How to Multiply Your Business - Grant Cardone

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keeps me from traveling more internationally it's just the inability to you know just just to be able to continue to be available you know like we were in St Barts and we just had internet connections constantly because it's a little Island yeah and uh sometimes the whole island gets shut down from from internet so yeah that's what I struggled with a lot in Italy Thailand's amazing for internet so you can have 4G super strong internet anywhere you go and for podcasting it's super easy but for Italy it was rough we couldn't get good internet it was slow it was choppy you get a 4G connection you get so it's terrible we couldn't wait to get out of there and now back to normal life and uh it's it's the traveling lifestyle doesn't help you grow or build it's just more like you're getting things done day to day and maintaining whatever you have but I'm not looking for that right now so yeah trying to get back into the the real life of North America yeah good man it's working yeah well I appreciate you doing this interview yeah I appreciate you taking the time really stoked that uh my friend Tyler got us introduced and uh super excited to share you with my audience I know a lot of people are are probably very familiar with who you are but uh want to get into your story you want to talk about the epidemic of average talking about being obsessed and super keep it super conversational see wherever it goes and uh beautiful there perfect perfect awesome awesome so let me just double check this make sure that this is good and food's not in the shot is it okay no it's not I don't see any food okay okay all right I see that I'm good on my end I'm just gonna increase the volume here you can hear me well Grant perfect yeah I can hear you great which one which one of these cameras big one okay all right okay you want to bring it up and bring the second one up a little bit there you go you're looking good I love your studio by the way oh thank you so much thank you it's been it's been a great investment for us okay just gonna pause and we'll jump into it all right Grant what's going on Welcome to the unleash yourself podcast really excited to be here with you I mean this is incredible your studio is beautiful I've never really done something like this before most of my interviews are actually done uh just audio Yeah so this is really great you have a beautiful Studio it's good to see you good to have you on and uh welcome Hey thank you Mike I appreciate you having me on and I love the title of your podcast which is unleash yourself you know that's that's really kind of the theme of this new book it's like how do I tap into who I really am and then like unleash that on the planet yeah totally and I love love your message I love your style your energy is incredible and you give people that in your face wake-up call that they've been needing or they've been waiting for so tell us a little bit more about yourself I mean we spoke a little bit off air here and I know a lot of people know who Grant Cardone is we have a very similar similar last name mine's Carbone yeah I pronounce it Carbone by the way your families just they would they were lazy dude they stopped at the B and they could have gone two more letters BCD and had you we'd be brothers man because there we go there we go we're probably kind of related just because it's so close yeah yeah yeah for those who don't know who Grant Cardone is go ahead and tell us a little bit more about yourself like in a nutshell quick little introduction and then we'll dive in no dude look I'm just uh you know I'm a self-made guy I've been I've been scrapping and hustling and working and trying to figure it out I mean I'm I'm more than hustling I've been trying to figure it out who am I and how can I bring who I am to the marketplace in a way that I get monetized so I've always been interested in money I've always been interested in in um I mean I've always understood that if you want to make money you got to be known like if you study anybody that's that's successfully made money they were known and and I've also been like my whole life has really been trying to figure out the contradictions of what I was told by my upbringing in comparison to the people that make it because there's a lot of contradictions yeah so uh you know I'm like everybody else man I got the same kind of blood running through my system I mean don't don't judge me on the color of my skin or my age or whatever we're all basically trying to figure out or my sex right we're all trying to figure out how do I take care of myself my dreams my family and have something left over so that we can give back to the community and make a difference and leave maybe in hopes of maybe leaving a legacy yeah totally and you've obviously built something that's incredible you have this is you're talking about the book here be obsessed or be average this is your what seventh book seventh book seventh book yes I have it's my 19th business sales Business book or uh Business program beautiful and talking about leaving a legacy where you've created this this omnipresence that I mean talking about the book you have businesses in various Industries you have sales training online on social media you're on every single platform and have an incredible audience on every single one um tell us what keeps you going where do you get that drive from because you're known for the energy you're known for that constant hustle and that that get your dream and go after it right so what where do you get your energy you know I make it I make energy try to drink it you know like I'm known for this four shot espresso that I have right look I could have a four shot espresso at 10 o'clock at night and go straight to sleep like I I don't I don't use energy drinks or vitamins to create energy I I believe that I am the power unit I'm the generator I just got to go turn it on in the morning yeah so I don't look for external uh admiration I don't look for my wife to give me the juice I don't look for the vitamins to give it to me the drink to give it to me I believe I am the generator and all I got to do is go generate like and that means I got to show up I gotta hit the switch even if I'm feeling bad you know like if you think about an electrical power unit or something it doesn't have feelings man it it's not I don't feel like working today dude all you got to do is go turn that thing on it'll start freaking uh generating uh energy last night I was going to sleep and and I I tried to go to sleep about nine o'clock and I get up about four or five every morning but last night there was an electrical storm outside I live on the 33rd floor in Miami Beach on this condo project and um there was an electrical storm that started about I guess when I went to bed nine o'clock I'm going to bed this electrical storm lasted till almost midnight dude I couldn't stop watching it man just electricity