concept one more thing we always did anytime anyone bought or sold and they move if the agent was too dumb to do this we would fund my agents that I counsel would fund a moving away party in the neighborhood for everybody and then they would find a welcome to the neighborhood party when they got there and they would get enormous referrals but that's a couple of ideas beautiful next question yes here it would be here there be right how'd you know it going in order okay so my industry is the bar business then 20 years my client our dealerships are now business and business so on odo header now for dealerships we sell them touchscreen protection on the interior the vehicles all parts of which means we mark it face to face meeting GM's and such my biggest issue is the same issue that Bradley had and that's actually getting to the decision maker getting to the to the GM and the decision makers and such I've had plenty of success so far this year but getting additional you know just getting to the decision maker as Michaels my question I'm going to give you mine and I've done 400 industries and every one of them our first well person here's what we do this is useful for all of you in case we ran out of time when I'm working with a client we break the business into two parts one what they're doing now even if it's dumb to generate revenue number two what they're not doing is it could do better what they're doing now normally is very underperforming even if it's not even an optimal marketing revenue advertising approach and you can normally increase its yield by 50% to 300% so we do that first even if we're not going to keep it because it throws off capital to reinvest in the higher higher better performing alternatives that you either want to replace or add all that stated once we've done that I default always to figure out everybody who's already got a relationship everyone who's already selling something to that person everyone has already got access trials somebody used to work there I look at LinkedIn I looked at all the providers who sell to the same people who would take our product on and if it's going to be a long-term recurring one we give them all the money all the profit in the front so they'll get rewarded for starting the relationship geez you don't have to recreate the wheel there I mean there's billions out there that are sunk cost Layton its know a lot of these people don't even realize they sell they have nothing else to sell you're a godsend or your reason that certain people that sell very large ticket can come back off it and keep informed and it's a great way to leverage but you got to do the research and then you've got to develop the proposition and the first thing I do not believe you ever take anything system-wide nationwide till you prove it really works because the power of a validated concept is a million times better than the power of conjecture you got twenty thousand car dealers and new car dealers you've got another sixty thousand used car dealers I would find out who you've already done business with please make a helpless who do they know yey-hey who do you know in this list I need help with these people who do you know in the list okay so you're in a space that I called on for 25 years it's very very difficult it's extremely vendor heavy a lot of people calling on them the GMs and the owners act like they're pharaohs so they're tough to the other thing is second thing is I would I would not depend on that industry because it's about to go through a major disruption we doing there's wine to keep the country's countries and distribution okay it's only because we're going to run out of time it is if you can to your question please created issue we're validating the energy in session at some speed with the team of engineers our biggest issues at the energy convention is to disrupt and that countries are scared so how do we get it in front of the right people how we get this in front of private investors that were pushes through who is it designed for for export distribution company to use the constant it's designed to kill electricity yeah yeah so that where would you where would it be best a third world country yeah third world or Sweden Finland Switzerland socialist country so you might find some of these guys I happen to know a guy who is an ex who was head of the investment division of the World Bank and now he just does deals for his own account they go through people left and right I find some people that have connections all over there and some of the connections are yeah they're not they're not easy connections but prove your prove your your value and if they don't have good electricity you might have but that's how I go I find somebody already has really deep connections with the decision makers and I don't know how they do business there but I thought I do first so that's what I would do yeah we got people that have connections and what's happened oh god energy ministers we had a meeting important 21st the Department of Energy but that sounds like good that the right I mean I would rather go to the Department of Energy in Kenya probably wouldn't you so it seemed like that might be more compelling so yeah oh well I mean a desi but see look how long it took you to get to that class I mean and and I mean I'm wasting kilowatt and it was well stated right but also this is in life man if you can't get right to the power of the question my answers always prove it to me show me that it works show me the differentials show me who's the right buyer and then I can usually find somebody but I'm going to want a big piece but yeah I'm open but I'm not open to things that are on paper that have never been validate you validate it there's a machine will give me that get me the data get me you have a meeting with J right now next question okay awesome job they're here come on bro I want that to be the next Elon Musk right there first up I wanted to start with the nomination again today is because my Director of Sales that I hired four months ago and started rocketing or moving our staff in the right direction is a product part on you so that's great thank you thank you thank you second he also brought to my attention that grant had a program for veterans I'm looking to hire 2,450 veterans across the United States and those who don't know this friend is offering car loan you three Brown veterans at the great American Latino I love that yeah yeah thank you yep it's very impressive yeah if you're a bet if you're a bet if you're in any aspect of the military active or inactive card on University comm ford slash veterans that bets bet that it's free which solves a major problem for me because i need to hire and rebounded water to invest and i don't