How to Make Small Deals Work: Real Estate Investing Made Simple With Grant Cardone

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[Music] [Music] [Music] my name is Grant Cardone does the cardones own every day every day I'm gonna show you how to get money a lot cheaper than the hey get yourself in a position to sit in a chair right there are you the solution or you the Box yeah we're gonna what does it take they don't know you and they're not thinking about you they do know you and they're not thinking okay forgot you my name is Grant Cardone you are in the car down zone where I wake you up I shake you up punch you in the face but mostly I'm that good [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to welcome to Monday welcome to work welcome to real estate investing made simple every Monday I come to you to talk about well we got our uplight huh man I'm looking good every Monday I come to you to talk whether you are a talk about the real estate whether you are watching on YouTube or Facebook please post your comments below today I'm gonna be handling smaller deals you've asked me over and over I've warned against it told you be careful when you do it today however I'm going to answer your question how to do a little small deal I'm gonna actually show some find some small deals and show you how to do these deals and why they work okay again on this show we talked about yes sir Ron right captain Ryan's in the house and I'll just add that I that I spoke to one of our investors last week and one of the comments that he gave me was he said after listening to grant on the real estate investing podcast he said it's really opened my eyes because he said I was thinking small right I was thinking 1 unit 2 unit 3 unit and I usually thinking about building a legacy right yeah he said both the one issue that I always run into when I'm investing in real estate is time and he said really grants open my eyes to think about bigger deals yeah with more cash flow yeah because not only the appreciation but that he he said I want to live off the bangs every month your cash flow right he said he said I hear a lot of people talking about appreciation and these smaller deals he says I wanna I wanna I want to get the bang every single month so anyway it was great feedback from whatever you need to move over there because I'm gonna be going through some of the deals that we have right this is a this is the number of deals I look at divide eels none of my deals are going to be the deals that we look at today Accord own capital what we do is we buy extraordinary deals we bought extraordinary deals I'm talking about massive deals that you could not buy on your own I go after the deals that are held for the JP Morgan's the Morgan Stanley's the life insurance companies the big Giants why did why would I do that because those guys will have money in downturns those guys have money all the time those are the Giants on this planet and if you had a product to deliver those people product mean the apartment deal or the office deal if you had those products for those guys that always have money you will always be good Morgan Stanley probably will not buy a hundred thousand dollar piece of real estate Blackstone will probably leave that to you to purchase so this could be two units it could be four units it could be six or it could be eight it could even be one I've warned against the one why if it's got one door lived there you want to own multiple doors okay I'd rather not have any of your cash in one door no cash in one door just rent it just use one door if you love it that much I love my house so much good use it I love California doesn't mean I've got to live there I go use it okay I like Netflix I don't buy the company I use it for 15 bucks a month right okay so watch I'm gonna find a deal today I just wanted I'm gonna show you a couple different deals I'm gonna show you how a hundred thousand dollar deal if you could find a hundred thousand dollar deal how it would work why you would do it or why you wouldn't do it you can always call in 305 eight six five eight six six eight three oh five eight six five eight six six eight okay watch here's one hundred thousand dollar deal you're gonna have to put $20,000 down if this is an investment is that fair to say run or locally yep let's say let's say I get it done with twenty percent you're gonna finance $80,000 I'm gonna use a factor of point zero six to figure out your interest and that includes principle this is a rate factor there's a rate factor not an interest rate okay it's a factor for multiplication and division because interest rate right now is what four percent four and a half yeah probably four and a half percent so if I stack on another point and a half I got my I have my annual this is an annual number by the way always when you do your numbers always do manually not monthly anybody does monthly doesn't know what they're talking about somebody comes to your dealing like look at much we're gonna make a month they don't know what to talk about you've got to keep this thing for a year there's a marriage okay in fact this apartment deal could last longer than your marriage okay that would be $4,800 I I have to figure that out that's my debt on the deal got to know that right now what do I need to know to know whether or not I want to invest twenty thousand the hundred is not your investment the twenty is so everybody everybody spends time on pricing like why you guys been there so much time on price when you're not behind it you're gonna put a mortgage on it right so you want to put your emphasis on this down payment does the money do I get money back for this does it is my money if this was my brother's money or my mother's money or my cousin's money my uncle's money by the way it could be how is that money treated okay it was 20% of the down payment so I got to decide hey ma'am what am I gonna earn on that money the only way to determine that is to know what this thing rents