I mean freaking miles long and um I'm out there videoing it watching it like it felt powerful and then I've always wanted to like I want to tap into that thing and and when I'm not tapped into that thing whatever that thing is it hadn't always been like this for me to tap in and feel it it feels so good to be able to produce energy especially when you don't feel like doing it and I remember being a kid and having this fascinated with everything and then somewhere between being a kid and by the time I got out of school I had started to lose all that and and for whatever reason Schools teachers priests you know losses I lost my dad when I was 10 lost an older brother when I was 20. whatever everybody accumulates all these things and then you collect all this other information and the next thing you know you can't find you anymore yeah so so we talk about that a lot here and I want to dive a little bit deeper because we're talking about the idea of getting Unleashed unleashing yourself and and that could mean a lot of different things for a lot of different people based on where they are in their life and in their Journey but one thing I want to focus on that you just mentioned is that you kind of lost it along the way and obviously you you did things or something happened in order to re-trigger that or to refine it and to pull it out and put it out into the world what was it where actually you know what maybe I can ask it this way where were you in your life where you said you kind of got kind of got lost a little bit and then what did you do or what happened that well you know the Cardone of today came out and Yeah well I mean I kept covering up the Grant Cardone that was always there you know so because everybody started telling me they started telling me that everything I was doing was wrong you know that I had to do things like this to fit in that I was you know I've been labeled ADD ADHD COPD uh you know I was prescribed drugs and dude there was nothing wrong with me man I was just a dreamer bro I I ever since I was a little kid I was talking to somebody today from bison and I'm like dude I've always wanted to do freaking unbelievable things you know and and and I was surrounded by people that said you don't need to do all that yeah you know I wanted to get rich Grant everybody can't be rich I was told that man everybody can't get rich yeah oh you're wrong yes they can okay everybody can't be famous yes they can and everybody is not meant to do blah blah whatever it doesn't matter we're not talking about everybody we were talking about grant me okay because if I can do it if I can do it if I can just focus on what I can do rather than what I can't do or what I shouldn't do or what I shouldn't have if I could just focus on what I you know what I know I'm the only one my mama doesn't know what I can do man my brother doesn't know what I'm capable of I'm a twin I'm an identical twin okay and even though my brother and I shared the same mother's body for nine months we have different goals and dreams so so by the time I was 16 years old man I had denied so much of who I was that between the age of 16 and 19. I didn't go a little astray for nine years I just kept going downhill to find one bottom then another bottom and then another bottom and another bottom I went from being a middle class educated kid good upbringing to freaking like a disaster and then I had to figure out how do I you know starting at the bottom is one thing when you start in the middle and go to the bottom it dude it's like ah yeah exactly so I had to figure out how to dig my way out and how high can I go and and so the big discovery that I made about unleashing myself was that I had to quit denying my obsessions I talk about it in this book be obsessed or be average okay if you don't find something to be obsessed with and everybody is obsessed with something at different parts of your life you've been obsessed every person I've ever talked to I said hey what are you obsessed with I'm not talking about State change walking on fire I'm not talking about motivation here I'm not talking about moments of inspiration dude I'm talking about what are you obsessed with what do you freaking love to do introvert extrovert male female young old everybody's got an obsession that would indicate even if it's a bad one let's say a guy's obsessed with pornography you know or obsessed with doing nothing he's obsessed with ball games or or fantasy sports whatever you pick it man traveling dude man find out what's driving that Obsession and freaking throw fire throw kerosene and and fire on it so so that it lights up that energy yeah and I love it because this is something that a lot of people don't recommend they don't you know if they find that thing and light it on fire it's almost like they tone it down and that's kind of what you talk about when you talk about the epidemic of average is that people like you said happened to you it's happened to me it's happened to a lot of people a lot of people who are stuck today and can't get Unleashed are stuck in that world where they're like this is me but everyone is kind of suppressing it because they make me feel like it can't come out or shouldn't come out or I should stay along the path of the line like everyone else is on or following um how did you feel in those moments when you were 16 do you remember the sensations you had when people told you you know you can't get rich or it's not for you or that's not possible bro I I can feel it like it was yesterday I remember hearing my mom say I tell my mom I'm going to be rich one day my mom would say and my mom hey she's a great mother okay but her job was to protect me I'm 15 16 years old man she's worried about me she's already lost one son and her husband in a period of uh 10 years so I tell my mom hey I'm going to be rich one day and she's like son I love you Just the Way You Are she was worried every time I left the house that she was going to lose another kid so her job was to protect me my job was to explode okay when you're 16 man your job is to be dangerous the parent's job is to protect you right so the problem is if you want to be super successful man you got to get dangerous I teach my kids today I got a five and a seven-year-old you you be the most dangerous person in the schoolyard you'll never get hurt okay remember when you were a kid dude and you could do all you could run and jump and you were never worried about your body yeah scrape your knees or get back up and you just keep going yeah at 20 or 30 years man it's like now you're being careful I don't want to hurt my knee I don't want to hurt my shoulder because you have so much fixation on the cell on the end of on the body and so so the more I could I ended up being having a drug problem dude I basically stalled this stuff down that I wanted to do rich famous you know write books I had all these dreams and I pushed it all down the problem with pushing all that energy down is it's coming out some way