know how to train them and you just solve my problem yeah great that's why i music boom boom so you have no question there's a hundred let me tell you how big this market is a hundred thousand i was working with the pentagon 1.2 million vets military people will be pink-slipped this year no matter what Trump does one hundred thousand engineer you know with the engineers there they're all kind of all the way up to scale all the way up to Colonels or being pink slip right now some guy and Iraq some guy Afghanistan some guy in some of the third-world country here's your pink slip go home he thought she thought she was going to be a career military person they're coming back to civilization 22 military people kill themselves every day you know why no no no no purpose man I don't have a job anymore I don't have a mission I have nobody to follow you guys that are out there hiring people man look to your vets to hire those vets first given place to go to work every day it's great give them a job dude hey give them a mission man what am I yeah that's great Richard Weston came to question me little background so first industry agriculture my clients every single farmer on planet earth that I can contact one of yourself a device that puts out over 2,000 frequencies it attaches to an irrigation system communicates the plants get them to grow strong faster healthier fully organic reducing chemicals pesticides herbicides and basically getting rid of out magnetars okay so you realize GM all right so now listen here gonna hear the question I've had meetings at the UN I spoke at a tea when I got the bathroom right now verbally they do a background check of me but the Vatican is going to back you up I've got two three people behind me but for one thing that I really don't do that one is I want to reach 50 million dollars I don't need the money I want to set the fifty million dollars on each side as a backup as an emergency I need for me to dude there you go how many of you want a 50 million dollar emergency fund your buddy only 50 yeah oh what's question when is this I want your magic champion investors I'm very selective I've been through what he later spoke about yesterday you know the sons of that come into your life screw things up yeah but we haven't laid out short course a lot more than that but I've learned very quickly and I've learned hard I bounce back that not going to happen not a project which question yeah what's we got to get to anyway fine how do I get humanitarian or group of humanitarian is better because if they're not monetary investors that put fifty million dollars together see my plan households gonna pay off I don't want them in so question is your your mechanism your technology installed in a lot of places right now I'm giving it away farmers so they give you a scientific food and how many have it right now right now about 120 around and what what is the results been results the lowest was a thirty percent the highest 520 is that in one growing season one groans all right so and what kind of crops everything we corn correct out I beans okay so at Elizabeth plant so that it maximizes said I got a guy guys so what have you done to identify sources and profiles of what you'll call not there's another word for humanitarian investors but whatever it's called if you figured out who invest in what and what that what they come for because there's a lot of towels if you look up there being there's tons of people today and there's another word it starts them to see what is it Facebook no but Facebook is great but no there's a category looks like that it's like the Whole Foods type groups but what is it say to get now going on now but the point is there's data is so easy to find people that are doing it and but want it used to have you done the question I get very not frustrated but intrigued that people ask questions before they've done any research I would advertise for humanitarians on Facebook man 1 billion people there bro got to be some humanitarians in there how many are MANET Aryans in a room how many want to be most of you don't even know what it means to be in humanity they're not even at your and what are they exactly dude so and by the way you might want to get off your thing about they got to be humanitarian yeah once they give you the money bro Darien maybe you make them humanitarians by getting them behind your program and yet that's what a humanitarian is I hope people I hope people I until you get me to help somebody I'm not a humanitarian so get me to fund something that helps set the people you decide where the money go yeah run a Kickstarter program yeah okay well then don't how you like these people did ask you a question you give them an answer not only what do I know most of you believe that guy ok good take half of it ok another one no one just a quick sound ok ok here's the deal everybody except the person standing in front of the mic sit down we're going to do something else later today you can come back up then and by the way you'll hold your position there all right ok but we can't get to more than four more questions what a nice thing thank you later but there are lists of donors conservative aggressive you can they can slice and dice them and you can rent them and if you've never studied that you ought to know that thank you you're welcome okay so what's back there we're 200 pound to work out what we sell is a stainless steel gallon water bottle that will keep your drink cold the holes are supplements things like that targeted towards the people who already carry around gallons of water now how we're marketing with like that to add survey what's a question yeah biggest sticking point is that it's hard to give a product that doesn't even good in front of people to get by it was it cost what that what does it sell for $50 what do you make on it how much 20 yeah so cost you 30 bucks to replace this big bottle how many of you have a big bottle of water with you right now okay it's a big market a lot of people walking around with a big water mark but I've always thought there's got to be a solution today I was bought it so far no okay so why don't you find somebody who's got a profile and not sell water bottles but owns the market for guys 200 up and and are really serious athletes and partner with them I know but looking in this room is not where you do it you do research you figured out I mean the short cut is the long cut there's people that already have your mark and go to them first that's it you're welcome here my music for a private corporate events mr. Abraham you spoke briefly on the concept Domanick referral generation yes and my question for all of us if you can elaborate on some specific strategies and can help all of us