for okay how much does the hundred grand do I get any rental income so let me just show you what I would be looking for right if I'm investing twenty thousand I would want two thousand dollars left over at this minimum to do this deal that means this deal has to have an Noi I just backed into the whole deal this deal would have to have an inner wife 6,800 for me to support 4,800 in debt for me to have two thousand dollars mm-hmm if this deal doesn't make $2,000 on my 20 grand I would not do this deal now you take the sixty-eight hundred divided by the number of number of units that you have by the way this is an Noi number okay Noi means what how do you figure in a lot yep income minus expenses and that's actually when we come back from the great break yeah yeah I want it I want to hit on that because a lot of these notion comes us expenses equals Noi your debt comes after the Noi debt by the way is not considered an expense and that's the big difference and so many little operators think that interest is it did is it is it is that expense and it's not it comes what's called the bottom line I'm coming back to you every Monday I do this for you I want you to get invest in the game I'll help you either as your uncle or as your partner at Cardone capital stay with me you're in the right place at the right time my life has been changed in the way that I didn't personally think it could be changed anymore the opportunities alone that have presented themselves while I have been here the magnitude I can't even describe right now I was bored I was lazy not doing anything sleeping not doing what to do man gregor don't share my life afternoon whatever to get bigger than life listen about the law of attraction it's about the law of action Kleenex my income since my life it's been that's my future family man that's what it's all about man [Music] you [Music] chasing low quality leads and leaving voicemails for prospects is no way to grow a business we both know that what would 50 100 or even 200 new customers contacting you directly every month mean for your bottom line if you're a contractor then we can help you fill your pipeline and start today at current leads we help you fill your schedule with solid appointments get more leads write more estimates and close more deals need funding to scale your business we've got you covered Chrome leads is here to help you to build your business brick by brick call us today at four zero three seven one zero six two seventy one that's four zero three seven one zero six two seven one or visit us at Chrome leaves come today mail tag is an email tool that helps you make more sales in less time imagine sending out an important email and knowing if and when it was opened imagine it was a proposal or your resume 78% of people you are sending email content to never read it unlimited real-time tracking email scheduling pings and trusted by 13,000 plus professionals worldwide start your 14-day free trial with mail tag hey welcome back got my cash flow hat on this is the Holy Grail right here folks if cash flow is not there you don't want this deal you understand if the cash flows not there you're not going to be able to keep the deal my name is Grant Cardone this is real estate investing made simple the phone lines are open every Monday I do this for you if you're listening on the I tuna okay send me send me a picture that you've reviewed subscribed and review diet ends if you're listening on youtube subscribe and review that you love the show if you own the Facebook make a comment put your email address down I'll send you my new book alright all you got to do is show me snapshot that you Cruise in all right now put my cash flow hat on because it's a break a guy that that literally is in here with me doing every show started asking me some dumb ask questions about some piece of land where there might be a hotel and in the future some time that this deal might be a great deal I said dude is there cash flow or not this is what this needs to be second question was asked is this is that every month or every year always figure your deals annually do not figure your deals monthly the only time you figure your deals monthly is when you're like do I want this deal each month okay for instance the deal idea $6,800 at noi let me just back into this if you know your numbers by the way you would know the rent would need to be about fourteen thousand dollars I would need my rent of about fourteen thousand dollars a year no no yep yeah fourteen thousand dollars a year Oh Lucille thirteen under the month yeah fourteen thousand dollars a year divided by twelve months that means that means I'm getting what thirteen hundred bucks huh what is this one unit mm-hmm this could be one unit what's the problem with one unit now as soon as they move out it becomes the liability boom it's a hundred percent unoccupied now my biggest fear you did all this by the way this is the only time you do a monthly thing when you look at your cash flow I'm earning a hundred and eighty a month to put 20 grand at risk and sign my name on a piece of real estate risk is a risk now I gave twenty thousand to earn one hundred eighty bucks dude you guys want to learn earn 180 dollars you come over here man I'll give you $180 and you don't need to spend your 180 Oh your 20 grand you don't need to sign on alone for 80 thousand you don't need to cross your fingers and wait for something bad to happen which it will by the way okay wait till you rent this this one unit to this one person that brings bedbugs in okay or they brought their little tampons into the toilet over and over and over again and Natalie freaking backs up to tow yo ho yo it's Chinese for toilet oh okay not good back up call you at 12 o'clock at night my toilet is brought backed up there's a problem with the plumbing here Donna how much TP did you put in the damn toilet look I live in a ten million dollar condo I give it a call I used to get I live in a I lived in this big condo