exactly it's gonna find it's like electricity dude it's gonna when you compress that cloud bro it's gonna blow out somewhere and so um I end up using drugs man and I'm using them every day you know and and then by the time I'm 25 I mean I'm 130 pounds uh that's 40 pounds lighter than I am today my my face is white I'm using drugs every 30 minutes late and every combination it didn't matter what it was somebody's like what was your drug of choice bro whatever okay it didn't matter and so um I went and got cleaned up at 25 because my family finally said enough see they weren't they weren't now they weren't saying you can do more they're saying you need to do less yeah you know so so now now I go to a treatment center and and I clean up my I quit using drugs for 28 days on the way out the drug counselor says he says hey man you need to give up all your ideas of getting rich being famous writing books and all these grandiose ideas you have about making a difference you need to give it all up or you'll never ever recover just be happy he said I I remember it like yesterday just be happy if you go 24 hours without using drugs again and I thought to myself dude ain't no way bro I they ain't no way that's going to be my life and I walked out of there I said I'm gonna do everything I can to get rich I'm gonna do everything I get getting I'm never going to use drugs again because if I do I can't do those other things and I threw I threw all that freaking negative juice and energy Michael into like I'm gonna get rich I'm gonna get famous I'm gonna write books bro and I'm Gonna Change the World and then for the last 33 years rather than denying it I just continue to fuel it yes the fuel is the thing that that drives it right it's there it just needs to get that fuel to bring it out and to keep it going take us on that Journey so you know we know what you've done today we've we see the books we see the success we see the energy where did it start you walked out of that Center you know 25 years old where did your entrepreneurial journey start I I had to find one thing that I could throw myself into my biggest my biggest struggle the first night I got back from the treatment center my biggest problem I had a job to go back to thank God uh my biggest fear man was it wasn't drugs man it wasn't even the people it was time as long as I had time I was I got in trouble what do you mean by that exactly if I had free time man every time I've ever had free time in my life I get in trouble even today if I have too much free time I'm going to get in trouble because I'm looking for Action Man like like if you're an entrepreneur if you got this thing that I'm talking about in you you need action now the problem today in in the culture today anybody that seeks constant action is going to get labeled you're you're you're a uh what's it called junkie uh uh uh action junkie action junkie uh adrenaline adrenaline junkie you got addictive personality I'm like yeah so what bro so what every genius on this planet you're trying to tell me Jesus wasn't a freaking junkie dude he was a freaking addict man he was he was so committed to his to his message bro he's like strap me up okay I'm willing to die for that deal right so all the greats all the greats were first ignored then they were criticized and then later they're acknowledged so you got to get through the whole labeling thing ADD ADHD COPD all these are labels by average people that are trying to make sense of why you're freaking a nutcase that will later be called a genius so you know the same people that used that told me when I was 18 years old that I was a problem now they're saying you know what they say to me now dude I always knew you were gonna make it man I'm like you weren't saying that [ __ ] back when I was 18 dude you know so my even my uncles man I had uncles that were like man this kid's a problem it's because he lost his dad it wasn't good man you know there's a lot of people that don't have dads okay there's a lot of people out there don't have moms and dads that is not why you have problems okay you have problems because you haven't embraced who you are and so so when I got out of when I got out of that Treatment Center man all I did was this what can I do tomorrow that is constructive I could learn how to sell okay that's the only thing I had in front of me I could do and I really because of your job that you had at the time I had a sales job I said so you know what I'm gonna do I must throw myself I'm gonna throw every waking moment into that sales job and literally in 30 days man my income tripled okay in a year I was in the top one percent of everybody in the business so I took all the free time I had and I said I'm going to become a student of this one thing I'm going to immerse myself I'm not going to sip the Kool-Aid drink it put my toe in it dude I'm diving in okay I'm giving myself freaking sales colonics pushing it in my ears stuffing it in my nose dude I mean every orifice I could drop sales content that's all I did and I became a maniac a fanatic you know one of these people that's that's all I thought about until I became an expert at it and then I said hey what else can I take on now but but I spent enough time figuring that one thing out just freaking honing that one thing until I became a Michelangelo and I didn't know it then I just I dude I'm just trying not to use drugs again yeah and so I just replaced one addiction with another addiction now some people think that that's terrible I heard Dr Fields saying yeah just replacing one addiction with another addiction yeah bro yeah that's what I'm doing man okay that's what I'm doing look at Steve Harvey Steve Harvey Works freaking three hours a day on radio two hours a day on TV he goes from a four-month show to a four month show to a couple weeks off and does that again yeah bro that's what everybody does man Michelangelo Michelangelo didn't want to paint the the 16th chapel or whatever it's called the Sistine Chapel he didn't want to do it dude the pope said you're gonna do it or we're gonna kill you okay you don't have to be great at what you want to do man you need to be great period yeah well what I want to ask you is why why do you think people don't do that I know this is Dives again back into the idea of being average and it's an epidemic and it's what everyone recommends everyone's telling you to slow down stop being obsessed it's a bad thing you know you say how you dove in 100 into your job why don't people whether they're an entrepreneur whether they're you know working a nine to five why don't they say okay this is what I want to do I'm going to dive in and achieve because because the people that are telling you this are trying to make sense of why they've done what they've done all right my math teacher my math teacher said I needed to learn to add and subtract really why don't I just learn to multiply dude because that if you if you want to make money you want to learn how to multiply it not add and