generate more work yes next question just kidding you okay I'll go through a fast litany okay the coolest one is when you are engaged in a sales transaction that will close you tell them look our company has built and will build its entire success by referrals and word of mouth by quality people and like-minded people like you we made a decision that instead of spending all our money on time on advertising we want to invest those resources and supporting and and serving clients like you better we ask that if we deliver what we promise that within six months you agree to literally refer to us to equal quality clients of the same basically profile we may be happy to put them on the waiting list if you're unwilling to do that we have to this is optimum we have to price points one with referrals higher one without that's the best but I can give you other ones at certain you have certain for example what I don't know what you do an entertainment give me real quick because we've been around time of course so we do actually like this will do the reception will do jazz okay all right and what do you charge right for example you know anywhere from Grant Ingram okay so you ask your client if they would bite 20 or 30 people every time you do one who are not from the profile but in their sphere not just your glass but if your Glatt will let you invite other people to experience it and you keep doing that that's one I mean there's all kinds of systems but I get out I'll provide grant with some of them you can put up gratis but I just can't get to it now and do it justice sorry about that but there's there's easy ways to do it have people bring friends do really cool deals invite them to experience something cool that you know they're not really a member of but another clients doing all kinds of things I'm sorry hey guys first off mark forces hello so we run a software company called sales message calm okay and basically it is a second spot forum people are picking up their phones they're not responding to voicemail right yeah okay email essentially when you but with text people you can get responses you can get gauges you close sales the promisee we're using a personal cell phone attentiveness text mention food platform env2 allow the company to provision phone numbers to their team so they can catch the computer Oh guys nice the biggest question is the untapped resource or untapped market is really about the influencer kind of a pyramid down approach yeah sure and how to kind of find engage cultivate and you get some of these - what have you done so far well we've done some joint ventures who have to mark 44 uh guys and did gora do well but are they giving it they sending it to their database no no okay we we we just started another company called upin okay go down what who else have you done it with we just okay well I mean you got to find the right people that have the right business I mean there's a profile of an optimum user whether it's somebody has got 10 team members sales people whatever and if you mean it's if you go looking if you go hunting Rabbids you're not going to catch elephants you got to find the people that I owned the relationships with that then if it's a highly we're occurring service you got to load the deal to the partner so it's worth his or her while and I really can't reinforce this you got to prove it before you start wasting your your your relational capital with people that have the market but if it doesn't work or does shitty you'll never go back so find some test guinea pig organizations that have the right profile but small and prove it and I tend to be very generous on the front end and the front end might be if you know you're going to have four years of usage you might give them nine months where the revenue after you bought back out the cross but you don't need people ask how can I do this and the answer is who's got the market and they'll go I don't know or they say well I went to this person who has no logical not that mark doesn't it has no logical it's like vectoring eight ball in the side pocket you go why critical thinking is a great attribute to finding people who have the market and the relationship you want whatever the opposite of critical thinking is is a great way to expend enormous energy and emotion and capital and time screwing around with people that can't help you what he's saying right is put it in somebody's cup like mine like we're heavy at trying to K you're the right one don't come to me and say hey would you invest in it dude if I breathed on it I made an investment if I use it take time with you I made an investment like like money's not the only thing you guys need absolutely not you wanted to what he's saying is you want to drop jump in people stream when you're finding a job yo don't go work I want to work in this industry screw that industry you want to go work for someone that's got fuel in the tank it's willing to accelerate willing to take risk willing to go off the freakin at the side of the mountain right you need to find the right people to work with because if I use it and then we have an organic story so that we're using your product at an event then you can scale it okay next question we have this and one more nuts it is sad Lego Galliano I kind of most abandoned but can you give it to us in Yiddish yes okay you hit it and network of object interchanging foreign languages actions it is the question is the question is like the device are did that agency they have people they have ten products so they are in the original property or code if we know the subtlety so it was the most of the problem the way we market up several different ways so direct mails online we get referrals so quickly this was the question yep we got it measuring I'll do I will be careful it was obviously years already like an echo prevention agency so how do we I'll be possible with land holder well how many relationships you have you're partnered with what what do you mean it's not the relationship how many partnering relationships you have in place right now that have the profile of your abarca whether it's wheelchair I mean should we just bang how many no no that's not the question it's not who you did it's how many not because anybody many it'll expire the wrong answer you use my friend and everybody in a room become the authority in your space when I google you or in italia whatever i what is it googly off when i do it dude I need to see you come up on the page foreclosures what to do what not to do you're right where you going to screw up where you're not going to screw up how to rip off the bank how to never pay them back again how to screw the IRS not in your country but whatever whatever do you guys need to like take that that