there's only 38 people that live in this place both of my toilets backed up the other night 10:30 at night what am i doing I'm running around like a crazy man call somebody get somebody here right that's what's gonna happen to you with this one unit and that's why I warned against it so let me bring you through the math again all right actually let me do this we got some colors on right good let me talk to Alex real quick and then and then John I set you to deals can you show me the smaller of the two who do we have Alex good Alex what's up but doing all great how you doing keeping it real dawg keeping it real that's why I threw all my cash flow hat yes having a bad hair day broke I was a complete blast man as soon as I got my first 30 minutes just by being in that environment man that's it that's right baby be around the right people doing it's gonna wear it's gonna it's gonna rub off on you be around the wrong people that'll rub off on you too yeah yeah yeah hey I got hietzing Biofreeze with you rub that on yourself but yeah before you grant so I bought a house too much before I found out found out about you yeah so I just realize now it was one of the dumbest things that I ever did dumb question for you my question for you is I'm talking I'm going to sell it next year so I'll try get anywhere between 60 and 70 grand out of it okay so let me just say this okay if you think you're gonna sell your house then we need to get busy selling this house right now this is a mistake that I made before I plan on selling my house and I waited tell my wife when I bought about literally I told my wife when we bought a house I said I needed we need to have this house sold by X and then I waited too late to do that in the new window close so if you're planning on selling this house and you know you want to sell your house okay because you want the money look man let's start planning on how to do that right now what's that house worth today I'll say it's probably worth like make a 185 186 and what do you owe on it Oh 130 okay good so let's let's say that you could make fifty five thousand dollars selling that house right now what's your payment I'm famous like a thousand thousand for a month okay so in twenty four months dude you just gave up $24,000 a year fifty-five okay you'd be better off selling this house for ten thousand less only get forty five thousand and not make these payments below that house out bro once you decide you want to sell something just see what I just did okay if he waits for the 55 and he pays twenty four thousand dollars plus the insurance the lawn of and plus he's thinking about it all the time then that means the fifty five thousand he made twenty four thousand dollars in payments he only made thirty three thousand dollars in profit he'd be better I'll blowing his house right now and for 185 okay let's say less thirty he can he can literally sell this house blow it out for one 55 right now be under market blow it out and get a get a sold by this weekend and end up doing better basic math on Mondays from GC doc I'm not gonna even charge you for that brother ham guys you guys worry about the wrong thing y'all worry about the price and price is never the solution to the situation price is not the issue buying low and selling high is not the game huh show me the deal show me the deal okay okay I got a deal Tucson I found a deal in Tucson this is what I did for you today all right I took my morning I'm like let me go find some deals for him I'm gonna take the second deal in here they see the second deal okay this is five units Tucson Arizona three hundred and twenty thousand dollars how much is that so many different ways to look at what a deal is worth okay let me see let me just write some of this down 8.26 cap what else does this say about it okay watch watch a dormitory 1700 square foot building so this is some of the data you know I'm just gonna do the math with with limited data I know where Tucson is it's in America right above Mexico it will always be a renters market because of its location people are coming in it's good man okay so watch five units how many different ways can I cut this deal up this deal is gonna cost me 60 grand to buy at 20% down there is a chance because it's five units I don't think so huh I got to have a commercial loan on this if it was four units I could actually get an FHA loan on this okay I could get a 5% three to five percent down payment loan on the deal if it was only four units the fact that his five unit it becomes what's considered commercial grade a commercial grade commercial level five units and we're the bank's gonna say hey you got to put 20% down to buy the deal might be an exception of that it's gonna take me 60 grand about this deal 64 even if you lived in one of them alright sixty four thousand dollars to buy the deal I'm gonna finance $256,000 $256,000 at my rate cap remember that's not an interest rate 15 three okay that's fifteen thousand three hundred dollars and how much did I put down and put sixty four thousand dollars down to buy this deal how much money would I want to make sixty four hundred minimum okay so the NOI on this deal when you go back and look at the deal they said it's an eight to six cap what is that eight to six cap mean I don't even need to call a real estate guy I can know everything without even calling anybody you give me one piece of data I'll figure the rest of the deal out I don't need to call some some some ignoramus that probably doesn't know anywhere I ought to call the guy and see how little he knows I don't know more about a deal before I before I call a real estate broker than he does okay 15 threes my you know I know no fifteen three to my debt oh no so the cap rate let's see how many you guys know what you're doing the cap rate it's based on the purchase price the sales price assuming you paid cash three 20 times 0.08 huh oh I got 10 X on the back of my County service twenty five thousand six hundred dollars twenty five