subtract I can get anybody to add and subtract I get a machine to do that do you want to multiply you want to run Google dude you need to think about explosions you know they're not thinking about how to add a company they're thinking about how to how to buy multipliers yes like if you study the Geniuses bro they're not they're not they're not dealing with basic math you know I tell my kids man look you need to learn how to read you need to learn how to write but look don't you don't need to spend your whole life on it okay what you want to learn how to do is multiply you want to learn how to meet strangers I know Michael me and you were both told us don't talk to strangers exactly did strangers got everything you want man your mama was trying she to talk to strangers because she's worried for read for but the reality is dude if you don't talk to strangers you can't get the things you want and need how can you be the next American Idol okay or the next Miss Universe if you don't meet strangers right if I want to meet Elon Musk I got to be willing to meet a stranger or multiple strangers leading up to that one exactly dude if you wanna I'm gonna create a real estate company we already have a real estate company but I'm going to go public okay I'm going to go from four uh 400 million dollars worth of real estate to 4 billion well what if I what if I say oh by the way I don't want to meet any strangers on the way exactly then once you go once you go just stay in your little town which is what most people do yeah most people most people Michael live where they were born why I love this I love this I'm going to interrupt you here because I remember having this conversation with my parents when I was like 15 years old 14 15 16 in that range and I said why do you guys live in Montreal yes I mean I love Montreal I love it but for me I just don't see the the enough opportunity in the direction I want to go in but also for me at the time when I was 14 15 I'm like it's so cold here for so much of the Year why do you live here because we live in the city where it's so cold that we complain it's cold then the summer is so humid that we complain so humid and then you always default to being inside with the heating or with the air conditioning so I remember saying why do you guys live here they're like well you know we were born here our parents are here our families here um they never you know they had no answer because they never even thought of leaving that area and I remember thinking at the time it's strange how you know we live where we're born but we don't choose the place we're born in why do we need to stay in that location if we don't like it dude why is a cow stuck in a pasture in Texas because that's where he was born but dude I'm not a cow okay so so like like I mean people are acting like like somebody else's animal you know why Shamu over at Sea World uh because they called his ass and they put him in there yeah so so so like why is a guy Catholic and another one Baptist and another one Muslim you know why most of it is not by choice most of it is because you were brought up by that why do you speak you speak French is that your first language English is my first language but I speak French because of the environment that I lived in yeah so so you know like like people are not even making choices man dude you guys need to think different right why do you live on this you know I mean why do you live where you live why do you why do you live in that house why that house why is it why why do so many people buy homes yeah the last thing you want to do is buy a home okay it's one of the dumbest things it is it is exactly what makes people average how can you go anywhere you want to go when you've already posted roots in one address so you could have a little welcome mat in front of your red door my house come over tonight come over and we'll have a couple of drinks bring your own bottle dude what is that man I mean I'm just saying like people need to start laughing at the life they've created because that that that what if you know it just doesn't make any sense think about what you're doing now I know your mommy and daddy told you that buying a house is better than renting yeah it's like the safest investment you can make right it's the dumbest investment you can make okay the safest investment you can make is the one in yourself yes because because the only way to lose that deal is to Lose Yourself and if you're committed to yourself you're never losing it well yeah and I mean now it goes down to what you think you are whether you think you're a human being with us you know that's having a spiritual experience or you're a spiritual being you know operating a body but see I don't think you could do anything to me I I think all data all information I learn I get to take with me on the next ride but but that's a different deeper topic but but what I'm saying is people are investing in stuff rather than them man you know I know people that will they'll go spend 29 on a protein drink or on a protein thing you you need they won't spend 29 on themselves my body is the least of my concerns it is a concern but the least of my spiritual condition my energy the way I think how big can I think you know how can I return to the big think of a baby because the baby's thinking big there's no limits on that baby okay babies are greedy I want to eat and I want to sleep and I want to laugh okay they control their whole universe until somebody says don't do that get back in your crib it's time to go to sleep it's time to eat notice how many few choices that we have now it's time to go to school now it's time to go to bed no choices the little being the little individual has no choices no wonder we end up pissed off dude no wonder kids end up 15. I freaking hate you dude 15 15 years of being told what to do is kind of enough and that's what I had going on for me and I think the thing that's made my life difference is dude I have just been owning that I am rebellious I don't want to get along I want to be in control I've always wanted money because I wanted control it really wasn't the money I wanted whoever had the money had control you know and so I've wanted I've wanted to be famous man I like people knowing who I am because I've noticed the more people that know me the better things go for me so so contrary to everything I was told I was brought up in a place where they said fly under the radar don't get too much attention Don't Rock the Boat yeah hey man all you got to do is pick five people that me and you both know they rocked the boat they made noise they went above the radar okay or above the above the the you know they flew High and they're obsessed they're obsessed people they probably got some kind of addictive compulsive obsessive quality yeah and I think everybody has it man it's just those guys were courageous those guys and gals were courageous enough to say hey whatever okay I'm gonna do something differently I'm gonna do