whatever yeah this is and you need to become the Dominator yeah I agree right yeah and and write a book get it away free get on the radio say okay reasonable and giving away like a nice business card yeah you are many people yeah but see a lot of people but and I don't want to waste our remaining time but a lot of people and I'm not arguing with you guys they'll say how do I do this and they say where I'm already doing it and I'll look and I can give you a hundred ways to do it and you're doing one yeah and you're doing it limited and you're saying BAE 399 and said saying hey if you've got debt we want to invest in you here get the book free but there's so many different ways and most people explore or exploit one it's great to the other story but we had to tell ya next question relax question thank you thank you bye doesn't this an extraordinary quell it better be good man it's got to be fat dear you're like Pete you are the culmination of the whole process my company's entry Tom's the first platform that lets you watch videos tours of apartment and rent them online so people don't need to run around the streets with a nigga's anymore we've already improved content we have early revenue and we were committing a large management company that you're so my questions do great as an owner of four thousand apartment rental units is this something you'd be interested in learning more about what do you suppose it is that I lost twenty foot of what it's that it's a virtual apartment book what is it a virtual what person plan for you video tours of apartment yeah walking around the street is nothing like it no nothing like it if you go on Tommy crappy photos yet the call program yeah is it about me I want it it's going to make me money me are you showing it's making money for the apartment or you're making money so again I just answered the question right here you should take it proof in my four thousand units they're in three states and then I'll tell the whole world dude I everything that I'm successful at I tell everybody I don't keep it a secret so that's what he keeps talking about collaborating with people already in the stream find the people not the customer find the people that can breathe life and expansion connects into your home is you let's do it man let's do it y'all think we should hey give Jay Abraham a big hand right here okay come on this man's a genius right here big in thank you very good our dog away [Applause] [Applause] understand number one biggest opportunity and it's your number one biggest advantage but this whole theory of needing money to make money is just how many times did you think about quitting JJ over your career I don't know I know how many times you've an answer that honestly I mean how can you I think about quitting all the cash it looks like that you're talking about what you've done with your wife and you've got to constantly keep putting there realize it like where you got to keep water and fertilizing that thing if in a year of graduating college I made over a million dollars online not as I was smart because I found smart people and I modeled is there a mistake that has been done to you let's use the 10x principles and play through that mistake just to have a chance it's always a yes and tell it to no and if it's a no you make it a yes and you try again rather than you taking a list of 50 people and just smiling and dialing doesn't make any sense it's all about how to connect your income by building a celebrity personal brand but the ability to actually win to find the opponent's weakness and to attack it and to go after it and continue to go after it find a weakness go after you want me to dig a ditch I'm digging a ditch you're going to pay for one manicure after I'm digging a ditch whatever that man needs whatever you need whatever I can do to support him to help you I'm doing you need to have an opinion you are in the business to persuade other human beings - 15 and you need learn how to where where is your cash coming from close it we will run into do not you need to do the best you can you got a business partner a partner to think this way you think the other way where your people going to do I want more not a lot ei1 more I want it right now today all of you even if you're doing billions off you need to kiss again holding things yes I have done you are here because you have an uncommon desire to live a bigger life and to live your dream but if you cannot tie your feature your benefit your gain your advantage increasing revenue reducing costs expanding market share people simply was shut down you're looking good me I say hi gotta hear you I am boy so what do well that's how you do it become the star in your fear figure out what it is and this is amazing thing that I learned in brand what it is that others are not doing and do there's a try a tribe of world shakers a tribe of history makers a tribe of people who do not want to get stuck in an almost life why don't somebody clap their hands and shout if you're ready to take this thing go hearing had this conversation with me about other girls better off working for herself at 40 grand a year than she is working for somebody else at 40 grand a year the internet so beautiful at the nude ain't nobody better off working for 40 grand how great answer okay your business is too small bro you got it you got to figure out to get you should be completely focused on raising two hundred million dollars and drop the 350 we change our strategy to market to somebody every day we've changed our strategy today just to put on the event multiple times throughout today because we're nimble because we're always trying to hit the target and we push and we insist and we inspect it the target is here if you got you guys you got you guys all worried about all the steps to do Z you don't feel good about you need to worry about the stuff you don't do that you should have done everything that I have today all the success I have is happened in the last seven to eight nine years you [Applause]
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 307,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: branding, business coach, yt:cc=on, top businessmen, business answers, business 101, grant cardone, jay abraham, business Q&A, expand business, business questions, increase sales, business advice, 10x growthcon, sales tips, marketing, business ideas, business coaching, 10x business, small biz help, grantcardone, business problems, grow business, business tips, big business problem, explode business, sales advice
Id: jPholZZ9AU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 44sec (7184 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2017
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