thousand six hundred dollars twenty five thousand six hundred oh there's my definite debt payment it exceeded the 6,400 it actually goes to ten thousand three hundred dollars what kind of return does that give me ten thousand three hundred probably twelve divided by what or 16 16.1% don't go anyplace you're in the right place at the right time my life has been changed in the way that I didn't personally think it could be changed anymore the opportunities alone that have presented themselves while I have been here the magnitude I can't even describe right now I was born I was lazy not doing anything sleeping not doing what have to do man grandpa don't share my life afternoon whatever bigger than life isn't about the law of attraction is about the law of action finish my income then it's my life it's in my future family man that's what it's all about [Music] you [Music] Wolffe dynamics believes everyone has the god-given right to own their potential most of us don't because we spend 40 hours per week serving the 40 year to life 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doesn't own the real estate what he does is he buys a contract he basically you don't actually buy the contract you control the time for correct visit Chris recom to book a call right now today the convergence of technology and imagination has reached new heights which are reflected in the advancements that we see in every area of our lives over the last couple of years AI machines have made their way into our homes the battlefield our workplace and even into our hands in the form of smartphones with voice recognition digital assistance for the home represent an opportunity if you know how to take advantage of them that is where Nico's Computer Engineering comes in Tim Clark brings you the latest news about the most up-to-date strategies to position yourself in the digital landscape finding a path to productive business applications and how to automate them with artificial intelligence are just a few of the topics we cover in our weekly segments our engineering here to find hey welcome back to real estate investing made simple grant car down here I'm doing small deals today how makes sense of small deals I showed you a deal of five units in Tucson Arizona okay it has an Noi of twenty five thousand six hundred dollars by the way that I figured without calling the real estate agent this deal will make ten thousand three hundred dollars of free cash flow on a sixty four thousand dollar investment that is a 16 point one percent return now the question I would ask brothers and sisters can I raise the rents $50 because if I could raise the rents $50 tons five units times twelve months and do it ninety percent of the time I would add $2,700 two to ten thousand three hundred dollars doesn't seem like a lot my brothers in my sister's 13 thousand but now I'm making thirteen grand a year on the same sixty four thousand dollars a year and now I'm making twenty point three percent return in addition to the $2,700 if I divide that into the sixty four thousand would pay the property off sorry is that 2,700 2,700 here my years everything's figured to annually I would pay the property off quite a bit sooner would I not what don't you understand about this deal there's a lot of moving parts who's going to manage it who's gonna negotiate how many deals do you need to look at to get here to find that one deal you guys are in Tucson I have to look at this many deals to find one deal and might not find one deal let me tell you who works here I work here Ryan works here Jerry works here Susan works here I'm just telling you some of the people that work in my real estate company Elissa work will Melissa Harry Joe Emerson Joe Peter Peter 200 trays you want to people another 150 people out on the road brokers mortgage brokers lawyers now in the beginning you're not going to have all those people but somebody had to do this somebody had to find this deal this deal is not gonna hit God God please God please send me some real estate God is not involved in real estate okay he is not gonna sing you a deal he's not gonna be like I hear even if he did dude you'd have to know whether it's a good deal or not even if God sent you here they'd give me give me 20 Hail Marys while you're doing 20 push-ups but you'd have to know okay I can do the push-ups but I don't know if the deal is good it's like me playing golf this weekend I'm like this is gonna be my shot of the day I'm gonna finish up today this is gonna be my shot my big shot my positive mental attitude doesn't help you on a golf course man don't get yourself your attitude is limited to your skills set you could have a great attitude that's just p.m. a thing pass by okay I gotta be positive what if you don't have any skills get positive about flying a jet f-35 man I'm positive you're not gonna do anything you won't even turn it on you're gonna get in there not touch anything you're terrified okay let's talk to our callers give me your deal do you have a deal or do you have a question by the way I buy this deal if I can do it ten times what's up bro thanks for calling in what's what's up what's up what's up what's what's up what's up let's make some money what's up okay come on man talk to me you're gonna talk of what by the time you start talking I've already bought a deal hey Brenda cedam yeah man turn it turn it damn thing off okay got it I'm looking at in Morgantown West Virginia I love Morgantown West Virginia awesome it's 160 Fayette Street 165th Street Ave by bppe 160 what it sa vai ete I see it man I see it right here right now say it yeah oh man I love this deal dude I'm feelin the deal I'm feelin this deal you want to tell me about it sell it to me yeah why should I invest in this deal I'm interested in pursuing this opportunity here this deal oh this will be my first deal you know I've been listening to you and you always recommend to go 16 units or more yeah like that yeah and also this is very close to West Virginia