something that I feel is coming you know it's it's me and it's what I want and you don't even need to have a reason for it necessarily it could just be like that's what I want I don't know why but it's there and I'm gonna go explore it and see what that desire is um I want to switch just a little bit the gears that were the path were going down here you mentioned a little bit of money yes exactly hit the clutch um you you talked about money and you said you wanted money because money gives you the power decision making power the ability to choose the freedom why is money such a topic that is so taboo or people are afraid of it or makes them uncomfortable or they think like being rich is a bad thing why why do we have this mentality because because by the way it's not a law of attraction it's not a Prosperity complex it is because people people gave up on it okay you you you you you you quit on it man people quit on things and then they give advice about it um first thing they do is they fail with it the next calculation is how can I be right about what I just failed at oh money's not important I didn't need it anyway you sound like you sound like a seven-year-old kid man playing a game when your sister's crushing you and you throw the board down right so what happens is the people let's say let's say your dad said to you do you you know money's not going to make you happy son your dad quit on money at some point some point your dad quit on money and used the calculation money's not going to make me happy I'm gonna make sense of the little bit of money I have I'm gonna spend the rest of my life making sense of that okay that money's bad and and as the years go on it as he gets more and more crusty right he he he's gonna like like a wound like a wound gets scarred it gets scar damage on it he's gonna start covering that up with a bunch of reasons yeah look look what money did to the doctor over there you know his son turned into a drug addict see see money son money don't make you happy it makes you sick it makes you evil then you'll find a verse in in the Bible on Sunday that supports that and then dude he just keeps packing that freaking that wound when he quit and he uses that to make sense of why he quit now if I could get him out of that environment for a second say hey man hey dude bro there's so much money on this planet okay so much money how can you make sense of not having some you you got you got one percent of the population that literally controls seventy percent of all the assets on planet Earth one percent control 70 percent the other 99 are trying to make sense of why they don't have money and some of them are convinced that the one percent are the bad people you know so that's just their way of justifying where they are it's a weight it's like the guy gets out of a relationship with a girl I'm sure you've had a buddy do this before freaking women man it's not even worth it dude exactly see see they're telling people you you didn't even ask for the information they had a beer and they're like I hate freaking women women are [ __ ] they're pigs and guess what the girl that loses the guy says the same thing about the guys relationships suck this is why pornography got so big bro people quit people quit so they're like they're hitting porn sites I mean I'm just saying dude look look what happens a guy can't make money so what does he do he gets credit cards all all bad products are created out of something that people quit on Visa Mastercard pornography wouldn't exist if people wouldn't quit and that's that's the epidemic that you talk about and I think a lot of it also has to do with the idea that um we're we're afraid and we feel threatened by someone else right we might be if if someone else next to me gets rich and you know I didn't get there or I didn't have the girlfriend or a relationship and I'll feel worse so I'd rather like pull everyone down with me I I think it's more than fear I think it's I'm being reminded that I'm wrong and I don't want to be wrong dude I don't want to be wrong you know so you're either going to be reminded that you were wrong about some decision you made or you're going to be inspired see I got my Jet right here right the reason my Jet's here my Jet's not here to to brag to me this isn't a jet I want to have this this is a model of a jet I bought this is not to re to remind me it's not to to to to uh show off okay it's here so that I can start attracting the Right audience for me okay so people are either going to look at that jet and say he's showing off you're not the Right audience for me man well even the cover of your book you're you're sitting on the uh yeah you're not gonna buy you're not gonna buy my products if you don't like me okay so so the only people that are gonna buy my books are people that are inspired by somebody that can spend a couple million bucks a year service in a jet so buying the Jets that that's the easy part servicing the damn thing over and over is the hard part the fuel is not even a big deal the guy asked me about what's the what's it cost to to to fuel the plane up I said bro the plane don't go anywhere without fuel we don't calculate fuel you know what I'm saying it don't fly without fuel bro okay so now the point of that is this what am I trying to do I'm using this I'm using the the cover of the book to hit the Right audience to people that already have a frequency similar to mine they're like dude that's the way I want to live that's how I want to travel even even super successful people like I had a billionaire guy reach out to me he's like dude I got to tell you something man I saw the cover of your book bro he's like I I have never met I've been watching your videos a guy sells this company makes four billion dollars walks out with four big bills okay he says I watch your videos on YouTube I watch your Facebook he's like I don't I don't know why I do this I said why do you think it is he's like you're so free man yes I said what do you mean he's like I can't do that I went public the world watches me I can't be who I really want to be I kind of got I kind of got to draw the curtains he's like I love the way you are free so you see I'm actually able to vibrate with people that want not money he he makes my money the money I make he makes in five minutes he wants that other thing dude the freedom which is what I want I want it all bro I want I don't want one thing I I don't want to just be rich I don't want to just be the starving author by the way there's a lot of there's a lot of guys that write books that can't freaking put two quarters together yeah I want it all man I wanted I want the hot chick I say this all the time man I was looking for a woman and all my buddies would want to be with you know like I want to walk in with the hottest chick and I want to know this that me and her happy man I don't just want some hot chick on my arm I want a hot chick this freaking me and her buddies man we can go throw the football together right we can high five together we can celebrate together I want some kids man I want the money I want the time dude I want people to know me I want to have fun I want to kick in tennis shoes if I want or I want to get dressed up in a suit I know guys that can't get in a suit they're like no I'm a t-shirt guy bro we that's a damn shame bro why the Restriction why man I might wake up tomorrow and say Hey I want to put a freaking suit on so you see I want the freedom man that's where the real wealth is and the only way you can get that is to unleash yourself and the only way to unleash yourself is you gotta quit compressing that those addictive those those Society labeled uh Character defects those Character defects judged by others have so much freaking juice in it man so much energy and potential that's where the genius is is in those character traits that other people see as well this is so far Out Of Reach or so on a different planet that you need to tone that down instead you know you can focus on that and and look or look within and see where that's where that's going to drive you um I was going to ask you something I think you might have answered it yourself already but I was going to ask you what does it mean to live a rich life like what does that mean to you I think based on your conversation here I think it has to do with having that freedom right yeah exactly it's not it's not money you know I know people that are rich they got the guy that's telling me man I wish I could be who I want to be in public that ain't Rich yeah you can have a lot of money you can have I know I know guys that have a lot of money man and and they go to Macy's they'll only buy something at Macy's when it's on sale I know a guy that I I this guy has to make he owns probably 27 or 28 car dealerships in in through through the Midwest he's got to be making I don't know a couple hundred million bucks a year he probably worth three or four billion dollars he can't pay retail for anything if it's not a deal he literally looks at the tip and calculates whether it should be 12 15 or 18 it's ridiculous he can't help himself either man it's not I'm not even judging him negatively he cannot help himself there has to be a good deal and there's no way he can ever spend his money the same guy by the way the same guy will go and give 20 million dollars to the to the right charity yeah you know so it's a weird kind of freaking phenomenon that people are trapped by and that's why self-awareness is so important people really need to spend time who am I man I spent a lot of time every year I get away from my office who am I what am I doing where am I going what are what are some things you do in order to discover that are there some tactics or strategies they use or places you go to or books you read that help you uh yeah yeah so me and my wife every Sunday we spend probably 30 minutes talking about this starts with looking at our finances because wherever I want to go finances are needed um if I want to take off three weeks I need money man okay uh this group wanted me to go to Australia they offered me some money they said hey can you come in May I'm like dude it's got to be this much money I need six tickets or I'm not going to even consider it because I need staff to go with me so I can continue to conduct my business while I'm there because the money you're going to give me bro is nothing I'm trading money for time right now I didn't know about that I didn't know this after 17 years of school they don't teach you this in college definitely not hey you know what I'm saying so like like if I was telling a kid about going to college today dude if you're going to go to college do it in two years not four years if you can't do it in two years don't go to college see time time is a measure of distance divided by speed okay so if I can take distance if I can if I can shorten the distance I'm buying time if I buy time I end up with money but they don't teach you basic stuff in college so so I'm gonna spend time every year figuring out how to get me to go faster every Sunday me and my wife sit down we talk about finances where we're going every day I write down in this little 10x planner my goals every morning every night every morning every night twice a day I write my goals down they're constantly changing it keeps my attention on where I'm going These Are Spiritual prayer type events that I'm doing every day and then and then once or twice a year I spent some time getting away to study like I throw myself into something whether it's organization expansion studying somebody else like really spent spending some some time looking at who am I and where am I going and how do I get there yeah and and I think this is a great transition to talk a little bit more about the book talking about studying and for those out there who are super inspired by the fuel that you've you know put into them right now and lit them on fire because I know I mean this morning I went for a quick run and I put on uh one of the podcasts that you've been on and some of your YouTube videos and I felt like I can run for days just because the amount of energy that you were putting into me and I got super excited to speak with you um so for those listening who are feeling that energy right now talk to us a little bit more about the book be obsessed or be average and how this can help them in their study uh to becoming you know more obsessed allowing them to give themselves permission to light themselves on fire and be that person that they are with instead of just compressing it and and being like in a a non-expansive mentality yeah well look for me for me I mean it's to me the plan is black and white it's like you know it's There's No Gray here you're either in or you're not in okay you're you're either going to succeed or you're going to be punished you either have money or you don't everything else that you talk about is some kind of justification I don't need all that okay you see again the guy's trying to make sense of what he has or what he quit on you know yeah um um um a guy a guy drives a a Ferrari somebody oh that's ridiculous I don't who who needs I don't have a Ferrari by the way who needs all that why why are you even spending energy on this that guy needed that by the way who would spend all that money on a car that ain't even his money he spent on that car see why the energy why why why spend the energy on it so the first thing people need to know is they need to be given permission second you need to be given like you need to know the indicators when you're acting average because those are all indicators that you're being somebody you're not you're not meant to be this person okay I don't know if you believe in God or whatever whatever created all this stuff dude it wasn't intended to be average all right so so like in the Bible it says that God spent six days creating the heavens the Earth the Seas the land the animals the fishes and everything in it and then he took a day off