University campus like a distance so this would be ideal for that situation so my question is their asking one point four seven five yeah I already know that how much of the rents oh I don't have all the information yet the rent how much you think the Reds are probably 600 to 700 a unit twenty one unit seven seven hundred bucks a month okay it's fourteen thousand dollars is one hundred and eighty eight thousand dollars a year that right back me up Brian case is 96 correct sorry 176 a year one seven six thousand okay half of that is going to go to expenses actually less than that the smaller the number of units the small in the older of the unit are and the lower the rents are typically you can get away with spending less okay but I'm just gonna be conservative here that leaves me with 96 thousand bucks 96 thousand dollars okay what is this this is an oh I okay so if I take my Noi I take my price I don't negotiate first why would I want to negotiate first this thing's gonna be more than then how much is how much is the deal 1.4 this thing's gonna be more than one seven five zero zero you guys are always trying to figure how to get something less understanding it's gonna be more than this you're never getting out of this deal with less than a million five a million six so trying to trying to save 50 grand if that's how you make sense of a deal below your brains out that's code for leave real estate alone leave it up to me okay so check it out so I'm gonna do this I'm gonna take the one four five seven five I'm gonna put 30% down it's a bigger deal it's gonna take more money I'm just gonna figure one I'm a figure seventy percent of this number gets me the same result you like dude how do you figure this stuff so fast cuz I know what I'm doing it would be important at this level to know what you're doing time to 0.06 that's my rate factor it's gonna give me about sixty two thousand dollars of debt a year this thing makes 30 grand $33,000 how much money did I put down four hundred and forty two thousand okay four hundred and forty two thousand dollars down the deal makes thirty three thousand bucks a year I can tell you it's a good deal I would do it 7.5 percent now I'm gonna tell you I like this deal better than a deal at 16 percent how come five units or 21 units twenty one man I want those numbers why because when watch watch what happens now this is a seven and a half percent return but watch what happens when you get the key number the key number in the game is this the units are more important than any other number okay units give me multipliers if I can raise the rents fifty bucks here I started at a $700 a month rent if they'll pay seven hundred they'll pay 750 zero five ten times twelve ninety percent of the time if I can only get that 90 percent of the time what is that 10 to 50 times 12 is 12 6 and then times ninety ten thousand four hundred eleven eleven point eleven thousand three four eleven thousand dollars that right I don't think so so it's 20 thousand fifty times thousand fifty times twelve times times 0.9 $11,340 ryan had it right the first time every once in a while he screws up now what did I just do remember my last screen the deal made how much what did we say seven and a half percent makes 33 grand if I could raise the rents 44,000 340 how much did I put down 344 440 now it does 10% oh by the way the 10% is assuming I get no interest only which we get on all our loans so in another show in the future we're going to be talking to you about debt how to get the best debt how to get interest only for 10 years okay why would I want interest only for 10 years I'm buying a deal right now this deal is gonna be a hundred and sixty million dollars I'm gonna put 60 million dollars down to buy the deal I'm gonna finally that's 100 million dollars why would I want interest only known as I why would I want that let's take the next caller anybody that can tell me that I'll give you a hundred bucks in cash why would I want interest only for as long as possible can I wish oh no no not OPM I'm already doing that I'm doing the OPM not a bad answer not a bad answer but not the answer okay the reason I would want interest only what is the purpose of principle pay down what does the onion interest only is opposite of principle pay down principle pay downs means I've paid interest and principle okay interest only is I'm only I'm only paying down I'm not paying down the hundred if I don't have if I have interest only I'm never paying this number down in 2037 I will still owe 100 million dollars on this loan that's what interest only means in two thousand if it's ten years in two thousand what year are we in 2018 I'm sorry in 2028 the reason I wanted your son is because I've already paid my principal now I whacked it right here put sixty million dollars down the principal is 160 I paid it down in advance that way why why do I want to pay it down in advance why do I want to reduce this amount so I never lose the property this is trophy I'm buying Blackstone's gonna want this fidelity he's gonna want this Warren Buffett might want to buy this from your Berkshire Berkshire might come and say we want that jewel dog okay so look if you got to get started in little deals start in little deals okay then you're gonna move up to some smaller little bigger deals and then some bigger medium-size deals but at some point you want to be playing with the giants I'm not gonna pay this off somebody's gonna pay me that they're gonna be like hey dude we'll give you 300 this this is the target for this deal by the way I'm a sell it for 300 I owe 100 they pay off the bank at 100 they give me the other 200 we go to escrow the escrow company says there's a hundred million dollars to your bank here's to whatever whatever's left over shove it to you boy okay look everybody can play this game okay there's no show that I do during the week where I tell you man everybody can play anybody can play this game simple simple game really everything I do all week long you can have a good marriage if you want to you can do that you can learn how to sell if you want to you can learn how to negotiate if you want to you can learn how to hustle you can stay motivate you can learn how to do anything if you're committed to it this real estate game is probably the only thing where you get leverage and a chance to actually create create financial freedom for yourself and go on a trip to Greece I go to Greece if I go next week I'm gonna go to London I might decide to go to freakin Spain and Greece and just hang out for a while the company right here here in Miami you know and we're gonna probably dip a little bit cuz the big leadership the big dogs go on what everything will fall down a little bit unless Jarrod shows up and bows up right but I guarantee you my real estate won't know where I am real estate does not know the location a grantee boy that's why Cardone capital is doing so well because people that want to be a Bob's and these kind of deals I don't know if you have that that picture of yo you the big deal I don't wanna mention the name just send it to him okay I'm going to show you two deals 30 years from now you tell me which of these two deals you'd like to be invested in show me the one in Tucson John then I just sent and show me show me the one around sinan let's talk to the four callers own if you're on iTunes and listening if you're on iTunes and listening back to me if you're on iTunes and listening please subscribe and review the iTunes send to Natalie at Grant Cardone calm and I will send you a free book go ahead Joe what's up baby you got a top joke you got a talk okay thank you for taking my call I just got a wanted to see what your thought is I have some single-family home I love that land I anyway go ahead and thinking yes yes I know I have some single-family homes that I'm planning on selling so that way I can build a brand new apartment complex about 1214 units what do you want your thought on that you're gonna build you're gonna build 12 you how many units I'm thinking between 12 and 14 units depending on what the city allows me yeah yeah I think you should what do you do for a living sir yeah what do you think rent if you ever been on a plane I know sir you've never been on a plane no no just just a regular commercial airline I'm not like yeah who did you fly who did you fly I played like Southwest yeah yeah yeah why did wedding why didn't you go build a build a plane um the nine of capital o if you had enough capital you to built you to built a plane it's just good that that's not what I thought that's not my um you know that's not what I'm in my line of work I wouldn't go build a plane that's right and that my friend is my answer to your question and there my friend if you won't build the damn plane because it's not your business then why would you build 14 units okay you ever been to the zoo probably did you build a zoo or did you buy a ticket show me the big deal show me the monster putout putout how you like me now okay yeah now now can you show me the two son Dale can you show me split-screen by any chance can you show me a split-screen that dad in the job can we put on that screen too oh really okay look we're taking your calls today if you're watching on YouTube post below subscribe to the channel let me know that you reviewed the channel I'll send you my book okay if you're on Facebook on Instagram you want my free copy of my free book then do something for me go to iTunes grab Cardone zone that's where this shows played on it I need you guys listening to me every day so I can help get you out of the muck and the weeds and the little stuff side by side deals okay we got one deal we got one deal that's five units and we have the monster there 431 units 95% occupied I have a question for you back to me if Blackstone makes an offer on either one of those deals back to the pictures in Blackstone fidelity Merrill Lynch one of these big companies buys either one of those which two do you think they'd be most interested in I'm just saying I'm not sure grant which one okay now why is that important because we haven't talked about this today but in none of these deals have we talked about the biggie the exit so those deals that I talked to you about today the five units the 21 units I told you man I like this deal I like this deal right here remember this deal 21 units makes 10% on your money I like it I said I liked it did I say I liked it yeah oh you got to do is figure out how to get the down payment for it raise it from your uncle your cousin your brother your mother man you don't have the money yourself and then manage it but but but you we haven't answered how do you sell this deal and exit I could show you how to do that right now but maybe we save that for next week and we'll just talk exit on smaller deals okay I even like this deal remember this deal before I raise the rents at seven and a half percent I like that deal that's only 35 times more than the bank will pay you on a good day in a hundred and forty times more than the bank is paying you right now hundred and forty times more for every one year that you are in one hundred seven and a half percent it would take you a hundred and forty years so you guys are not paying attention to what I'm telling you right now because if you were you'd be pouring into Cardone capital because what I'm showing you is a weight bring-bring is a way to do the deals receive five six seven percent while we wade in the monster deals not 21 units okay in this deal with three hundred four hundred thirty one units with four hundred thirty one units if I have a 5% vacancy I'll have twenty five vacancies twenty-five empty units that's bigger than any deal that we looked at today why is that important okay because remember what I said the most important number in apartments is the number of units the number of units is the only thing that makes a multiplier valuable that's why Amazon works Facebook works Google worth