okay and then he took a day off and then some people think that that means they're supposed to take Sundays off now did you miss the first part of the deal bro look what is the point dude look what he did before he took a day off see what that was saying was do a bunch of great [ __ ] okay not take a day off but everybody's like oh that's the Lord's day okay he took that day off so we're supposed to do but he did something first okay and I guarantee you he was cussing when he was doing it come on he's like butterflies damn that was hot okay okay rainbows whoosh right you know you know he was tripping on himself man so so uh you know be obsessed or be average is a choice okay you've been maybe you've been called COPD or OPD or whatever the name is okay OCD add like what's wrong with me having 30 files open in my mind right now a computer can do it right if you go look at my computer right now I guarantee there's 20 browsers open yeah I think I'm along the same lines there bro I guarantee I got more browsers open in my head right now I mean I could just go over a list of things I'm considering that are going on for me while I talk to you doesn't mean I can't do this interview see see but people say what you need to focus on one thing one thing you need to focus on one thing all right you need to balance look nobody nobody everybody doing that look what happened to the freaking Buddhist monk he sat there on the top of a mountain man for 20 years bro and then people came in and took over their Village you can't just do this okay you live on a planet full of freaking crazy people man yeah so so if you're gonna build something if you got to figure out how do I go do something so that your message spills over to the planet because just doing this without action or finding balance I want to find balance I don't want to find balance dude I'm not interested in Balance that's for average people okay I'm interested in freaking hey you know what man let's go somewhere tonight I've already lived the average thing okay hey let's go to New York tonight and watch my friend Phantom of the Opera watch my friend uh uh uh be the Phantom tonight and my wife said we've seen that show yeah let's go again let's go to Vegas tonight dude let's go down to Bogota right so so you see that's what I want man now some people are like I don't need all that well good be obsessed or be average you know and this is where you guys got to pick who you want in your life you know I remember I was dating this girl long before I was married she didn't want all that she kept telling me I don't want all that stuff okay and and and I hung around because the sex was good but but bro it was a wrong relationship you don't put an obsessed person and an average person in the same bed okay the sex will be good but you're going to wake up in the morning you're going to see you're going to see hey we ain't the same people because both people will lose in this scenario unless the average is willing to become obsessed and they they they they they they I mean that's a big freaking that's a big leap there bro yeah okay okay more than likely what's gonna happen is the be obsessed person is going to get average um and and I'm telling you neither one of them are going to be happy they're going to hate each other's guts before this is over with he won't be a good father because he gave up on his dreams and if you can't if you abandon your dreams I believe this with a hundred percent of who I am if you abandon your dreams you will abandon everything else oh totally especially if like like you said if you abandon your dreams you can't be a good father you can't be a good husband you can't be anything because you're you're giving up on yourself practically and then you're going to spend then you're going to spend and by the way this is a cycle of generations you're gonna spend all your time trying to make sense of why your kid can't be a Mozart um you know my little girl my little girls uh got a violin you know hey my first thing was dude please come on you know you're gonna quit on it I'm thinking to myself you know you're gonna quit on the violin right dude I've always I've always wanted to play a violin my whole life you know so when she picks it up it reminds me I didn't follow through on that so I just need I need to keep this sewed man keep it shut man and listen to her [Music] until until it's like you know who knows man I don't know man what do I know right but as long as she has that opportunity to to discover it and to try it and to see if that's that's where she's gonna go with it yeah yeah amazing amazing I love I love the the the way you're wrapping it up with the idea of giving yourself permission and uh I think that's huge because we don't give ourselves permission we look at it as something we have but we say you know another day or you know maybe next week or next year or you know this relationship is is okay for now I'd rather not go through the Heartbreak or the the awkward conversation or I'd rather not take this risk in my business because I don't want to risk losing money on the deal yeah so hey be obsessed or be average all right any any other any other answer is be obsessed or be average because if you come up with any other answer you're just lying to yourself so you guys got to decide man you just got to be really honest be obsessed or be average and let everybody know man go get your T-shirt yes if you're obsessed then be obsessed okay I got on the back of this t-shirt be obsessed or be average man look look if you want to be average go get your freaking average t-shirt I'm average I'm happy with average let everybody know where you're at there's so many people that want to be friends with you man they're everywhere dude you will never be short on somebody to hang out with you okay now on the contrary the be obsessed people man it's a lot harder to find these These are freaks these are freaks bro yeah but they can be inspired my goal with this book my goal is that people around the world okay are going to go out and like they're gonna make this uh uh the new thing you know so rather than looking for your inner child or trying to find balance or blaming mommy and daddy going through this whole psychological introspection your feelings and emotions and you know Dr Phil [ __ ] that people are gonna be like [ __ ] all you guys I'm [ __ ] obsessed I'm a crazy man okay let everybody know who I am dude I'm one of them Isis ain't got nothing on me there you go I love I wish you guys on the podcast listening on this on an iPhone listen to the audio could see the face he just made there that is the fact that he's super proud to be obsessed and I love it because you're inspiring others to do the same and what's gonna happen there is going to start this movement of people wanting to be obsessed achieving more and it's gonna just keep pushing that boundary further and further because you know it's just going to keep going in that direction um let us know where we can