what lots of numbers you know scale man this about scale one times a hundred is a hundred okay 100 times 100 times time even times 80 right I can be actually can be less efficient here and still get more payoff because the first number this number matters more than anything in every situation and we'll talk to the caller when I said hey raise the rinse fifty bucks used to raising the rinse fifty dollars on 400 units 2,000 units see well we do what we do at card on capital is I'm using your money you're using my understanding intelligence my connections the deals the banks that I have access to we're using each other to partner so that I can scale out and get more units I don't get paid until I find that 50 bucks I found $50 on 10,000 units and me and you split it let's just do the math on that little little bad dog okay okay 10,000 units times 50 bucks times point 90% just to be fair four hundred and fifty thousand bucks that was nine million dollars where the NOI right there for one year nine million dollars I'm gonna get thirty five percent of that I made three million dollars by raising the rents 50 bucks you made the other six that's what we do a card on capital dude this whole thing's crooked it's weird you got me going I'm falling off a ship right now okay let's talk to the caller's we've been on too long it's going crazy in here Lamar what's going on under the MC and yo dawg same difference my doggy kitty cat what's happening for your time and all your precious advise over there thank you baby can I say baby today is a sexist I represent girlfriend group in Orlando and my question to you is how can I step how can I set up time with you personally to consider buying from us none of our buildings in Orlando that is located in a funeral occasion 10 minutes from these Peaks and is the larger a multi-unit project and a good investment how many units 24 unit the first twenty-four units the first phase I think she said yeah okay well yeah why am I not gonna buy this deal too small probably you don't need to spend time with me just send me the deal right wait I mean I I'm not gonna I'm not gonna find the more the deal more attractive because you and I it's been you know I'd love to spend time with people hang out go do selfies but I know but I'm saying who exactly do I need to speak to consider buying our of our business projects our buildings over there this is it for me I'm opening versatile myself but I also work for them it's a very good investment in terms of the killer location and the return of the 5% net return and as we manage everything but add zero to their property and I'll come look at it okay probably have a better chance of selling it for you okay to Ryan at Cardone capital dot-com Ryan at Cardone capital comm he typically looks at all the big deals but in your case he'll look at your deal okay Cardone capital Ryan at card on capital by the way we're gonna go to London next week if any of you'd like to have a real estate briefing English for the English the UK's the Irish those of you live in that part of the world if you're interested in what we're doing a card on capital and you want to do a briefing on it show you how it works how you partner with me a card on capital you want to do a dinner one night maybe sure drinks tea we'd have tea do the pinkie we live tea tea darlings maybe we'll have the queen of bihari grab Harry and say would you like to look at it would real estate in America maybe we'll ever see my things and maybe some spotted dick a family college we have a next caller please next column what Manny what's going on in the PA dog man your feelings are getting you're getting to get a little overwhelmed aren't they bro well good good grant with you man you know man I'm just checking and jacking doll you you you a funny guy there you a cool dude I appreciate you taking the car though that we we we can we can't hurt down here we get hurt tonight we go we go we got a game tonight though let's see what's up they got to come through yeah yeah yeah okay you got a dealer you got a question all right so I got a question I've got a quick question for you so I just got the e-book that I've dope I'm excited to take a look in today do you think that's all you need to you know is everything in that book pretty much equipped to get you started to go ahead and get ready for investing in multi-unit families the way did you talk about anything on the show or not what my real my new real estate book real estate investing made simple but it's it's giving you the basis everybody here this watching this show you guys should get this no and you can't buy it it's not like you can buy from the only way you can get it from you is to go to iTunes subscribe and review to the itunes channel Cardone zone I'll see you to book for free is it everything you need no let me tell you what you need more than anything else in addition to this book in my show what you need more than anything is your feet and a bunch of addresses and any any real estate guy that tells you differently than that look the moment I walk on a piece of property literally I'm like a tuning fork I am a highly I am the Maga mcgann aggregor I'm a triple G I am the damn Floyd Mayweather of real estate okay you can write you you drop Floyd Mayweather in a ring and he knows how to beat you you drop me on a piece of real estate and I know instantly this is gonna be a great deal I can tell you literally I can tell you what its gonna make in the future how it's without having numbers I know what a deal is gonna do and I've looked at hundreds of thousands hundreds of thousands of piece of property and my advice to everybody if you're gonna invest in the real estate game manage it buy it a sell it run it do you need to walk a lot of property these are deals that are looking at just this week thank you for calling in man good luck to your Phillies tonight they're not gonna be able to make it though these are just the deals that I'm looking at right now soon as