grab this book should we just go to Amazon or you go to your website I know you have some bonuses yeah yeah this is what people can do okay it's an Amazon Target Barnes and Noble books a million okay you can buy the book there okay this is what I'm doing for everybody if you buy the book at any one of those sites [Music] um that book will be released October 10th you'll probably get it by the 13th the 16th the 17th to 18th some what I can't control when they send the book out right so what what do they get when they do that I forget oh yeah oh yeah when you do that when you buy one book I'm gonna give everybody a 13 coaching sessions with me so you'll see the book priced anywhere from 18 or 19 to 29 depending on where you go if you go to okay and I don't care where people go but but I can control this next piece and get people I want to get thousands of people to book in their hand today I can't control that through Amazon okay I I Amazon doesn't we do a lot of business with Amazon but I can't get them to move around like that if you order the book through Grant forward slash obsessed I'm going to give you the book I'm going to get you the book I'm going to get you the Mastermind the 13 weeks but I'll also get you today as soon as you order it because you ordered it through my site and I have your email I'm gonna get you a 10 hour video program delivering the book so they can see my face beautiful that's huge now the reason we did this that's that's a 500 program and I'm giving it to people okay so the reason I'm doing that is because some people can't read some people don't like to read some people like to listen to audio some people like e-readers and some people like books so I'm like hey I'ma solve everybody's problem I'm gonna sit down and read the damn book to you dude you can watch it on your phone your tablet your computer okay or you can go to my site and pay 500 for that program it'd be smarter to just buy one book I'll give you the 500 program and give you the Mastermind and Michael check this out okay because I want thousands of people to have the book before the book even hits once you get the book mid-october okay once you get the book read it open it and write a review on it send the review back to me to my email obsessed Grant that's my email after you read the book okay wherever you bought the book you write a review so if you bought it at Amazon you write the review there if you bought it at my site you write the review there send me a copy that you wrote the review and I'll give you whatever you paid send me the review and the receipt whatever you paid for the book I'll give you a credit in my store for 100 of the amount that's so amazing so now let me tell you from a marketing standpoint what we're doing there okay oh by the way all the all the the proceeds from the sale of the book go to charity called Drug Free America and Drug Free World beautiful so the reason we're doing that is because I want a light I'm trying to find the freaks I'm trying to find the neurotics dude I I need people to finish the book so I'll read it to them I'm taking High responsibility to make sure the people that like dig this I deliver the content to you now so that when the book releases I already have tens of thousands of people that are already freaking I'm finding the assistant they're like dude you better get this book and then boom that week it's out so this is a win-win for everybody okay I'm doing it uh despite what the publisher wants me to do and this has never been done in a book deal basically somebody gets 500 and 600 worth of value for a 29 purchase really it's an absolute no-brainer I really suggest everyone check it out be obsessed or be average at obsessed Grant Cardone on social media everywhere he's Facebook live Instagram Snapchat Periscope pretty much everywhere right grant yeah if you whatever Channel you're on whether it's Reddit Snapchat YouTube Twitter Facebook iTunes Instagram if you could put in Grant Cardone I mean we we get about 10 000 downloads a day on iTunes those are free right we don't charge for those yeah they're all free okay I got probably three or four thousand videos on YouTube I got free content everywhere you don't have to buy my book but but this book the contents in this book are only in one place and it's being set set up right now because a distribution by the manuf by the by the the Amazon and by the publisher nobody can get a hold of the book and they want it it's already a number one best it's number one new release on Amazon under business books right now and nobody can get the book I got people pissed off at me they're like dude I want the book yeah and I can't deliver the book yet okay so I'm like you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna I'm gonna do video I'm gonna give people the video of the book me reading the book to them so it just solves a lot of problems I'm taking responsibility I'm trying to get it to people right now it's 29 at my website 29.90 that includes shipping and and handling uh in the U.S to Montreal they're gonna they're gonna stop it at Customs but we can figure out something for the Canadians all right I mean I I took a look at it on and it's there I think it's 31 Canadian but uh I don't think there's a problem usually with shipping it goes through really really quick so and if you buy it at Amazon you're gonna get the 13 coaching sessions but those come they start on October the 13th I think and go through the 25th there'll be a little 30 minute sessions where I'm talking about why that chapter beautiful so guys check out the book be obsessed or be average once again I can't wait to open it up and I'm I'm salivating I'm one of those people salivating heart beating can't wait to open it up and I'm sure you guys are as well so wherever you're listening to uh wherever you're listening from in the world uh check out Grant Google and you'll find them all over social media over the Internet uh Grant obsessed for the book make sure you check it out Grant thank you so much for taking the time for inviting me into your studio here virtually they have an amazing setup it's been super awesome to see you live on video here and to feel like I'm actually there with you so I really appreciate you making the time being on the unleash yourself podcast inspiring the audience and just keep keep doing your thing because you're awesome man thank you Michael same same to you brother I appreciate Who You Are oh awesome
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 80,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, sell, new york times best seller, motivation, be obsessed or be average, best selling author, 10x rule, promotion, career, yt:cc=on, unleash yourself, grantcardone, grant cardone, business, micheal cabrone, be sold, marketing, finance
Id: j0hiS0KPe6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 56sec (3296 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 29 2016
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