this is over today I'm gonna sit down and just start banging through deals we're looking at Houston market right now Orlando Miami Tampa Tampa Jacksonville Jacksonville any Savannah Nashville Nashville oh man Ryan's really filling in the cities for me okay he really came through today if you think Ryan did a good job today post one rate positive or negative but guys up we always like know what he'll ron did again every day i do a show for you whether it's money finance real estate sales negotiating your marriage anything that i'm working on in my own life to improve my own life to help myself out other than golf probably not gonna give you a golf advice to anybody ever if i'm doing it and learning something cuz of it I want to share it with you my name is Grant Cardone this real estate investing made simple you can listen to the show at iTunes when you subscribe and review at iTunes I'll send you my book it's the only way to get it is to subscribe and review to the cardones own at at itunes okay if you on youtube or you're on the face of book if your notifications are turned on and you review the channel i will also send you the book real estate investing made simple you need it you need real estate in your portfolio show me one wealthy family on this planet it doesn't have real estate somewhere in their portfolio show me any of these huge funds black stones the Fidelity's the life insurance companies okay when y'all talk about rich people y'all think about warren buffett okay there's a lot of people richer and Warren Buffett like these life insurance companies they have like upwards of two and three and four and five hundred billion dollars under management we always talk about the Warren's and everybody what about to what trillion dollar trillion dollar funds that's already exist everybody's like who's the first trillion dollar business gonna be dude those already exist on this planet mm-hmm okay and they all have a portion of their assets in real estate produces income like I've showed you today like we buy a car don't capital qualified investors Cardone capital com is available for you right now we closed our third fund we're opening our fourth one if you want to come play with me on deals that you can't get on your own do it for those of you who are not qualified check it out I am getting registered in the future I will be able to provide you with a vehicle so you can invest five thousand ten thousand dollar increments with me okay I want my other employees here that are not qualified yet to build invest with me we're creating that for you it's very very expensive to do it it's very time-consuming intensive to do it but I want to do it for you because so many people are saying grant I want to invest with you I don't have a hundred grand I only got five or ten and I want to be able to make it available to you so you don't end up in just these little deals thanks for watching Dave again a grant cardone grant cardone at Grant Cardone or Granite Cardone capital com hey are you looking to invest in real estate my name is Grant Cardone I'm the founder of car town capital and for the past 30 years I've been making money with my first business taking that money and putting it into my second business real estate if you're anything like me the hardest part was making the money the second hardest part was where do I invest it now that I have some when I looked around my only options were stocks bonds and mutual funds and I hated all three of them because I'm a coward and that's why I started investing in income-producing properties today we own almost 5,000 units around the United States to produce positive cash flow every single month today qualified investors can now invest with us at Cardone Capital where we give you access to institutional size deals these are monster size deals that can weather time look if you love real estate if you're qualified investor and you love real estate but you don't have the time you can't find the deals and you don't have the know-how go to Cardone Capitol calm I would love to partner with you on my next deal you you're in the right place at the right time my life has been changed in the way that I didn't personally think you can be changed anymore the opportunities alone that have presented themselves while I have been here the magnitude I can't even describe right now I was bored I was lazy not doing anything sleeping not doing what to do man grandpa don't share my life afternoon whatever to get bigger than life isn't about the law of attraction is about the law of action turn at my income tune it's my life it's been that's my future family man that's what it's all about [Music] you [Music] hey welcome my name's grant cardone is the cardones own every day every day I'm gonna show you how to get money a lot cheaper than the hey get yourself in a position to sit in that chair right there for you the solution or you the price yeah we're talking about what does it take they don't know you and they're not thinking about you they do know you and they're not thinking okay forgot you my name is Grant Cardone you are in the car down zone where I wake you up I shake you up punch you in the face but mostly I'm that good [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 38,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: social media, financial freedom, real estate, how to make small deals, retirement investing, team work, goal, grantcardone, yt:cc=on, investing made simple, money, success, digital marketing, real estate advice, social media influencer, self directed investing, real estate 101, money advice, goal setting, grant cardone, make small deals work, business, freedom, real estate investing, partnership, focus, focus on the future, investing, future, goals, income, how to buy apartments
Id: 5qEqXTprJ00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 18sec (3558 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 19 2018
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